A/N: Ok my lovelies here is the epilogue as promised. Inspired by the song "Your Heart Will Lead You Home" by Kenny Loggins. Also used the lyrics for part of the story as well. Just felt like it fit. Enjoy!

1 year and two weeks later

"And now it is my great pleasure to present the Elwood City High School Class of 2006, congratulations graduates!" The principal's announcement rang loud over the loudspeaker of the high school stadium as cheers and applause echoed throughout. Graduation caps danced in the air as they were thrown by students eager to leave high school behind and face a new chapter in their lives. Arthur and his friends hugged each other excited that they'd all made it through. Looking around Arthur smiled seeing all his friends together, Francine, Muffy, Brain, George, Fern, Binky, and Sue Ellen. It was how he'd always imagined his high school graduation, well except there was one face missing. He wished Buster could've been there with them, somehow it felt incomplete without him.

He had spoken with Buster just the other day, telling him how excited he was to graduate but also terrified of the future. Buster had reassured him that he would be fine and Arthur mentioned how he wished Buster was walking that stage with him. Buster had had his own smaller graduation the week before and most of the old gang had gone to that but it had felt incomplete too. But the important thing was that they'd all been together and he only wished they could share that same moment today.

Arthur was brought out of his musings by his family rushing up to congratulate him followed by his friends' families coming up to do the same to their own children. "Oh we're so proud of you, all of you," Mrs. Read gushed hugging Arthur tight. "Thanks mom, could you uh let up a little," Arthur wheezed in his mom's tight grip. She let go but then blinded everyone with her camera flash. Similar well wishes and congratulations came from the other families to their kids followed by many more camera flashes. They practically had to hold hands to find their way out of the stadium.

But they paused towards the door as a familiar figure stood leaning against the wall, a proud smile on his face. No one could believe it, especially Arthur who thought his mom's camera flash had distorted his vision and now he was moved away from the wall towards the surprised group trying hard not to laugh at their looks of shock. "Congratulations you guys," he said cheerily. Arthur seemingly snapping out of his daze ran towards his best friend nearly tackling him.

"Buster it's so good to see you, I can't believe you're here," he rattled off excitedly hugging his friend. Buster chuckled, "of course I'm here, you didn't think you were graduating without me did you?" Sue Ellen appeared next having made up with Buster just before he left and harbored no hard feelings towards him. "I'm glad you could be here," she said hugging him. "So are we," Brain chimed in as he and George came up. Muffy practically jumped in his arms squealing in delight. "Oh we've missed you why didn't you tell us you were coming," she asked hugging him. "Wanted to surprise everyone," he shrugged hugging her back. He and Muffy had stopped hooking up after last summer, it had gotten to be too challenging with him being so far Fern gave him a small hug saying she was happy to see him. Francine looked away shyly, she'd been the last to forgive him and she still felt a bit embarrassed that it had taken her so long to get over it. He smiled at her, "come on Francine you're not still mad are you?" She gave him a watery smile and walked into his open arms happy to see him. "It's great to see you again," she whispered.

Buster was relieved things had worked out like they had. Their entire group was back together, no one was mad at him anymore and the best part was that he'd gotten his best friend back. It was just like old times only better. Once he'd moved in with his dad he'd made a lot of progress. He was in school when he was supposed to be, he wasn't angry anymore, he made some new friends, his grades improved and he was getting the help he needed through the school counselor. He still drank once in a while, but not anything like before. It was mostly social and he never had more than a couple beers. He also looked a lot better like his old self. He no longer had dark circles and his eyes were once again lit up with happiness and mischief. He was relaxed and friendly and overall had a much healthier appearance, no longer a hollow shell he was living again.

"Oh by the way Arthur got you a graduation gift," Buster smiled handing him a bag. Arthur, surprised, took the bag and pulled out a copy of …How To Pick Up Girls. Everyone even Arthur had to laugh at that. Buster laughed, "told you I'd get it for you for graduation." Arthur's sides hurt he was laughing so hard, true he hadn't dated anyone but he knew Buster meant it to be funny not cruel and he had promised it would be his graduation gift. "Good one dude," Arthur replied hugging his friend. Buster was glad they could all laugh like this again and he was sure Arthur would meet someone eventually, it just took time.

