Club Sin

Kate sighed as she walked into the club, and looked around, "I can't believe I'm doing this." she said before she walked to the bar

"Detective." Aldrif greeted eating the olive from her martini, "What brings you here?"

"I'm looking for Naruto." Kate said

"He's busy, you may want to come back later." Aldrif smiled

"Its important, I need to see him now." Kate said causing Aldrif to raise an eyebrow

"Okay, he's right up there." Aldrif smirked causing Kate to nod before she walked off, "Enjoy the view."

Kate looked back at Aldrif with a raised eyebrow before she continued on up the stairs and came up the beaded doorway and walked in expecting to see Naruto surrounded by bimbos getting drunk, but walked in to see Naruto fully naked as he laid in a bed with an equally nude Emma Glover an international glamor model as they kissed, and upon hearing her gasp looked at her

Emma woged her hair turning red as her skin became a shiny, bluish-green, also she gained large, deep blue eyes and long, pointed ears, similar to those of elves, before she returned to normal her eyes wide, "Grimm." she said

"Relax, she won't hurt you." Naruto said placing a hand on Emma's shoulder as he stood up, looking at Kate not covering himself, "Something I can help you with detective?"

Kate with her back turned spoke, "You said you'd teach me about Grimms, and the Wesen." she said

"And you couldn't wait till morning for this." Naruto asked walking to the side and grabbing his pants as Kate looked out her peripheral and saw his ass causing her to blush, before she gasped when she saw the two scars on his shoulder blades, before he turned to the bed tossing Emma her thong as she scrambled to get dress

"We could meet another Wesen tomorrow and I am tired of being caught off guard." Kate said with a frown, "I'll meet you downstairs."

Kate left as Naruto fastened his pants, before he looked to Emma who put on her dress and approached him, "Lord Naruto are you sure it's a good idea to be friends with a Grimm?'

"I'm immortal, there is nothing a Grimm could do to me that I have to fear.' Naruto smirked before he kissed Emma's cheek and walked off


Kate walked up to Aldrif at the bar with a blush still on her face, "Did you find what you were looking for?' Aldrif asked smirking

"You knew he was..."

"Of course I did." Aldrif interrupted

"Aren't you both together?" Kate asked

"I'm whatever he needs me to be." Aldrif said as Naruto walked up and handed a book to Kate

Kate rose an eyebrow at the title, 'Wesen and Grimm for Dummies', "Really?' Kate asked

"It has all the basic knowledge of Grimm, and Wesen. The more in-depth stuff is at my place." Naruto said reaching over and grabbing a glass of bourbon

"What are you?" Kate asked causing Naruto to pause in his sip, "You know all about this stuff, and your not freaked out. Are you a Grimm?"


"So you're Wesen?"

"No." Naruto said

"Then what are you? Who are you? Your history only goes back as far as 15 years, there is no birth certificate, social security, or anything besides your books and photos that say you actually exist. Who were you?' Kate asked

"An Archangel, before I was cast to hell with my twin brother for eternity." Naruto said

"Seriously?" Kate asked as Naruto smirked

"One thing about me detective, I never lie." Naruto said

"I don't believe you." Kate frowned

"Well that sounds like your problem doesn't it." Naruto smiled sipping his drink before Kate scoffed and walked off

Naruto watched her go before he blinked in surprise when a familiar face appeared in the crowd as a woman headed for him, "Well, well, well, if it isn't Mazikeen of the Lilim. What're you doing topside?" Naruto asked smiling as Maze looked at him seriously

"I've come looking for you."

"Oh?" Naruto asked

"Lucifer has left this universe." Maze said causing Naruto to blink


"He found a way to open a tear in space, and said he quits before he disappeared into the tear that sealed itself before I can reach it." Maze said bowing before Naruto, "I'm sorry for my failure."

"It's alright." Naruto smiled forcing Maze to stand, "Lucifer is free to make his own decisions, amd he decided to get away. It's no ones fault."

"But what am I to do now?" Maze asked

"Stay with us." Naruto smiled causing Maze to raise an eyebrow looking at the humans in disgust,

"Maze?" Aldrif asked surprised to see her sister

"Get her set up, would you love?" Naruto asked getting a nod from Aldrif who lead her sister to the penthouse

Naruto sighed and went outside to enjoy a drink, as he had his coin float above his hand, "Hey, you."

