Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, or any of its associated characters!

Summary: COMPLETE (new chapter up everyday - total of 7 chapters!). Sasuke has spent every day since the war's end trying to rebuild. It's a good thing Naruto has been doing the same, isn't it? Canonverse, but still AU (no marriages), Sasunaru/Narusasu. Written for SNS Month 2017! (Day 2 Prompt: Uchiha Sasuke).

A/N: Well, this is it! The last chapter! It feels weird, doesn't it? Thank you all so much for following along with me!


Chapter 7: The Promise of a Lifetime

It took very little convincing for Naruto to agree to stay at their house that night. They had finally gotten the water running—and the mattress was the first piece of furniture Sasuke invested in—

They barely made it in the door before Naruto slammed his back against the wall.

"Sasuke," Naruto breathed kisses against his skin, "you've—you've made this day so—perfect—"

Sasuke swallowed as Naruto reached under his shirt.

"I feel like," he ran his fingers underneath Sasuke's waistband, "I need to repay you somehow—"

Sasuke's shirt fell to the ground.

"Can you think of any way I could do that?"

Naruto tilted his head to look up at Sasuke, his hands paused in tracing a path down his chest—

"Usuratonkachi," he grabbed Naruto by the collar, "come here."

Their lips met, and Sasuke felt the last of the tension leave his body. He was spoiled by their usual amount of time—stuck doing paperwork—alone, with plenty of time to steal kisses…today, he hadn't had nearly enough—

Naruto's smile kept breaking the kiss, but Sasuke couldn't bring himself to mind—he didn't imagine he was much better off. Naruto's happiness was always contagious—and the blonde had been nothing but unabashedly appreciative towards Sasuke today—the hassle had definitely been worth it—

He pushed Naruto back, tearing at his shirt—his pants—they moved to the bedroom, leaving a trail of clothes in their wake—Naruto didn't bother shutting the door as he shoved Sasuke back onto the bed—

He crawled over top of him, necklace hanging loosely off his chest, staring down at Sasuke with a desire so clear Sasuke felt himself shudder in anticipation—

"Sasuke," Naruto breathed, "I want you."

Sasuke's body came to life—

"I need you."

Naruto lips pressed along his skin, licking and sucking—

"I've loved you—every day we fought, I loved you," Naruto's lips moved against his skin, "every day we were apart, I loved you," Naruto's eyes rose to meet his, "every day for the rest of my life, I'll love you."

Sasuke's sucked in a breath—the necklace scraped a path along Sasuke's skin—

"I'm yours."

Naruto's lips met his—the kiss was soft—slow—he pulled away and his eyes glittered as if they were made from the stars themselves—

"I'll always be yours."

Sasuke shuddered under the gaze—

"Marry me?"

Sasuke froze.

He didn't know whether to laugh or to scream—whether to kiss Naruto or to punch him—this was—this had been his plan—damn it

"Sasuke…?" Naruto's smile had faltered—his eyes scanning Sasuke's face—

Sasuke rolled—out, from under Naruto—to grab at his own clothes—where the hell were his pants?

"Sas—I—wait—!" Naruto's voice was panicked, but Sasuke ignored it for the moment, focused on finding the right pocket—

"Listen, I'm sorry—I shouldn't have—please—"

Sasuke tossed the box over his shoulder—turning just as it bounced right off Naruto's forehead, harmlessly tumbling down to the bed.

"Wh—" Naruto's eyes grew impossibly wide.

"You ruined my plans, usuratonkachi."

"Sa—" Naruto stared down at the box—his hands were shaking as he opened it, Sasuke noticed—


Naruto launched himself across the room—Sasuke only barely managed to catch him—stumbling back until he hit the wall—he kissed Sasuke in between laughs of delight—Sasuke found himself laughing, too—he just couldn't help it—

"Wait—wait," Naruto pulled back, spinning around, "I have a ring, too—"

He grabbed at his clothes, pulling out a box with trembling fingers—Sasuke didn't resist as Naruto's hand clutched his own—the ring was similar to the one he had picked out—simple, silver—and—

"It has both of our symbols," Naruto held it out to him, "engraved on the inside. I didn't know what else—"

