Author's Note: Hello guys!! Here I am again!... Enjoy! Is it just me or do I have a nasty habit of saying sorry again and again? Once again, sorry for the long wait! Gomen, gomen, gomen!!! Nothing more to say except...enjoy!

Disclaimer: This disclaimer thing is kinda tiring...but nevertheless, I don't have money and does not want to be sued, so again Rurouni Kenshin is not my property. My favorite characters namely Sou-chan, Ken-chan and Kao-chan etc.... do not belong to me so please don't sue me. I will get on with the story now.


"What wedding?!" Kaoru's eyes widened at Misao.

Meanwhile, her friend lifted an eyebrow and stared at her as if she had been an alien. "Kaoru, the wedding! Hello! The invitation arrived a week before! We were going to the rehearsals today remember?" The jade-eyed girl kept her hands at her hips as she talked to her sapphire-eyed friend.

Kaoru's eyes bulged out of its sockets as she heard Misao talking. "A week before?! Rehearsals today?! Misao, you didn't tell me!!!"

Now it was Misao's turn to be surprised. "Ooops." Her reaction came out like a mouse's squeak. "Oh my God!! I'm so sorry Kaoru! See, I was supposed to tell you last week at dinner but you see I got into a real conversation with know me, when it comes to Aoshi-sama..."

*Kaoru sweatdrops* "Ok, ok Misao, I forgive you, though I couldn't quite agree on having a real conversation with Aoshi since all he ever said was yes." Kaoru replied.

"Kaoru, can't you at least agree on me at least he said something!" After that, Misao sighed, looking up dreamily.

The sweatdrop on Kaoru's head got even bigger. "Well can't Aoshi take a move; your relationship with him isn't getting somewhere!! Well, duh, isn't it obvious, you and him both like each other!" Lecturing her friend, Kaoru talked as if she was an expert at that kind of subject.

Misao turned her head at Kaoru and stared. "You're talking as if your relationship with Kenshin is going somewhere!" She answered back.

Widening her eyes, Kaoru opened her mouth to defend herself. "What? Kenshin! Stay him out of this!"

Hearing her bestfriend's reply, a suspicious smile crossed her lips. "Defensive, huh?" Misao's grin was from ear to ear.

"I'm not defensive!" Kaoru replied back though she was blushing like an idiot. "Mou! Enough about the Kenshin talk! Let's just talk about the wedding! Whose wedding was it anyway?" She desperately tried to change the subject as she also tried to hide her blush from Misao so she would quit teasing her.

"Nice try Kaoru!! Hahahaha!!! Yep, I've got your weakness now! Hahaha!" Misao answered while laughing like a maniac. "And guess whose wedding it is, you'll never believe it!"

"Well I don't know, so just tell me Misao." Kaoru said, waiting for her bestfriend to stop laughing so that she could hear her answer.

"Yumi and Shishio's."

Silence filled the air as a jaw dropped and hit the ground with a loud thud. Everything was forgotten as a pair of sapphire eyes bulged out of its' sockets.


Kaoru sighed as she waited for the endless seminar to end. She was so bored and had quite enough of the seminarian. 'Mou! Can't he just stop glancing at me with those piercing eyes of his! It's making me uncomfortable, not to mention that it's annoying!' She rolled her eyes as the seminarian glanced at her as if teasing her. The man was thin, tall and had eyes of amber, like a wolf's. It was no wonder Kaoru was so uncomfortable, the mere thought of him made her shiver.

"This seminar is about to end. Once again my name is Saitoh Hajime. If you have anymore questions, there are other seminarians you could ask and I would not appreciate you bothering me at the police station since I only work part time as a seminarian. That is all since a certain tanuki seems to be annoyed and if a certain itachi would stop interrupting me." He said before walking his thin self down the aisle to meet the woman near the door.

"Hey, don't call me itachi!" Misao stood, shouting to Saitoh, a clear hint of annoyance plastered on her face.

