Unnecessarily long A/N:

oh boi

okay, here goes nothing-


My name is Radley! Well-okay, no, it's not, it's my nickname but shshhh sh that's not important OKAY so,


I like memestic messenger, dogs, and Led Zepplin. I'm 18 years old at the moment and currently happily married to the love of my life Yoosung Kim and next February will be out second anniversary. thx thx

Pirates and witchcraft or my aesthetic (even though I've never seen Harry Potter or read the books don't yell at me)

I like to write in my free time and cry.

Depending on my mood the order changes. Sometimes I do both at the same time.



I'm also a sad excuse of an artist. I mostly draw my OCs, the MM babes, or the holy trinity of PewDiePie, Pyrocynical, and edups.

As of now, I am still in highschool. Suffering. and I'm a senior lets goOoOoOoOOOo

I identify as a toaster. My pronouns are Bill Cosby, Hannibal Lector, and Weeb Daddy Senpai. I ask that you kindly respect them.

What am I doing at the moment, you ask? Oh, you don't care? That's okay, imma tell you anyway-

I am currently writing this thing that you may or may not even read. My attire is casual-cozy, perhaps even. With my Nirvana baseball-esque tee shirt, along with my red white and blue plaid pj pants that I stole from my father. I am currently listening to Bring Me To The Horizon's And The Snakes Start To Sing because im trash like that AND YEAH!


I should probably tell you a bit about my story? Maybe? I mean...that's why you're here in the first place, right? To... read..

*clears throat*


Forget everything you might know about Mystic Messenger and its story because yoU WON'T FIND IT HERE LOLOL


maybe some things idk you be the judge

Anywho, I try my hardest to stay within the character dynamics of RFA to begin with but at times you may notice a character go a bit OOC but yeah. And, yes, I did give MC an actual name.





This story, much like the game, will "reset" and bounce from character to character once the story at hand has been completed. And, yes, I have a different story already outlined for each character. That's just how I made things work. And I don't have a particular length I'm going to set the stories, it's just how long until I feel like its finally over. Also, sorry to disappoint, but this story WILL NOT have a Jaehee route. No, it's not because I don't like her, I just don't roll that way. I'M SORRY OKAY. Also, yes, I am well aware there is a V route now but I won't be doing a V story because I'm broke and can't afford his route nor do I really like V... so... yeah.

I don't particularly have an updating schedule as of right now... it's more of like I'll upload if I have the time to (school sucks) BUT I do give each chapter my 100% and will try my best to make each chapter worth the wait if I do make you wait a while.

So..Yeah! Ugh, I'm so stoked to finally put this story out on display I'm gonna puke YAY!

Next chapter coming up real soon.