"So Buster can you stick around for the party, Muffy's hosting it," Arthur asked controlling his laughter. Buster nodded, "yeah sure but first I want you guys to meet someone." He turned slightly and waved somebody over. Suddenly a teenage girl stood next to him. She was just a few inches shorter than him with long black hair set in a braid, blue eyes that sparkled and a warm smile. She wore a navy blue teacup dress with two horizontal white strips going across the bottom and black flats. Buster wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulders giving her a squeeze. "Guys this is my girlfriend Krista," he said gesturing to the girl. "Hi everyone," she greeted warmly. Everybody was shocked not once had Buster ever introduced a girl as his girlfriend before, not to mention he'd never said anything before.

Not wanting to be rude Arthur stepped forward first and shook her hand. "Hi I'm Arthur nice to meet you," he greeted although he hated how rehearsed it sounded. "It's nice to meet you, all of you Buster's told me so much about you guys," she replied shaking his hand. Buster blushed a bit he hoped she wouldn't bring that up. "Really," Muffy asked tersely. Krista giggled, "yeah he talks about how awesome you all are and I just couldn't wait to meet all of you." "It's true I can't help but brag about you guys," Buster added. "Well it's great to meet you," Francine replied shaking her hand, "how long have you guys been together?" "Since Christmas Eve," Krista gushed nuzzling against Buster. Buster rubbed her arm and kissed her forehead tenderly. "Wow how did that happen," Muffy asked then added, "not like I'm surprised I just meant how did you two get together?"

"We go to the same school and we started hanging out just a couple of weeks after I got there," Buster explained. "Mhm we were placed in the same study group and we just started hanging out," Krista added, "and then I invited him to my parents Christmas Eve party where he cornered me under the mistletoe." Everyone had to refrain from laughing, that was a total Buster move. "Hey I didn't hear you complaining," Buster teased giving her another squeeze, "besides if I recall correctly you led me to the mistletoe." She nudged him playfully, "I did not I was walking with you to the kitchen and the mistletoe just happened to be where we were standing." "Uh huh right," Buster replied jokingly. "Wait wait if you two have been together since Christmas how come we didn't see you at the graduation last week," Arthur asked confused. "Oh I was there," Krista replied, "but I didn't get a chance to meet you because I was swarmed by my family and you guys left before the big party." Arthur remembered that, he and the rest of the gang hadn't been able to stay long and had missed the party Buster's dad was hosting.

"Well we're glad you were able to be here," Sue Ellen said warmly. Everyone nodded in agreement it was nice to see Buster with someone. They couldn't help but notice how he looked at her, like he'd been handed a star from the sky. It was more than obvious that Buster really liked this girl, he may even be in love with her. And it was pretty clear how much Krista liked him back, they just seemed to complement each other in a way no one else could.

"So uh Buster before we head to the party we were thinking of taking a little trip down memory lane, you guys wanna come," Francine said excitedly. Buster perked up at the idea. "Sure where were you guys thinking," he asked.

Outside Lakewood Elementary

Buster's question was answered as the group, Krista included, stood outside Lakewood Elementary School. This was where their friendships had blossomed and they had so many adventures, sometimes it felt like they'd been there forever.

Sunny days and starry nights

And lazy afternoons

For each of them it was like watching a home movie, seeing the school unchanged. Each had their own special memory attached to it and they could scarcely believe how long it had been. Arthur looked out onto the playground and remembered how they spent many days playing, sometimes just lying in the grass watching the clouds and listening to music.

You're counting castles in the clouds

And humming little tunes

Brain remembered how much fun it was to wake up to the first day of school and how quickly the school year would pass and how the summer would pass even quicker. It seemed like being a kid hardly lasted.

But somehow right before your eyes the summer fades away

Everything is different, and everything has changed

Suddenly everyone felt a bit homesick for the simpler days, when things seemed so much easier. Now they would be going on new adventures and no one was sure where they'd end up or if they'd ever see each other again.

If you feel lost and on your own and far from home

You're never alone you know

Just think of your friends the ones who care

They all will be waiting there with love to share

And your heart will lead you home

Francine looked out at the old field where so many of their baseball and soccer games had taken place. She could still picture their games and how much fun they all had. Muffy remembered how often they raced around the playground playing tag or just sitting and talking.

