Previous on Ana, Baby Sister

I'm about to say something totally random when her door opens, and Christian walks in. He smiles at me briefly before turning to Ros. "Ros, we have a meeting, with those guys from Texas."

She stands right up, so I'm assuming it's a big deal. "We'll talk later, Ana." I nod as she walks out, thinking how that is not going to happen.

After a few minutes in her office I start to get bored, and so I walk out of her office, seeing someone I haven't seen for almost 10 years. Her black hair is longer than I remember, but her eyes still shine that emerald green that was my only bright spot for 5 years.


She looks at me, and recognition immediately hits her. She rushes over to me, giving me a tight hug.

"Little bug, I've missed you so much."

I pull back, disbelief filling me. I haven't seen Sarah since she saved me.

"Sarah, what are you doing here?"

Her eyes sparkle, and she holds my face gently with one hand. She used to do this when we would have more than half an hour together, and it was one of the only things that managed to give me a little comfort. "After our time together, I had to get out of here, and so I moved to Texas where I went to college for Business Administration and Economics. I now have a job as an assistant to Bear Cummings, the CEO of a big corporation down in Texas. We're meeting with Grey's team. Listen, I would love to talk, but we have a huge meeting. We must catch up before I leave for Texas again."

I nod, and she gives me another hug. "I've missed you so much, Little Bug," she whispers, and I smile at her nickname for me. She pulls away, smiling at me once before heading in the direction of the meeting room.

Andrea watches us. "Sarah?" I nod, and she smiles. "Good to finally put a face to the name."

As I watch Sarah I think about the promise I made to her that last day.

"You little bitch, you are in for a treat," he says to me, holding his phone. I am tied up in the basement, no clothes on except a pair of panties. He luckily has not chosen to rape me yet, but he has done so much that it feels like it.

"What could you possibly do to me that hasn't been done before?" I spit at him.

He slaps me hard, causing me to see stars. "Don't speak to me like that, bitch. Lucky for you, I've left this beautiful thing untouched." He reaches down and touches me over my panties, and I freeze. He grins, rubbing me. "I've decided I'm not enough to use this. I think I need to invite over some friends."

He grabs my face, kissing me hard and rough. I can't push him away or kick him since my hands and feet are tied up to a chair, so I settle with biting his tongue. When I taste blood I almost gag, and I expect him to move away, but he just grins. "Oh you dirty girl, you should know I have a thing for blood by now," he whispers, slapping between my legs this time. I look down. "Don't want you leaving on me while I go." He takes his hand, hitting me hard enough on the head to knock me out.

When I come to he's gone, and Sarah is there, cutting my ropes with a knife. When I go to speak she puts a finger to my lips. "Ana, I don't have a lot of time to explain. I overheard what they were going to do to you, and I can't let that happen. I'm getting you out of here."

"Your video -" I say to her while slipping on the tattered clothes she gave me.

"He still has it, but they said they would leave you as good as dead. You've become like a sister, Ana, and I'm not letting you die." She grabbed my hand when I was done, and together we ran through the house. Bryan, a taller guy who is always left to guard the door just in case I decide to leave, gets in stance when he sees us. "Bryan, boss told me to let her go."

"I said no fucking thing," Andrew growls. He walks into the living room from the kitchen, two muscle guys behind him. "You're not fucking leaving right when we are going to have our fun."

Sarah turns to me. "You need to promise, Little Bug, that when you are out of here you won't turn back, and that you will get help. Being in a screwed up place like this does no one good. Promise me!"

I nod as the guys are discussing what to do with us. She grabs me and runs, going to the front door and throwing me out. "Remember the promise, Little Bug. Get help." She looks at me sadly before shutting the door.

I shake my head, so tired of the memories that have haunted me for 10-13 years. I made good on one part of my promise; I never looked back. I ran and ran in the direction of my sisters school. It's time to try and hold up the second part.

"Andrea, do you know of any good therapists around here?"

