24th December 2015

11 months later…

The lounge area of the Bus was lit only by strands of twinkle lights, which offered a warm, festive glow similar to the one painted on Skye's cheeks. Inhaling slowly as she padded across the carpet, she breathed in the scent of cinnamon and vanilla candles, a contented smile blooming on her lips.

Taking a seat on the couch, she held out one of the wine glasses in her hand in offering and smiled when Ward took it from her.

Leaning her head on his shoulder, she peered over at the Christmas tree, where their freshly wrapped gifts sat awaiting the team and the chaos of the morning.

"So much easier to wrap than last year's gifts, huh?" she teased, wriggling closer until she could seat herself on his lap and drape her free arm around his neck. Taking a sip from her own glass, she watched as he smiled in reply, his expression thoughtful.

"Although, Coulson might not be as excited over the Cadillac print shirt we got him as he was about Hydra's scientific department," he reasoned, swallowing a mouthful of wine and sweeping his hand up and down Skye's thigh.

"Yeah but he's gonna lose his shit over that Captain America war bonds poster," she replied, grinning as she thought about watching the team unwrap their gifts. She felt decidedly more in the festive mood this year, and she knew it was due in no small part to the relationship she and Ward were slowly navigating together.

He had not returned to S.H.I.E.L.D., and Skye had begun to realise that that development might perhaps never be on the cards. Coulson had come some way to forgiving him, and perhaps even understanding him, but trust was something easily broken and often near impossible to repair. It made Skye sad sometimes to consider that their family would never truly be the way it was before, and yet she knew how lucky she was that they had been able to forge something different, despite the initial discomfort and awkwardness. Therefore, Ward often served as a consultant for S.H.I.E.L.D., and sometimes even as a mercenary, much to his own personal chagrin; he had never really liked that term and everything it implied, but Skye was quick to remind him that beggars most definitely not could be choosers.

"So, what's the plan for the evening?" Ward asked, settling Skye in his lap and tugging her back against his chest, where her body fit perfectly. "Movie night? Board games? Family dinner?"

He seemed oddly excited by each prospect, his eyes lighting up, not only because a hundred tiny, twinkling tree lights were reflected within them. Skye smiled, her hand squeezing his wrist.

"I think May and Coulson are having dinner together, and FitzSimmons…" she began, hesitant to continue, although she knew there was no need to once she registered the look of understanding that crossed Ward's face.

"Don't want to spend time around me unless they have to," he finished on Skye's behalf, nodding his head and then taking another sip of his wine. His smile was wry but self-deprecating as he added, "Can't say I blame them. I suppose I wouldn't really want to spend more time than strictly necessary on a plane with the guy who pushed me out of one."

Rolling her eyes, Skye peered at him intently, one eyebrow arched.

"No, idiot. They're… busy."

She prodded Ward lightly in the centre of his chest. Leaning in until their lips almost touched, she repeated, "Like, busy?"

Widening her eyes significantly, she waited a few moments until the truth dawned on him. He first looked surprised and then ever so slightly revolted.

"I know, I don't want to think about that either," Skye said in agreement, her nose wrinkled in disdain. She leaned away to set her wine glass down on the table in front of them before resettling herself back against his chest.

"I honestly thought they were just avoiding me, but… that… that makes a lot of sense," he admitted, thinking back on the times he'd assumed their skittish behaviour was down to their residual discomfort with him so frequently being around. Particularly over the last three months, as he and Skye had finally given into the feelings between them and taken that final step into a real relationship.

"Actually, they've got you something for Christmas. It's right under the tree there," she said knowingly, pleased to see the shocked but also delighted expression her revelation prompted.

He paused, growing visibly suspicious as he probed, "Wait, does it tick?"

Swatting playfully at Ward's chest, Skye let out a giggle, which he seemed to take good naturedly enough if the grin spread across his lips was anything to go by.

"Not going to lie though, Robot," she began, tapping his cheek with the tip of her index finger and staring at him, "if I see a fruit basket under that tree in the morning, I will not be responsible for my actions."

Ward shook his head, eyes wide, as though the idea had never even crossed his mind, although truthfully it had several times; once when he had considered playing a little harmless Christmas morning prank on his girlfriend, and again when he had realised just how many boxes of coco puffs she was capable of consuming in a week.

"I wouldn't dare," Ward promised her, feeling a wave of happiness wash over him as he wrapped his arms around her and pressed a kiss to her temple.

"Glad to hear it," she replied, sighing airily as she let her head roll back against his shoulder. Reaching up she cupped his cheek in her hand, directing his head lower as she craned her neck to brush her lips against his. Reciprocating eagerly, Ward slid his hand up to the back of her head, delighting in her groan as his tongue met hers.

"This is turning out to be a pretty good Christmas," Skye enthused as she drew away. She punctuated her sentence with another lingering kiss that ignited a flame of desire in the pit of her stomach. It was fanned even further by the feel of his hands mapping out the curves of her body.

"The best," he agreed, smirking as she looked up at him with unchecked desire, and suddenly the trajectory of their evening was becoming clearer and clearer. He only hoped FitzSimmons hadn't taken to Fitz's bunk or things could become awkward.

"Yeah, well I guess any Christmas where you're not about to have your organs harvested is a good one," she teased, giggling when she felt his lips form a smile against her neck, where he was lavishing her skin with kisses.

"Is there any chance you'll ever let me forget about that?" he queried, tipping his head as he peered down at her, secretly charmed by the impish look present on her face.

"Oh, not this side of the millennium," she vowed, before gripping the back of his shirt and using it to hoist him back down to her lips.

"It was definitely worth it," he breathed when they drew apart again, their cheeks flushed as a result of both their desire and the wine.

