Chapter 8 already. I told you guys I'd be making them longer and longer as we go. Thanks for following and favoriting. Means a lot. I do plan on seeing this through till the end, if not writing more stories. I have a few ideas on the back burners that I'm toying with. With that being said, I own practically nothing, other than the plot and original characters, I own nothing. Let's just get into this next chapter. Dang I wrote this a while ago. I'm sorry about the wait. No promises on it happening again. Shit happens in life sometimes.

After roughly 15 minutes of sitting in doing nothing and waiting for J to wake up Percy had decided that next time they really need to discuss the plan before going in. The only thing note that had happened since J had been knocked out were more threats of being eaten by the large creature standing roughly 7 meters behind them, and the return of a large volume of the bats that had left. Percy's thin ice shield had protected them for this long, but the repetitive sweeps into it being made by the bats were weakening it greatly. Musing to himself while listening to the screeching of bats, and the small echoes from within the cave Percy felt a small stirring to his left.

"I told you I was done drinking the last time I got this hammered C" was the low murmur that came from J's lips "I'm not even the legal drinking age."After hearing the whisper, all the worry Percy previously held melted, and he proceeded to shake J's shoulder in an attempt to get his attention refocused to the task at hand.

"J come on man, you need to sit up"

"Ugh what the hell happened... Percy?"

"Hi, yes, there is a very large bat creature that wants to kill us and suck our blood just a few feet away." At the blank look Percy received from J he continued. "Camazotz, remember?"

"Oh shit, yeah. Just gimme a second." J responded as he began to search through the bag he was carrying. As he pulled an object out of the duffle he continued. "Camazotz, we've come to bargain."

Percy could see the small smirk on his face as J said this. The object in his hand was hard to make out in the dark, but Percy could tell it was sizable, and it almost seemed to have an ethereal glow coming from it.

After moments of agonizing silence the creature standing just a few feet away spoke once again. "What could you posssibly have to bargain withhh"

"One of the few things that you actually want in this world, power, and divine blood. But we need something in return."

"I will hear your proposition, but I will not hhesitate for a momennt" Camazotz spat out, with an ancient and angry voice.

Without hesitation, J stepped out from behind the column and began to step towards Camazotz, without knowing exactly what was happening, Percy followed. "You've felt it haven't you? The stirring, the power in the air, and the hostility of your own element. The darkness is stronger, but it is less cooperative is it not? It is unusual for you to even be awake now, but here we are. Something is happening Camazotz. We're not the only ones who have noticed. It's a-"

Before J could go any further the Mayan god cut him off "What would a mortaall and a demigod of that pantheon have to do about it. What's ssstopping me from killing you where you ssstand. I would take both your offering and your lives and could continue on like nottthiing happened." The voice boomed with an unearthly power, the screeching and deepness clashing to create a cacophony of chaotic words.

"Because Camazotz, even with the rest of the gods of the underworld from your pantheon on your side you could not stand against what is coming, and our plan is the only way we have a chance."

Percy watched the preceding for some time, only feeling more confused as time went on. Just how much does J know that he isn't telling me? The questions Percy had remained unanswered, and little has been done to assuage the worries he held deep within. If anything he felt worse now than before.

J's speech broke through Percy's musings "take this, a blood pack filled with ichor of the gods. Return some of your strength ichor drinker of the Americas. And when you get your strength I ask only you allow us to continue my patron's plan. Take Percy, train him, take him into Xibalba to the other death gods of the Mayan pantheon. Fill him with your power, for he is destined to be our savior once again. Do what you must, test him, work him, make him gain your favor. But realize that without Percy, we will not last."

As the package of blood flew through the air the glow lit the cave around them a small amount. It was not until it came within Camazotz grasp could Percy finally make out the creature that had tormented them for their tenure in the cavern. It was bipedal, like a human, but that is nearly the extent of its human-like qualities. A crown of an unknown metal sat upon the beings head, on the crown were three skulls , locked in an eternal scream. The eerie golden glow cast by the blood bag threw further shadows along Camazotz dark features, making his furry mane look darker than the night he favors. Dark purple runic markings marred the beings leathery black skin, with a dull wispy purple energy seeping from several points. The claws that gripped the bag were razor sharp, yet with the surgical accuracy not to shred the plastic bag he held in his hands. The four-fingered hand, lead to his wrists, upon which sat two bracers made from the same metal that his crown contained, jettisoning off of which are the massive wings, leathery, nearly translucent, and crisscrossed with purple veins. While they looked thin, an untold power was held within them. The lean body held a muscular power that would seem illogical on any human, but Percy could tell from the cracks in the rock he was perched on, to the coiled appearance of Camazotz, the being before them was much stronger than he appeared. But it wasn't till he reached the face did Percy realize just how much danger they had been in. As the creature before them brought the bag up to his mouth, the illumination showed him what had been tormenting, and threatening to eat them for the past few hours. It's human like features had almost entirely ended. A twisted face, crossed between that of a bat, and one of a human sat on top of his shoulders. Camazotz' ears were massive and seemingly twitching towards the slightest sound made throughout the cave, pierced at the bottom by two boney horns. It's mouth filled with razor-like teeth tore into the bag and drained it of its contents in record time. As he drank, Camazotz began to glow, the dark purple runic markings began to brighten slightly and the wisps began to deep further from its body, by the time it was finished Camazotz look much larger and stronger than he did moments prior.