Naruto looked up to see a woman in the back of a limousine as fans took pictures of her with their phones, "Remember me?"

"You're famous, aren't you?" Naruto asked smiling as the girl giggled, "Delilah, isn't it? Can I have your autograph?"

"If I can have a drink." Delilah laughed

Moments Later

Naruto and Delilah were sitting in the club on one of the couches sharing a drink, "So are you gonna tell me why you really came back?" Naruto asked smiling

"There's something I need to know." Delilah asked

"And what's that?" Naruto asked

"Did I sell my soul to a demon?" Delilah asked causing Naruto to laugh

"Well, that would imply demons are actually interested in your soul. Look, all I did was introduce you to a few key people who owed me favors, that's all."

"I mean, with all the good came a hell of a lot of bad." Delilah said

"Oh, right, so the Devil made you do it, did he? The alcohol and the drugs, the topless selfies. The choices are on you, my dear. I mean, Jimmy Barnes? I can't believe you almost married that sweaty little imp." Naruto replied

"He produced my album. You introduced me to him." Delilah said

"I suggested you work with him, not sleep with him." Naruto replied

"Well, I got confused." Delilah said

"And then you left him at the altar." Naruto added

"Yeah, that was rude of me." Delilah retorted

"No, actually, I quite enjoyed that bit." Naruto said causing the two to laugh

"You know, he trapped me in the bathroom at the Grammys, said he wanted to get back together. Then I hear he's marrying a supermodel this weekend. And I'm jealous. Oh, God, I'm a mess." Delilah sighed looking down

"God has nothing to do with your mess." Naruto said getting her attention, "Look you didn't sell your soul, Delilah. You do owe me a favor."

"I'm scared." Delilah admitted

"You should be. Because what I'm about to ask you is gonna be quite difficult for you." Naruto said seriously as Delilah looked nervous, "Pull yourself together. That's it, that's all I'm asking. 'Cause you're wasting your talent, your life."

Delilah nodded smiling, before they hugged and Naruto kissed her forehead

Later, Outside

Naruto and Delilah walked down the street just talking about random things when Delilah got into his path looking at him, "I'm gonna do as you asked. I'm gonna get it together. Promise, Naruto."

Naruto smiled amd cupped her cheek, "Look, it's not about me. What happens now, that's up to you. Okay?"

"Yeah." Delilah nodded

"Come here, you." Naruto smiled bringing her into a hug when an SUV arrived and the window rolled down before a gun was aimed amd fired at the two

Naruto and Delilah fell before the SUV sped off but was slammed into by am 18 wheeler

With a growl, Naruto sat up before he looked over to Delilah who gave her last breath, looking up as a young woman appeared over Delilah's corpse Naruto and the woman stared at each other

"Hi Nate."

"Take her to heaven." Naruto said standing up and walking away from the corpse of his friend and his sister

Naruto approached the totaled SUV as the man was wheezing and was about to breath his last breath, "Oh, no, no, no, not yet." Naruto placed his hand on the mans chest and suddenly the man gasped, 'What did you do?"

"I'm sorry." the man said

"Sorry." Why did you end her life?" Naruto asked with a glare

"Why else? Money." the man said

"Money." Oh, it's times like this I wish I was still in Hell. All the fun activities I'd have planned for you." Naruto glared

"Hey, man, I just pulled the trigger." the man said with a weak gasp before he died

Stepping away, Naruto walked back to Delilah's corpse,


Kate sighed as she watched CSU bag and tag the scene as Naruto stood by the wall watching with a frown, when Esposito walked over, "Case is open and shut, that's our bad guy. Eddie Deacon, he's a low-level drug dealer. I found these in his pocket, and I found this in Delilah's purse, so obviously drug-related." Esposito said holding up drugs, "She probably owed him a bunch of cash or something. She's not exactly selling out stadiums these days."

"How do you know he's low-level?" Kate asked

"Look at his car." Esposito said

"Did you look at his watch? That thing ain't cheap." Kate replied as Esposito nodded, "We're going to look into this thoroughly."

