Shandy: So, this is a small epilogue for those of you who wanted it, but we're ending it here.
Candy: We hope you enjoy!
A few days later, on Christmas Eve, Ladybug and Chat Noir had decided to meet up to exchange Christmas gifts.
"Here you go milady!" Chat said happily, holding out a gift to her. "I hope you have a Merry Christmas!"
"You too Chaton." Ladybug giggled, holding out her gift to him. They took the gifts and opened them together. Ladybug blinked as she observed the ring in her hands. It was silver with a sleeping black cat on it. Funny was how it matched.
That is, matched the gift that she had received previously.
As Marinette.
From Adrien.
She glanced over at Chat as he observed the sweater that matched the beanie, gloves, and scarf that she had given Adrien, eyes wide.
Chat didn't know Adrien, right? It must've been pure coincidence that they had gotten the same necklace for her, right?
Meanwhile, Chat Noir was literally jumping for joy. The green sweater had a cat pun 'Meowry Cat-mas!', and underneath that a black cat with a christmas wreath around its neck and a santa hat on it's head., but what caught his eye was the christmas wreath, in which Marinette's name was stitched into the decorations.
He just had to be sure of one thing.
"My lady, did you make this?" He asked curiously.
"Yes." She nodded. "I even have my signature on there- but I made sure you wouldn't be able to find it." She stuck her tongue out at him, and he laughed.
"Well, this'll be fun." He told himself. She blinked unknowingly, looking up at him.
"Oh, don't worry miladybug, there won't be anything for you to worry about."
The next day of school after christmas break, Marinette wore the ring, charm bracelet, and necklace to school. Alya kept on asking where the ring came from, but Marinette was winning so far with the 'I found it lying around' excuse.
That was, until Adrien entered the room with his beanie, scarf, gloves, and sweater.
The sweater that she had given Chat Noir.
He winked at her when he noticed her staring and she squeaked, exploding into an embarrassed mess. He sat down in front of her, turning around, and smiled at her in a way that was too smug for his own good.
"Thanks again for the gifts, Marinette." He said honestly. "I hope you had a Meowy Cat-mas!" Marinette blinked a bit before groaning, slamming her head on her desk in embarrassment. Then she looked up at his too-happy-for-his-own-good, smug, lovely, handsome faceā¦
"That I did." She smiled and booped his nose, making him go cross-eyed. "You could even say that it was Miraculous."