Saitoh stopped and turned to Misao, responding with a smirk. After that, he turned to the woman and said, "Let's go, Tokio".

Kaoru and the others stood to leave as Misao quickly walked beside Kaoru. "He really annoys me!" She said, with a pout of her face.

"Tell me about it!" Kaoru responded.

Before the people all exited the room, a fat lady stepped into the platform to announce something. "Wait! I have some last minute info to announce. I am supposed to tell you your partners if you are included in the entourage. First the maid of honor, Kamatari will be partnered with the best man, Seta, Soujiro." Everyone set their eyes on the cursing crossdresser who was still upset about his beloved "Shishio-sama's" wedding. Onwards, the lady continued and got through the whole list, containing the long list of sponsors, flower girls, ring bearer... Finally the lady tilted her head to look at the people, "The partners for the bridesmaids and grooms' men will be..." The lady got through the list of the partners when the last four pairs were announced.

"Shinomori Aoshi and Makimachi Misao" Misao's face lit up and she seemed so 'brighter', if that was even possible. The one beside her, Kaoru, seemed affected by the happiness radiating from her.

"Sagara Sanosuke and Takani Megumi" The rooster flipped the fishbone he was chewing for sometime and grinned. The fox smirked too, for it seemed that she was attracted to the ruggedly handsome rooster, though she seemed to hide it a little.

"Kamiya Kaoru and..." Sapphire eyes glanced at the lady in anticipation for her partner though she secretly wished for a certain someone. "Let me see, Yukishiro Enishi" Kaoru cast her eyes down in disappointment. 'Damn, why couldn't be uh...someone...uh Kenshin? Not that I don't like Enishi but... I don't know...' She pulled herself up anyway after that, trying hard to smile again, especially at Enishi who was smirking at her and casting odd looks at her.

"And the last couple would be, Yukishiro Tomoe and Himura Kenshin." That will be all; the next seminar will be a week from now, next Saturday. Thank you and have a nice day!" Flashing a wide smile at the audience, she left the platform and entered a room found at the left of the hall.

The look on the genki little itachi showed much. Bouncing from her seat, she practically dragged Kaoru and skipped her way at the aisles, happiness radiating from her. Apart from her bestfriend, Kaoru tried her best to smile and hide her disappointment. She had that nasty habit of smiling through her troubles but not so much like her friend, Soujiro. 'Wait, Tomoe? Yukishiro? Are they related?' She looked around, her eyes surveying her surroundings. Suddenly, her eyes caught a certain redhead with a woman in the corner chatting with each other. Immediately, she grabbed Misao's arm and pulled her beside her. "Who's that talking to your cousin, at the corner?" She said, whispering to her bestfriend.

"Huh?" Misao looked around for a while until when she finally caught sight of her cousin, turned to Kaoru. "Her?" Her hand came up, pointing at the pale woman beside Kenshin. "She's Tomoe Yukishiro, she's a family friend. I think Ken-chan was seeing her before, though I can't really remember. I think back in college? I don't know..." She looked at Kaoru's face. "Why do you want to know anyway?"

"Oh, nothing...just curious...Misao I think I'll just drop by the café to buy some food...uh, bye!" It was at least lunch time at that period and although it was only reasonable to have an empty stomach, the sapphire eyed lady was having more of an empty, no, confused heart.


Her feet brought her to a table inside a nearby café. Her face seemed to be peaceful yet if you took a glimpse at her thoughts, she seemed to be lost in a maze of confused emotions. She stayed like that for a while until someone tapped her shoulders. Instantly, at her side was her genki little bestfriend, Misao. "Hello? Kao? You seemed to be spacing out on me. Uhm, since I've been observing you and you don't seem to have any intention of ordering anything, I'm volunteering to buy the food. Ok?" She seemed surprised and somewhat fazed but returned normal after a minute.

"Uh...yeah, thanks. Sorry, I was just...uh...thinking" Kaoru mumbled back.

