Grey felt the pain radiating throughout her body before she even opened her eyes. She groaned quietly, forgetting about trying to survey the situation before letting her captors know she was awake. She tried to blink, pushing herself up on the hard bed. Unfortunately, the grimace that pulled her face at the pain shooting through her shoulder wasn't something she could hold back.

"What the ever-living fu-" Grey whispered, leaning forward on the mattress and gripping her shoulder. She could feel a bandage through the light material of her shirt, and she wondered to herself why her captors would bother fixing her wound.

Her captors.

Grey sat straight up, letting her arm fall to her side. This time she was able to hide the pain, and her face didn't show a glimpse of the agony shooting through her whole body. She was sore, bruised from her fall. Her shoulder ached and stung, and she figured whoever dug the arrow out hadn't been too careful.

The room was small, she noticed. Just four white walls, perfectly clean and bare. Grey swung her feet slowly off the bed as she surveyed the room. Beside her bed, which was really just a thin mattress on what looked like a surgeon's table, her new prison seemed to be completely empty. Grey pushed off the table to stand next to it, gripping the edge of the metal frame as she adjusted to her shaky position.

Don't be weak. This is nothing, suck it up and knock it off.

Grey stood straight, letting go of the table and mentally berating herself for the slight tremble her legs gave. This is stupid, I'm really not hurt. Grey shook her head, noticing the hard cement floor under her bare feet. All that happened were results of my own carelessness. Noticing the ground led Grey's gaze to her legs. A simple shot to the shoulder and a short fall. Bare feet, bare legs, and a thin long sleeved nightgown. At least they'd had the decency to provide her with clothing, she'd had a few incidents over the years that had been much more degrading.

The white nightgown was at least thick enough not to really show anything, but Grey still had to resist crossing her arms over her chest. Stupid. In her brief review of her body, she noticed that none of her appendages were handcuffed or tied to the metal bed she'd woken up on. Sensing some type of freedom, she allowed herself a few steps forward.

As she started getting used to the headache blurring her vision, Grey noticed with a shock that not all the walls were as bare as she'd originally thought them to be. One of the walls, right in front of her and in plain view of the bed, was covered in a dark grey window.

They've been watching you.

Grey winced internally, feeling the urge to wrap her hand around something hot. How rookie could she be not to notice the painfully obvious one-way window. Prince would be disappointed.

She stood with her eyes closed, facing the window but head tilted down at her feet. She needed to get a grip on her emotions and focus, try to figure out the who, what, when, where, why, and how.

Is what she should do.


Grey opened her eyes, glanced up at the one-way with a smirk, and then turned on her heel. Whoever was behind that window was watching her for some reason, and they wanted her alive since they hadn't let her die from her earlier wounds. She made her way to the bed, swiping the mattress onto the floor and pushing it with her foot to the corner of the room.

There wasn't any food or water, and she couldn't see a door anywhere in the room. Obviously there had to be some way in and out, and Grey felt slightly vulnerable not knowing where this opening was. However, doors weren't usually placed in corners. So the furthest corner from the one-way seemed like a good bet, and Grey plopped herself down on the mattress.

Her body immediately relaxed, finding comfort on the hard mattress. Grey's muscles relaxed, and she felt hunger and exhaustion bein to bleed through the mask of pain she'd been fighting off. This was not ideal. Heaving a quick sigh, Grey pushed herself back off the mattress and back toward the naked metal frame in the middle of the room. She kicked it onto its side and planted her foot on it's cold surface. Holding back another glance and smirk at the one-way, she grabbed onto one of the beds support rods and yanked. The welding held for a few thrusts, but before her shoulder gave out the rod finally tore away from the rest of the frame.

Now her body was screaming, and she knew she'd torn through the stitches in her shoulder. Her already tired and aching muscles were stiffening, and Grey knew that her body was extremely angry at her and far from the relaxed point it had just a moment ago reached.

However, looking down at the sturdy and sharp edged metal rod in her hands, Grey felt a slight peace wash over her mind. She felt just a bit safer than she had before, and her head felt a bit clearer. This was good.

She made her way back to the comfort of the mattress pushed against the corner and kicked it out of the way. She settled between the edge of the softer surface and the wall, then sat down on the cold cement with her new weapon in hand. She drew her knees to her chest and clutched the metal rod, situating so she could see the other walls and the one-way (and so that her unfortunate apparel covered everything).

Her shoulder had started bleeding through her nightgown, her body was aching and sore, and her hands were slightly bloody from yanking on the metal frame's rough welding. Her mind was clearing, and her vision was focusing. This was good.