Kate walked over to Naruto, "Someone ordered him to shot my friend, and I'm going to make them pay." he said

"I'll help you bring them to justice but I need you to tell me about your relationship with the victim." Kate said

"Well, she used to work at Sin a few years back. I would occasionally accompany her while she sang. Then she became a big star and someone decided to end her life." Naruto replied

"Delilah was shot to death by a drug dealer. And looks like Delilah herself kept the guy pretty busy. You know, it's sad, it's ugly, but it's not rocket science. Something probably went south between them. She gets riddled with bullets, and a nice little act of God takes him out." Kate said causing Naruto to look at her

"You know, it doesn't work like that, Detective. And if it is indeed true then why would he say he did it for money?"

"Wait he said that?"

"Before he died, yes." Naruto said

"Okay, just go relax and well pick this up in the morning." Kate said

Naruto looked to the crime scene where he and Delilah were shot and walked off,


At a church a beautiful wedding ceremony was being held as the bride and groom smiled at each other while the priest droned on, "Once in the evening there was harmony. If there is anyone here that would oppose this holy union, speak now or forever hold your peace."

"Excuse me. Yeah, I have a problem." Naruto said walking up the aisle as those in attendance gasped, "Has anyone else noticed how incredibly, jaw-droppingly, loin-stirringly beautiful this young woman is and how short, sweaty and altogether fugly this homunculus is? I mean, what is this a wedding or a kidnapping? Do you know what I mean?"

The priest tapped his forehead and chest to do the little cross thing, "Yeah, good luck with that, Padre. Ooh, why you're at it, say hey for me. It's been a while." Naruto laughed before he chuckled and looked to the groom, "Jimmy Barnes! Remember me?"

"Hey, man, this is a private event. How did you get in here?" Jimmy asked

"Yeah, and quite a lavish one for a record producer on the outs. You do remember me, don't you?" Naruto asked again

"Yeah, yeah, I remember you. Now, what do you want? I'm a little busy." Jimmy said

"Well, I can't believe that you're getting married the day after your ex-fiance and once brightest star was murdered in cold blood." Naruto replied as those in attendance gasped at this news

"Yeah, that's very sad. But you know what, she ruined my wedding once. I'm not about to let that happen again."

"It's hard to be rejected, isn't it, Jimmy? Twice." Naruto chuckled

"What?" Jimmy asked

"Well, you tried to get her back recently. I mean, I'd kill someone if they denied me once. Not that that's possible. So, come on, what do you say, Jimbo, huh? Did you want her dead?" Naruto asked

Jimmy tried to speak but the words wouldn't form so he looked away from Naruto, "Look, I am not playing that mind game with you. No, of course not! I was furious and I was humiliated when she dumped me, but I think, I-I think I've rebounded pretty well." Jimmy said still looking away from Naruto

"Yes, clearly. Respect." Naruto said admiring the beautiful bride that smiled at Naruto

"Should go play your mind games with 2Vile." Jimmy said causing Naruto to raise an eyebrow

"The rapper?" Naruto asked

"Come on. Delilah dumped me for that lunatic. They were always fighting. He slapped her around a bunch. He surrounds himself with gun-toting morons 24-7. He is the real deal."

"Right." Naruto nodded before he looked to the bride, "Sorry, how rude. Allow me to introduce myself. Naruto Morningstar."

"I really don't want to have sex with him tonight." the bride admitted as Naruto smiled while the congregation gasped, "Oh, my I'm sorry, I I can't believe I just said that."

"Oh, no, no, no. Let's be honest here. I mean, you're not marrying this human stain 'cause you're actually in love with him, right?" Naruto asked

"God no."

"No. Right." Naruto chuckled looking to the upset Jimmy as he clapped his hands walking back, "Well, I should get going. Ooh! Best of luck with you crazy kids, all right?"

2Vile's Mansion

Naruto approached the mansion but paused in surprise when Kate walked out, "Detective."

"What're you doing here?" Kate asked

"I can ask you the same thing, I was going to have a chat with the miscreant known as 2Vile about Delilah, and you?"

"Same. He checks out."