"Yeah, ok, whatever!" Bouncing to the cashier, she left with the usual sweet smile on her face.

Kaoru returned to her thoughts when she was again interrupted by a cough. She looked at the intruder and was surprised to see her brother's 'reserved friend', Aoshi staring back at her. "Aoshi?"

"I was wondering if I could take the seat since the others were already taken." He replied.

"Sure. You can sit there." She said pointing at the empty seat across her. Both were quiet for a while when Kaoru broke the silence. "Uhm, Aoshi? Sorry for being rude but I think I'll be leaving now. I'm really sorry; it's just that I don't feel like I can concentrate here." She was getting ready to leave when an idea came through her mind. Facing Aoshi again, she brought some words out from her mouth, asking him her favor. "Could I ask you another favor? Misao was really expecting me and I know she needs someone with her. If it's not much of a bother, would you keep her company, even for a little while?" 'Hehehe...that was good, hitting two birds with one stone! Not only would it keep Misao from questioning me, it would also make her thank me heaps later! Before I forget, now I can have my thoughts to myself! Oh, that makes three...well anyway...this could sharpen my matchmaking skills!" Kaoru grinned deviously at her thoughts.

"No, not at all. It's ok." Came Aoshi's reply. He looked briefly at the woman before him, wondering what her reasons were, before thoughts of the blue-eyed Misao plagued his mind.

After several minutes, Misao came back, the tray of food at her hands. "I'm sorry it took long, Kaoooo...Aoshi-sama?" Really surprised at the man sitting in front of her, she thought 'Kao-chan no baka!! You didn't have to do this! Anyway, I'll find a way to thank you later, for now; I shall deal with my Aoshi-sama!! *Misao said in her weasel self*'


"K-kirei Kaoru!!" Misao exclaimed while looking at the full length mirror surrounding the whole wall. Both of them stood in front of their reflection, scanning their forms. That particular day was made for the fitting of the gowns. It was still 3 days before the big day. The motif color was in rich bloody red.

Kaoru stood and stared at herself in the mirror. Her hands came up and down the silky dress. She absent-mindedly lowered her eyes to the floor, daydreaming of her own big day. 'White roses adorning the aisle...friends smiling at her at the end...her perfect form in a beautiful white unknown man...'

The garments that the bridesmaids were wearing were in fiery red. It was a long dress in a halter-like form. Its back was bare, except for thin crisscrossing strings made in a corset-like manner to support it. There was also slit that reached mid-thigh to at least allow better movement and to reveal their silky white legs. The material was almost silk-like, flowing at their every move.

"Sugoi...but what if it rains, you get stuck in it and you get exposed...and what if you walk and it rips...and, and..." Kaoru frowned at herself, smoothing the wrinkles in her dress.

"Mou, Kaoru! No time for that, what could possibly go wrong now...OH MY GOD!" Exclaiming, the woman widened her eyes, looking intently at her nose.

"What?! Misao what happened to youuuu...whoa! That's a pretty big pimple!" She put her palms in front of her face to suppress her laugh at she stared at the face of her friend.

"Kaoru! Waaahhhh! No!!! My life is over, this couldn't happen!! Noooooo!" The unfortunate Misao could do nothing but wail at her friend. She started to poke around the ugly, swollen thing at her nose.

Kaoru couldn't help but smile at Misao's teary-eyed face. "Hey don't cry, anyway it's still 3 days before the wedding, we can make your pimple disappear by that time!" Patting her back, the woman comforted her distressed friend. "Here, there are several ways to fight that pimple! First, remember to wash your face twice a day, once in the morning and once at night, not more than that or it could dry your face and leave more ugly red pimples on your face. Second, don't touch your pimple! Third, don't squash your pimple, it would only make it worse! Fourth, try putting toothpaste on your pimple, its' cooling effect can reduce the redness and swelling. Fifth, if you're looking for a pimple product, look for something that has benzoyl peroxide. Lastly, don't think about your pimple too much!"