Sasuke kissed him. He was so—so filled with emotion—it was either kiss Naruto or start to sob and he refused to cry—

But Naruto's eyes were red-rimmed as he pulled away, and Sasuke felt his resolve crumble—Naruto, laughing through the tears in his eyes, pushed the ring onto Sasuke's finger and Sasuke found himself scrambling Naruto's hand, too—

Naruto's hand clasped his, their rings pressing together in the grip—god, Sasuke's eyes were burning—how long it had been since he had felt this—this—happiness—

"I love you," Naruto breathed, eyes bright and shining and perfect, "I've never been more sure of anything in my life—fuck, Sasuke—"

Naruto's arms wrapped around him, and Sasuke found his face buried into Naruto's neck—his throat was so thick with emotion—he needed to—he wanted to—

"Naruto," he willed his voice not to break, "I—"

Naruto pulled away, gripping at his face—his smile was so bright—

"I know," Naruto's thumb ran across his face—wiping something away, Sasuke realized, "you don't have to say it. I know."

Sasuke's breath came out harsh and uneven—it was meant to be a sigh of relief, but it sounded more like a sob—

He twisted them around—an overwhelming need to feel Naruto, more than anything else, everywhere around him—his back hit the mattress and Naruto knelt over top of him—

"I love you," Naruto breathed again—

Sasuke pulled him down.

"Show me."

And Naruto did.

"Uchiha Naruto sounds better than Uzumaki Sasuke," Sakura tapped her pen against her cheek.

Naruto gave her an utterly betrayed look.

"What? It's true."

Sasuke tried—and failed miserably—to hide his smirk.

"This doesn't mean I'm giving in, teme," Naruto pinned him with a weak glare, "the Uzumaki name is gonna live on no matter what!"

"Technically, there's still Karin," Sakura pointed out.

"Whose side are you on?!" Naruto rounded on her.

Sakura only laughed, holding her hands up in acquiescence. She waited until Naruto turned away to throw a wink at Sasuke.

Sasuke hid his mouth behind his hand.

"Naru—mmph!" Sasuke stumbled back from the force of his kiss—not that he really minded, but it wasn't exactly the typical greeting he got when Naruto came back to his office—

"Iruka told me," Naruto breathed, eyes wide and sparkling and wonderful


"He told me you—you asked for—you asked his permission, before you—"

Naruto made a strangled noise, cutting off whatever else he was about to say as he buried his face into Sasuke's neck—Sasuke was infinitely grateful, because his cheeks were on fucking fire—

That piece of information—it was completely unnecessary for Naruto to know. Iruka—damn it, why was everyone in his life on a quest to embarrass him—

"I am so lucky," Naruto's voice was muffled, thick, breathless, "Sasuke, I'm—you—"

He let out a harsh breath, squeezing Sasuke tighter.

Something twisted inside Sasuke's chest—coiling around his heart, tight—he exhaled, trying to clear it, as Naruto's breath against his neck changed to kisses—moving up, across his chin, his cheek, his lips—he stayed on Sasuke's lips for quite some time—

"I'm going to marry you," he whispered as they pulled apart, eyes wide as if he was only just now realizing it.

"Usuratonkachi," Sasuke tilted his head, mouth widening in a small smirk, "is that a new thought for you?"

Naruto laughed, nudging Sasuke with his nose.

"Shut up, teme—I'm trying to have a moment here."

Sasuke snorted.

"I wondered why he didn't seem that surprised at the dinner," Naruto smiled fondly.


Naruto nodded.

"I figured I was just that obvious about it."

"You were," Sasuke smirked, "he wasn't surprised about our relationship at all." He had been rather shell-shocked that Sasuke was planning on proposing, though—and then immediately teary-eyed at the thought that Naruto considered him a father-figure—

Naruto laughed.

"What—really? He knew, too? Did everyone in Konoha know?"

Sasuke snorted, "you're not exactly subtle, usuratonkachi."

Naruto rested his forehead against Sasuke's.

"Not all of us can be stoic bastards, teme."

Sasuke closed his eyes.