Funny how a photograph can take you back in time

To places and embraces that you thought you'd left behind

George and Fern remembered how they played detective as kids on the playground and were sort of the outsiders because George had dyslexia and Fern was very quiet and often felt unnoticed but their friends had always been there and included them no matter what. They never judged and that made all the difference.

They're trying to remind you that you're not the only one

That no one is an island when all is said and done

Sue Ellen remembered when she first moved to Elwood City and had been assigned to their class. She had felt a bit like an outsider then but she'd been welcomed pretty quickly and she treasured those memories more than anything. Binky had been held back but his friends never made him feel bad although he was self-conscious about it as well as his love of ballet and clarinet. Here was the one place he felt like he belonged as a child and he was grateful for the memories.

If you feel lost and on your own and far from home

You're never alone you know

Just think of your friends, the ones who care

They all will be waiting there with love to share

And your heart will lead you home

Buster could picture his time at Lakewood like it was playing out in front him now. He saw their younger selves running around, carefree and enjoying life. He missed that and to think he almost threw it all away. But he felt his heart swell with joy as he thought on those memories and what it meant to have friends who would always have your back and sometimes give you a kick in the butt when you needed it. Arthur saw it too, the young kids who dreamed of their future lives and even though they hadn't planned things to turn out the way they did he always had those memories.

There'll come a day when you're losing your way

And you won't know where you belong

They say that home is where the heart is

So follow your heart and know that you can't go wrong

Everyone felt like wiping away a tear or two it all seemed so long ago. How could something that felt like forever have ended so quickly? Never had they feared growing up, they thought it was easy and nothing would change, but as they learned in the last couple of years change was inevitable. It was part of life whether you were ready or not. But it helped having each other there to make the transition easier (or harder) and together it felt like there was nothing they couldn't do.

If you feel lost and on your own and far from home

You're never alone you know

Just think of your friends the ones who care

They all will be waiting there with love to share

And your heart will lead you…

They all took one last, long look at their old school. No it wasn't just a school, it was home. This was home and it stood as it had always been, like a rock it stood firm against the winds of change. It reminded all of them that no matter where they went in life, they always had each other and with that a piece of home with them. Here was where they grew up, where they became the tight group of friends they were today, where they learned hard lessons and struggled with individual problems, where they explored and discovered new things about themselves and about life. They had many happy times here and they would always be preserved. The group looked fondly at the old building and they swore they could see their 8-year-old selves waving back at them smiling, as if to say "thanks for the adventures, now go have new ones. Don't be scared we'll still be here if you need us."

If you feel lost and on your own and far from home

You're never alone you know

Just think of your friends the ones who care

They all will be waiting there with love to share

And your heart will lead you where you belong

I know your heart will lead you home

Silently they walked away from the school, knowing that even if life took them oceans apart they would never be alone. Things change, people change but some things really are forever, you just have believe it.


Future stats for everyone (~18 years)

Buster Baxter:

Buster attended Morrison Ridge Community College earning a degree in Photography. Krista also attended MRCC and earned a degree in Business, later completing her Bachelor's in Business online at Callaway University. Together they started Scorpion Photography Studios and moved to Crown City after graduating from MRCC. They also started a youth summer camp called Camp Phoenix on the outskirts of Morrison Ridge near Emery Lake.

On October 23rd Buster Lake Baxter, 26, and Krista Brook Beckhart, 25, married in a Harvest Themed wedding. The groom's best friend Arthur Read served as Best Man while Alan "Brain" Powers, George Lundgren, Jake Rhodes, and Anthony "Tony" Beckhart served as groomsmen. The bride's sister Moira Keller served as Matron of Honor while best friend Jennifer Rose-Miller served as Maid of Honor. Abigail Scott, Jeanine Olson and Dora "D.W." Read served as bridesmaids. Attendance included families of the bride and groom and close friends. The ceremony was kept short the couple opting to write their own vows. Krista wore a sleeveless ivory gown with emerald green highlights and a Queen Anne neckline as well as a simple, small crown of green and white roses. Buster wore a black suit with emerald green shoes and bow tie to match his bride. The reception followed in the evening where guests could enjoy a bountiful selection from the buffet dinner and a four tier marble cake adorned with edible green roses and black band trim as well as a dessert station filled with tarts, cookies, and petit fours. The couple's first dance was to the song "I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing" by Aerosmith. The party lasted well into the night with lots of music and dancing. For their honeymoon the couple spent a week in Greece.