"Don't think about it?! Don't think about it?! I will look like a monster to Aoshi-sama and all you can say is don't think about it?! Mou, I hate this stupid pimple!" Misao was in hysterics because of the pimple in the middle of her nose.


After practicing in their gowns and tuxedos, the entourage and other people affiliated with the wedding were happily chatting and laughing the tired aura away. There was only 3 days and the management was keeping busy. Tae, one of the people managing the wedding with the wedding planner was busy calling the important people assuring that everything was going to go smoothly and everything would be perfect. She left the café in the care of her twin sister, Sae while she was busy organizing the wedding.

"What?! What do you mean you can't deliver the flowers?! This can't be happening..." Tae's worried voice was heard by the listening Himura. He looked at her face and immediately decided to check if anything was wrong.

"Is something the matter?" The redhead asked.

The brunette looked up to see Kenshin as she answered, "Well, the flower boutique just called and said that there was something wrong with the flowers and that they might not deliver the flowers on time..." . Her face was glum for she had worked hard to keep the wedding perfect.

As Kenshin attentively lend an ear, he asked, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"No, no, it's ok...I think I will be able to handle this, even though I have a lot of things to do and, and...the point is there is nothing you can yes, there is something you can do!"

"I'd be more than willing, Tae-dono."

Taes' face lit up as she heard Kenshin's reply. "Oh, Kenshin, you're such a dear! My, my...we have an angel in disguise here! So here's what you will do, go to the flower boutique and ask the manager if he can arrange for another set of flowers to be delivered the day after tomorrow. Here's the address..." She handed him a small piece of paper which contained the place he was supposed to go to.

"Hai, is that all?" The redhead said as he accepted the paper and scanned through it.

"Oh and before I forget, you have to choose another kind of flower and flower arrangements...but we need a woman's touch for that...let's see...who can accompany you to the shop?" She asked herself as she surveyed the room, looking for someone with the right taste. "Since the bride is busy...Um, Megumi?, too flirty...Misao? Too childish...mou, who has just the right taste?!"

"Where do you want these, Tae?" A lady came up to them, holding a plastic bag holding some of the curtains that was going to be used for the wedding.

"Kaoru! could put them there at that corner, near the vases." The brunette pointed at the far end corner of the room.

"Hai!" After muttering a soft thank you, the sapphire-eyed lady departed.

"Ara...Kaoru! Kenshin, Kaoru could accompany you to the shop!" With the usual smile on her face, she called her friend to her side.


"Arigatou gozaimas! Domo!!" Her lips curved in a bright smile as she accepted the bargain concerning the choice, arrangement and delivering of the flowers presented to her by the store owner, Anji. "Anytime, Kaoru" He just replied, accompanied with a small grin.

The chimes creating a small melody at the door signaled that the two had departed the shop. "Oro! Where's Sanosuke?"

"Nani? Sano? Where's your car Kenshin?" Kaoru gave him a look that seemed more confused than that of her red-head companion.

Hearing that, Kenshin flashed her one of his famous 'rurouni grins' as many called it to say in an indirect manner that everything was all right. Funny though, the red-head thought, that his family and friends would call it a rurouni grin when he wasn't and never was a rurouni before. They were so used at calling his smile that nickname that it wasn't odd and seemed to fit him anyway. "Eto, Kaoru-dono, my car broke down and I asked Sano to pick us up...but he's not anywhere in sight." He explained. They waited for a car that was supposed to pick them up, when time passed by slowly and agonizingly to 2 hours. They tried numerous times to contact him but all failed for it seemed that the poor guy's phone was closed.

Before Kaoru had the chance to mutter curses to her brother again, Kenshins' phone rang. "Hello?" He said after fumbling with his breast pocket and bringing the phone up to his ear to talk.

"Yo, Kenshin! So sorry man, I can't make it! There seems to be a road block here and I can't pass...maybe you could...get a taxi or something?" The faint voice echoed from the phone. "Oro! Sano?"

