Chapter 12 Johnny and Ash duet of Deck the Halls and Nana's Christmas Party

After everyone else perform their songs Johnny and Ash were ready to go on. "Are you ready for this Ash?" Johnny asked her and she answered, "You better believe I am." Before they went on stage Buster Moon said to the audience, "To conclude this amazing show Johnny will be playing the piano for us along with Ash on her guitar." Johnny and Ash came on stage together ready to sing for the audience Deck The Halls as Johnny began playing the piano and Ash started playing the guitar,

Johnny: "Deck the halls with boughs of holly, Fa la la la la la la la!"

Ash: "Tis the season to be jolly, Fa la la la la la la la!"

Johnny and Ash: "Don we now our gay apparel, Fa la la la la la la la!

Troll the ancient Yuletide carol, Fa la la la la la la la!"

Ash: "See the blazing yule before us, Fa la la la la la la la!"

Johnny: "Strike the harp and join the chorus, Fa la la la la la la la!"

Johnny and Ash: "Follow me in merry measure, Fa la la la la la la la!

While I tell of Yuletide treasure, Fa la la la la la la la!"

Ash: "Fast away the old year passes, Fa la la la la la la la!"

Johnny: Hail the new year lads and lasses, Fa la la la la la la la!

Johnny and Ash: "Sing we joyous all together! Fa la la la la la la la!

Heedless of the wind and weather, Fa la la la la la la la!"

The audience clapped and cheered for Ash and Johnny because they thought the two of them were fantastic. "That concludes our holiday show thank you all for coming and Happy Holidays" Buster Moon told the audience as Rosita, Gunter, Meena, Johnny and Ash all took a bow. After the show was over and the audience were heading home Nana Noodleman came back stage and said to everyone, "You were all wonderful and I enjoy each and every one of your performances I'm having a Christmas party in my home tomorrow and you're all invited." Everyone thanked Nana for what she said and accepted her invitation to her Christmas party. "So are you going to Nana's party tomorrow?" Ash asked Johnny. "Sure why not if you're going" answered Johnny.

Ash and Johnny left the theater together heading for Ash's house. When they got inside Johnny sat down and Ash remembered something, "Oh snap I forgot to give you your present. Here Merry Christmas Johnny. I got this for you when we went Christmas shopping. I wasn't sure when I was going to give it to you since we had that fight. I hope you like it." "Thank you Ash. I actually got something for you as well. Merry Christmas" Johnny said he handed Ash her present. When Ash opened her gift inside the box was a t-shirt that said, "Rock Star" in cool lettering. "Oh Johnny this is awesome. I've actually wanted this shirt for a while. Thank you" said Ash. "You're welcome and I can't wait to see what you got me" replied Johnny as he opened his gift. "This sweater is great. It feels so soft thank you." Ash was happy that Johnny liked his present from her. "Well I should get home before it gets too late. Good night Ash" Johnny said. "Wait before you go here is something for you" Ash said as she began kissing him. Johnny kissed Ash back.

After Johnny left Ash went to bed for the night with a smile on her face. The next morning was Christmas Day and Ash was looking forwarded to attending Nana Noodleman's Christmas party with Johnny. Later on that day Johnny picked up Ash from her place. "Merry Christmas Ash and you look great in the shirt I gave you. I'm glad you're wearing it" Johnny said as he saw Ash wearing her new shirt. "Thanks Johnny and Merry Christmas to you as well. The sweater I got you looks great on you" replied Ash as she and Johnny left together for Nana's Christmas party. The butler let them in when they got to the house and all of their friends were there along with their families. "Looks like it's going to an awesome party" Johnny said as he saw everyone having fun. "Let's join in on the fun" exclaimed Ash as the two of them greeted her friends and wished them a Merry Christmas.

Christmas music was playing and everyone was dancing and having a great time. Later on one of Nana's services announced that dinner was ready and everyone sat down. After dinner Nana got up from her seat and said, "I had a special Christmas dessert prepared for today and no it isn't fruit cake." Nana's pastry chefs brought out trays of Christmas cookies and cakes for everyone to enjoy. "OMG this is great" Ash said after took a bite of some cake. "You have some frosting on your face" stated Johnny. Ash wondered where on her face she had frosting when all of a sudden Johnny kissed her. Ash turned bright red as everyone else went, "Awwwwwwwww." "That's where it was" winked Johnny making Ash blush even more and smiled at Johnny. When the party was over everyone thanked Nana Nooldeman for inviting them to her home to celebrate Christmas with her and her family. This was one Christmas everyone was going to remember for a very long time especially Johnny and Ash because that was the Christmas when they realized their feelings towards each other.

The End

Author's Note: Hey everyone I finally made it to the end of the story. I hope you all enjoyed reading it. I was going to finish this sooner but for some reason I was unable to upload any documents to the doc manager category since Christmas Day and I was planning on finishing up sooner. Oh well better late than never am I right? The song Deck The Halls that I had Johnny and Ash sing together dates back to the sixteen century and in 1862 Scottish musician Thomas Oliphant (1799–1873) wrote English lyrics for this song. I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas and has a happy and healthy new year. I plan on writing more fan fictions based on the movie Sing. Please stay tune for the next time I write a fan fiction. Peace out from Princesspeach102!