Disclaimer - I do not own Supernatural or any of its characters. I only own my OC, Christina Singer


Christina Singer or as most people called her Chrissy had a difficult childhood. Her mother died when she was only a couple of months old, her father had killed her not realising that a demon was possessing her. After that her father learnt more about what was really out there from a "friend" Rufus. Once her father discovered that the things others considers as just nightmares were real he wanted to hunt them down and kill as many as possible. While her father was out there killing monsters Chrissy would stay with the Mills family who were more than happy to look after her while her father was away on "business trips" as her father liked to call them. She knew the truth about what was out there, she had accidentally overheard a conversation her father and Rufus were having.

Once finding out the truth she wanted to learn as much as she could about the creatures, she had asked her father to tell her, which he did reluctantly. She was stubborn like her father even as young as she was she wouldn't drop it until her father told her everything.

When she was older she used to get angry about how much her dad left, their relationship was a strained one for awhile, her father drank a lot and got angry, she learned during the years that the anger wasn't at her but at himself for everything that he'd done, killing her mother (but she didn't find out about that until she was older) and bringing her into hunting. After a heated argument between father and daughter when Chrissy was only 6 years old Bobby finally caved and let her come with him from then on, even if she just stayed in the hotel room to read books or help Bobby do research she was happy that she got to spend more time with her father.

Chrissy and Bobby's father daughter relationship became stronger because of it, Bobby cut back on the drinking and became more of a father figure to his daughter. She seemed to enjoy it for the most part, traveling round the country and helping save people from the things that went bump in the night. That was until she started getting older and wanted to actually help kill the things.

Bobby was very reluctant at first to let her out on hunts with him, but after a couple of months of constant asking he finally gave in. However before he let her hunt he was determined to get her trained. He started with teaching her to fight which Chrissy pick up pretty quickly, she wasn't the strongest but she was fast which gave her an advantage. Next was learning how to shoot which again she picked up quickly for a kid, it's like she was born to be a hunter.

After six months of intensive training Bobby decided that Chrissy was ready for her first hunt, however with her only begging 10 he wasn't letting her go anywhere alone and he certainly wasn't sending her anywhere dangerous. He found a simple salt and burn case a few mile away.

Chrissy geared up for the hunt remembering to restock the trunk with rock salt before they left. She was excited that she could finally help her dad save people, little did she know that her first hunt would change her life forever.

A/N: so just a brief introduction about Christina and how she got into hunting, I'll hopefully have the first official chapter up sometime in the next couple of days. Updates to this story may be a little slow as I'm also currently writing a Walking Dead fic. I'll try to at least update once a week.