A/N: Quite a few chappies in a row. Hopefully they don't seem too rushed. Was hoping to have the confrontation before the movie comes out, but oh well... Speaking of which... NOT LONG TO GO! Hopefully J.J. Abrams does Episode 9 justice :)

No words were really needed as they made their way to Ahch-To. Rey was constantly pacing back and forth on the ship until Mara had enough and asked Rey to spar with her. Inwardly, Xanthe breathed a sigh of relief. Rey's pacing was starting to get her on edge. In the back of her mind though, she couldn't get the name Exogol out of her head. 'I'm sure I have heard of it before…' Xanthe thinks to herself. "HK?" she calls out. "Query: Yes master?"

"Have you heard of Exogol?"

"Why yes master, it is at the edge of the Unknown Regions, bordering Wild Space. It is a planet that Emperor Valkorion supposedly experimented on while he was still the Sith Lord Vitiate according to Sith records."
Xanthe looks over in a mix of surprise and interest. "Really? Interesting…" Hearing an alert on the comms, she looks up to see Ahch-To come into view. Activating the speakers, Xanthe calls out, "Alright ladies, sparring time is over. We are approaching Ahch-To."

As they land, Xanthe could see a group of Lanai looking a bit irritated by the arrival of unwanted visitors and chuckles to herself. "Well Rey, I don't think they're going to be too happy to see you again. After all, they think all the damage caused was your fault." Xanthe tells her laughing all the while.

"What? But that wasn't my fault!" Rey protests. Xanthe continues to laugh. "Don't worry Rey… I will do the talking and you just lead us where we need to go."

When they land, lo and behold, the Lanai start chattering very fast and very loud to Xanthe. "Yes, yes I know- No, she doesn't- Yes, I will sort it out. Don't worry! It will be alright. We won't be back for a while after this I promise you." Xanthe assures the agitated Lanai. "Alright, now that that's settled," Xanthe begins and turns to Rey, "Let's go."

After a bit of walking or hiking- depending how you look at it, they all arrive at the remains of the first Jedi Temple. "Luke!" Rey calls out. "I need to talk to you!"

"Yes Rey, I am right here." Luke's apparition appears before them.

Rey starts pacing again. "My vision showed me standing before the Emperor. I don't know what to do. I don't want to serve him, but I was told I am his family. I am not ready for this. What do I do?" Rey asks in desperation.

Luke smiles kindly at her. "Your family doesn't make you who you are, your actions do. Just look at Ben. Listen Rey, confronting fear is the destiny of a Jedi. Your destiny. We have passed on all we know. A thousand generations live in you now, but this is your fight. You have all you need to fight the Emperor. Remember who you are Rey."

Meanwhile, Xanthe had slipped away, wanting another set of answers by a different apparition. "I know you can hear me Lana. I know you're not stuck on Odessen." Xanthe calls out. "You called?" Lana jokes, appearing behind her. Xanthe jumps, quickly calming herself down and sighs in exasperation , "I see being a ghost has made you a bit more playful." Xanthe deadpans. "I'm sorry. I thought I could lighten the atmosphere." Lana apologises. Xanthe waves it off, "It's ok Lana. I'm here on business unfortunately. Have you heard of the world called Exogol?"

Lana sighs. "Yes. It is a planet on the edge of the Unknown Regions and Wild Space. It was rumoured to be a nexus of the Dark Side. It is a dead world, not too unlike Nathema. It seemed that Vitiate destroyed that world to help maintain his god-like status."

"Not another one." Xanthe groans. "You are almost there." Lana assures her. "The threat of the Emperor is on Exogol as Rey is aware. However, it is her fight, not yours. You must give her the Dagger of Mortis to finish it. It is for her hands only. The Emperor may have created the perfect specimen to be his apprentice, but he unwittingly created the chosen one to wield the Dagger as the embodiment of the Light and the Dark. The Emperor- whether he has realised it or not, has recreated a scenario of the Father, Son and Daughter. It is up to you to realise who is who. And rest assured, the Emperor is none of the three. It's not literally a father, son and daughter." Lana clarifies, seeing the look on Xanthe's face.

