Minato groaned as he collapsed behind his desk. He was alone in his assigned room with only papers to be graded and reports to be read as his company. He thought doing missions and teaching three students was bad. This was hell. He didn't know how the Hogwarts professors done it without clones. Minato had used a shadow clone once. Then Kushina had busted into his room without knocking and laughed at him when she realized what he was doing. He had tried to defend himself with the fact he had a lot more students than she did. It hadn't helped and she'd made him promise not to use anymore clones just in case the teens found out and tried it themselves.

Two weeks had already passed. Minato had decided to have a two part exam. One part was written and the second part was an obstacle course on the quidditch pitch that would vary in difficulty by the years. He would be using clones and creatures on the course, with help from Kushina and Hagrid. He wouldn't be using the chunnin to set it up because he intended to make them run it with the Hogwarts students. He frowned at the thought of his and Choza's kids. Genma had gotten in trouble, and according to Rin, a prophecy had been made about them, specifically Kakashi. He needed to talk to Genma and Kakashi about what had happened and about prophecies. There was also the delicate matter of Kakashi's family and Minato was really hoping the calm Genma could help with that discussion. Yet Genma had been avoiding Minato, Kakashi sent glares at Minato, Tenzo was painfully shy, Rin was trying to keep everyone calm to be helpful, and Ebisu, Guy, and Obito were their usual selves, sort of. Divination had freaked Obito out according to their reports, and Guy had not reacted much better. Minato was broken from his musings by scratching from the other side of his door. Groaning, he got up and opened the door. Padfoot walked in. Minato repressed another groan and shut the door. As soon as it was completely closed, Padfoot transformed into a grinning Sirius.

"I'm free and clear!" exclaimed the older man. Minato grinned at the older man. That was the best news he had heard in about two weeks. Minato sat back at his desk.

"So you're officially a free man, huh?" said the jonin.

" Yes. I've already got it in the works to adopt Harry and keep him away from those bloody Muggles. Just wish I could've done it when he was a baby, " said Sirius, collapsing on Minato's bed. Minato made a noise of agreement. He already knew where this conversation was going to lead.

"Can you tell me about him?" asked Sirius, his tone going soft.

"He's...stubborn in a way. He didn't get the chance to really meet Aurora, she died soon after his birth. A big piece of Sakumo died with her, as did her knowledge of magic in children. Sakumo became distant, even from my sensei. He started transforming in fights, using the wolf's blood lust to wipe out swarms of enemies. But he never transformed in front of Kakashi. I think secretly Sakumo hoped that Kakashi would be born with just magic, or neither. Tsunade, our best medic, came through the portal for information and when Kakashi was two she ran multiple tests on him. The tests showed that Kakashi had inherited both," stated Minato, recalling memories from years earlier.

"So he can do magic as well?" asked Sirius. Minato shook his head yes.

"He never shown any outward signs until he was five. But this presented a problem for us. No child has ever been born with both abilities. Tsunade reported the test results to the hokage and Sakumo, but there was a leak. To this day we don't know how it happened but word got out about his potential. There were multiple kidnapping attacks, all stopped by Sakumo, myself, or Sensei. Then, when Kakashi was five and had just became a genin, Sakumo was killed. I knew of Sakumo's full abilities and Aurora's magic, so I was chosen as his sensei and he became my apprentice. I was lucky we were in a training field when we were informed of Sakumo's death. When his grief hit him, he destroyed the training field. He destroyed rocks and trees without the use of jutsu. Hell he threw me across the field without touching me. By the time I was able to somewhat safely flash back to his side, he was a howling silver wolf pup," said Minato, wishing he had sake. Sirius was stunned.

"Both abilities showed up at the same time?" asked Sirius.

"Yes. I panicked a lot. I had no idea how to get Kakashi back into a human form and our knowledge of magic was, and still is, limited. I summoned a toad sage, who in turn summoned a wolf sage. She talked him through turning back into human, but he refused. I carried him to the hokage and explained everything. I requested we contact you, and was told that that was not possible. Lord Third admitted that, although Tsunade had collected information from your world, no one in your world was told of Kakashi's birth for fear your family would try to claim him, and that couldn't happen. Not with the Hatake abilities. I pressed the matter, to at least tell you, James, or Remus. That was when I was told of James and Lily's death, of your arrest and imprisonment, and of Remus going into hiding. Lord Third apologized. He did not want Kakashi here unless you were free and he was older," said Minato. Sirius nodded in understanding . His family would have wanted Kakashi if they were of his abilities. Sirius waited patiently on Minato to continue his story.

