Chapter 5: Father vs Son.

Decker looked at the large black wolf in front of him, his fur was as black as night, and his fangs as sharp as knives, his eyes seemed to look straight into Decker's soul. "My oh my…. How you have grown", Chaos chuckled as he began to walk forward, Decker immediately jumped backwards to put as much distance as he could between him and his father. "What's wrong Decker, why are you backing down son?"

"I'm not!" Decker announced as he shook out his fur, he didn't know how much power he had, and he didn't know how strong his father was. "I'm just being careful".

"Careful….. Come on Decker, we both know that you of all people aren't careful, when that Razor brat had my eye, you went head first, when you used to kill for fun, you weren't careful, so why are you being so careful right now?"

"Shut up!" Decker growled as he snapped his jaws, "how…. I heard that you were banished!"

"I was, and those two girls broke me free", Decker's eyes widened a bit.

"What happened to them?"

"The price of everyone that goes against God right…. They are destroyed and burn in hell", Chaos began to chuckle as he slammed his paw on the ground, "however if you want you can see them", the ground opened up and flames unlike anything he had ever felt exploded into the air as Ruby and Jade appeared from the flames each shaking like crazy, Ruby was missing an arm and a leg, and Jade was filled with scratches.

"Release them!" Decker shouted.

"I will once I get what I want", Chaos smirked as he began to walk over to his son, "Decker what is it that makes you so strong? Let me answer that for you, you were a creature made of two different powers, the holy light, and the evil darkness, when I… let's say when I had fun with Dakota all those years ago we made you. A being with the power of light and half of my darkness, see I knew that I was gonna be banished so I wanted a fail safe so I put half of my power into you, as well as spread half of my power with Ruby and that Jade pup, so once I was brought back by them, all I needed was that power back".

"What do you want from me!" Decker growled.

"What I want is my power back", Chaos said, "what I want is my power back, I want all of it back, that gem that was formerly in your body was designed to keep the power in, but now that it is out, you are using all of the power I put in you. Now we have two options, either A I send these two back to hell and keep them alive long enough so that I can slowly eat them to death, then come and get my power or B you rule with me".


"Decker your my flesh and my blood you why don't you come with me? Rule with your dad, and we can take this world over, we would be so strong that no one would be able to stand against us. I can show you how to use the dark power inside and let it over take the light", Chaos held his paw out towards his son, "so what do you say, join me and rule or well I kill you".

"I will never go against the God that saved my life!" Decker yelled.

"Fine have it your way", Chaos slammed his paw on the ground, and right before Ruby and Jade disappeared back under the ground a blinding blue light shined and the two girls disappeared into nothing.

"What the hell?!" Chaos questioned as he looked back, "I could have shown I sent them back".

"What a fool….", Chaos and Decker turned left and saw a dog with pure white fur and pure white wings was sitting there next to Ruby and Jade. "Did you think that someone wasn't gonna save them?"

"That is very irritating!" Chaos growled, "so my old foe has sent another angel to fight?"

"I'm not angel", the pup answered.

Chaos looked the pup up and down before giving him a small bow, "well what do we have here, a demi god I haven't seen one of those in a long long time, so tell me why are you here?"

"Over the last 4 years I felt something dark growing, I thought it was that pup at first", the dog said pointed at Decker, "But I was wrong, it turns out it was you and now I have the pleasure of resealing you, my name is Silvex, guardian of this earth and gatekeeper", Silvex rose to his paws as a bright blue light began to surround him.

"He is stronger than me!" Decker said as sweat began to drop from him, "in fact he might be stronger than grandma and even mom".

"Well then Silvex the "gatekeeper" i'm afraid we have a problem, see right now I am about 5 percent short of being able to beat you, see even with half of my power being sealed inside of my son, I am still over 10 times as strong as him, so if you would kindly move to the side and let me finish my business then I will happily fight and kill you!" Chaos spoke.

"Like I would you let you get that power back!" Silvex growled, he turned his head and saw Jade and Ruby in a flash he teleported them back to the lookout.

"Alright plan B", Chaos suddenly disappeared from view and put his paw on Silvex's head, "listen to me brat, I know how strong you are, and currently I would be defeated if we were to fight so here is what I am gonna do, bye!"

In a blink of an eye Silvex found himself surrounded flames, "Great…. JUST FUCKING GREAT", Silvex yelled before calming down, " calm down….. now how do I get out of hell again?"

