Chapter 1 Lance and Becky break up

A couple of months after Buster Moon and the performers from the talent show pulled off an astounding show Eddie's grandma Nana Noodlemen bought and rebuild the moon theater which was renamed the new moon theater because she was impressed by the performers and her grandson's friend being able to make such an amazing show. As time went on many more wonderful shows were successful at the new moon theater because everyone agreed to come back because they loved putting on shows for all of their fans especially Ash because after being dumped by her boyfriend Lance for a girl named Becky Ash realized her ex-boyfriend just took advanced of her and put Ash down when she wanted to sing and write her own songs. What Ash didn't know that on the night of the talent show when she was performing the song Set It All Free that she wrote Lance and Becky were watching but Becky turned off the T.V. and told Lance, "She's not even that good." "Yeah totally" agreed Lance.

After Becky left the room Lance turned the T.V. back on to finish watching his ex-girlfriend performed. "Turns out Ash can sing and write her own song after all and she is great" Lance said to himself as he continued to watch Ash sing. As time when on whenever Lance and Becky were performing together at the café there were times Lance couldn't get Ash or her song out of his head. One night before Becky and Lance were supposed to sing Lance had his headphones on and listening to Ash's song. "Lance sweetie it's almost time for us to go on stage" said Becky as she tried to get Lance's attention. Lance didn't see or hear Becky coming as he started singing Set It All Free. "LANCE!" Screamed Becky as she took off Lance's headphones and scared the crap out of him. "Becky you scared me what's wrong?" Lance questioned as he had no idea why Becky was so angry with him. "You were listening to your ex-girlfriend's song weren't you?" asked Becky,

"Yeah I was. What's wrong with that? I had no idea how talented Ash really is. I just wish I realized sooner" answered Lance. "Have you forgotten why you dumped that punk for me? Remember she was always at that rehearsal and you believed that if she won Ash would have as you said to me be a total sell out and leave you with nothing. Also that you believed that I'm a much better singer than she will ever be" Becky stated. "You're right I was afraid that Ash would do that and the first time I heard you sing I thought you were amazing. But after seeing Ash sing on T.V. I know now she can actually write songs" said Lance. "You know what I'm starting to think that you don't want to be with me anymore and want to get back together with Ash" Becky blurted out. "What? Me and Ash back together?!" Lance questioned with a shock look on his face.

Becky and Lance continued their argument until Becky brought out an old photo of Lance and Ash from when they were together. "I found this in your guitar case the other day because you left it opened and before I closed it I found this photo" Becky said as she showed the picture to Lance. "I can't believe you went through my guitar case" Lance yelled. "Hey at least I wouldn't have a picture of any of my ex boyfriends lying around" Becky yelled back. "Hey are you two going to perform or what?" said the owner of the café who was wondering what was holding them up. "I can't take this anymore. We're through!" both Lance and Becky said to each other as they both stormed out of the café and went in different directions.

Author's Note: Hey everyone I present to you the first chapter of my newest story called Feelings Realized which is based on the movie Sing. I've always wanted to write a fan fiction based on this movie because let's just say I ship two characters from Sing and leave it at that. Please stay tune for my next update. Peace out from Princesspeach102!