"That's Sano? Wait 'till I get to him, that baka! Give me the phone!" The confused redhead didn't have time to hand over the phone for she already snatched it from his hand. "BAKA! Get your ass right here NOW! Don't you know that I'm in my dress right now, it might get ruined, you idiot brother of mine! Mou!"

As she talked, no, hollered at her brother, Kenshin just watched in amusement. He stared at the way she pouted and made angry faces at his poor bestfriend who was also her brother. He found her amusing and not to mention beautiful, though she didn't seem to notice the way he looked at her expressions.

"Mou!" Her finger clicked the phone's end button, ending whatever shouting session she had with her brother.

"It's ok, I guess we could just take a ride in the bus."

One glance at Kenshin and all her fuming and anger at her brother was dispersed. All she new was that whenever she saw Kenshin's smile, she felt light and easy. "Hai."

The street was getting almost empty for it was getting late. The couple walked side by side at the almost deserted street, illuminated by the nearby street lamp and the luminous light of the moon.

As they neared the bus station, Kaoru turned to look at Kenshin to ask a question. She was interrupted when a short teenager bumped into her causing her to fall on Kenshin's strong arms. Both was startled but neither budged. Blushing, Kenshin was relishing the feeling of Kaoru's soft fingertips on her chest, relishing the unknown feeling that she always gives him when she was near. With tinge of pink on her cheeks, Kaoru, with the redheads hands on her hips was also relishing the fact that Kenshin, the one she was for about a time been bearing feelings too.

They both was savoring the moment when Kaoru suddenly she felt that her black purse was missing. "Kenshin! My black purse! The-the man must have got it!"

Without a word, Kenshin picked her up in his strong arms and broke for a run in the direction the stranger ran. Kaoru was surprised at his strength and quickness that she only had time to stutter his name before they caught sight of the thief. "K-kenshin!"

He turned to face her and gave her an assuring smile. "Don't worry Kaoru- dono, we'll get your purse."

They stopped just in front of the thief. Just as he let go of his precious load, Kenshin grabbed the young man's arm before he got away. "Could you please hand over the purse?" He said with a smile.


"Kenshin! You were great!! Sugoi na! You should have seen the guy's face when he ran away like a frightened rat! Wow, I didn't know you were that skilled!" A sweet voice rang through the air, exclaiming in awe. Eyes wide and with a bright smile plastered on her face, Kaoru praised her so called 'hero'. "Kenshin, you are too nice, if I was in your place, I would've beaten that man to a pulp! That's what he would get for messing with this girl! Haha!"

"Eto, I think that he had his reasons for doing that, he was just desperate, and I think he wasn't used to it."

Their walk to the bus station was much like the present scenario. Kaoru was full of life, smiling and talking much of Kenshin's heroism while Kenshin just shrugged off her praise and denied it, saying that he wasn't that strong anyway. He just smiled his usual goofy smile and scratched his head. When they finally reached the station, the air was filled with silence. Kaoru just ran out of things to say and just smiled, a lot.

"Eto, uhm... Kaoru-dono.."


After letting out a long sigh, and a lot of fiddling with his hands... "I don't know how to say this but...I don't see...I've had this weird feeling, I don't know how to really say this but...I'm falling..." Kenshin didn't know why he decided to say this here, he didn't even know how he would say it, all he knew was that he wanted her to know the feelings, he had been harboring for her...something that was hard to be kept hid inside.

"You're falling...?" Outside, Kaoru looked at him in a weird way but deep within her, her insides were just bouncing with joy. She felt like she had a million fireworks inside her just waiting to explode. She guessed what he was trying to say, though suppressed the feeling inside because she didn't want to get her hopes up.

Kenshin looked away for a while. After another long sigh, "I think...I'mfallinginlovewithyou!" There, he said it...He kept his eye away from Kaoru's fearing the worst.

Kaoru didn't say anything, she just kept her look of shock plastered on her face. "Ken-..." She was about to squeal in excitement and happiness when she felt something cold and wet on her shoulders. Looking up, she saw millions of droplets pouring down on them. "'s raining..."

