I will get back to Soulmates but I have so many ideas flying around my head, that I need to make some space. :p

I don't want to give anything away, so we will talk at the end.

Enjoy. :)


A young man sits on a bench in Central Park. At 13 almost 14 years old, he is already 5'7". He is going to be tall like his Daddy. He loves his Daddy.

His blue eyes scan the park on this warm night in June.

A boy around seven years old walks past him. The young man's eyes sparkle as he watches the boy.

The young man smiles as the boy leaves his sight. He is right on time.

He waits.

A half hour later, a man walks past him and the young man gets up from the bench.

He is no longer smiling and his eyes are cold. The man has a circle rune on his neck and the young man knows that this is what he has been waiting for.

He follows the man. Soon the boy is within sight.

The young man narrows his eyes and easily catches up to the man. He grabs the man's arm and portals them to another part of the Park.

The man pulls out a blade, "Who are you?"

The young man sneers at him, "You will not hurt my Daddy."

The man laughs, as he swings the blade towards the young man.

The young man raises his hand and the man is sent flying into a tree. He loses his grip on the blade.

He gets back to his feet, "And how is that boy your 'daddy'?"

Max Lightwood-Bane glares at the man as he runs for his blade, "None of your business."

The man laughs as he picks the blade up.

Max calmly raises a hand and uses his magic to control the blade. The man fights, but he is not strong enough to prevent Max from putting the blade through his heart. The man dies with a shocked look on his face.

Max opens a portal and with a flick of his hand, sends the corpse to the bottom of the Hudson River.

Max portals to another part of the Park.

He smiles as he sees young Alexander Lightwood again. His Daddy is safe.

But Max wants to wait a few more minutes before leaving.

Around the corner comes Magnus Bane.

Max stays behind a tree, he knows what is about to happen and doesn't want his Poppa to sense him.

Max watches as Magnus shortens the distance between him and young Alec.

Max watches as Magnus' eyes narrow and he stops for a few minutes to look around the Park.

Magnus starts walking again and gets closer to young Alec. This time his cat's eyes flare as he looks around.

Max stays behind the tree until his two future fathers are gone from sight.

Max smiles. He has heard this story so many times, but to actually see it is breathtaking.

Now, Max can go home.

He creates a portal and returns to the loft.

The loft is dark and quiet, just as it was when he left.

He tip toes to his fathers' bedroom and quietly opens the door.

Poppa and Daddy are fast asleep.

Max smiles and quietly closes the door.

He's hungry.

He walks into the kitchen and grabs a bagel.

He puts cream cheese on it.

He turns around and Magnus is standing behind him.

Max puts the bagel halves on the table and hugs Magnus.

Magnus kisses his head, "Any problems?"

Max shakes his head, "Daddy is safe."

Magnus holds him.

Max thinks back to two days ago, when he woke up screaming from a nightmare/vision.




Max sees a dead boy. He has dark hair. He is wearing black jeans and a black tshirt. He is in a pool of blood.

His throat has been slashed. He was also stabbed multiple times in the chest. Somebody wanted this poor boy dead.

Even though the boy's face is untouched, Max doesn't know him.

Max then finds himself in the Institute, which confuses him. He has been here many times, and yet it looks different.

He sees that everybody is in white. Max knows that this is a funeral and wonders if he knows the person.

He tries to find a familiar face. He notices a little girl with long black hair and tears running down her face. He smiles at her but she runs away.

Something tells Max to stay with her and he follows her to the main hall.

The dead boy from the park is there. The dead boy was a ShadowHunter? Max is even more confused. The little girl is at the boy's side, crying.

He hears a woman call for "Isabelle" and Max watches as the little girl runs to the woman.

The woman is a young version of his Grandma Maryse.

Max gasps when he realizes that the little girl is Aunt Izzy.

Max falls to his knees and sobs when it comes to him that the dead boy is Daddy.

He slowly stands up and turns around to find that he is now in the loft.

He sees Poppa sitting in a chair drinking a martini.

There is an air of deep sadness around him.

Max tries to talk to him and tell him about Daddy, but Poppa can't hear him.

Max desperately looks around the loft and sees a newspaper. He can't pick it up but he looks at the date. October 8, 2044.

Max gasps. This is his fathers' anniversary date.

Max realizes that without Daddy, Poppa is alone.

Max tries to think of what he can do to get Poppa's attention but in a blink of an eye, he finds himself in front of a house.

He sees an older, sadder version of himself looking out a window.

Max sees a sign above the house. "Home for Unwanted Orphans"

Max shakes his head, this can't be possible.

He turns around and he is back in the Park, standing over young Daddy's bloody body.

Max screams.