"Kakashi's ninken and Kushina eventually talked him into changing back a week later. Once he did he requested an apartment, on the grounds he was a genin and an orphan. Lord Third said no, unless he lived with another orphaned genin. Both Kakashi and Genma were five when they moved into a two bedroom apartment together. Genma had graduated with Kakashi, but due to their ages they were both apprentices instead of on teams. Neither makes friends easily, but they became best friends. A few years later they were given teams. Guy and Ebisu were put with Genma and Obito and Rin were put with Kakashi. By this time both of them were chunin. Kakashi slowly warmed up to his teammates and Guy. Then war broke out. Kakashi was promoted to jonin, Genma special jonin. Choza, Genma's sensei, and I were deployed with Tsunade on the front lines while Kakashi, Obito, and Rin went to Kannabi Bridge to destroy it and disrupt the enemy's supply lines. They were ambushed and Rin was kidnapped. From that point on the details became a little foggy. Their official report was Obito and Kakashi temporarily abandoned their mission of saving Rin and Kakashi lost an eye. They managed to rescue Rin, but were not aware a member of the ambush party was still alive. Said member caused a rock slide, and Obito threw Rin and Kakashi to safety, and was halfway buried under the rocks. All three have refused to speak of what happened after that. Not to me, the Uchiha clan, the hokage, no one. They, I have always presumed Rin, threw my kunai to summon me and by the time I arrived with Tsunade and Choza, Kakashi had a sharingan and was on the verge of chakra exhaustion from fighting reinforcements while Rin proved him support and guarded Obito," stated Minato. He stopped to catch his breath and for Sirius to process all of that information.

"He survived all that? He has ninken? He's been living on his own since he was five? Shit. He may have been worse off than Harry," mumbled Sirius. He ran a hand through his hair.

"Yes. He has eight and is supposed to sign the Hatake wolf contract next year with his godfather also offering him the snake contract. And yes. He's never asked about his family, but I believe he's made the connection by now. You may need to know, but a prophecy was made," said Minato. Sirius sighed. In neither of their worlds were prophecies taken lightly.

"What was it?" asked Sirius, his sudden tiredness in his voice.

"' With the silver wolf's arrival one house will rise while two others fall. Will-o-wisps and the sabling will support the wolves and dog. The field remains strong, while lightning and fire combine. Strength and smarts shall prevail. Though the children of prophecy may survive, the fox will still cry. Though teams are now whole, they will not remain so. As those presumed dead appear that is not so. A chain has now been set in motion. So mote it be so.' It's worrisome and I know it pertains to the kids," said Minato.

"The silver wolf has to be Kakashi. Wolves could be him and Remus and the dog could be me. I don't know. I hate prophecies. They tend to do more harm than good," said Sirius as he started to pace the room.

"Lightning is Kakashi's chakra affinity, but fire is Obito's and Ebisu's. I can guess what was meant by fox, or who rather. I'd have to talk to Sensei and Dumbledore about children of prophecy, but I can guess your godson is one of them," thought Minato outloud.

"The presumed dead part is what's the most worrying to me," admitted Sirius. Minato groaned as he reached for some blank sheets of paper to notify not only the headmaster of the prophecy, but Lord Third and Jiraiya as well. If they could figure out what the prophecy meant in full it would help alot. As Minato wrote the letters, he could see Sirius fidgeting out of the corner of his eye. He knew what Sirius was going to ask.

"Can I meet him?" blurted out Sirius . Minato chuckled softly, but summoned a toad to bring Kakashi. The teen arrived ten minutes later, having left a shadow clone in his place.

"You wanted to see me Sensei?" asked the silver haired teen, pointedly ignoring the other man in the room. Minato scratched the back of his neck and laughed sheepishly as he decided that just coming out with it was the best idea.

"Yeah...I'd like you to meet Sirius Black. I worked with him when I was little and he's an old friend. He's also your uncle," said Minato. Both men waited a minute to let the teen process that information. Sirius then went to say something, but before he could Kakashi disappeared, leaving a pug in his place.

I am sorry for the long wait. The next chapter will hopefully be up by the end of February. The next chapter will feature the other teens and possibly a scene from the Hidden Leaf.