Irregular Singularity

Chapter 1:Master of Unlimited Blades and Mana.



REEDIT 2:Grammar fixes

Re-edit 3: Changes

Japan player: HA! You were expecting another RWBY fanfic but it was me! OzmanDIO.

North American Player: HA! You were expecting another RWBY fanfic but it was me! Hans BRANDOson.

Both have the same VA for Dio from JoJo Bizarre Adventure.

If one wondering why I took so long. I have rewritten this like 4 times. I change some lore up and speculate what I can. Because Fate lore is denser than a body made of swords.

1st is basically the ending of a future fanfic.

2nd was outside of Chaldea but I realize how quickly the battle would be over when a lot of servants can fire a laser beam at the Gate.

3rd was too much info dumping which doesn't serve any purpose.

4th is because I decide to move it away from Chaldea instead of inside it because another FatexGate fanfic gives me a great idea.

Only question:Anyone want magecraft and servants to be discovered? And which servant would you like to see kicking Falmart and Falmart God arse? Finally...Pairings?

The Organization for the Preservation of Human Order, the Chaldea Security Organization, is a secret agency founded with the purpose of preventing the "certain extinction" of the human race. An organization that succeeded in its mission.

But there still more to be told.

For another mystery awaits.

In the many multiverses, even the masters of their own story arrive at the aid of humanity when their own reality threatened to burn.

This is a different Grand Order. One was there more than one masters. One where every battle is grander.

O'lord, Once more I shall raise my flag once again for the salvation of the nation.

Nay...For the salvation of this world.

All that is righteous have burned away. All that is holy have died.

Within a mere second, our future has been taken away from us.

Hear me!

O'heroic Spirits, mighty warriors who have gathered here.

No matter if you were sworn enemies or no matter how far your time periods, now you must entrust your backs to one another!

My true name is Jeanne d' Arc. In the name of my lord, I shall stand as your shield!

This struggle is one that has long endured through the sands of human history.

But there no need for concern, as untold fateful encounters await you.

Though this entire planet has become the battlefield of the Holy Grail War.

Though the very world is brought to ruin.

Though Countless formidable enemies block your path.

Our fate has not yet been decided.

Now, let the battle begin! MASTERS!

The curtains rise on the largest scale Holy Grail War in history.Fate: Grand Order.-Jeanne d'Arc

It was after the end of the main singularities and many of the servants and masters are on a well-earned vacation. Many or to be exact, 42 servants and 7 masters are within Tokyo and its surrounding area.

Two of the masters and 14 servants are patrolling Ginza.

"How was your meal?", a waitress walked up to a large table of eight.

"Cook to perfection", A blue eye, petite stature frame complemented," My compliment to the chefs."

"Arturia", Jaguar man aka Fujimura Taiga leans back in her chair,"I enjoy the Emiya boy's cooking as much as you do but shouldn't we cook at home?"

Jaguar man or Taiga, who control the teacher as a demi-human have given both mind and body back but momentarily. It an award for successfully saving the world. Once their in battle, Jaguar Man will retake control.

"No", Irisviel, the dress of heaven sighed," This isn't our universe. So there isn't really a home for any of us to return to."

Irisviel noted knowing that when most of them first met, they were nothing but a stranger to one another. Caster Prisma Illya and Kuro came from the same universe while Kiritsugu and herself haven't met in their world.

There a chance that Shirou Emiya is a regular boy, Kiritsugu a magus killer, Illya wasn't born, and she died years ago.

There, master, Illyaviel and Shirou Emiya, were from the same world. They along with what Iris would call Prisma Illya and Kuro(Chloe) are the main driving force behind wanting to get the Emiya family back together.

Even if they are stranger, time pull them together and with each moment that past. They did build a connection with one another especially the two masters.

Then something strange started to happen.

Memories started to flood in for every copy of their servant essences.

From every battle, they knew each other even more.

They saw their master's and each other memories.

From what their master's tell them about who they were. The feeling of camaraderie become something more.

It was strange at first because it isn't then but the feeling becomes apart of who they are.

The dress of Heaven when she first saw Assassin EMIYA can't help but feel a sharp pain in her heart and longing for him.

She can't stop thinking about him.

"But…. Seeing you isolated …Is very painful for me",the Holy Grail pleaded.