"I wasn't exactly subtle, either."

He felt Naruto move away—he opened his eyes to see Naruto, not an inch away from him, searching his face for something—

"You tried to be."

Sasuke fought a smile.

"Yes," he tilted his head, eyeing Naruto, "I tried. I failed. You won, remember?"

Naruto gave a soft laugh, leaning down to rest his head on Sasuke's shoulder.

"Yeah," his voice was muffled—Sasuke could feel his breath against his skin, "this definitely feels like victory."

"Naruto," he stopped him—Naruto froze mid-step, "I've been thinking—"

"Uh oh."

Sasuke paused to give him an unamused look. Naruto only grinned, moving closer to Sasuke.

"What's up, teme?"

Sasuke swallowed, looking away.

"I think—I should take your name."

There was a pause.


Sasuke still didn't look up.


"…what made you change your mind?" Naruto didn't sound half as excited as he had expected him to be. Sasuke resisted the urge to glance at him—Naruto would be able to read him far too well, he knew—

"The Uchiha name is…tainted," he forced the words out—he hated saying them, but he knew they were true—he knew Naruto knew they were true, "and it would cause undue trouble for the—the Hokage to take a name with that kind of…history."

He swallowed—the silence seemed to seep into every part of him, leaking into his blood, pulsing through his veins—

"Are you serious, Sasuke?"

He refused to look up—


He kept waiting—it felt nearly stifling—for Naruto to tell him he needed to adjust his signature. He had signed enough documents Naruto had planted in front of his face to assume one of them had to be the one for their new name—even if they hadn't had a ceremony, yet—he didn't even know if Naruto wanted a ceremony—


Sasuke blinked back into reality, realizing he had been staring at Naruto. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Did you want a marriage ceremony?"

Naruto blinked in surprise.

"I thought—I didn't—I didn't think that was even an option," Naruto scanned him.

He hadn't? Then what the fuck had Sasuke talked to Kakashi—and Sakura—and Iruka—for?

"If it was?"

Naruto's mouth opened a little wider, and then closed again.

"I—" Naruto started, blinking down at his desk, "um—"

Sasuke frowned.

"Isn't it kinda—too late for that?" Naruto scratched the back of his neck, eyes diverted—Sasuke tried to catch a glimpse of them—

"Why would it be too late?"

"'Cause we're—" Naruto's eyes finally met his, "already married…?"

Sasuke blinked.

And then he blinked again.


Naruto stared at him, eyebrows furrowed.

"Sasuke—I put in the paperwork like…two weeks ago. You—"

"What?" Sasuke breathed, his mind reeling, "I've been signing my name as Uchiha Sasuke—!"

Naruto's mouth opened, and then he closed it—only smiling, instead. He moved back, around the desk, shuffling some papers.

"Yes, you have, you stupid teme," he pulled a piece of paper out of the pile, gesturing it at Sasuke, "and what have I been signing my name as?"

Sasuke took the paper—slowly, willing his hand not to tremble—

There it was—in messy, chicken-scratch handwriting—

Uchiha Naruto.

He breathed out a shuddering, trembling breath.

Uchiha Naruto.

"I thought you knew," Naruto said gently, "I thought it was really obvious how mad I was that you—that those—those fuckers even began to get to you. And then I thought—well—it would really piss them off to have an Uchiha as Hokage, wouldn't it?"

Naruto gave a wane smile, a glint in his eye.

"I signed those papers the same night you said you wanted to be called Uzumaki. C'mon, teme, I know I'm an idiot, but did you really expect me to believe—"

Sasuke pressed their lips together—he didn't need to hear another word—in fact, it was far better if he didn't hear another word with the way he was already brimming with emotion—

"Uchiha Naruto," he breathed as they pulled apart—Naruto's eyes scanned his—

"Yeah," he gave a lopsided grin, "that's my name."

If Naruto noticed the way his shirts were periodically disappearing—and promptly reappearing with several distinct additions—he didn't seem to mind.

