Love Never Dies

Author's Note: What would happen, if Hinata had been put on Team Seven instead of Sakura? This story will have two main parts. The first arc will encompass their childhood until Shippuden and the second arc will be everything that happens from Shippuden and beyond. Boruto never happened because it will eventually diverge radically from canon. If any of that bothers you, you might want to turn back now. For those of you still here, I hope you enjoy this story and reviews are always appreciated.

Disclaimer: I own nothing and make no profit off of any of my stories.

Chapter 1

Today had been amazing. Sasuke actually got to go on a mission with his big brother. A very important mission too! They had to collect paw prints for his paw encyclopedia.

"You did very well today." Itachi smiles at Sasuke as they make their way towards the Uchiha District.

Sasuke was riding on the elder Uchiha's back. His big brother sometimes indulged him by giving the raven haired boy 'piggyback rides.' Those were fun. Sadly, he was getting less and less of those lately.

Still, he smiles as the Sun shines down at them. "Thanks!" There wasn't a single cloud in the sky. It was truly a beautiful day and nothing could go wrong as far as Sasuke was concerned.

"I'm sure Mother and Father will be very proud when they see the new addition to the book." Yeah! Maybe, his father would finally notice him. "It's never easy to catch a cat. Even Kages sometimes have trouble with that." Like how he noticed Itachi. "They can be very stubborn creatures sometimes. Well most of the time, actually."

Sasuke nods in understanding. Itachi didn't seem to be in particular hurry to get where they were going. Which wasn't like him. His brother usually didn't waste time.

"I know. Is that why the Inuzukas have Ninja Dogs instead of Ninja Cats?" Sasuke tilts his head. "Because they're easier to control?"

Itachi chuckles and shakes his head in amusement as the entrance of the Uchiha District came into view. "I suppose that is one interpretation." What was the other? "The Inuzukas are deeply connected to their animal comrades to such an extent, you could make the argument that it is nearly a spiritual bond. It'd be very difficult to achieve such a connection with a feline because they're such independent creatures."

Independent. Itachi was very independent. He had graduated the Academy early and had even become a Jonin already. Maybe, that was the reason.

"Is that why you and Father haven't been talking as much?" Sasuke frowns at the thought. "You don't even speak to each other when you walk by the hallway anymore."

It didn't make any sense to him. Their father had always favored Itachi. So why was his big brother giving Fugaku the cold shoulder? Were they mad at each other?

Itachi smiles serenely at Sasuke. "Foolish little brother, you don't need to trouble yourself over such things." Yes, he did and he was not foolish! "It's natural to have disagreements sometimes, even with those you care about most. It's part of growing up."

"Okay." Sasuke smiles. If Itachi said everything was okay, then everything was fine. "Do you think Mother will make tomato soup tonight?" He really liked tomatoes.

Itachi didn't seem to mind eating them, but his brother loved cabbage. Sasuke had no idea why. It was disgusting, but he sometimes ate it just because Itachi did.

Maybe, that was why he was such a good ninja? Sasuke had heard some people say you are what you eat. His mother ate a lot of sweets and she was a sweet person and his father preferred sour and salty foods. Yeah. There might be something to that theory.

"I guess we'll just have to see." Itachi nods at him.

The Uchiha District was big. "Itachi, how come we have our own District?" Most of the other Clans that were like theirs, tended to live together. No one else had an entire District though.

The closest that Sasuke knew of were the Hygas. They had an estate. Which frankly should have qualified as a castle in his young mind.

There was a pause that made Sasuke a bit nervous. "Because the Second Hokage thought it would be a good idea." Itachi usually didn't take that long to answer things, but apparently Sasuke had been worried for nothing.

If the Second Hokage thought they should have their own District, that must mean they were special. That and they were in charge of the Military Police Force. They were an important Clan.

"We're home." Itachi smiles, after he knocks on the door and walks inside.