Five years later the couple added to their family. Krista gave birth to twins, Samantha Sparrow Baxter and Caleb Roan Baxter on April 17th. Four years later they had their third child, Levi Sage Baxter on January 7th. The family resides in Glen Point a suburb of Crown City where their photography studio thrives and the summer camp has just celebrated its 10 year anniversary.

Arthur Read

Arthur went on to study at Harrison University earning his Bachelor's Degree in Education and then completed his Master's in Education at Pine State University. He now teaches third grade at his old school, Lakewood Elementary. While in college he met and fell in love with Carla Perry, a history major. After graduating with his Master's Arthur proposed to Carla on a cruise. They are planning their wedding for next spring. The couple resides in Elwood City just 10 minutes from his childhood home.

Francine Frensky

Francine competed for the Women's Olympic Soccer Team where their team placed second in the Olympics. She later went on to study Physical Education and Training, becoming the head soccer coach at Harrison University. She married her wife Rhiannon shortly after returning home from the Olympics. All of her friends were present. The couple have adopted a daughter named Millie. They plan to adopt again in the near future. The couple live in Borough about 2 hours north of Elwood City.

Mary Alice "Muffy" Crosswire

Muffy studied at the Fashion Institute of New York with an emphasis on sales and merchandising. She now lives in New York with several successful boutiques, all titled Mary Alice (named after her of course). Her fashion however extends to the general public and ranges from high end to thrift shops and caters to a variety of sizes and styles. She is currently dating Jameson Everlite III, a television network executive.

Sue Ellen Armstrong

Sue Ellen went on to study Political Science and Spanish at Waldorf University. She now works as the U.S. Ambassador to Spain. She married Jacob Reynolds shortly after graduating and six years later had a son named Emerson. They currently reside in Madrid, Spain.

Dora "D.W." Read

D.W. went on to study law at Madison University. She is now a civil rights attorney in Washington D.C. She married Blaine Allen three years after completing her degree. She is currently pregnant with their first child, a girl. They also plan to become foster parents one day.

Kate Read

Kate is currently studying to be a veterinarian at Harrison University. In her free time she volunteers at the animal shelter and has two adopted cats, Coco and Gomez. She hasn't time for relationships as of now but did have a boyfriend in high school and also a girlfriend in college followed by a short term boyfriend. She is interested in a girl named Lauren. She lives in Borough near Francine and her family.


Emily tried to become a model and actress after high school however she was too short for modeling and after several rejections for acting gigs she decided to become a French translator. Her crush on Buster eventually ended in high school. She did marry Buster's friend Jake briefly after graduation but after two years they divorced. She now lives in Paris working as a translator. She is currently single.


Jake attended Elwood City Community College for a year before dropping out. He worked odd jobs eventually deciding he wanted to be a tattoo artist. He apprenticed with Axel for 3 years before becoming a full-fledged artist himself. He eloped with his first wife Sharon three months before graduation, they divorced six months later. A year later he became engaged to a girl named Trish, but the engagement ended after 3 months when she admitted to cheating on him and he admitted to cheating on her. He then married D.W.'s best friend Emily after she graduated high school only to divorce two years later. He now lives in Harbor Point, an hour west of Elwood City. He works as a tattoo artist and shares joint custody of his 3 year old daughter Rae with his recent ex-girlfriend Candy. He's decided not to date for a while.

A/N: And that is the end my lovelies, I couldn't resist putting in some future stats on what happened to everybody. I tried to diversify it as best as I could so that not everyone had the exact same future. Obviously I didn't do one for everybody, Fern, Binky, Prunella, George, Brain, and Blake were all left out seeing as they really weren't a huge part of the story like the other characters. So what happens to them is entirely up to you guys. Thanks for reading!