But Sasuke highly suspected he had noticed (well, he had to have noticed the Uchiha clan symbol sprinkled along his clothing by now) from the way Naruto's eyes tended to soften, even more so than usual, when looking at him. Sasuke had caught him, several times, staring at Sasuke with a look of such tenderness that he had felt his heart squeeze at the sight—

"You know," Naruto's voice broke him out his thoughts—his eyes still stared at the page in front of him, but Sasuke got the sense he wasn't seeing the words at all, "having a ceremony would give us an excuse to have a honeymoon."

The words settled into Sasuke's mind slowly—he raised an eyebrow.

"I thought you didn't want to take any more time off?" He tilted his head.

Naruto's eyes rose to meet his—filled with a storm of emotion—

"Well, you know," he said with mock casualness, "for a good cause…"

Sasuke smirked, glancing back down. He supposed Naruto still thought he needed convincing—of course, Sasuke would never say no to some time off—he would definitely appreciate the freedom, but—

"I told you, usuratonkachi," he shuffled the pages together, figuring he was about done with this document anyways, "you ruined my plans."

Naruto stared at him blankly.

"I had—already begun planning a ceremony," he shifted awkwardly, "before you…proposed."

He grimaced, unhappy with the phrasing. It sounded strange—saying things like proposal, wedding, honeymoon—as if him and Naruto were watered down to just…a couple.

They were so much more than that.

"You—you had?"

Sasuke shifted again, shrugging.

"Nothing concrete," he looked away, "just speaking with—with Iruka, which you know—and Kakashi—and Sakura."

He cleared his throat, suddenly feeling as if something was blocking it—it was the only explanation for the way he kept stumbling over his words—

"Oh," Naruto breathed—Sasuke's eyes flickered up just long enough to see how wide Naruto's eyes were—

"Oh," he said again, "I—yes. Yes, let's do that. Yes, let's—definitely, absolutely do that. Fuck—"

Naruto ducked down, face in his hands. Sasuke immediately moved closer—standing behind where Naruto sat.

"What's the matter with you?" He scowled, pulling at Naruto's shoulders in an attempt to see his face.

Naruto let out a long, harsh breath—finally leaning back. He was blinking rather rapidly.

"You—you—" Naruto shook his head, biting his lip, "Sasuke—you are so—I can't—"

Naruto's voice cut off just as it sounded like it was about to crack. Sasuke eyed him with more than a little alarm.

"Naruto—are you…okay?"

Naruto reached out, gripping Sasuke's hand so hard it nearly hurt.

"I'm the best I've ever been," he smiled a little, swallowing, "I just—I just can't believe that—"

He let out another harsh breath—almost like he was trying to clear his throat—

"I can't believe you love me."

Sasuke blinked.

"I mean—don't get me wrong, I believe it, but I just—I can't believe—and then you do something that reminds me and I just—I just—"

"Turn into a blubbering mess," Sasuke smirked, leaning forwards to wrap his arm around Naruto—he was surprised the blonde's death grip allowed it—

"Shut up, teme," Naruto muttered—but his smile was back, now, and Sasuke felt the victory flood through him.

Sasuke pressed his lips to Naruto's neck.

"Do you need me to say it?" He asked softly. He would be lying if he said that the words didn't flutter around his head—in fact, more often than not, it felt as if they were on the tip of his tongue—but—

"No," Naruto shook his head, "I know it's true. And—besides—if you said it, then—then I'd really start crying—"

He laughed, pulling Sasuke's arm closer to himself—Sasuke smirked against his skin, filing that information away for future use.

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Here's an idea," Sakura tapped her pen against her lip, "make it a working vacation."

Naruto blinked at her. Sasuke frowned.

"Not—with meetings—or even paperwork, necessarily," Sakura said, likely in reply to Sasuke's disapproving look, "but more like…research. We're still trying to improve our system—and nothing is concrete yet. And it feels nearly impossible to decide how to change it without an example to build on; maybe another village is doing something right. We could learn from them."

Naruto leaned back in his chair—Sasuke could tell he was considering it. Sasuke's own mind was reeling—

"That would be—much more long-term than what we were planning," Naruto seemed to gauge Sakura's reaction.