"So a dead end?" Naruto asked

"No there is a therapist in Midtown with the first name Linda. Delilah was a client."

"Ah-ah, actually, she had a pseudonym, which I also happen to know. I'm quite good at this, aren't I?" Naruto asked smiling

Kate looked at him

"Penny Lane." Naruto said before Kate called it in before she hung up and looked at a smug Naruto

"Don't look so smug. Nothing's panned out yet." Kate said

"Just admit it, you're impressed that I found my way here."

"I'm not." Kate said walking to her car as Narito chuckled and followed after her

Moments Later

Naruto was bored as he dozed off in the passenger seat when, Kate's phone rung, "Beckett...All right, text it to me. Thanks."

"What's that?" Naruto asked side awake

"What you were saying stands up. There's a Penny Lane who sees a Dr. Linda Martin in Midtown."

"Excellent." Naruto sighed before her phone begin to ring again, "Ooh, someone's popular."

"Hello...What? You're kidding me. Is she okay? Thanks." Late said hanging up her phone, "We got to make a pit stop."

"What? No, absolutely not." Naruto said

"My niece got into a fight. I got to pick her up." Kate replied

"What, can't she get herself home, or call her parents?" Naruto asked

"She's seven, and her parents are dead." Kate frowned causing Naruto to frown as well before he sighed and sat back as Kate switched directions


Kate parked the car outside of a school, as Naruto looked at all the children, "All right. Wait here." Kate said getting out of the car

"With pleasure." Naruto said watching as Kate left before he got out the car and was about to light his cigarette but paused as he saw a blonde woman in a pencil skirt that she filled out nicely head into the school so he followed after her

Naruto entered the school and looked around for the blonde but couldn't find her in the sea of kids in the hallway before with a sigh he sat down and was about to light his cigarette when the seven-year-old girl spoke, "I don't think you're allowed to smoke in here." she said

"Oh, dear, what will become of me?" Naruto asked smiling as he went to light his cigarette

"My aunt is a police officer. She could arrest you." the girl said causing Naruto to blink before closed his lighter

"Oh, I think I might know your aunt." Naruto smiled

"What's your name?" The girl asked


"Like the Chronicles of Shinobi author?' the girl asked

"Exactly." Naruto smiled

"My name's Beatrice, but everybody calls me Trixie." Trixie said causing Naruto to raise an eyebrow

"That's a hooker's name." Naruto replied

"What's a hooker?" Trixie asked

"Ask your aunt. So why are you in trouble?"

"See that girl over there?" Trixie asked pointing to a girl a few inches taller than her and much larger, "She was bullying me. She created a fake Facebook account and used it to make fun of me. So I kicked her in the no-no-touch-touch square."

Naruto looked confused, before Trixie pointed at his lap causing him to smile, "Oh. Oh, I see. Well played. Well played, indeed." Naruto said standing up and walking to the girl and knelt down

"Hello, mean girl." Naruto greeted causing the bully to roll her eyes, "Did you know there's a special section of Hell reserved for bullies? So have fun."

Naruto's eyes split in half and became toad like causing the girl to scream as Naruto's eyes returned to normal, Kate walked out to see the bully running away while Trixie was smiling,

"What did you do?" Kate asked

"Oh I just think someone's feeling a little guilty." Naruto smiled before the three left the school, to see Alexis outside

"Hi, dad." Alexis smiled

"Hi sweetie, this is the Detective Becketts niece, would you mind babysitting?"

"I really appreciate it." Kate said to Alexis

"It's fine, I love kids." Alexis smiled

"Trixella, give auntie a kiss." Kate said getting a kiss on the cheek from Trixie, "I love you so much. Good job standing up to the mean girl."

