One Year Later

It's the day before Gram's Annual Christmas Party. Peeta and I have been together a year and it has been a year of bliss, fights and major changes in my life.

Gram's was over the moon when we told her we were in a relationship. She "Always knew we would be right for each other." She noticed something had changed between us once we arrived at the party.

Peeta and I decided to turn up to the party separately as we normally do each year. We didn't want to raise any suspicions.

"Katniss, my darling," Grams says as I come in the door.She walks over to me and embraces me in a warm hug. I bury my nose in her shoulder and inhale her scent, Elizabeth Arden's Red Door as always. She takes a hold of my shoulders and appraises me as all grandmothers do."Have you been eating well dear?" she questions. Typical grandma talk; always wanting to fill us up.

"Yes Grams I have, I've just been working out as well. Got to stay fit for working in the Parks," I smile back at her."Oh, my dear, there is a new shine to your smile!" she exclaims causing me to blush. "Any reason for that?" She quirks her eyebrow at me.

Feigning ignorance I reply "I have no idea what you mean, Grams, I'm just happy to be with my family."She furrowed her eyebrows, clearly not believing me, but lets the subject drop as my sister Prim walks through the door."Primrose, you look far too thin! That hospital has you running around too much!" she rushes off to fatten Prim up. Prim mouths 'HELP ME' over her shoulder as Grams leads her into the kitchen.Peeta arrived about twenty minutes later with his basket of newly baked cinnamon shortbread.He is welcomed like a grandson as he always has been, and told to leave the cookies on the table where the spread is set out. He leans in to whisper something in Grams' ear and she smiles and pats him on the cheek.We make our rounds of the room separately and eventually end up standing by the kitchen chatting like we always do. Grams comes up smiling and hands us a glass of eggnog. We each take a sip, wincing. Uncle Haymitch must have added more rum than the ingredients suggested, as always."Well, my dears. Tell me, what's new in your lives?" she questions, giving us a knowing look.I blush and tell her the promotion I'm up for in the National Park Rangers. Peeta tells her about his brother's wife announcing her pregnancy at Thanksgiving.There's no way she can know about us."Uh huh, and when did things change between you two?" she asks, with a knowing grin.Both of us stare at her like deer caught in headlights. How???"Oh stop looking at me like that, and close your mouth Katniss. You're going to catch flies," she scolds me. Feeling like a little girl caught with her hand in the cookie jar, I avert my eyes and stare at the floor. Peeta clears his throat. Good! He is better at speaking than I am."Mrs. Everdeen," he tries to start but the look she give him makes him correct himself."Grams, please? What is going on between Katniss and I is new. We don't want people knowing until we know what is going on." he pleads with her.She looks at both of us before giving us a reassuring smile and nods her head."How did you know?" I blurt at her.She looks at both of us and smiles so broadly the crows feet at her eyes double. "My darlings, it's written all over your faces! But only to those who know what to look for. Katniss you are smiling right up to your ears, and Peeta has been stealing glances at you and blushing throughout the night. You two never stay out of the others line of sight for very long, and always seem to drift towards one another. I wish you two well on this new journey together."With that, she walks away to mingle with the rest of the guests. My mother looks over at us and gives me a knowing wink while continuing to talk to Aunt Wiress.

The rest of that night went smoothly.

We announced our relationship to our families at New Years. Peeta's brother crudely said "About time his balls finally dropped."

A year after burning the shortbread when we found each other, we're in picking up Peeta's Christmas jumpers and I've decided to go with a special t-shirt.

We split up when we go in and go our separate ways as I have to get a last minute present for Peeta and I assume he has a few last minute gifts to get as well. We agree to meet in Starbucks in an hour for our Fudge Hot Chocolate. Peeta's homemade one is better though, but his is just plain. And oh god is it sexy with warm cheese buns.

An hour later we walk out of the mall hand in hand, sipping our hot chocolates and get into the car and drive home.

We decided to move in together a few weeks ago. We wasted enough time dancing around each other through the years.

We know we love each other. So why not?

"How are you feeling?" Peeta asks me as we drive home not taking his eyes off the road.

"A little nervous if I'm honest. This is the first Christmas we'll attend as a couple," I say honestly, chewing my fingernails.

Reaching his hand over the console he takes my hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze.

"Nothing truly has changed baby, at least not yet. We are still best friends, same Katniss and Peeta as we always have been, only we know what we look like naked now," he winks at me.

"You've been hanging around with Finnick too long," I groan at him.

Peeta was right as always.

We are greeted warmly as we enter Grams house, nothing really has changed. Haymitch laughs and declares me DD for the night, I scowl at him. Grams wraps us in hugs.

"My dears! How are you?" she asks as she steps back. "Oh Katniss, why aren't you wearing a festive jumper?"

"I'm not really feeling the best Grams, wasn't in the party spirit really," I say looking down.

I hate disappointing her.

Peeta wraps his arm around me and kisses me on the forehead, saying "Why didn't you tell me Sweetheart? We didn't have to come?"

"I wasn't missing Grams party for anything! Even if it's only until the annual family photo, I AM STAYING!" I declare, louder than I meant.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I see Prim, I want to go catch up with her."

I walk off sniffling as I go, trying to stop the tears. Leaving two of the most important people in my life looking at me as if I'd grown a second head.

An hour later, Grams calls us up for the annual family photo by the Christmas tree. She's doing it earlier than normal because of me.

Cousin Gale's girlfriend Johanna offers to take photos of the couples to remember the holidays. She winks at me while I drag Peeta up.

"Come on Peeta, it's our first Christmas as a proper couple," I urge him.

He looks at me funny. "You must be sick, you never normally like getting photos." He relents anyway and walks up to where Jo is snapping away.

When our turn comes around we stand and pose and Jo snaps the shot.

"Hang on I'm gonna need another one the lighting was wrong," she says fiddling with her camera.

"Okay. Actually I'm a bit warm I'm going to take my jumper off." I decide. Jo gives me a sneaky look over the camera.

I turn away from Peeta to pull it off, setting it on the floor. Turning back to Peeta I settle into his side with a broad smile on my face.

Jo takes the shot, then says "Cute t-shirt Katniss! Wouldn't you agree Peeta?"

Peeta looks at her, then me confused and looks down at my shirt before his eyes go wide.

"Is this real?" he whispers.

My t-shirt is bright red, for the holiday, and written in white lettering is "Baby Mellark's First Christmas" with the photo of my first ultrasound underneath.

"It's real, Daddy," I confirm with the widest smile that ever graced my features.

My mom notices the shirt and squeals as Peeta pulls me into his arms, kissing me soundly on the lips.

When he pulls back he shouts, "BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT EVER! I'M GONNA BE A DAD!!"

The whole room erupts in congratulations and happy screams as the news sinks in with my family.

All the while, Jo has been snapping away happily at us capturing the moment forever for us.

I'm so glad I decided to appease my Grandma and ask Peeta out.