A/N: Hello readers, I'm a bit rusty with this, I've posted on a fanfiction sight before and it did well but that was a long time ago. So, forgive me if I'm slow to update or not the most excellent with my prose. Anyways, lets get onto the main event, RWBY fanfiction. This one is about Weiss/Ruby's relationship in the second semester of their time in Beacon and onward. The main alterations to canon is thus, Ruby took up special training in between semesters, this was to help her be a better hunter so she could better protect the people she cares about (note: she wears post time skip outfit). Weiss has some issues with her father and those problems have scarred her deeply. There is a new character, this will be Ruby's teacher, he'll show up from time to time with all the strength and might of a Mary sue, fear not, I'll remove him from the story or to a background character soon enough. He's only here to prepare the team, Ruby especially for the threats ahead. Oh yeah, another notable alteration, second years get bigger dorms, now teams share a common room, while partners share bedrooms. So, without farther ado…

Chapter 1


Beacon was as breathtaking as it had always been but the air around it felt… different. Less like a school but more like home, a home Ruby hadn't seen in two months, things had changed since then, she was stronger, faster and more mature. She'd even changed her clothes, her normal outfit that revealed nothing was now ripped thigh highs, short skirt and corset that definitely showed off her newfound curves. She'd changed so much that she was afraid that the others had changed to, it'd been longer than any span of time she'd spent without seeing her sister and longer than she wanted to stay away from Weiss and Blake as well.

"Your lingering will change nothing little red," her teacher stepped up beside her, he wasn't what you would call dressed for the occasion, a ripped purple cloak sat atop a simple t-shirt and jeans. Despite that he still looked pretty handsome, he was only 22, muscular and his eyes shone a deep purple, that and each one of the twin Khopeshes at his side had cleaved through more Grimm than any other weapon.

"It won't hurt to just… take it all in." He smiled brightly and began walking forward, carrying crescent rose, how he managed to steal it was beyond her but that was his way. "Give that back!" Ruby dashed after him but he also dashed forward and they ended up bounding towards beacon, she was fast but he was just a bit faster, so the race didn't end until they were right up to beacon tower.

"Well, I never intended to keep it, scythes are far too big and dust weapons seize up in the desert." He tossed crescent rose back to me but before she could yell at him, a person with a large aura tried to sneak up on her, turning to face her she found herself embraced in a Nora strength bear hug.

"Ruuuby! It's good to see you!" I hugged her back, glad to see my old friend looking unchanged as ever… including her strength. "You look different, that outfit is so… sexy on you." Ruby blushed at the compliment, strong, fast or even clever she was used to, sexy she was not but it did feel good… Ruby wondered if Weiss would think the same. Wait? Why did Ruby wonder that? "You there?" Nora snapped Ruby back into reality.

"Yeah, I'm just excited to be back you know? This place feels a lot more like home than school to me." Nora nodded in agreement, saying that it was a beautiful home to have. "So, have you found your teammates yet?"

The two girls talked for thirty minutes, Nora's teammates weren't getting here until near midnight which was hours away but she'd seen Weiss, Blake and Yang wondering about. They looked around but couldn't find them until Nora said, "you have a scroll, right? Can't you just call them?" Ruby hadn't, she'd left it at home with her old clothes, her teacher didn't like them and forbade her from taking it with her to Vacuo to train. "Well, let's go buy you one then. Also, that guy you ran in with, who was he?"

"Oh, that was my teacher Dusk, he got impatient and made me race him to get crescent rose back." Nora nodded, slowly coming to comprehension.

"So, one, that twenty something Adonis is your teacher, two, that teacher is known as Dusk and wields two swords so he's probably the legendary Dusk Royal and three, you have a personal teacher?" Adonis? He was handsome she figured but Ruby had never been all that into romance, her idea of beauty was always on the more effeminate side anyways.

"Yeah, I asked Qrow for private training for… personal reasons but he'd not had the time, luckily the two had been trying to drink each other under the table for an hour and Dusk offered." It had been a bit more complicated than that, for example, Dusk hadn't actually wanted to train anyone but he was trying to outdo Qrow and said it spur of the moment.