"Thanks, auntie. What's a hooker?" Trixie asked causing Kate to look up at Naruto who smiled looking away

"I'll tell you, later." Kate said turning to Alexis before they exchanged phone numbers and Alexis took Trixie to Kate's home

"Bye, Naruto. It was nice meeting you." Trixie waved which Naruto returned

"Hmm. Think she likes you." Kate said

"Of course she does what's not to like?" Naruto asked before the duo left

Later, Linda Martin's Office

Naruto was drinking coffee when he noticed Linda staring at him in facination

"Dr. Martin, I'd like to ask you a few questions about Delilah." Kate said

"You're thinking about it, aren't you?" Naruto asked as Linda kept looking at him

"What?" Linda asked snapping out of her daze

"Yes, I wouldn't recommend it. I'm like walking heroin. Very habit-forming. It never ends well." Naruto said

"I'm sorry, do do you two know each other?" Kate asked

"No, no, but I know that look." Naruto smiled

"I don't know what you're talking about." Linda said as Naruto looked to Kate

"That is interesting 'cause you don't look at me that way." Naruto said

"What way?" Kate asked

"With carnal fascination." Naruto said

"That's 'cause it doesn't exist." Kate replied

"No, you see, that's just it with most women, it does. I tend to appeal to the dark, mischievous hearts in all of you, but you, Detective, you seem oddly immune to my charms, which is a first even for one such as yourself." Naruto said

"Referring to them as "charms," I think, is a bit of a stretch. Truth be told, I find you repulsive. Like, on a chemical level." Kate replied

"That's fascinating." Naruto said before he looked to Linda, "Now, tell me, Linda-"

"You say it's fascinating, and yet I can see that it disturbs you, doesn't it? Deeply." Linda said causing Naruto to tilt his head

" , we know that, um, Delilah was having a clandestine affair with a wealthy married man, so if you just tell us his name, we will be on our way." Kate requested trying to get things on track

"I'm sorry, I can't do that." Linda said

"Oh, she's one of the complex ones." Naruto whispered to Kate before he sat forward, "Linda, darling, why don't you tell me?"

Linda bit her lip keeping her impulsive response back, "Hmm? Well, I can't." she said as Naruto chuckled still looking her in the eye, "I want to, but I can't." Linda laughed as Kate looked confused, "Oh, you're the devil."

"One of them, yes." Naruto chuckled leaning forward, "Now, come on, Dr. Martin. I know you want to."

"Oh, man, and it's really, really juicy, too." Linda giggled

"Ooh, I bet it is." Naruto smiled

"No, I can't." Linda said as Kate tapped Naruto on the shoulder

"What did you do to her? Did you roofie her?" Kate asked

"Oh, no, it's not her fault. She's just reacting to me. Just watch and learn, okay?" Naruto asked turning to Linda before he sat forward some more, "Right, the answer is yes, we can take a trip to pound town if we must, but first, you're gonna have to tell us, Linda, okay?"

Linda moaned, "Um Okay it's Grey Cooper." Linda laughed

"Grey Cooper? Seriously? That is juicy." Kate said

"Grey Cooper, the actor? The one who's married to Amanda what's-her-chops?" Naruto asked

" Yeah, yeah." Kate said

"Oh, no, he's horrible. Oh, I'm really quite disappointed in Delilah. That's truly terrible taste in the opposite sex." Naruto said sitting back

"Thank you very much, Dr. Martin. We'll be in touch. All right, we got to go." Kate replied about to stand but Naruto grabbed her wrist

"Yes, of course, but I made a deal, so I'm gonna have to hold up my end of the bargain. You wouldn't mind waiting outside?" Naruto asked

"Are you seriously talking about having sex with her right now?" Kate asked incredulously

"Well, it won't take long." Naruto assured before Kate got up and left

"Uh, look, I'm really sorry, but I'm gonna have to take a rain check. I will be back, okay?" Naruto asked standing up

"I certainly hope so." Linda said quickly

"My word is my bond." Naruto smiled before going to catch up with Kate

Kate shook her head walking to the elevator before Naruto fell in step beside her, "I can't believe you." she said


"We are on a case and you were about to have sex with the doctor." Kate said shaking her head

"I made a deal, I like to keep my word, that k you very much." Naruto replied

"Are you sure you didn't roofie her?" Kate asked

"Positive, I despise liars. Stick around Detective and you'll see that it's just apart of my charm." Naruto smiled

Later, Hell's Kitchen, Movie Set

Naruto walked in the middle of a scene as a car flipped over and rolled to a stop in front of him, "Who the fuck is this guy? What the hell are you doing?"

