A/N: Hey! What's going on?
I came back with another story this time about World War II. Gray is a Jew who survived many tragedies, and Juvia is an abandoned orphan who lived on the streets during the war.
Fairy Tail doesn't belong to me but Hiro Mashima!
I hope you will like the story!
Juvia will not appear in the episode. But she will be a big part of the story in the following chapters.
Feel free to respond! I would love to read everything you have to say!


The Citizens of Lithuania thought the war never get to them.

They thought they were safe.
They thought their alliance would hold. They never thought the Germans would attack them. They were unprotected, unprepared and helpless.
The occupation lasted for less than a month until all of Lithuania was occupied and under a brutal Nazi regime.

Gray Fullbuster was a young boy of 15 who lived with his parents in a small house at the edge of the village in Lithuania.
On the other side of their town was a vast forest that could have been lost inside it if you didn't know it very well.

His mother, Mika, was a pretty short woman with dark hair and kind brown eyes. She was one of the friendliest people he knew, but Gray was not precisely objective. He loved her more than anything else in the world.

His father, Silver, on the other hand, was large, muscular and fat at the same time, with a teasing smile and sparkling eyes. The long beard and the yarmulke on his head declared his religion. Like all Fullbusters, they were a jews.
Gray loved his father even though he got on his nerves and bothered him all the time.

They were a regular family that lived happily even throw the difficult times. His father worked in the woods, and his mother cleaned the house and took care of Gray. Like most families in the village.

In the past two months, the young boy has caught a disease that has made him lean and thin compared to the young man who he was a few months ago.
What Gray didn't know was that he was lucky to be ill. Otherwise, he would not have been able to avoid the fate that awaited the entire Jewish community in his village.

Their village was not very big, but it was not small. It was inhabited by some 2,000 people, of whom about 750 were Jews. A week after the occupation of Lithuania, Nazi forces came to their village and began to take small groups of Jews, approximately 100 Jews at a time.
Silver's father, Silver, had a sharp hearing. He got up every night and said he heard voices, but Gray and Mika told him he was imagining things and went back to sleep. On the third day, the Nazis came to take more Jews; families began to ask when their loved ones would return, the soldiers didn't react while they were pushed into a truck and drove to an unknown destination.

The Fullbuster family was one of the only Jewish families still intact. Maybe because they were such a small family.
Still, their luck runs out, and they brought it up to the stinking truck, the stains on the sides seemed to be vomit dried up. The little drops on the floor were sweat from people who were there before them.

"Dad?" Gray whispered to his father, who seemed to be in deep thought. Silver looked at his young twin. They both had the same face; only Silver looked older with his beard.
Gray did not take after his father body structure. Even when he was healthy, he was thinner with small shoulders.

"Where are they taking us?" Gray asked, trying not to express the fear in his voice.
Silver looked at him anxiously, and at that moment the truck stopped. The door slammed open. Mika jumped in alarm on the other side of Gray.
Silver looked out, and the realization settled on his face. He saw a soldier no more than 18 standing and counting the people getting off the vehicle.
"Stay behind me at all times," Silver said seriously in Yiddish. Gray understood him. They always spoke in Yiddish when they wanted other people not to understand them.
"Why?" Gray answered in Yiddish and stood behind his father. Because of his size, his father hid him completely, even his shadow being swallowed up by his father's shadow. The soldiers couldn't see him.

The soldiers marched the group into the depths of the forest, where a vast pit was waiting for them in the damp soil. It seems that his mother also understood what was happening because she began to cry quietly.

"what is going on here?" Gray asked in a whisper, terrified by his mother's reaction and lack of knowledge.

"The sounds I heard at night are shots, that's why the people didn't go back to the village, they'll kill us all. Gray, my son, if you stand behind me, you can survive, wait until twilight, until they leave. You must survive. "

Gray stared at his father's massive back. He felt the tears rise and escape from his eyes.
"I can't do that," he said weeping. "I can't live without you," he cried quietly.

Mika looked at him with sad eyes, she wanted to hug her only son, but any suspicious movement could reveal the fact that he was there with them.
"my great Lord, may you take care of my only son whom I love beyond imagination." She prayed to the sky in Yiddish. Gray understood her. She wanted him to do it, to save himself for them. Gray hated the idea. He hated the fact that these were their last minutes together.

"I love you so much," he whispered to the wind that carried his message. He saw his mother take over a whimper and his father stood up with pride.

