I'm notorious for one thing. Okay, for a few things, but here, one in particular. I never finish stories. Yeah, I don't get it either. My phone currently has about 14 incomplete stories. Cute, no? No.

That said, I'm dumping them here until I can get around to them at a later date and will be only focusing on a couple (a Lumione, for one).

Let's start with what I have of Subtext and Subtleties (yes, I'm including what I haven't yet posted)

Oh hell. Not smut, but definitely something. M because I just really like covering my own ass. Also, I'm American. If I mess something up, let me know, I'll fix it. Promise.

I don't own anything JK Rowling has put her hands on.


A long moan is what woke him. A hiss of pain opened his eyes. Struggling to see through the haze of his hangover, Draco's eyes zeroed in on the source of the noise which had interrupted his drunken sleep. A ball of hair in Blaise's bed. 'Wait, what?'

He focused a little harder. Clearly, or clearer-ly (he wasn't good at this sort of thing under such conditions), he could see there was a female somewhere beneath the hair. Topless for sure, as she struggled to untwist the sheets a bit and a nipple had peeped momentarily.

'Nice,' he thought. May as well get a free show after such a rude awakening. Finally, she freed herself enough to bend over the side and rummage for her top, and, as she straightened and pushed her hair out of her face- "Fucking finally!"- he sat up in bed as well.

There, in Blaise's bed, probably nude of the visible curve of skin at her hip was any indication, was a well-shagged and rather annoyed Hermione Granger. She huffed when Draco made no move to remove his eyes from her breasts or his jaw from the floor. Hermione nudged Blaise none too gently with an eloquent, "Oi, fucker," nudging him harder when he only grunted.

"Really, prick? Wake up!" He cracked an eye and she continued, "You forgot to close the curtains and now your roommates are all waking up to my tits on display. Boys," she nodded to the roomful of very alert males watching her breasts move as she searched for her underwear. Goyle pointed them out at the top of the canopy, and she closed her eyes in irritation.

"Really?" At this point, Blaise just grinned and shrugged, helping her into the blouse she had been wearing, a long, conservative white button up. Donning it, and grinning wickedly to herself, she rose from the bed, careful to observe the length of the shirt, not that it was in any danger of rising past her mid-thigh at her height. Luckily, majority of the room was still too dazed to use magic to mess with her, much less do anything but tilt their heads and try to see what she kept hidden as she wiggled into her emerald lace knickers. She laughed to herself, and then groaned as her head throbbed.

Grabbing her bag, which had somehow made its way to the end of the bed, she grabbed a hangover potion and downed it. "Anyone else?" she wiggled the empty vial between two fingers. Draco snapped his hand up and caught the potion she tossed a moment later. "I have enough for everyone. Usually, I'm helping the Gryffs out, but you lot look like pure shite." She finished tossing potions out and making her way to the door in just her shirt and knickers, all the while graceful as a lady with her satchel on her arm.

"Loo?" she asked, turning back to address the room.

"To the right," Draco replied, amused. She winked back and grinned, shooting a finger gun and clicking at him.

"You're a doll, Malfoy. Our secret. Promise. Until breakfast, gentlemen!" She proclaimed to the rest of the room, twirling back around and leaving Blaise behind to deal with his roommates.

"Salazar's ballsack, how the hell did that happen?" Theo Nott demanded both in awe and what sounded, and looked, an awful lot like jealousy. It seemed to be echoed through the room on the rest of his roommates' faces.

'If it walks, talks, and acts like a duckā€¦' the handsome Italian thought to himself before answering with a lecherous, satisfied grin, "Simple. I asked her about Women's Lib."