"The blood of a being older than civilization is hard to come by, but you likely had no isssue, did you, priest?" Camazotz voice, still impossibly high while filled with bass, seemed smoother and his words less slurred. "It has been so long since I had a drink of divine blood, and never before of this caliber. I know of what you speak, what is stopping me from letting the war be fought, and making like I did the last time a great conflict happened. Sticking to the shadows, feeding on the fallen. Why shouldn't I move to whatever is coming's side hmmm?"

It was Percy who spoke first this time, surprising both himself and the others in the room.

"I think you know, just as well as me or J that you won't be able to survive whatever is coming. I think you're scared, and you know it. You can feel it. It wasn't your weakened state that kept you here, mortals showed no threat to you even then, it's your element becoming hostile, not so accommodating. You know you can't stand idly bye. That's what will keep you from acting as you have in the past."

J, quickly jumping in continued "it's not about sides Camazotz. There is no sides in the battle to come. It's more of a do or die. What's coming won't want allies, and it will sooner kill without hesitation than even entertain the thought. It doesn't care about life. It's indifferent, not even the ancient evils from any civilization was as completely uncaring as the entity coming. Even you realize that life is a necessity. You can't escape that truth. All I ask is that you help. For your own sake at the very least."

Several moments of silence past as their statements came to a close. The tension in the room as palpable as they awaited a response. It wasn't until Camazotz spoke up again that either J or Percy released a breath they had no idea they were holding.

With blood still dripping from his fangs, the large bat slightly nodded his head. "The demigod can come to Xibalba. But you, priest, cannot. No mortal without the blood of a divine can step foot into the Maya underworld and return. I will maintain my bargain, but I expect nothing less than promised. I have felt a shift. My power has grown, yet my subjects are dying. Darknessss isss no longer the friend it onccee wasss." His hiss grew as his anger did. "Batsss all acrosss the world, my network of ssspiesss are falling. I will help, but of my own interest, not humanities."

"That is to be expected Camazotz, I must thank you for considering our proposal," J said as he took a small bow, without stopping he turned towards Percy, who had remained upright through the entire conversation." You'll be fine if course Percy, and you will not be left completely alone, my patron is watching. It's for the better that I can't come with you, there are a few errands I need to run, things need to be set in motion, and of course I have duties I must attend to. I have full trust in you."

Percy's nod went unnoticed by the teen standing next to him, as he reached down to grab his bag and throw it over his shoulder. "What now then?"

"Well you heard Man-Bat over there, you're going to another pantheon's underworld, and I'll be back when you finish. Don't worry Percy. You're a quick study. I believe my patron is calling me now. Matters must be attended to." His head tilted to the side slightly as if listening to an unheard voice, after a slight nod, he turned back to face Percy. "Best of luck Perce, I'll be back soon."

Percy watched as the only friend he had at the moment seemed to fade into nothingness before disappearing with a small pop and flash of light.

More confused than ever Perseus Jackson decided to do what he does best, jump in and face his problems head on.

"Okay where do we start."

The smile that appeared on Camazotz face, lit only by the slight glow of riptide was unnerving to say the least.

"By going down." Those were the last words Percy heard before he was picked up off his feet and rocketed through the air at inhumane speeds.


"He'll be alright J. I've told you this. I helped push Camazotz towards the right decision."

"Yeah I know C. I know.


Meanwhile, in eastern Kansas.

"Are we getting closer milady?"

"Yes Thalia. The scent is getting considerably stronger, not much further west now."

"What is Percy doing in Kansas milady."

"Let's hope he's still here so we can find out."

Well. It's been a while. Imma be honest my motivation was hella low. Life gets in the way I guess. Just wanted to say that it's not over. That I'm still working on this. It's not abandoned, and I got some other ideas that are being fleshed out a little. Some that are connected to this story, and some that are very disjointed. Let me know if you guys would read other cross overs if I wrote them. I'll probably write some anyways, but it's nice to get some other opinions. Thanks for reading. Make sure to favorite, and follow. And don't be a stranger, follow my profile, who knows what story I might upload next.