Mikoto laughs as she walks over to them and shakes their head. "Itachi, I think that you may be the only ninja in the world that actually knocks." Like bells. His mother's laughter always sounded like bells to Sasuke.

The Uchiha Matriarch was right though. Most ninjas didn't bother to knock. Well at least not as far as Sasuke could see.

"It's just good manners." Itachi smiles and sets Sasuke down. "Sasuke was hopeful that we would be dining at least in part on tomato soup tonight."

The sound of proud footsteps is heard. The young Uchiha wasn't really sure how footsteps could sound proud, but he just knew that Fugaku Uchiha's did.

His father shakes his head. "Sorry, Sasuke." The ninja shrugs gracefully. "It seems we're out of tomatoes."

Mikoto looks out the window and smiles. "Well it's a nice day, I don't mind heading to the market to pick some up quickly." Yay! That meant he was going to get his tomato soup, after all.

It probably wouldn't take his mother long to get back. Oh and if he was really lucky, maybe his big brother or father would train with him after dinner. Mikoto preferred Genjutsu, but she had offered to help Sasuke with his shuriken practice before. So there was a slight chance she might be able to talk his father into joining the rest of the family for some training, if that happened.

Fugaku shakes his head and places something in Sasuke's hand. "I want you to go and buy as many tomatoes as you can afford with this." Mikoto looked ready to protest, but his father was apparently very determined about this. "It'll be good for the boy to start doing little things like this on his own."

Mikoto sighs and crosses her arms. Sasuke for a moment, wondered if she would actually swat Fugaku with the wet gloves she was still wearing. He'd seen her do it once and it was funny. His mother must have just gotten done doing some dishes or something.

"Oh alright." She smiles at Sasuke. "If you're not back in an hour, I'll have Itachi or Shisui come and get you."

Sasuke smiles back and nods. "Okay, but I think buying tomatoes will be easier than chasing damn cats." At least that's what his father said about them.

The Uchiha Matriarch looks positively scandalized for a moment. "Sasuke! Where did you hear that language from?" Oh. Maybe, damn was a bad word.

"Father." He laughs before scooting off as quickly as his little legs could carry him.

Hinata smiles as she hands some money to the woman at stand selling flowers. "T-Thank you." She had wandered off from her guards to look at all the different shops and booths that lined the Market District.

Her father had given her an allowance and said that she could spend it however she liked. The flowers were so pretty that the young girl couldn't resist them.

"You're welcome, Lady Hinata." The bubbly blonde smiles at her. "Be sure to give my best to Lord Hiashi."

Hinata smiles back and nods vigorously. "I will." The blunette had foolishly thought that would be the end of her 'Market Adventures' for the day.

It only took about five minutes for her to be proven wrong. "Hey, guys! Check it out! It's the Princess of the Freaks." Almost as soon as she left the market and was on the path towards her home, she ran into some Academy Students.

They didn't look friendly and their words were even less. Hinata feels her lower lip quiver slightly at their words, but otherwise says nothing as she tries to walk passed them.

"Hey!" One of the bigger one's pokes her in the chest. "I was talking to you, Princess Freak." Hard enough that Hinata wondered if she would bruise from it. "What are you too good to talk to us because of those freaky eyes of yours?"

Hinata was going to respond to that, but the biggest of the lot wasn't the only one talking now. "I bet she does." A red headed boy was now joining in. "You know, my family says that they're aliens. I mean look at those eyes. They're almost pure white."

The red head was now getting in her face and Hinata takes a step backwards. There were three of them and one of her and they were all a lot bigger than her.

"They aren't aliens." A third rolls his blue eyes. "They're just inbred freaks that think they're better than us cause of their weird eyes."

Hinata wasn't really sure what inbred meant, but she knew when she was being insulted. "That's not true!" They weren't freaks. "We don't think that! I just want to go home."

That's when they all gathered around her. They were all talking so fast, that she couldn't answer their questions and they were starting to shove her.