"You must survive" These were the last words of his father to Gray before the shooting began.
The soldier who counted them off the truck shot Silver in the chest, and he fell back with Gray behind him, unharmed. His mother was already dead with his eyes open in the pit when they fall. Of the 100 people who came there, all were buried underground in a mass grave.

Gray waited patiently among the bodies of people he had known all his life, trying not to cry or utter a word, so the Nazis didn't know he had survived. He stayed there for hours and hours until he heard the trucks leave. As soon as all three vehicles were gone, Gray began to pray his way up, stepping on bodies of people that he saw alive in less than a day, neighbors and acquaintances. As soon as he reached the ground that covered a pit, he dug his way up. His nails were dirty, muddy and bloody.

Gray came out of the pit quickly and covered the hole he had made on the ground that the soldiers wouldn't know someone had come out of the enormous grave.

He felt someone behind him and without knowing Gray felt a metal against his temple.
"Are you one of them ?!" A voice full of venom asked him while he was about to pull the trigger.
All Gray could think of was that his parents had sacrificed their lives for him and he could not survive a day without them.

"Lyon" an authoritarian voice shouted.
Gray cursed his luck. It's not just one soldier! They are at least two, how can he get out of this situation ?!

Gray raised his hands in surrender and tried to think of a something to do to get him out of this mess.
How he could escape and reach the cave his father had told him about when he was little.
The thought of his father, lying in this pit, dead, made him tremble with the intensity of his feelings, but Gray locked those feelings for the moment. Until he could mourn on his parents quietly.

"His hands." The authoritative voice turned soft and tender, the weapon attached to his temple slowly removed.
Gray began to turn around to see his catches.

Something about this situation shouted to him that they were not his enemies. Otherwise, they would just shoot him and return him to the pit he left.

"You survived it? How?" A boy with white hair and slanted eyes said.
He looked older than him in a year or two at the most. He wore clumsy clothes and held a small pistol, on his back was a large bag of Soviet soldiers, just as the soldier's of Lithuania carried with them before the occupation.

"Lyon! Get your gun out of sight!" A woman in her mid-30s barked at the boy who was quick to do what she said.

In contrast to the boy, the woman wore a neat, clean uniform. She was confident with her short brown hair and athletic body, on her waist was a belt with a gun and a big rifle behind her back.

"Yes, ma'am!" The boy replied and moved back with dread.

She approached the confused Gray, how could a woman be a soldier in the Nazi army? They would not let it happen.

She examined him carefully and apparently what she saw on his face was for her liking because suddenly she smiled at him and reached out a hand to help him up.
"Lieutenant Ur Milkovich" She introduced herself as befits a military woman, with confidence and firm voice.

Gray whispered his name before become silent, turning the sight in front of him. This woman saved him from this guy with the gun, and she was a lieutenant in the army while they were standing on the grave of 100 people below them in the middle of the night in the wild forest.
Gray rushed fro the pit to respect the people lying beneath them.

"Boy stop!" He heard the lieutenant shout to him, but Gray didn't stop walking. As soon as he was out of the pit's boundaries, he stopped and waited (hoping) that they would follow him.

Gray stared at them while they kept standing there talking about what they thought was right to discuss about.
Gray began to get annoyed.

Do not they see that they are standing over a grave ?!

Gray felt his face burn with anger. They just stand there on his parents without shame.

"Are you going to move away or what ?!" Gray shouted at them. The two must have thought he had fled and was astounded that he was still there.

"Move from where?" The pale boy answered in the same angry tone.

Gray clenched his fists ready to attack the inconsiderate child.
"You stand in the grave of my parents!" Gray hissed venomously. He felt angry tears falling from his eyes. He didn't know whether they were anger or sadness. Can be a combination of both.

The lieutenant gasped and began to walk toward Gray, the boy looking at him in surprise before he started running until he came close to Gray, only a few steps away.

"You were in a firing pit?" The boy asked and pointed to the ground in front of them, Gray looked away and started sobbing as he remembered his long hours in the hole he had just left.

The lieutenant embraced her abruptly.
"Join us; we'll help you."
Ur whispered as she consoled him, Gray finally felt it was a good time to take out all the pain and sadness of what had happened today, he was safe and warm in the lieutenant's embrace.

The boy, Lyon sat down beside the trees until Gray calmed down. They led him toward the depths of the forest, toward the cave his father had told him about from early age.

The end for now. Please let me know how it was!