"Well this changes things…" Xanthe thinks out loud. "Yes, it most certainly does." Lana agrees. Taking a step closer to Lana, Xanthe asks, "Do you think she's ready?" As Lana opens her mouth to reply, someone else replies instead- " Ready she is, young Sith. The knowledge of generations of Jedi does she carry with her. The blood of both Jedi and Sith flows in her veins. Know herself she must... Not be seduced by the Dark Side and prevail she will." Yoda replies. Xanthe looks at both Yoda and Lana with an unsure look in her eyes and after a few moments replies, "You both seem very confident. I hope you're right."

Meanwhile, as Xanthe is returning to Rey and Mara, they are still conversing with Luke. "You are Rey. Not Palpatine. You are no monster. Remember that." Turning to Mara, Luke speaks again, " It's been a long time Jade."

"Yes it has been farmboy. I always thought you'd go back to Tatooine, not a water world."

"Well I suppose I was just sick of the sand. I'm surprised to see you here. I thought you never wanted to be found?"

"I know. I… I am sorry Luke. I had genuinely wanted to train with you and help you, but the Emperor's voice was constantly in my head telling me to kill you. I thought by officially sticking with the crumbling Empire, I could maintain some sort of authority and unofficially help you. Turns out it didn't quite go the way I had hoped and the Emperor's voice never dulled. I thought I was going crazy and I didn't want to endanger your life. Turns out it was a good thing otherwise I wouldn't have met Rey." Mara admits.

"You could have talked to me. We could have figured something out."

"Yeah like you did with your nephew?" Mara retorts, then sighs and puts her hand to her forehead and closes her eyes. "I'm sorry. That was uncalled for."

"What's done is done. And you're right. Maybe I wasn't ready for it yet. Yoda did point out I still had much to learn in regards to mistakes. But it was the will of the Force I suppose. If you didn't leave, then Rey wouldn't be here today. You are right." Smiling, Luke adds, " My feelings haven't changed. I'm still glad to see you again and I am glad you're back."

Mara smiles."Me too Luke. Me too."

As Xanthe walks back to Rey and Mara, she stops as she overhears their conversation.

"There is only one thing left I need to tell you Rey." Luke says. "In order to finish this, you need to use the Dagger of Mortis. It's for your hands only. Ask Xanthe about it as she's in possession of it as we speak. Farewell and may the Force be with you." Like finishes and fades away.

"Now that Xanthe isn't here, why did you tamper with my memories? Rey asks.

Mara takes a moment to collect her thoughts before responding. "No child should grow up experiencing what you girls experienced. I wanted you to have a normal life." Looking at Rey's face, she quickly amends, "Well, a close to more normal life than that in the Emperor's research facility or in one of the Sith Temples."

"But why hide yourself and Lando from my mind?"

"If anyone with Force training were to find you and saw and recognised me in your mind, it would have jepordised your life even more so than it already has. By seeing that, it would have ultimately lead them to either him or myself and quite frankly, I wanted to stay hidden- No offense."

"None taken." Rey replies crossing her arms.

"Had I wished there was another way to deal with the situation? Yes. But it is what it is and I am sorry I couldn't have found a better solution." Mara says apologetically.

Xanthe decides she waited long enough and walks out of the clearing. "Ah, there you are! Eavesdropping much?" Mara calls out. "No, not much." Xanthe replies with a grin, all the while Rey looks back and forth at the two of them trying to work out their odd relationship with each other. Shaking her head and deciding it was a lost cause, Rey asks Xanthe "What is special about the Dagger of Mortis? Luke told me you have it and that you have to give it to me?"

Xanthe takes a seat on a nearby log, "As far as legends go, there was a place with three Force beings who represented the Force. The Father- who kept balance, the Son- who was the Dark Side and the Daughter- who was the Light Side. Eventually the Son killed the Daughter- by mistake mind you. Normal conventional weapons couldn't kill the Son, so a particular dagger was created which was imbued with the Force and was the only weapon able to kill their kind. The Father used it on himself to strip his Son of his immortality and thus become mortal and be killed like anyone else. This dagger can kill any Force sensitive, even ghost ones. This dagger will guarantee Sidious' spirit will be truly dead. His clones may still be around, but they will not be him. They will just be Sheev Palpatine." Xanthe explains.

Rey takes a deep breath. And looking at both Mara and Xanthe, she comes to a decision. "I can't allow a monster like him to control the galaxy. Let's go to Exogol and finish this."