So she did the only thing she could do in a situation like that. She shoves one of them off her using the Gentle Fist. "Leave me alone!" He went flying back a couple feet.

"What did that freak do to you?" The red head looks at the largest one in alarm.

Their leader's eyes narrow. "She used that weird technique her family does, but that's not good enough." He snaps his fingers. "We'll show her whose boss!"

This wasn't good. Hinata was preparing to defend herself further when several shuriken went flying towards them and end up pinning the Academy Students to nearby trees.

"Three against one isn't fair." That's when another boy walks over to them.

She knew him a bit, but not well. Hinata was pretty sure his name was Sasuke. One thing was for sure though. He was an Uchiha. That symbol on his back was from the Uchiha Clan.

"Oh great." The blue eyed one yanks himself free from the shuriken by ripping his sleeve and the others follow suit. "It's another freak."

Uh oh. Hinata had never really talked to Uchihas before, but her father had always said they were known for two things. Their Sharingan and their fiery tempers.

Sasuke's eyes narrow. "We're not freaks." His fists were also clenching.

"Y-Yeah." Hinata nods firmly. "W-We should probably be going though." She gently tries to pull Sasuke away from them.

Maybe, they'd leave her alone now. It was three against two, but it was obvious that Sasuke was armed. That might be enough to make those boys think twice before picking a fight.

The big one's eyes narrow right back at Sasuke. "I don't think so." He smirks. "The freak got lucky with his cheap shot. Those Demon Eyes aren't a match for us though!"

Demon Eyes? Did they really think that they were demons? They weren't though…

Sasuke looks at Hinata. "I want you to run on the count of three." Wait. What? He couldn't be serious.

"I'm not leaving you here alone." There was no way that she was going to do that.

Sasuke gives her a look. "One." He was out of his mind, if he seriously thought Hinata was going to leave him alone here.

That's when the three Academy Students start laughing. "Oh that's cute." Though it was Blue Eyes who was the meanest. "He's trying to save the Princess Freak." He rolls his eyes. "Isn't that sweet? Maybe, they'll have freaky babies together when they grow up."

Sasuke twitches at that. "Two." Hinata wasn't going anywhere though.

These guys might actually hurt Sasuke. Besides, two heads were better than one. Right? Wasn't that why ninjas usually worked on squads in the first place? Wasn't that why a Clan was considered stronger than any one individual? There was strength in numbers.

"Get him!" The other three boys charge at Sasuke.

It was apparently too late though. "Three!" Because Sasuke had finished counting. "FIREBALL JUTSU!" The other child was now breathing fire at his enemies like he was a dragon.

There were screams, but the boys seemed okay. They all stopped and rolled onto the ground in a panic. Probably to keep the flames from spreading. Stop, drop, and roll. That's what her father always said to do when your clothes got on fire and it seemed that the bullies knew that rule too.

"I'll get them!" Hinata smiles at Sasuke as she darts over to the other children who were still rolling around. "Gentle Fist!" A few quick hits was enough to stun them just long enough to take out the ribbons she had in her bag.

"Where did you get those?" Sasuke blinks at her in confusion.

Oh right. Her ribbons. "My father gave them to me for my birthday." She blushes as she finishes tying them up. "I thought that they'd work to tie them up so they wouldn't cause more trouble."

It had seemed like a good idea to her at the time. What else was she going to tie them up with?

"Great idea." Sasuke smiles at her.

Hinata smiles back shyly and fidgets a bit. "You really think so?" No one had ever said something like that to her before.

"I hope that you realize you're being absolutely paranoid." Shisui shakes his head as he walks alongside Itachi. "He just went to buy tomatoes. How much trouble could he possibly get into?"

He admired Shisui. Itachi truly thought that his cousin was a source of inspiration, but he clearly didn't know Sasuke as well as Itachi did. If he did, Shisui wouldn't need to ask that question.

Itachi snorts as they continue on their way towards the market. "A lot." That answer should be self-evident, but he didn't mind elaborating. "There is a reason why I call Sasuke my foolish little brother." He chuckles the thought. "He's adorable, but he's also very foolish."

He wasn't exaggerating either. One never knew what was going to come out of Sasuke's mouth or where he would wander off too next. Itachi wasn't being paranoid here. He was just being practical.

"Great idea." That's when Itachi hears Sasuke's voice.

There was a slight pause, before it became even more glaringly obvious that his foolish little brother wasn't alone. "You really think so?" He was with someone. A girl, judging by the voice.

It also didn't escape Itachi's notice that he could smell smoke. Smoke from a fresh fire. Fire which was their family's favorite weapon of choice. It didn't take a genius to realize who had started the recently put out fire.

"I guess you were right." Shisui shakes his head and sighs. "He wasn't even gone twenty minutes before he got into a fight."

Of course, Itachi was right. He knew his little brother better than anyone. Perhaps, even better than Sasuke knew himself.

Itachi snorts at that. "Well perhaps next time, you'll listen to me." He sighs as he notices three boys were tied up in ribbons. "We should probably see what happened." With that being said, Itachi darts over to the children with Shisui at his side.

They had been hidden by the trees, but that was no longer the case. As soon as Sasuke saw him, he smiles at Itachi and runs over towards him. His foolish little brother wasted no time at all in glomping him.

"Sasuke, what on Earth have you gotten yourself into this time?" He shakes his head in disbelief.

A few minutes later, Sasuke smiles at Itachi as he recounts the entire tale. "I was going to buy some tomatoes, like Father said to." He still had every intention of buying them by the way. It was just that he had gotten distracted.

Hinata blushes and looks at her feet. She was really shy, Sasuke observes. Still, the other Academy Student knew how to tie damn good knots because those three weren't going anywhere. She'd make a great ninja one day. Once she got over her shyness.

"Sasuke was helping me." Her voice was little more than a mumble. "They were all being very mean…" She gestures towards the boys on the ground.

"Well we certainly can't have that." Shisui shakes his head as he looks down at the troublemakers. "What do you have to say for yourselves?"

They were stupid, Sasuke decides. How these three had ever gotten into the Academy was utterly beyond him.

The sullen youths glare at Shisui and Itachi. "We were just showing the Mini Freaks that they aren't better than us." Sasuke snorts at that. "Till he started spitting out fire and cheated. Then he got his little freaky girlfriend to tie us up!"

"You're lucky that Sasuke is far more merciful than I am." Itachi's eyes bleed crimson red. "I wouldn't have stopped at just fire. Be that as it may, I imagine that Hinata's bodyguard is likely looking for her." He shakes his head and sighs. "Hinata, where was the last place that you saw them?

Bodyguard? Wait. Itachi knew Hinata too? Hmm. That was news to Sasuke. He didn't think the Hyuga and Uchiha Clans socialized much.

"Alright." Hinata smiles. "Shouldn't we get their parents though?"

She was nice, Sasuke thinks to himself. He wouldn't have cared what happened to them. They should just stay there until they learned their lesson or someone bothered to untie them. It would serve them right for being mean.

Shisui laughs softly and shakes his head. "You don't need to concern yourself with that." He smiles at her. "I'll make sure that they get where they belong. You should go with Sasuke and Itachi. They'll help you find your bodyguard."

Hinata hesitates for a moment. Just a moment though, before she nods and the three of them head off in search of her bodyguard.

Hiashi Hyuga was positively furious at the moment. He couldn't believe this. How could a trained member of the Hyuga Household be so irresponsible?

"You let my six year old daughter wander off by herself in the middle of crowded market?" This was simply unacceptable. "Knowing that anyone could kidnap her for a ransom or try to steal her eyes?"

The man was bowing lowly. "I only looked away for a few seconds to examine some of the merchandise." His display of submission wouldn't save his hide though. "I swear to you, that I would never knowingly endanger Lady Hinata!"

Maybe, he hadn't done it knowingly. The man had still done it though. There could be no excuse for such failure.

Hiashi was about to tell him as much when suddenly, Itachi Uchiha Flickers in front of him. "Forgive the intrusion." He bows politely. "It seems that Lady Hinata wandered off and was accosted by some bullies."

Not only that, but Itachi wasn't alone. His brother was with him and so was Hinata. Thank the Gods and Goddesses. His eldest daughter was actually safe. No thanks to this bodyguard's incompetence.

"Hinata, are you injured?" Hiashi looks her up and down from head to toe. "Are you in any pain?"

Hinata shakes her head. "I'm a-alright." She rushes over to his side and smiles shyly at the younger Uchiha. "S-Sasuke helped me, but I had to use your ribbons to tie them up. They were saying a-awful things about our families."

Oh. So that's what this was about. Children who were envious their Clan's abilities. Thank goodness, it wasn't any more serious than petty jealousy.

"This does not happen often." He looks at Itachi and Sasuke. "Though it seems that I am in your debt. Should you and your parents wish it, I would like to invite you to the Hyuga Estate to discuss how to repay you for your kindness."

Sasuke blinks and tilts his head. "You don't need to repay us." That was sweet. The child honestly had no idea, how relations between different Clans work.

Oh well. He would learn with time. The boy must have been about Hinata's age, Hiashi supposed.

"Of course, I have to." He smiles at Sasuke. "You gave me back something very precious." Hiashi looks down at Hinata. "My daughter. It would be highly improper of me not to reward you and your brother in some way." The Hyuga Patriarch sighs. "Given your ages though, it's only right that I speak to your parents about the matter first though."

Itachi didn't seem worried about the dinner invitation. "That's most gracious of you, Lord Hiashi." This man was important. Sasuke rarely heard his brother call someone a Lord before. "We will of course, inform our parents about your invitation and respond to it as soon as possible." He smiles at him. "Now, if you'll forgive us…my brother and I do have some shopping to do."

Oh that was right. Sasuke almost forgot about his tomatoes!

"I understand." He looks at Hinata and the bodyguard. "Come, we are heading back to the Estate at once." With that being said, the three Hyugas disappear almost as quickly as they came.

"Do you think that Father will arrest the bullies?" Sasuke looks at Itachi hopefully.

Itachi chuckles and pokes Sasuke's forehead. "Sasuke, Father wouldn't waste a cell on them." He smirks at the other Uchiha. "Not after you already took out the trash so effectively. Come on, let's go get your tomatoes and head home."

Sasuke tilts his head at Itachi. Uh oh. The elder ninja wasn't entirely sure that he liked where this was going.

"Shouldn't I get them by myself?" Sasuke looks at him innocently. "That's what Father wanted me to do."

Itachi laughs softly. Yes, one never knew what was going to come out his foolish little brother's mouth next. "I think that he'll make an exception in this case, after he hears about your grand shopping adventure today."

He smiles at the thought and stoops towards the ground. Sasuke deserved this after such a long day. His little brother was growing up so fast. Itachi might as well indulge his childish whims as much as he could before it was too late.

"You can ride on my back, if you like." Sasuke really did love his piggyback rides.

As expected, his little brother threw himself onto Itachi's back. "Great!" Well if nothing else, Sasuke was certainly fast. That would come in handy, when he was an official ninja later on. "We should hurry though. Father hates it when dinner is late."

That was true. Fugaku Uchiha wasn't known for his easygoing nature at the best of times, but it only got worse when he was hungry. Then he was was more fearsome than even the most ferocious grizzly.

"That's true." Itachi smiles as he sprints them back towards the Uchiha District. "It would be rude to keep Father waiting." Not to mention, it wouldn't be very fair to their mother. No one wanted to deal with a hungry and grumpy Uchiha!