The conversation she had with him in his room all those months ago. It was still in her memory.

Assassin EMIYA may have turned his heart into steel yet even he couldn't completely suppress his old self. The other him that died.

He still isn't the loving father and husband of two homunculi, Kiritsugu Emiya. The counter guardian known as EMIYA of the Roses is still cold and calculating when they first met, yet he's less hostile. No longer considering them potential enemies or a liability.

"Don't call me by that name. But I see… you do know that name...Please get out of my room now. The time for us to talk may eventually come one day-But that day is definitely not today. Irisviel Von Einzbern", The mage killer hissed coldly as the Dress of Heaven ran away in tears, passed Prisma Illya and Chole.

Since the Einzberns did not plan to employ an outsider as their representative Master, he failed to encounter his wife that he was supposed to meet, and thus, he never experienced any partings with his wife, and he never got to succumb to the parting's mental pain, and as a result, his heart of steel stayed as a steel and eventually, his emotions wilted and his soul was offered to the Counter Force.

Back in the present, Assassin EMIYA can't help but pity the similar situation to the other EMIYA; Archer and his alter form. The different between the two is that EMIYA archer and by extension, his master's duty as a hero of justice is a dream come through. They have save the world and succeeding no less.

The family in front of him, its something he never experiences himself. A foreign feeling from the isolation. Even his father is often in his workshop.

They been together for almost two years.

Illya is enjoying a strawberry parfait with her servant self. Occasionally making cute squealing noises whenever they take a bit.

Ilya was dress similar to Irisviel but it was violet while Prisma Illya opted for short skirts and long sleeve shirt.

Kuro was teasing the two lookalikes.

EMIYA and Shirou Emiya are teaching the cooks in the kitchen about what real cooking is like. If they could stop their bickering over the most tedious of tasks.

The both of them are in their casual clothes. EMIYA in a black dress shirt and pants. Shirou in his jacket and jeans.

Assassin absolutely didn't want to come but by master command seals he has to. He couldn't resist one without a rank down but six of them?


Winning an actual Grail War with Mata Hari is more likely.

He looks up from his empty dish to see the Dress of Heaven in a white trench coat and fur hat giving him an innocent smile which barely hid the sadness underneath.

Saber, Artoria, on the other hand, would occasionally shot dirty. She's wearing a blue skirt and white blouse in a more conservative fashion.

Taiga, Jaguar Man, have her animal appearances hidden with magic and worn black pants and a v-cut long sleeve shirt showing some cleavage.

"I'm going out to smoke", the magus killer excuse himself. His combat attire was removed in place of a familiar black suit.

The Emiya and Fujimaru watch Assassin EMIYA leave the restaurant.

"One day", Irisviel signed. She felt a reassuring hand from both sides of her. She turns to see Illyasviel and Kuro looking up at her. Servant Illya smiled reassuringly as their attention was drawn to the commotions in the kitchen.

"For the last time, you damn dense idiot. That not proper cooking temperature. The fillet is too thin. The carrot is supposed to be seasoned differently!",Archer EMIYA argues with himself,"What next?! We're not cooking for the Alter!"

"Damn Red bastard! Don't lecture me about my own cooking!",The carrots should be boiled than seasoned! We already have enough salt as it is!"

"Will you two agree on something?!", Taiga, Jaguar Man, roared,"We don't need Hakuno to tame both of you every time you bicker!"

"He started it!",They both blamed themselves.


The magus killer took a puff of his cigar in an alleyway. He presses his back onto a wall waiting for the vacation to be over.

"Why do they still insist I'm him?",he wondered with disdain,"Foolish masters."

"It doesn't seem like you're enjoying the vacation Assassin", he hears a familiar voice,"Family outing not working for you?"

He turns to see a lovely young woman with blonde hair, pale white skin, and bright yellow eyes. She was wearing black with the exception of a white belt. Her clothes were a black short, tank top, and unzipped hoodie. In her hand was a large, meaty burger she continues to chew on.

"Alter", Assassin spoke calmly,"What do you want?"

"I can't have a little chat with a master of my old self? In an alternate Holy Grail War",the alternate Atoria

"Go bother Jalter."

"You have to admit. If you or 'him' summoned me instead of that White Knight. The Grail War would have gone more smoothly. But remember that convention with cosplayers? Teach was given a go ahead as long as he's in casual clothes but the others..."