Naruto turned to the man, when Kate walked up, "Excuse me. Sorry, he's with me." she said as Naruto looked to the man that got out of the overturned car

"That's not Grey Cooper."

"No, of course not. What the hell is this?" the director asked

"We need to speak with Mr. Cooper." Kate said flashing her badge

Moments Later

2 beat cops stood behind Naruto, amd Kate as they spoke with Grey, "God, Delilah, yeah, heard about that this morning. I can't believe it. We did a movie together last year. Got pretty close." Grey said

"Lovers?" Naruto asked

"Friends." Grey said

"Friends who were lovers?" Naruto asked causing Kate to slap his chest

"Settle down. I'll handle the questions. , when did you last have contact with Delilah?" Kate asked

"Well, actually, I just have one more question before you proceed with the boring ones." Naruto said before Grey could answer before he looked Grey in the eye, "Tell me, , what do you want more than anything in this world? What's your deepest, darkest desire? You close your eyes, what do you see?"

Kate raised an eyebrow, " I'm the president of the United States of America." Grey said tonelessly

"Ha! Well, who's a Devil now, eh?" Naruto asked Kate

"Those are some pretty big aspirations there, Mr. Cooper." Kate said as Grey kept glancing at Naruto weirdly

"Well, after the acting - and stuff." Grey said with an embarrassed chuckle

"No need to be embarrassed. Hell, if Arnold can do it, right? Now, you wouldn't want any nasty secrets screwing that up for you, though, would you?" Kate asked as Grey really wanted to leave

"Is there a point to this?" Grey asked

" , were you having an affair with Delilah?" Kate asked before Grey could answer his wife walked up with his bodyguard

"Honey! Have you been getting my texts? I thought they were breaking you for lunch like a half hour ago. What's going on?" Amanda asked

"These people are detectives." Grey said

"Real ones?" Amanda asked

"We have some questions about Delilah." Kate said

"Oh. Oh. Yes, it's so sad." Amanda said as Grey crossed his arms amd Kate noticed his watch.

"Yeah, very sad." Grey said

"Your watch, where'd you get that?" Kate asked

"Oh, it's a prop." Grey said quickly

"No, that's the one Delilah gave you, isn't it? For Time Will Tell?" Amanda asked

"Shut up you dumb bitch, damn!" Grey thought as his face twitched and he nodded, "Right. That's the movie that we did. It was a wrap gift."

"Yeah. She buy a $10,000 watch for the whole crew?" Kate asked

"Uh, no. Just me, as far as I know. 'Cause we were, you know, costars and everything." Grey said

"You know, you're gonna have to get much better at lying if you want to be president." Naruto smirked as Kate watched Grey look to Naruto and become dazed

"I know, right?" Grey nodded

"So you were sleeping with her, then, yeah?" Naruto asked

"Oh, yeah." Grey smiled laughing as Naruto chuckled before Grey stopped and frowmed as Kate smothered her smile while wondering how Naruto was doing that, "Crap. I just said that in front of people."

"Whatever. It's not like I didn't know." Amanda said causing everyone to look at her, "God, you are a terrible liar. And actor, by the way."

"You knew?" Grey asked surprised

"Of course. Why else do you think I've been sleeping with Bobby?" Amanda asked causing Bobby to pause as Naruto smiled looking entertained

"Are you serious?" Grey asked with a glare

"Oh, yeah. And it is good. Mmm. I climb that man like a tree. Right, Bobby?" Amanda asked

"My bodyguard? What a cliche." Grey said upset

"Oh, I'm a cliche ? Well, you're a dick." Amanda retorted

"Oh, boy." Kate said before Grey ran over and pushed Bobby and the two got into a little scuffle

"Hey, guys. Arrest them." Kate said causing the two cops to walk over and separate the actor and his body guard, "One of them's got to be guilty."

Later, Club Sin

The club was empty as Naruto and Kate we're at the bar sharing a drink, "Thanks." Kate sighed as she hung up the phone, "So, Grey and Amanda have zero connection to the shooter. But the shooter had the same watch as Grey. That can't be a coincidence. Maybe Delilah gave him one, too, like kind of a go-to gift." Kate said

"Well, that would imply she was actually sleeping with that maggot." