Izuku's make up skills were on a tier higher then the average user of blush. Before he ever crossdressed in the cafe, he was taught how to use primer and foundation by the other 'maidens' and 'waiters.' Oddly enough, he picked it up rather fast and became a master within months. Now he can transform his plane looking head to one of a girl in her senior year with skin so perfect a a surface of untouched snow. He even touched up the other employees.

When Izuku first asked to crossdress and work, his co-workers were happy to help him. Lucky for him, his head and adam's apple were not as big for a teen of his age, but the biggest problem was the muscular build beneath the clothing. He was instructed to put on a long wig to make his shoulders appear smaller. Izuku also wore a loose high waistline dress, hiding his midsection and muscular thighs. For the arms, his new friends recommended baggy long sleeves and gloves.

All of these aspects were combine together to form his uniform, to develop a persona he was comfortable with. Elisha.

"Todoroki ... Todoroki … Todoroki!" After attempting to wake the sleeping teen two times, Yaoyorozu became impatient and finally raising her voice startling Todoroki. As a result, the duel eyed boy fell from his chair. "OH MY GOD! Are you okay?"

Rubbing the side of his face he landed on, Todoroki looked at his surroundings, he noticed it was just him, Yaoyorozu, and his sensei. "Did I fall asleep in class again?" The girl nodded her head up and down. He lowered his eyes, "Oh no."

Yaoyorozu helped Todoroki stand to his feet, grasping his hand, "Don't worry about it. I already sent some of my notes."

In a clean and plane attitude Todoroki stood up. "Oh. Umm. Thank you. I'm sorry if I was bothering you."

The spiky black haired girl stood tall, "It's one of my responsibility as a vice president that I make sure my peers are doing their best." Todoroki started placing the books that had a bit of drool on them into his bag. "If you want, I can help reveal the materials you slept through?"

"No, I don't want to trouble you anymore." He zipped his bag. "My father is working me hard for the sports festival, so if I don't go home now, I won't get enough sleep like last time." With one hand on his bag, he use his other hand to wave. "So long Yaoyorozu."

Under her breath, she whispered. "I am here for you."

'I'm sorry Yaoyorozu, if I study with you, the cafe would turn into a bar by the time we are done.' These were the thoughts as he stumble into the Half/Half. He pass through the door and a chime could have been heard.

Upon his entrance, he was greeted with a formal tone, "Welcome to the ... " The formality immediately dropped when Eliza opened her eyes. "Todoroki! Come on, my sixth sense told me you were on your way, your table is already set."

He became slightly flustered. "Oh, actually, I just came to get a medium usual on the go. So I won't be sitting down." Internally, he felt a bit sad knowing that he needed to leave, but its that or face a lecture from his father.

"Okay, take a seat on the stool over there." Pointing near the barisa, was a stool with a high desk and outlets. "I will bring your drink in a few minutes." Elisha shouted out the order to man.

Todoroki sat down, but doing nothing was not the reason why he rank so high in class. He pulled out a paper, a calculator, and his phone going through the math notes he missed. He was trying to solve the basic problem before him. "Crap." Looking at the question alone, he knew he wasn't going to understand it, and he didn't want to rely on Yaoyorozu notes once more, but it looked like he had no choice. Even with her notes, Todoroki still did not understand what he was doing.

His rage was building up, and he was about to give up until Elisha dropped a large to go size cup in front of him. "One large ameri … Todoroki, are you okay?" Stopping midway, Elisha noticed something different.

He looked up and realize that he was using his left side slightly, a bit of flames appear on his arm. As he shaked his arm he started to apologising, "I'm sorry, it's just that this problem been getting to me."

"What seems to be the issue?" Elisha grabbed a stool and moved it next to Todoroki and shared the small table. "Oh, this." With the pen she used to take down orders, and started doing the problem, with the calculator. She had to get close to the boy, he felt surprise by this. "This is the problem. You set your calculator to radians, it needs to be on degrees."

Before long, the two of them were sitting together, Elisha guided Todoroki on any of the questions he missed or didn't understand, not taking a glance at Yaoyorozu personal notes. He just felt that the flow was better. It was until half an hour in, he noticed how closed they were, his face was turning slightly pink. When Elisha look at him again, she grew concern, "Are you feeling okay?" With her hands, she lifted his hair and placed her other hand against his forehead. "You feel normal."

Todoroki began to blush up more, he felt his body becoming more warm, to the point that his cool side started to regulate his body temperature. "I'm fine, my quirk is just acting up." He step back, and when he was away, he regain his main focus. 'I was suppose to be here for a cup of coffee. What time is it?' Todoroki pulled out his phone so fast that it almost slipped from his hands. He was expected to be home and training with his father twenty minutes ago. "I gotta head home, I really appreciate the help." He swiftly left, but not before leaving more than enough money for the coffee and a tip.

A female maiden an actual female coworker, approach Elisha as he she was picking up the tables. "Why are you spending all that time with the student?" She then nudge her, "Are you by any chance into him?"

"No. There was a calm response. "He was having trouble and I helped him."

The girl sigh, she knew what Elisha was saying, but what she saw, she knew it was something else. "I noticed that he wore the same uniforms you have, are you two classmates?"

"Classmates and nothing more." She wiped the table and left the other coworker with her thoughts. 'I hoped your Dad goes easy on you today.'

"Why aren't you using your flames?" Standing tall and firm was Endeavor, the flame hero, also the father of Shoto Todoroki, the two of them had the same eyes. "The sports festival is within a week, your big day view. You won't be able to surpass anyone at your rate."

It was late into the evening, Midnight was fast approaching. Todoroki hasn't touch his notes since the cafe, and he was unable to keep his vision consciousness, he was exhausted, but with his last breath before fading asleep, "I will never use your power."

Lying down on the ground, Endeavor grabbed his son, and carried him to his room and rest him on his bed. "You will surpass All Might."

The night was cold, Todoroki was shivering. His clothes were drenched in sweat and he was shivering in his sleep. In his mind, he imagine himself in a place he was familiar with. He was sitting down with a girl in with turquoise hair, she wasn't working, they were jsut talking. Whenever he drank his coffee, he felt a bit of warmth in his astro dream self. As a result, he felt the warmth in real life, his left side was glowing, and a smile could have been seen on his face.

Wow, its been a while since I updated this one. I am actually enjoying writing this. I am sorry that it took me more than 3 months just to update this. If you have ideas that can make this a better fic, please PM me.