Assassin EMIYA dissected her words and realized what it implied.

"No...don't tell me", the arm holding the cigar drop limply to his side,"Damn heroes."

"They're in public right now."

"How many?"

Summer Doujin Convention

"lolololol", Edward Teach wearing a white t-shirt with two skulls in red and blue boxes laughed happily,"Thank for getting me a pass my new friend."

Teach roughly patted his new otaku friend he has been in contact with since the final singularity was over. They were messaging each other online for months and it was recently they met up. It was fortunate because Itami Youji would have missed the convention from an unpredicted event.

"It not a problem Teach-sama", Itami winced in pain from the back pat,"It was the less I could do for my fellow otaku and his friends."

The infamous pirate chuckled,"There more of acquittances. C'mon buddy! Nooow then, Itami, let please go out and buy us some doujinshi."

The pirate half dragged his new friend toward the main entrance, past some of the 'cosplayer' aka, Edward acquittances.

"Boys boys!",A young girl in revealing white outfit and long pink hair adorned with a tiara cracked her wipe,"Don't turn your eyes away. This is me. This is Queen Medb. Well? Tell me what you think?"

"You're welcome to keep taking pictures", a servant with pink hair tied in a braid waved,"Just no touching!"

"We'll really gaining their attention are we?",Chevalier D'Eon pulled 'it' hat down to hid 'it' blush.

The trap of Argalia waved to his fans, who's unaware of his real gender. It would be a real shock when the surrounding otaku realizes his actual identity. The same for Chevalier mysterious gender.

"We love you!", the otakus in the square were taken in by the queen, the spy, and the paladin who they believe to be female cosplayers while being wary of the large giant behind them.

"Let me take your picture!"

"Are they single?"

"Gaw, I don't care if they're cosplaying from an anime I don't recognize! They win!"

"I would date the one with the braids."

"I prefer the slutty princess."

"Beware of their cosplaying bodyguard."

A man tries to quietly approach the Rider from behind only to sense something very frightening behind him. He turns to see a giant with dark grey skin and a suffocating level of killing intent.

He ran immediately from the giant of a man in his 3rd ascension form without his ax.

"Ah! Another one? Good job Heracle", the young girl thanks the Greek hero,"Keep unwanted hands away from me."

"If only Cu Chulainn was here", she sighed,"Well, it not like he makes a good berserker bodyguard/guard dog. Let head right in."

The crowd parted like the red sea once the trio started moving.

Elsewhere,the other servants are enjoying the convention.

"This place is chaotic", Attila picked up a yaoi doujinshi from a nearby stand,"But this is good civilization."

Unlike some of the heroic spirit at the convention, Attila decides it was best to be in her casual clothes. She has on red headphones, a black unzipped jacket, a shirt that read 'Good or Bad Civilization', black short skirt, red ripped leggings, and hide raise boots. Her short hair is tied up and without the long white veil which often trick people into thinking it's her hair.

"All these Mongrels ignoring my presences for the Queen of Whores", A golden armored king held an annoyed visage," So be it. It isn't worth my attention."

"Now, Out of all the place you could be", Altera notices,"Why would the King of Heroes hang around here? I never figure the King that own everything would be here. It likely your one of these 'otaku'."

"Oh, you mongrel. I will-", Gilgamesh stops himself knowing that if he opens the Gate of Babylon in public. The golden king decides to walk off angrily. It as if everyone is taking cheap insult lately knowing he can't punish them for their insolences.

In reality, it's Shirou, Ishtar, the Cu Chulainn's, and EMIYA that dare to insult him.

The main reason why he is such a deplorable event is that every divine servant felt something odd. It wasn't a singularity or another event. It was something different. As if one world was forcing it way into this one. The severity is unknown but some of the most powerful servants arrive to investigate and stop it.

Plus, he wanted to be worshipped as a king once again in all his golden glory. It one of the few time a servant can walk with mortals without being out of place.

"Huh?", She notice the king of hero leave,"Did I say something wrong?"

It was something different and the vacation was really a front for something else. Of course, the Mages Association wasn't notified because Chaldea and the Association are on bad term ever since the investigation conducted months ago. The result was the attempted arrest of several of the Masters. The clocktower going as far as cutting off funding from all sources only to realize the facility is pretty self-sufficient when their servants that can single handed fund the entire place without a single dent in the servant's wealth.