"Actually, I do. I know someone who goes to this one guy. He's expensive, but I would be taking care of the bill. His name is Dr. Flynn. Here, this is his card. Try and give him a call." She hands me his card. I look at the address and see that he's not far from here, or from our apartment. I nod, walking a distance away and pulling out my cell phone. He answers on the second ring.

"Hello? This is Dr. Flynn."

"Hi. My name is Ana Steele. I would like to make an appointment."

We're on the phone talking for awhile, and I discover that he is a really nice guy. Unfortunately, he doesn't have a spot open for a week, but I agree to go then. At this point the meeting is over, and everyone is shaking hands goodbye. Sarah is shaking hands with Mr. Grey, who has not taken his eyes off of me since coming out of the conference room. She looks over, and when she sees me she grins. Bidding him goodbye she comes over, wrapping me in another hug. I hug her tightly, grateful for her presence.

"We're in town for a few days, Little Bug. Call me, and we'll get dinner together." She smiles and then heads for the elevators, disappearing with the other Texas people. Mr. Grey comes over, stopping in front of me.

"Anastasia, do you mind if I have a word with you?"

I look at my sister who just shrugs. I nod, following him into his office. I stay near the door in case I need to leave. He just looks at me, sitting on the couch.

"I'm sorry we've had your sister away from you for most of the day. She is the best assistant I've had since starting the company."

My eyes widen at his apology. "It's okay. I know how busy she is."

He nods, his eyes not leaving me. "I was wondering if you wanted to get coffee with me. It's such a nice day, and there's a cute little coffee shop around the corner."

That's not what I was expecting, and part of me is saying no because the last time I was alone in the company of a guy in a public place - I shiver, thinking of the memory. The other part of me is screaming YES because Christian does not seem like the kind of guy who would take advantage of a woman like that.

I smile, a little stressed. "I would really like to get coffee with you."

It's the cutest little coffee shop. It's simple but homey at the same time. There's two people there drinking coffee besides us. I order Twinings English Breakfast tea instead of coffee.

"Not a big fan of coffee," I admit to him, and he smiles. His smile disarms me for a second, because I don't feel worry or fear. I feel safe, and it's . . . good.

"But you still agreed to go and have coffee with me," he asks as we sit down at our table.

"You're my sister's boss, and she's worked for you for four years. It's time I see what kind of man she's been working for." My voice sounds more confident than I feel, and deep down I know it is because this man is making me relax. I frown at the thought.

"Ask me anything you want."

For the next hour I question him on his family, how long he's worked, and a bunch of other things. Apparently he's had GEH for about 7 years, and I widen my eyes when he sees he created the company at age 21. That would mean he's 28 now.

"Okay, it's your turn. Tell me about your family."

I shrug. "I have my sister, that's it."

"I mean your Mom and Dad. Tell me about them."

I freeze up. I haven't seen them since I was 4. Mom was a crack addict who died in my arms, and dad left to go be with some younger blonde. My mind goes to thinking about her dead body in my arms, the lifeless look in her eyes, and how that led to the abuse I experienced for 5 years.

"I'm sorry, I can't handle this," I say, standing up. I grab my purse. "Thank you for the tea, but I have to go. We should do this again."

"Ana, I don't want you to go." I freeze at his words. He doesn't get up. "Look, I'm sorry for bringing it up. We don't have to talk about your parents."

"It's okay. I just don't like talking about it." He nods, understanding. "Look, Mr. Grey, I have had a lovely hour. This has been nice, but I honestly do need to go."

He nods, standing up. "This has been nice, Anastasia. I hope we can do this again."

I think about it. Inside I am thinking Yes, I want to spend so much time with you, but my brain is saying for me to get away as far as possible. Being in the company of a man for any amount of time fills me with unease, and although it hasn't happened with Christian yet I have a feeling deep down.

"Goodbye, Mr. Grey," I say, nodding to him before I go. Something flashes in his eyes, and I think he wants to say something but he doesn't. He watches me go, and I sigh as I head out. I really need to talk to Dr. Flynn, and I don't know if I can wait until next week.