He held her hand like a gentleman would and attempted to get her to the shade, away from the rain. "C'mon Kaoru-dono, you might get sick...I'm sorry don't mind what I just said..." He gave out a nervous chuckle, trying not to be a nervous wreck in disappointment. "Please just don't mind it..."

She won't budge and they stayed there in the middle of the road, stuck in the rain. She was looking at the sky and the rain when she suddenly smiled and laughed. "Kenshin no baka! I love you too! Just kiss me will you!"

His eyes widening in surprise, her little request didn't quite register to his brain but for a while, he was so happy that he felt he was going to burst right at the moment...but not before he complied with her request.

So the couple kissed in the rain, oblivious to everything around them. It was a picturesque view...everything was perfect..even the rain. The scene that was so perfect, that the two was bursting with joy, happiness and most importantly love. They were one...


Author's Notes: Once again, sorry!! ^_^ If you noticed, some of the characters are OOC...sorry if they appear that way, it's just that sometimes it is needed for the story. But if you notice that it becomes overboard, you could tell me...I appreciate constructive criticism, just don't flame me or tell it in a rude way! ( Anyway, sorry for making the story progress slow (read: there is no action and the story is too slow). They will come, just be patient. Just have to make more k&k waff to make up for it! Hehehehe... if you have any ideas, comments, suggestions, complaints or just about anything you want to say to me, please review, really need it! If not, you could just e-mail me! Just remember to smile and review! ^_^ Oh, and btw, are any of you guys interested in becoming my proof reader? I really need one! Pretty please! Just review or e-mail me! Thank you!

Here's my e-mail: [email protected] & here are the individual responses:

hehehe-wow...hehehe...I also loved what Misao said, harharhar...tnx for reviewing, hope you liked the new chap!

yuhi-thedoerofevildeeds – oh, hi! Well, thank for reviewing and hope you like the new chap!

Ren-Okye – yeah, Enishi will be a bad guy... thank you so much for reviewing!

AsIaNbAkA- hi, yup, I liked that scene a lot, that butt part! Hehe...thanks for stopping by and reviewing!

shadowfox25- I'm sooo glad you loved the fic, hope you review more and hope you also love the new chap!

SilverLightning177 – thanks for the compliment, thank you for reviewing!

whisper*2*imaginary – Arigatou!! Here's the update!

Bob-san - yup, ba-ba-ba-ba-ad enishi!! Haha...the ken-eni clash will come soon! Thanks!

Luli451- hey there, I'm grateful for your review and yeah, enishi will be a bad guy...thanks!

ReinaQueen- I've updated! Thanks for the review!

ai so – hey, I love your review so much! Well, you just have to read the fic to know and I didn't think you missed anything in the fic...thanks!

Innocence8 – This wedding! Hehe...yup, there are gonna be lots of things happening! Thanks for the review!

Lucy Lei- (is your name right?...i just got it from my memory) thanks a lot! Domo arigatou for the e-mail! You woke me up, seriously! Sorry that I wasn't able to update earlier like I said in the reply but well here it is, sooo late!! Hehe...thanks a bunch! LoL!

Whew, that's over! Thanks a lot to those who reviewed, I love you guys! *mwah!* LOL!

Uhm, I'm still not sure but I think the ken-eni clash will come in chap 8...just see, k? That's tentative people..not sure! Also, on Megumi, at her little character in the fic, she may seem to be annoying. But even though she may be at times annoying and flirty, still she has a kind heart...I don't want to depict her as someone evil or a slut. Before I forget, I'm still not sure if I will put aoshi&misao, megumi&sano and yahiko&tsubame romance in here since my real concentration lies on ken&kao's.

Hehe...big thanks also to those who simply took their precious time to read this fic, even if they didn't review! Please tell me if you find something wrong in this fic! Thanks a bunch people, you are greatly appreciated and loved! See you all at the next chap!