Eventually they purchased Ruby a scroll and she copied over the phone members of her team, transferring her old account onto this one. "Ruby, I want to talk to you about something before you find your team." Nora's voice was high pitched and nervous sounding, making Ruby think this would be a bit of an uncomfortable conversation but she let Nora speak anyways.

"So, do you mind telling me why you've got half a dozen photo's of Weiss in here." She pointed at a particularly breathtaking picture of Ruby and Weiss sitting around a campfire, they'd just done some training in the emerald forest and they were sitting quite close. Ruby even saved that picture as her scrolls wallpaper, she'd just loved the memory, Weiss had always been the person Ruby looked to for strength, at least since a couple months into beacon. Weiss was Ruby's ideal, hardworking, smart, confident and beautiful, that moment was one she remembered often, they were so close she could feel the warmth Weiss gave off more intensely than the fire.

"No reason, it's just a really nice picture isn't it." Nora nodded slowly, as if she were thinking long and hard.

"Uh-huh, yeah it is but Ruby… isn't that a bit weird to have such an infatuation with someone unless you like them?"

"Well of course I like Weiss, she's my partner after all." Nora shook her head violently and sighed.

"No, Ruby, I meant like, like, as in romantically." The thought hit Ruby like a Yang on alcohol, she'd never even thought that… well she'd had dreams but they were dreams. Ruby did think about Weiss an awful lot and it wasn't like the way she'd thought about Yang, she'd always idolized Yang as the bulletproof bigger sister and picture her as such. Weiss whom she pictured as a hard-working huntress had always appeared to her in a different light, one that was played up to be in the most attractive of settings.

"Uh, shit." Two words, not confession but definitely confirmation.

"You didn't know? How do you love someone and not know? Is it because she's a girl? Did you not realize that you weren't… you know, gay?" Those were way too many questions for Ruby to process, she didn't know she liked Weiss and it had a little to do with her sexuality but Ruby figured it was more about her training to be a huntress. She'd not thought about love, not for a long time and when she had she'd thought of something for other people or in her most heated moments of something quick and meaningless. Ruby had always intended that she end up a lone huntress, even though partnering with Weiss changed that she'd still never thought of that form of attachment.

"I guess I didn't think about romance, us hunters don't really get those sorts of chances and I was busy trying to train as hard as I could. So, I guess I never took time to think about my feelings, I always just figured that I looked up to her like a role model I guess."

"I get it, so what are you gonna do about it and does that mean that Adonis man is free?" Ruby laughed, did she really want to have sex with Dusk? She was in for a rude awakening, Dusk was fun loving and adventurous but he was downright impossible to get to know.

"I mean… you can try. As for me, I'm not sure, just promise not to tell anyone, please Nora, I need to figure this out."

10 minutes later

Ruby left Nora after getting that promise, she wanted to find her team but she needed to screw her head on first. She began second guessing everything she'd done since she arrived at beacon, reviewing every action with more scrutiny than needed but she wanted to figure out when she fell in love. However, she hardly understood what that even meant and as it stood she figured it started at least five seconds after she first saw Weiss, maybe sooner.

"Are you all right, you're storing enough energy to level a large building and from the look at you your hearts been broken. Did you confess to that Valkyrie girl?" Dusk appeared beside Ruby on the cliff, his skill at reading aura's as impressive as ever.

"Well… no. But, well, I found out I'm in love with my partner." Ruby wasn't one to speak about her feelings so openly but despite herself, she trusted Dusk and his advice would be welcome.