There at the moment, seven masters at Chaldea and five of them are unknown factors and the main reason why the ClockTower wanted to arrest them. The simple fact is five mysterious masters are in command of powerful heroic spirits capable of widespread destruction doesn't sit well with the Association. Even the original 48 masters were screened intensely before they even considered to be a candidate.

Then their an uproar from the families that lost their sons and daughters, the 46 masters that dead in the bombing from the very beginning of Chaldea mission. In a long complicated chain of event, the Chaldea Security Organization become independent of all interference even the Animusphere family could no longer fund the organization. Thirty-six of those masters belong to a magus family which is curious as to how their child died. Even after they're assured the system was safe.

If all hell broke loose and the anomaly become widespread. They will try to contain it.

If they failed, well, the world just learned about servants and magecraft. The latter is highly unlikely when Chaldea set up a massive city-wide boundary field while getting ready to erase thousands if not millions of people memory in a timely manner.

A massive task that's not too difficult when Chaldea have the greatest scientists, inventors, alchemists, and magus from throughout history to come up with a way to keep the information contained.

As long as a certain old vampire doesn't get bored. Chaldea will prevent their discovery. Alaya knows how shocked/surprise some people will be if myths and legends exist. Including some of their greatest heroes being the wrong gender or age as taught in history classes.

In short, the servants and the masters are on their own. A few mana generator were set up since this indeed, isn't a singularity where they can rayshift in and solve. This is the real world as the lone organization attempt to locate an anomaly.

Normally, a servant beside Mash wouldn't stay long in a Singularity with their master. It's long enough to win a fight and head back before the mana drain kills said master.

Although, Illya status as a Lesser Grail with unlimited Prana help take the ease off of maintaining all the other servants. The other masters still share some of the burden.

Back at the restaurant

Illya was enjoying the time together and getting to know herself or what could be her if she lived a normal life as a 12-year-old girl. It makes her wonder if her life would end up the same way if her father, Kiritsugu, choose her over his wish for world peace.

Whether or not the class card system will exist is uncertain.

"Illyasviel", Kaleid Illya said to differ between herself and her master,"Where to next?"

"It up to oniichan", She responded,"So tell me more about Miyu Shirou? We didn't finish the conversation yet."

"Miyu brother?",Chloe noted," Only the most handsome brother I ever meant! He clears an entire Grail War within a single night. All for the sake of our Miyu."

"Our Shirou in our universe is an ordinary as any high school student but yours is almost the same as hers. Even the pact of tanned skin and white hair look me up", Kalied Illya explained,"The only difference is...their eyes and ideas."


"I will just call him Miyu-Shirou", Kuro(Chloe) continue,"He doesn't care for the salvation of the world but only the happiness of Miyu. Honestly, When I first saw Assassin EMIYA eyes, they matched perfectly to when I first met Miyu brother, only one of them found peace."

"I just hope that boy doesn't end up with a mind of steel", Taiga or Jaguar Man added." Alter EMIYA become his own brand of heroism. But let's not have this conversation get any darker. I think we need to dine and dash after we drop off some money. Before those top chefs are chain to the kitchen."

The main reason why this Shirou. The Shirou of Chaldea is constantly compare by two particular servants to another Shirou is due to how strong he has gotten training with many Heroic Spirits. He the only master in Chaldea that would personally join a battle. Earning respect from some of the servants.

In the kitchen, the manager approaches the master and servant after taste testing their meal. She practically begged the two to work for her. She even wants as far as being willing to fire several employees so the total salary from them would be what she pays the two.

"Please! I begged you! I'll pay both of you the equivalent of 10 men!", she got on her hands and knees,"I can't afford to lose you!"

"Not interested", They spoke at the same time.

"I'll give your entire family work and they can eat all they want! Free of charge!"

In the background, Artoria eyes sparkled.


"Sorry, ma'am. But we have somewhere to be and-", Shirou was interrupted."Please!"

The red hair young man felt a nudge on his arm as a mental message was sent to him.

'Everyone ready to dash and run. We already paid our amount', Archer mentally explained.

'Run for it?'


Before she even knew it the Emiya's and Fujimaru are gone, leaving a pile of yens.