Max rests his head against Magnus' shoulder and takes a deep breath.




Magnus runs into Max's room, sits on the bed and holds him tight. Max can't talk, he holds Magnus tight because he knows that for the moment, things are as they should be. It's only after Max stops crying, that Magnus gently asks what he saw.

Max holds one of Magnus' hands and in a whisper tells him.

When he's done, Magnus pulls Max into his arms again and holds him tight. Then he takes out his phone and calls Alec. They both need to hear his voice.

"Magnus, I'm almost done. Ten more minutes, tops."

Magnus takes a deep breath because he doesn't want Alec to hear the relief in his voice, "Oh, just checking."

"Yeah right. Max sleeping yet?"

Magnus gently kisses Max's forehead, "No, he's waiting up for you as well."

"Ugh. Fine, I'll finish up in the morning."

Magnus winks at Max, "I'll create a portal and save you the trip home?"

Alec laughs, "Fine."

"See you in a few minutes."

Alec hangs up laughing.

Magnus kisses Max's forehead, "We will save him."

Max nods.

Magnus gets off the bed, "Go wash your face and let me bring him home to us."

Max nods and runs into the bathroom as Magnus walks out the bedroom.

He creates a portal and two minutes later, Alec walks into the loft.

He walks over to Magnus and kisses him. Magnus holds him tight.

Alec looks at him, "Everything okay?"

Magnus nods, "Everything is fine."

"If you say so."

Max comes out of his room, "Daddy."

Magnus lets Alec go and Alec smiles at Max, "Max, you need your sleep."

Max walks up to him and buries his face in Alec's chest, "I missed you." Alec holds him tight.

Alec glances at Magnus, "You sure everything is okay?"

Magnus smiles at him, "It's late and we are all tired."

Alec nods, "I'll second that."

He pulls away from Max and kisses his nose, "How about, I put Max to bed and meet you in bed?'

Magnus smiles, "That would be a wonderful plan."

He walks over to Max and kisses his forehead, "Good night, Max."

"Good night Poppa."

Max walks into his bedroom, holding Alec's hand. He gets into his bed.

When Alec leans over to kiss his forehead, Max grabs his shirt.

Alec looks at him gently, "Max, what's wrong?"

Max swallows, "Nothing."

Alec sits on the bed and pulls Max into his arms. Max rests his head on Alec's chest and listens to his father's heart beating.

Max falls asleep in Alec's arms.

Magnus wonders what happened to Alec and walks into Max's bedroom. He smiles at what he sees. Both of them are asleep.




Magnus pulls away from Max and smiles, "Did you see him?"

Max smiles, "Yes."

The smile disappears from Magnus' face, his cat's eyes appear and he coldly asks, "Who was it?"

"It was like you said, a circle member."

Magnus takes a deep breath, "And where is the bastard?"

"The bottom of the Hudson River."

"Good." Magnus eyes the bagel on the table and smiles, "You should eat that."

Max nods and sits down to eat his bagel.

Magnus gets the milk from the fridge and pours them both a glass. He sits down at the table.

Max gives Magnus the details.

"I didn't know we were having a party."

Magnus and Max look up to see a sleepy eyed Alec standing there.

Magnus gets up and walks over to him. He gives Alec a gentle kiss, "Hey sleepyhead."

Alec smiles, "Hey yourself."

He sits down next to Max and drinks some of his milk.

Max kisses his cheek, "Hi, Daddy."

Alec laughs, "It's three in the morning, don't 'hi daddy' me."

Max giggles and finishes his bagel. He grabs the two empty glasses and puts them in the sink.

He kisses Alec's cheek, "Good night, Daddy."

Alec smiles, "Good night, blueberry."

Max smiles and walks over to Magnus, "Good night, Poppa."

Magnus hugs him and kisses his forehead, "Good night, Max, sleep tight."

Max smiles and goes into his room.

Alec gets up and walks over to Magnus, "The two of you have been acting funny the last couple of days, should I be worried?"

Magnus kisses him, "We have it all under control."

"I'm sure you do, but will I know what is going on?"

Magnus smiles weakly, "I promise, I will tell you, when I can without crying."

"Magnus, that bad?"

Magnus pulls Alec close to him, "That bad."

Alec holds him, "Okay. Is it safe to go back to sleep?"

Magnus nods.

Alec and Magnus go into their room. Magnus holds Alec close as they both fall asleep.

-tbc (I decided that a second chapter was needed)-


First, I'm sorry. **hugs for everybody**

Yes, this is the Rune Series.

Yes, they adopt Max.

October 8? LOL, that's when I posted my 1000th post on my Malec tumblr blog. Figured it would be a good day for my Malec Wedding. :D