"I once saw a man perform a feat beyond reason. He was in love with a woman who was sick but in his village, they had no doctor who could cure her. So, he picked her up and carried her across a forest, over two mountains and into a city so that she could be healed. In the process he took a thousand wounds, lost a foot and broke all but ten of his bones, yet passed the Grimm and uncharted course he took, he traversed a hundred miles in but two days. That man died but his love survived. His story taught me something, love is the greatest burden in the world, it's also the only thing in the world well and truly worth dying for. We measure love by how much we are willing to bear for another, yet those others bear the weight for us, more than we have to take our selves. Man was content in the dark but his love was cold so he made fire, his love was hungry so he made food, sad so he made music, unsafe so he built walls. Love is a burden but it is the greatest strength we have, if a warrior will kill defeat the Grimm, they won't do it for honor, glory or survival even… they will do it for love."

Ruby looked out at emerald forest and took those words in, she'd not known him to be poetic or an eloquent speaker but those words definitely held a clarity of vision that was very helpful. "So your saying that if I love her, I should fight for her?"

"So, what I'm saying little red, is that if you love this girl, you'd best tell her. If you don't, you will suffer every day that she doesn't know, if she rejects you, you will suffer once but know you had no chance, if she accepts you, you will be happy. You trained with me because you wanted to be able to protect those you care about, those that you love, you're more than able to now. If this girl led you to such lengths, then she must be something amazing, you're a stubborn and strong-willed girl yourself but she's entranced you. Just remember, love is best groomed with honesty and truth, no matter what it is, even if it's uncomfortable you should speak your mind. Also, pay attention, not just to when she's speaking but how she's feeling, don't do anything she doesn't want to and Ruby, use your head. Now, I've already told your team where you're at because as you know I'm a bit of an impatient asshole, speaking off, I've got a meeting to get to so I'll be seeing you around." He leapt up to his feet and began walking off in the direction of the school.

Ruby let his words stew, Weiss was definitely an amazing girl, more than amazing and Ruby wasn't going to be able to hide the truth now that she knew it. However, Ruby had no idea when she'd tell Weiss. Right now? No, that would be weird and she wanted it to be a bit more romantic than that. "Tell Weiss what?" Weiss materialized from thin air right in front of her, looking as beautiful as ever, her heiress attitude and sparkling crystal blue eyes making her as princess like as ever.

"Uh, tell you… that… well, uh, something." It took a couple of moments, long awkward and stutter filled moments to muster those barely intelligible… words? Ruby was internally punching herself in the face, feeling like a hopeless idiot.

"Yeah, something, I'll find out eventually dolt." Despite the name calling she had a smile on her face and she embraced Ruby in a big wide hug. "You know, you look pretty uh, great." Weiss thought she looked great… wait, were her cheeks red? Did tha-"RUBY!" Yang leapt from out of nowhere and bearhugged Ruby but this time they were on the edge of a Cliff so Ruby sidestepped and grabbed Yang's arm, pulling her up from falling off the cliff.

"Wo! Your strong!" Yang said as they embraced. "All that training with muscle god and you come back muscle goddess." Ruby wasn't so sure about that. "Not to mention sexy as hell, I know you got that look from me girl. Right Weiss, Ruby's got tits." Ruby's heart died, her head screamed for her to leap off a cliff, all the while Weiss was blushing red and trying hard not to stare. "I was just making a joke, what's with the coy reaction, it's just us girls."

Ruby had never hated her sister before but in that moment, if only for just a second she wanted nothing more than to strangle Yang to death. Thankfully Blake came to the rescue, as calm and composed as ever, "well, if you've had enough teasing them Yang, maybe we can go check out the dorms. Dusk mentioned he brought your stuff to the dorms already Ruby.

Blake and Yang stepped off but Ruby and Weiss were stuck staring at each other, Ruby wanting to speak and Weiss dead of embarrassment. Weiss was the first to act, "uh, we should follow them."

4 hours later


Weiss' heart was racing, Ruby was different, she had a maturity to her but still kept her youthful energy, not to mention her appearance had… changed. The adult look suited her well, better than well and it was all she could do not to explode but when Yang made that comment, Weiss wanted to die. Now, she had to sleep in the same room as Ruby, with no one else. Weiss had liked, loved Ruby for a couple months at least but she was afraid of pursuing that course of action, of being rejected or of what would happen if Ruby agreed. Her father wouldn't take kindly to the news of not getting an heir, let alone the news that Weiss was actually gay.