It would be—something like that would take…at least half a year. Half a year of him and Naruto—travelling together—

"Mhm—a few months, at least. But it would be good for the village in the long run—and for you two, I think," her eyes flickered to Sasuke.

He had never given Sakura enough credit.

"What about the village? And the Uchiha Compound?"

Sakura made a noise—Sasuke frowned thoughtfully. The buildings—well, the initial inspections had already been completed, and everything to be maintained had already been decided upon. Maybe…

"Kakashi-sensei was Hokage once," Sakura pointed out, "I'm sure he wouldn't mind taking the reins again."

"He'll complain the whole time, and you know it," Naruto pointed his pen at her, smiling. Sakura laughed.

"Probably. But just keep in contact with us, and it will be fine, I think."

"Hm," Naruto's eyes turned to him.

Sasuke sucked in a breath.

"Sakura," he looked at her, "would you mind taking over the initiative to rebuild the Uchiha Compound?"

Her eyes went wide—out of the corner of his eye, Sasuke saw Naruto's smile spread—Sasuke swore there was a glare from how bright it was—


Sasuke gave a tight nod.

"I have notes," he elaborated—notes was an understatement; he had meticulously detailed what each building would become, and why—he knew it would be a hassle for her—she was busy enough with running the entire hospital as it was—but—maybe, she would be willing—if he could just convince her, "that I can provide you with, and—"

"Sasuke," she interrupted, eyes brighter than he had ever seen them before, "I would be honoured."

"Sasuke," Naruto smiled up at him—he looked about as nervous as Sasuke felt—he didn't know why his heart was pounding like this but he felt as if he could barely breathe

"I, um," Naruto ran a hand through his hair—and something in Sasuke's chest calmed a little, "I've been trying to write these vows since we started planning this—and I didn't get anywhere. I trashed everything I wrote."

He laughed a little, looking up at Sasuke with sparkling, sheepish eyes.

"I've never been any good at planning things."

Sasuke snorted. He heard Iruka's chuckle and he could see the flicker of Sakura's smile—

"So I'm—I'm just gonna be honest," Naruto nodded, swallowing nervously, "um—remember—remember when we were still chasing you? When you were with Orochimaru—and even after that—"

Sasuke remembered very well—and so did his heart, he assumed, from the pain it spread through his chest—

"Whenever we found you—when I kept tracking you down—you'd ask me—you kept asking me—why I did it. Why I went so far for you. And I—I said it was because I was your friend," he swallowed, eyes flickering down, "but that wasn't really why. And I think you knew that. That's why you kept asking."

Sasuke let out a soft breath.

"The real answer was because I love you."

Sasuke sucked the breath back in.

"I love you, Sasuke."

How—why were these words affecting him like this now—he had heard them before—but somehow—this—

"So I—I vow—as I always have—to be with you. To live with you and die with you. I'll always be at your side—even if we aren't together, I'll be with you. And I'll follow you wherever you go," he gave a shaky laugh, "which I think I've—I've proven so far."

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Sakura duck to hide her smile—or maybe wipe at her eyes, Sasuke couldn't be sure—

"Usuratonkachi," he muttered, as if the word would clear the lump in his throat—it was barely a whisper, but Naruto's smile turned so affectionate that Sasuke knew he heard—

"I will follow you," he said again, swallowing—Sasuke could hear the thickness in his voice, "and if you—if you ever fall back down—if you're ever gone, again—I will bring you back. I will always bring you back."

Sasuke nodded, fighting the sting in his eyes. Naruto would. He knew Naruto would.

"I vow to love you—no matter where you are, or where we go. I've never been able to stop that anyways," he laughed again, ducking his head—and Sasuke knew that the tears had started—damn it, Naruto, Sasuke was barely managing to keep it together as it was—

"And I vow to—" he swallowed, tilting his chin up, his eyes were puffy and red-rimmed but so bright, "I vow to—to do everything I can to earn the Uchiha name. Really earn it, I mean—I'm—I'm going to be a real family with you, Sasuke. I vow that."