"Even worth the video footage May has of you singing Christmas songs?" she teased back. Ward's frown almost made her chuckle but she managed to rein in her mirth as she awaited his answer.

"I still can't believe she took that," he muttered, shaking his head in near despair as he thought of the footage in question, which still existed somewhere on the encrypted personal hard drive that belonged to May. From time to time, whenever their egos clashed or they were at loggerheads over how best to handle a mission, she would bring it up, along with a fresh wave of threats for its widespread publication.

"I'd have been pissed if she didn't," Skye admitted, tossing back her head and laughing at the glower Ward directed at her.

Finally relenting and seeing the humorous side of the situation, Ward laughed in exasperation. "Long as she's not trying to crush my larynx, I guess."

Shooting him a glare of disapproval, Skye pressed her fingertip to his lips. "No more talk of the past, not right now. There's plenty of time for that in therapy, but it's Christmas, Grant. Let's just enjoy it. But if you wanted to spill your guts, you could tell me what you got me?!"

Ward arched a brow, pretending to ponder her request for a little while. His arms folded around her hips as she moved to sit astride his knee. Leaning close, she looped her arms around his neck with a smile that was more than a little bit mischievous as she rocked slowly against his crotch.

"No. Not happening," he decided, leaning in until his breath ghosted her earlobe and he felt her shiver in his arms, "it's a surprise."

Skye rewarded him with a withering look that he found comical rather than threatening.

"This better not involve late night treasure hunts, trussed up Hydra agents, or freeing pole dancers from a sleazy club." Suddenly peering at him through heavy lids, Skye batted her lashes and stroked the tip of her finger down his lips and chin, towards the hem of his sweater. "I'm pretty sure I could make you talk…"

Ward ducked his head as if chasing a kiss, and he waited until their lips were almost touching before he breathed, "I've been trained to withstand the very worse torture."

Skye laughed out loud, and the sound made Grant's chest swell with happiness. The feel of her in his arms was still something he was adjusting to, and he remained in a state of awe at the fact that Skye had even allowed him into her life again; let alone her affections or her bed.

Looking him up and down in a predatory manner, Skye cocked her head. She simultaneously licked her lips and pressed her palm to his crotch in a pointed gesture. He gasped at her touch, his breath catching as she slid forward in his lap to grind against him.

"I'm confident I could get it out of you," she said with a toss of her glossy hair.

Regaining his senses, Ward swallowed and composed himself. Chancing a glance at the clock first, he returned his gaze to his girlfriend's face and then slid his hands down to give her rear a playful squeeze.

"Eight hours. Even you can wait eight hours."

Skye let out a groan and then stuck her tongue out at him for good measure.

"Sure I can, but I don't want to," she replied pointedly, sticking out her tongue to illustrate her annoyance.

"Patience is a virtue, or so I hear," Ward said, enjoying the look of outrage Skye directed at him. He loved this playful side of their relationship perhaps the most. They were arguably everything to each other – lovers, confidantes, best friends, even team mates – which was so much more than Ward could ever have hoped for on a sunny morning when he had dragged a homeless young hacker from her decrepit van.

"You're no fun," she accused half-heartedly, grinning in anticipation as he bent his head and moved as if to kiss her. The hungry gaze in his eyes made her stomach somersault and she found herself moaning almost absurdly against his lips, her fingers clasping at his shoulders as their kisses grew more demanding.

"Okay so you're kind of fun, I guess," she panted, closing her eyes as he kissed her forehead and drew her against his chest. She sighed in contentment, taking in the festive ambience surrounding them as well as the familiar scent of his skin, and the sensation of being held in his arms. He grasped onto her tightly and her head fell against his shoulder as they embraced.

"Never had you down as a snuggler, Grant."

Hearing and simultaneously feeling the exasperated sigh leave his body, Skye grinned. Ward only rested his chin on the top of her head.

"Don't ruin the moment," he chastised her in little more than a whisper.

"No, I mean, it's nice. I like it, I just…" she rambled on, giggling when his chest moved beneath her and his laughter rumbled against her cheek. "I'm serious!"

Drawing back, she rolled her eyes in an effort to rebuke him, but instead found herself drawn into a kiss that would no doubt earn each of them a place on the 'naughty list'. Provided Santa was privy to their clinch and the current location of wandering hands.

Affixing Grant with a thoughtful look, Skye rested her palm against his cheek. Her thumb brushed over his jaw and she busied herself with taking in each line and curve of his face.

"This is what it feels like, Grant…" she said softly, indulgently, as he looked back at her with confusion present on his face. Tracing her thumb over his bottom lip, she added, "To be loved."

Ward's expression bordered on awe struck, as if the realisation had perhaps only just hit him; to not only hear Skye say it, but to see her feelings so clearly reflected in her eyes was enough to make his heart hammer in his chest. Unable to find his voice, he just nodded, hoping the small act was enough. He closed his eyes and she rested her forehead against his. For a few moments they were just content to be in each other's presence.

Skye kissed his jaw, gradually making her way to his lips and surging forward in his lap as he met her passion with his own.

"Come on, let's go to bed. I've got a sprig of mistletoe with your name on it," she winked at him and took his hand, pulling him to his feet with relative ease.

They strolled down the hallway towards her bunk, each of them pausing to offer the twinkling lights of the Christmas tree an appreciative glance.

Letting Skye lead the way, Ward dropped back behind her, fingers still entangled with hers; and the very next day, Skye would maintain that she had heard him softly humming a Christmas song to himself. Although Ward would deny it, the one thing he would attest to was the fact that even though magic can be lost for a time, it's never impossible to find it again.