As the group ran off with Master Illya clinging onto EMIYA and Shirou using reinforcement to catch up with the servants. The family could hear a loud wail from behind them.

The 2 masters and servants came to an emptied alleyway where they could rest. They were sure not to run too fast so it doesn't look superhuman but fast enough if the manager were to give chase, she'll never reach them.

"We far enough", EMIYA look back,"Illya get off my back."

"Can I stay longer other oniichan?"

"No fair! I want to climb on Archer back", Caster Illya huffed.

"Bad Illya! We're in modern society now! You don't want BOTH oniichan to be arrested do you?",Ruby joked to Caster Illya shock and real Illya embarrassment.

"EHH?!", they both shouted simultaneously.

"Well, Master Illya is actually old enough to drink so…",Kuro thought.

"No drinking young lady", The Dress of Heaven warned," No matter the age."

Shirou look around the alleyway to make sure no one around.

"When is this anomaly coming up?"

As if on cue, Merlin contacted everyone.

"Anomaly manifesting at Ginza square masters", He spoke,"Get ready."

"Thank you, Merlin and your clairvoyance", Artoria praised until she notices someone didn't come with,"Shirou. He disappeared again."

"He's an assassin. Kerry somewhere around here", Taiga shrugged.

The two masters and servants look at each other ready for the anomaly. It was second later that the servant switches off their casual clothes for battle attire. Illya hopping off Archer back.

EMIYA in his iconic red cloths and black breastplate. His bow materializing in his left hand; Caladbolg II in the other.

The magical girl sparkle as she changes into her 3rd ascension form, the magical wand Ruby was in both of her hands.

Irisviel with the Dress of Heaven. A determine expression show on the homunculus face.

Kuro in her standard revealing outfit showing off her olive skin. The twin married blade in her hands.

Jaguar Man was already in her normal attire but the magic hiding her ears are gone.

Illya creates several familiar birds. She release them into the skies to scout the surrounding area.

Arturia Pendragon materializes Excalibur alongside her armor.

"Trace on", Shirou felt his circuit burns as kanshou and bakuya appear by his side,"Be ready for anything."

Everyone nodded their head as the Gate materialize in Ginza Square, not too far from them.

"Let deal with it as a family", Kuro smiled.

"Plus Jaguar-sensai", Illya mentioned.

A/N: I personally think I could write better but school killing me with a SIX day work week. FUUUU…

This could have been much longer as I also cover not two and 14 servants but all seven masters and the 42 servants. There only 14 at the moment so the rest will be revealed later. Because in-universe, not all the servants will be in Ginza. Would you trust Spartacus and Columbus in modern society?

Yes, this is an AU from standard FATE GO lore and their more than one masters. I also took some dialogue from the wiki page so yes, a little bit of plagiarizing but only snippets.

A manga one-shot inspires the hostility between Chaldea and the Mage Association.

If anyone from NA doesn't recognize any of the servant here the list of those that made an appearance…Edward Teach:RiderMebd: RiderHeracles: BerserkerAstolfo: RiderD'Eon: SaberAttila: SaberGilgamesh: ArcherAssassin EMIYA: AssassinIrisviel: CasterEMIYA: ArcherKuro: ArcherIllya: CasterArtoria(Not Altria): SaberAlter Artoria: Saber

Master:Shirou Emiya Illyasviel Emiya

I plan to slowly leak in the info about how Chaldea came to become an independent organization and the storyline behind the masters who are all canon.

Now, if anyone wants to add me to Fate GO NA. My ID is 066,373, 436. Name under 1ticketscath; for the salt collection.

I have an lvl 96 Jeanne, 92 Scathach, and Hans Anderson at 70 all grailed. There also Nero and EMIYA being close behind as my next best.

No, I don't whale. I'm an F2P with A- rank luck.

Leave a review and guess who the other masters are. Because I came up with the first six.

The 7th is a tie betweenMiyu Emiya from Prisma Illya.

Sigma from Fate/Strange Fake.

Another Hakuno because one Hakuno already in the story.

Sieg from Fate/Apocrypha

Someone from the Nasuverse

Preview: Rough Draft

"Sorry for stealing your kills", the (regendary)Samurai materialize next to Siegfried,"There still plenty of Wyverns to go around."

"Sorry accepted."