Naruto gave a jerky nod, another tear escaping him—Sasuke frantically wiped at his own cheek—his chest was so tight—he felt like—like he could barely breathe through the emotion—

"I used to think—when I was little—I thought," Naruto swallowed, looking down at the floor, "I thought I'd never know what love was. Because I had never felt it—towards me, I mean—and so—even if I was in love—I thought I wouldn't be able to ever tell."

He shook his head—looking up again. He was smiling, now—a brilliant, watery smile—fuck

"But I do. I know—and I feel it. Every day, I feel it," Naruto gave a soft laugh, "you gave that to me, Sasuke. Something I thought I'd never have—you've given me more than you could ever know. You've saved me more than you could ever know. Sasuke, you—"

He rocked back on his heels, as if barely able to keep himself from coming closer—

"I love you. I'll love you every day for the rest of my life—so please—please let me—let me spend it with you."

Sasuke let out a shuddering breath, stumbling forward—Naruto caught him just as Sasuke pressed his face into his neck.

He heard Naruto give a soft laugh.

"Your turn, teme."

"Usuratonkachi," he closed his eyes, his mind suddenly blank of everything he had written down in preparation for this moment, "…you've ruined all of my plans."

Naruto's delighted laughter rang through the room.

"Take care of yourselves, you two," Sakura's arms wrapped around the two of them—Sasuke could tell she was fighting back tears, "I'll miss you."

"We'll be back before you know it, Sakura-chan," Naruto sounded pretty stuffed up himself—

"Yeah," she breathed, pulling back—her hands still rested on their shoulders, "write to me, okay? Or send a clone back, once in a while."

"I will," Naruto smiled, taking a step back. Really, they would probably end up visiting—it wasn't as if Konoha was that far out of the way…

Sakura let her hand drop from Naruto's shoulder, but Sasuke caught her other hand before it could do the same.

"Sakura," he called her attention to him, "…thank you."

Her eyes grew soft—and then rapidly misty. She pulled her hand away to wipe at them, smiling.

"Of course," she shook her head, laughing a little, "anything for you—you two idiots—"

Naruto laughed as Sakura twisted away—Sasuke saw the tears even as she turned—

"What, no thanks for me?"

Sasuke turned towards Kakashi's voice.

"After all the paperwork I'm going to have to do? Unbelievable," Kakashi smiled as Naruto hugged him. Sasuke automatically took a step closer to them.

"You know we love you, Kakashi-sensei," Naruto's voice was muffled—he was grinning as he pulled away.

"I know no such thing," he ruffled Naruto's hair, "go say bye to Iruka."

"'Kay!" Naruto ducked past him, nearly tackling his former teacher to the floor. Kakashi chuckled—Sasuke glanced down at the floor to hide his own smile.

"You know," Kakashi said, after a moment, "I was going to say something like—'make us proud, Sasuke'—but," he paused, letting out a breath, "it wouldn't really make sense."

He turned, meeting Sasuke's eyes—

"Considering how…unbelievably proud of you I already am."

Sasuke felt himself freeze—eyes widening in the face of Kakashi's kind, affectionate, teary-eyed gaze—Kakashi let out a breath and Sasuke could hear how it shuddered—

"So," he clapped Sasuke on the shoulder, "keep it up, kiddo."

With the way Sasuke's throat closed up, all he could do was nod.

Kakashi moved away—it was only a moment before he was replaced by a brilliant smile and bright blue eyes…

Sasuke let out a breath.

"Are you ready, teme?" Naruto's hand took his.

Was he ready?

Ready to travel, around the world, with Naruto? Ready to be away, from Konoha, away from the paperwork and the responsibilities—and the people? Ready to miss Konoha, something that still felt foreign—wrong—because he had sworn Konoha would never be home to him—

Was he ready to have a home to come back to?


He had never felt readier for anything in his life.


A/N: And there it is! Rest assured that Sasuke and Naruto have a long, happy life together ahead of them :) Bonus chapters are definitely a possibility. I'm brimming with ideas for this story! If you're curious, you can see a bunch them on my tumblr. I figured I ought to give you guys at least that much, because you have all been so kind! And I take forever to write!

At any rate, I really hope you enjoyed this story! And I hope I made you all smile :) Please let me know what you thought!

Until next time,

- Kinomi