"Weiss, I didn't get to uh, tell you earlier but I'm glad to be back." Weiss shook herself back to reality, she'd thought Ruby was already asleep but when she rolled over to look at the bed beside hers, she saw Ruby was similarly awake. Is that what she wanted to tell me earlier? No. She was pretty nervous about what she wanted to say.

"I'm glad to be back to, the updated dorms sure are… nice." Weiss then tried to sleep but to no avail, her nightmares were back, they'd faded last semester but time back home had set them into overdrive. After an hour of failed sleep, she turned to look over at Ruby and saw that she was still awake and looking at Weiss. "What are you doing, you should be going to bed."

"Can't sleep, thinking and I could say the same to yourself, is it nightmares?" She sounded sincere and concerned but Weiss hadn't told anyone, even her sister about her nightmares, though she assumed Winter had them to.

"I'm fine Ruby, I'm just a bit anxious about some things… what are you thinking about?" Ruby rolled over in her bed, staring at me with her gorgeous silver eyes.

"I was thinking about what I wanted to tell you earlier. I just need to find a way to say it but I'm to tired to think about that right now. Do you wanna tell me about your nightmares, it'll feel better if you talk about it, I get them sometimes to."

Ruby sounded sincere but Weiss wasn't in the mood to talk about something so painful and sad, "no, I'll just find another way to go to sleep."

Ruby frowned and looked down, like she wanted to say something but didn't have the nerve, "uh, well… when I get nightmares and Yang's around, she'd let me sleep next to her, that always helped. We don't need to talk about it, I just wanna make sure you're alright."

Weiss was going to die. Ruby was suggesting that they fall asleep together? Weiss knew she wasn't getting any sleep anyways, so now might be a good time to talk to her partner about her vacation, that and Ruby was warm. Weiss gulped, recalling the memory of that night in the woods, where she so desperately wanted to kiss Ruby, they'd been so close she felt like she was going to explode that night. She still had the picture on her scroll. Even so, she was afraid of what might happen if they got so close, if she said something that put Ruby off or started something… it wouldn't end well. Not to mention being so close to a girl might just make the nightmares worse A Schnee doesn't debase themselves so her father drilled into her head when she once told him how pretty a girl was. The beating that followed was terribly painful. "Weiss. You all right?"

Weiss was rarely so indecisive but she hesitated for a moment longer before saying "yeah, I'll let you sleep with me."

Ruby seemed to glow when she slid out of bed, a smile plastered on her face and her eyes gleaming, that along with her pajamas made her appear every bit the old Ruby Weiss remembered. "Let me under the blankets then," Ruby said as she attempted to squeeze her way under the covers. The way Ruby leaned into Weiss left the girls close, really close, their eyes locked all but inches from each other. Weiss was in two places at once, heaven as she was so close to the girl she liked and it her presence made her feel comfortable but she was also in hell, unable to get as close as she wanted, as much as she wanted.

"What did you want to tell me? Please Ruby, I'd like to know." Weiss didn't know what compelled her but she asked the questions, not wanting to risk falling asleep just yet.

"I can't… if I tell you, you won't let me stay." Weiss stared at Ruby, what had she wanted to say? Weiss failed to guess so she locked eyes with Ruby, telling her that she wanted to know and she'd fall asleep faster if she didn't hide anything. What happened next… took a few moments to comprehend. At first Ruby was stuttering and mumbling something, the next Weiss exploded, a fire from her lips spread throughout her body, it burned a deadly hot that was also gently and comforting. Every atom in her being felt as if it was being split and from the explosion a knew being was being reformed, the drug that had filled her veins permanently altering who she was. Ruby had kissed her.

She wanted to freak out but winded up kissing Ruby more, their lips locked for what seemed like forever that went on and on in a beautiful war of passion. However, they eventually had to come up for air and when they did Weiss couldn't bring herself to kiss Ruby again, she was to scared. "No, no. You weren't supposed to kiss me, you weren't supposed to like me to. It's… Ruby, we can't."

