A/N: Happy first of December! I will be updating this story daily. Each chapter will be around 1000 words. I hope you enjoy following Caskett and their family on this holiday season adventure! As mentioned in the description, all chapters were inspired by a Christmas song and not in any chronological order. Thank you for reading and your immeasurable support: it has been a true gift.

White Christmas

"Momma! Momma, quick wake up!" Lily's excited voice rouses her from her slumber and Kate forces her eyes to open despite the enticing pull of sleep. She grins at the sight of her daughter bouncing on her toes next to the bed, a delighted gleam in her eyes. "It's snowing!"

"Really?" she smiles, lifts her eyebrows and gasps in surprise for Lily's benefit.

"Did I just hear someone say it's snowing?" She chuckles at the sound of Castle's voice, still gruff from sleep but his elation mirrors their daughter's. He wastes no time in pushing the comforter from over his body and rising to his feet. Lily squeals and climbs up on the bed occupying the space Castle has just left vacant. She's up on her feet and practically jumps onto him when he opens his arms to her.

"Daddy, we have to start our list!" She wraps her pajama clad legs around Castle's torso, with an arm around his neck to balance herself as he holds her.

"Of course, Lilypad. What else would we be doing?" he scoffs as though there really was no other option and Lily laughs.

Kate pushes up onto her elbows and then uses her palms to bring her body up into a sitting position slowly. God, she feels so bloated. She realizes that may have to do with the fact that she's carrying, not one, but two of Castle's children in her belly. There isn't a day that goes by that she doesn't feel like she's about to burst.

She half expects Castle to zip Lily out into the living room for them to start their annual snow activities bucket list, but she looks up to find him glancing over in her direction while Lily strains her neck to try and see out the window from his arms, silently asking if everything is alright, if she needs anything.

Sweet man. But she's okay, she may be on the verge of exploding but she can still manage to get up from their bed just fine. She nods, tilts her head towards the office, encouraging him to take Lily and start their list, assuring him she's fine. Their silent communication has always been great, but it's become damn near perfect in the three years they've had Lily.

He smiles and she doesn't resist the upward curve of her lips in return. He turns back to Lily, touching his nose to hers and whispering like he's sharing a secret.

"How about we make your Mom some coffee before we start on our list?" The words are loud enough for Kate to hear and she grins. What would she do without him?

She sees Lily nod eagerly from her peripheral vision but she stays quiet, lets them have their secret. As long as she gets her coffee - though it's decaf now because of the pregnancy - she can't complain. Rick scurries out of the room with their daughter in his arms and Kate stretches her legs out in front of her for a couple of seconds before planting her feet to the ground and standing from the bed.

Castle knows she hasn't been getting the best sleep, she's exhausted all the time and he's been great at keeping Lily busy, cooking for the three of them and always looking out for her. She can't help thinking she needs to figure out a way to make it up to him, though she knows he'd probably be furious with her for even thinking that. Hopefully they can do something special all three of them together today with the first fall of snow.

She slips her feet into her favorite comfy slippers Castle had thought to lay out next to her side of the bed and heads toward the office to join them out in the kitchen.

"Momma, Daddy and I made you coffee," Lily exclaims walking towards her holding the steaming cup between her hands.

"You did?" Kate asks, feigning surprise but there's nothing fake about the smile that tugs at her lips when Lily hands her the cup that reads "Best Mommy." It's absolutely cheesy and she knows it was Castle's doing but it was Lily's gift to her for her birthday this year and she's never loved a coffee mug more in her life.

"Yeah! And it's the special kind that's not bad for my brothers in your belly." Kate grins at the information. Castle had gotten into the habit of making Kate's coffee with Lily a little while before she got pregnant. He'd had to explain why Kate's preferred choice of coffee had suddenly changed. Castle had told Lily that decaf kept her brothers safe and since then, Lily has taken pride in preparing the special blend for her mother, knowing she was taking care of her brothers as well.

"That's really thoughtful of you, Lilypad. Thank you," Kate says, accepting the mug from her small hands and bending down to lay a kiss to the top of her head. She takes a sip of the hot beverage, and though it's not her absolute favorite, she still hums as the warm, rich taste hits her taste buds. Castle had found a decaf recipe she'd loved almost just as much as her skim latte with two pumps of sugar free vanilla during her first pregnancy - after trying at least twenty other failed concoctions - and he's still making it (with Lily's help) for her now.

She takes the few remaining steps towards the kitchen to reach him and loops her arms around his waist. "Hey," she greets, looking up at him slightly and he grins back. Her rounded stomach is kind of in the way for him to pull her closer but he's told her repeatedly how much he loves it.

"Hey." She swoops in for a gentle kiss, lingering a tad longer than she normally would when he lays his palm to her cheek, hoping to express her gratitude but all it does is cause Lily to groan in disgust. Kate rolls her eyes when they separate and pecks his lips one last time. "Have you two started on your list yet?" She asks as she moves in Lily's direction and takes a seat at the kitchen counter next to her.

"No, we were waiting for you, Momma," she says, pulling out her colored crayons and handing Kate a sheet of Christmas decorated paper.

"Alright!" Kate starts, accepting the red crayon from Lily's hands and getting ready to start writing. "Are we going to build a snowman?" She proposes.

"Yes!" Her daughter beams, looking over at her father for approval and smiling brightly when he nods enthusiastically. "The biggest snowman in the whole park!"

"Definitely," Kate agrees. "What else?"

"We can make snow angels in too!" Lily suggests.

"Oh, that's a good one," Castle agrees, practically bouncing on his toes now himself. "And when we're done and frozen to the bone, how about we come back home and build a blanket fort?"

Lily cheers and Kate scribbles down their ideas on the piece of paper, smiling down at herself. There's nothing she wouldn't do as long as she has him and Lily and soon their two little boys.