"There that will bye me about 45 minutes, maybe 30", Chaos thought he turned around and blocked Decker as he attempted to hit him. "Your a dumbass son, never hit first!" In a flash Decker slammed his paw onto his father's head snapping it to the left. Chaos pushed his son back before jumping backwards a bit, "come on son I know you can do better".

"That was only 10 percent!" Decker growled.

"Oh really, then let's have some fun", Chaos smirked as he cracked his neck a bit, "I want you to hit me as hard as you can".


"Now hold on Decker you might have misheard me, I don't want you to hit me half as hard, 75 percent, or some other messed up percentage of strength, I want you to HIT ME as hard AS YOU CAN!"

"Are you really gonna underestimate me!" Decker snapped.

"I'm not i'm giving you one chance to win and if you cannot kill me with that attack then I will hurt you!"

"Fine, your funeral"

Meanwhile back at the lookout, the other members of the paw patrol were stunned at the sight in front of them. "Ruby Jade what happened!" Rubble cried as he fought back the horrible urge to vomit.

"Marshall medical gear now!" Ryder ordered.

"On it!" Marshall shouted running back to get his gear on.

"What happened?" Rocky asked.

"I'm sorry", Jade whispered, "we wanted immortality so badly, so we did a bad thing and now the world is gonna be destroyed!"

"What happened?" Ryder demanded.

Jade went ahead and explained everything that they had did, including the part about taking Alex's life!

"No way….", Zuma choked out.

"Alex can't be dead!" Rubble added.

As the emotions set in they all felt a massive surge of power and they knew who it belonged to, "that's Decker", said Chase.

Meanwhile on Jake's mountain Everest was riding her snow plow ask fast as she could, "this isn't good!"

Skye had just left the prison when she felt Decker's power skyrocket into the air, "Decker, what is going on now?"

Back at the battlefield Chaos was a bit surprised at the massive power coming from his son, "well would you look at that, you are pretty powerful huh?"

"You have no idea how strong I am", Decker growled as his power reached it's max and his aura formed a black skull with yellow eyes and a yellow mouth, he quickly entered his black eye state and the skull got even bigger and let out a small groan.

"You have your mothers eyes", Chaos noted.

Decker held his paw out towards his father before rushing forward, "black eye secret technique, black whirlwind!" Decker rushed forward and thrusted his paw out.

"What a shame", Chaos held his paw up and took the attack head on blocking it!

"What!" Decker shouted in shock, as a huge explosion of dust formed around them. Once the dust settled Decker was almost shaking in fear as his father stood in front of him with nothing by a small bruise on his paw.

"That's it?" Chaos questioned, "that was the most powerful attack you could make, that was barely enough to sting".

Decker jumped backwards ards and looked up at his father with true fear on his face, "just that the hell are you!"

"Oh Decker, you should know the answer to that question already", Chaos dug his claws into the ground as a black aura shot into the sky that slowly began to form the shape of a snake. "I am a demon!"

Decker mouth dropped as he felt his stomach explode with pain, he slowly looked down and saw his father was in front of him and slammed his paw into his chest. Decker doubled over in pain and began to cough up blood. "How", Decker asked as he looked up at his father.

"Decker, when I was sealed, my old foe God himself put me in a small box, and while I was in the box I just sat there and focused my mind, I was able to do training without moving", Chaos placed his paw on top of Decker's head and slammed his head back down onto the dirt, "you know this could end if you just say that you quit and say that you will serve satan and not God".

"Never!" Decker hissed as he powered back to his paws, he snapped his head up pushing his father's paw off him. Decker began to land punch after punch to his father, snapping his head back and forth, Decker then slammed his paw as hard as he could onto his father's head and sent him flying into the air. Decker jumped up and began to spin around, "black eye secret technique, heaven's wheel!" Decker spun around like a wheel before slamming his paw onto Chaos's head and sent him crashing into the ground. Decker followed him and slammed his paw into his chest, Decker began to take deep breaths as his eyes turned back to normal.

"Is that it?" Decker looked down at his father in shock he was unfazed by those attacks at all! "I'm disappointed, and here I thought that would actually hurt me", Decker gasped as his father put his back paws up and kicked him in the stomach sending him flying into a tree. Decker struggled to get back to his paws and he turned to see his father standing up shaking out his fur, "well unless you have more than I guess it is my turn".

"Shut up!" Decker took a deep breath as he activated white eye, he rushed forward and began to throw as many punches as he possibly could, his father smirked as he began to dodge all of them. He caught one of Decker's punches and headbutted him, sending him rolling across the ground, Decker stood back up and gasped as his father appeared in front of him and slammed his paw into his cheek sending him crashing into a tree so hard that it broke. Decker rolled onto his back and began to take deep breaths, he let out a yell as something bite his back leg. He turned and saw Chaos had bite into his leg and began to spin him around and around until he let got and sent him flying into another tree, but this time he was going so fast he kept on smashing through tree after tree until he came to a stop again one more. Decker collapsed to the ground as a tear of pain began to roll down his face, he stood to his paws and felt warm blood running down his body.

"What a shame", Decker turned his head left and saw his father walking up, "with all that blood running you can't activate blue eye and speed up your body can you, with all that blood running you would bleed out in seconds, I cannot believe you make the same mistakes your mother made against me when we fought!"

"Shut the fuck u-", Decker screamed as he father slashed him across the face.

"Have you no respect!" Chaos scolded as he grabbed pushed Decker up into a tree so he was standing and began to wail on him with stronger powerful punches making him scream and cough up blood. "THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS TO BRAT LIKE YOU!"

Meanwhile in the Kingdom of Heaven it was taking almost 100 angels to just keep Dakota held back from the gates.

"Dakota you cannot leave the gates!"

"Shut up!" Dakota growled as she bared her teeth, "I'll destroy him this time, let me go!"

"Dakota….", Dakota turned around and bowed her head as a bright yellow light came towards her, "Dakota calm yourself".

"My lord I can't that my child", Dakota whimpered, she felt a warm hand begin to slowly pet her.

"Calm down, and have faith", the voice spoke.

Back on the ground Decker was screaming with pain as his father lande punch after punch after punch to his stomach making him cough up more and more blood. "You should have joined me son", Chaos let go of Decker allowing him to fall down to the ground.

Decker could barely breath, he couldn't think or talk, he had no idea what the hell was going on, he had his barings he began to get get back to his paws before coughing up more blood, "one chance…".

Decker began to focus his energy, and the rest of his aura began to form two more head, "demon aura 3 head style cerberu!"

"Aw there it is", Chaos chuckled as he licked at the air, "it's been so long since i've felt the other half of my energy, cerberu", Chaos held his paw up. "If only my other eye hadn't been destroyed, things would be more fun?"

"Why not?" Decker questioned as a small smile came on his face, "with out that eye you aren't even close to full power".

"Decker you are a fool", Decker looked up at his dad who titled his head, "Decker, who said anything about me having only 2 eyes?" Chaos place his paw on his head and the space by his forehead slowly began to open up and showed another eye. "I had three eyes and only one of them was sealed in the real world", Chaos grabbed this new eye and placed with into his empty eye socket. "See my eyes so powerful that I always had another one just in case".

"You're lying…. YOU'RE A LIAR!"

"Or i'm telling the truth, go ahead flip that coin", Chaos smirked as he blinked a couple times.

"I refuse to lose!" Decker rushed forward with all his power, "cerberus style thunderclap!"

"Decker, if we were on the same side I would be so proud", Chaos said with a smile before it turned into a sinister frown, "however you choose the wrong side", As Decker jumped forward, Chaos sidestepped and stabbed his paw right into his chest making him gasp and vomit up blood.

Chaos began to glow as and Decker began to scream in agony as all the demon energy was beginning to be drained from his body. "MERCY! PLEASE MERCY!"

"Oh Decker, I gave you mercy, when I asked you to join me", Chaos lifted his paw up and slammed it into his jaw knocking him out and breaking his neck at the same time!

Chaos lifted his head up as his power finally returned to him and his body grew bigger, his teeth sharper, his tail like steel, his claws likes swords, Chaos began to slowly levitate off the ground and lifted Decker up into the air, he turned towards Lookout tower and smiled, "that looks like fun". Chaos took his paw out of Decker's chest before slamming his long tail into him sending him flying towards the lookout. "Hope I didn't kill him, that would ruin the fun".

Meanwhile everyone had gathered into the lookout and were looking after Ruby and a badly injured Jade. At that moment a portal opened up and Silvex jumped out of it, "I can't stand that place, so much yelling, gosh it hasn't chance it what 1000 years?"

"Silvex, your back?" Marshall said walking towards him.

"Yeah, looks like….. EVERYONE GET DOWN!" Silvex jumped on top of Marshall pushing him down as Decker came crashing through the window and into the massive scream behind them, he bounced off the controls and onto the floor in a bleeding mess.

"DECKER!" Skye screamed!

To be continued!