Ruby's eyes filled themselves with tears, she tried to escape but the blankets stalled her long enough for Weiss to grab her arm. "No, it's not like that Ruby. I-I like you to, I love you, I have for a long time but we can't. My father would… my father would kill you."

Ruby shook her head, "why? Because I'm a girl?" Weiss nodded and Ruby leaned her head into my shoulder. "That's stupid, if your father is that type of asshole then I don't care for his opinion, I care about yours." Weiss leaned into Ruby as well and started to cry.

Ruby pulled back and grabbed Weiss' hand, "maybe, maybe if you told me why this would be easier, you know I won't hurt you and you can trust me." Weiss didn't want to; however, she didn't really have another option, 'we pay for what we get,' if she didn't tell her and deal with the pain of the story now, she'd feel just as bad later, maybe worse and she wouldn't have a warm girl next to her to help either.

"You know I'm part of a major dust company right, well my father is a very powerful and important man. He never wanted a girl as an heir to his company, he hardly wanted a boy, just someone to carry on his family name and to be his heir. That's all that's ever mattered to him so, he never really was the kindest to me, making me stay away from other people and teaching me that I was better than other people. He always taught me to be prim and proper, to be smart and stead and, he taught me to be his heir, when I wasn't… obedient, he would, um;" she stopped for a second, Ruby never blinking or saying anything, just holding her hand, "hit me." Ruby frowned, however she allowed Weiss to continue, although she gripped her hand a bit tighter, which she was thankful for. "I never really got to do anything, everything that a common person might do was beneath a Schnee and anything I wanted to do was worse, I don't know why but I guess I love him on some level. I tried to impress him and vied for his attention, though when my sister left the company and I thought I could take her place he got worse, hit me harder, pushed me more."

Weiss was now crying, stuttering out another sentence or so of incomprehensible gibberish as she hugged Ruby, she wanted to continue but it had all gotten too much. "it's okay, it's okay Weiss, I understand, well I don't understand why he did those things but I know why you're scared of being close to me. It's okay though, cause I'm not going anywhere and you're fathers and asshole, if he wants to force you to do anything, you can hold my hand and tell him that. I'd like to see him give me a reason to hit him, to hit him really, really hard, preferably with a sharp object." Weiss smiled at that, she didn't want to hurt her father and didn't think Ruby could if she wanted to but… that she would go so far confirmed something in her mind. "Ruby, we're family, right?" Ruby nodded, "yeah, my teacher Dusk used to say, family doesn't end in blood and it doesn't start there either. He also told me that love is the greatest thing in the world, that it's something that defies all reason and logic."

Ruby nodded, "he's a smart person, people think he's dimwitted but in truth, he just doesn't bother with thoughts not worth thinking about, I'm glad he told me to tell you. That kiss was… something else." Weiss smiled, "oh really" and she had placed her lips on Ruby's, it was gentler than their first kiss but still passionate and inviting, Ruby rolling to get on top of Weiss. This was both of their favorite part about kissing, they forgot themselves and their worries for a moment of time, just giving themselves to each other, however this time it was Ruby who pulled away. "Thanks for that but I don't think we should continue" Weiss asked why and Ruby smirked, "my hands on your breast, I'm worried what it might do." Weiss looked down and gulped, noticing her hand had also been gravitating towards Ruby's rear, "you dolt!" She lightly pulled Ruby's hand away, even though it didn't feel that bad, "I'm not ready for that, not nearly ready."

That night, she slept better than she had in months, if not forever. The terror of her father was driven away by the arms of her… girlfriend. Yeah, Weiss liked the sound of that.

A/N:Well, that was a bit rushed and there's probably a terrible amount of edit's i'll need to make and it ended up being shorter than i'd wanted but the story has been in my head for ages and I've been dying to upload it to the world. If you've made it to the point where your actually reading this, I hope you've enjoyed it. I'll be uploading a chapter 2 soon.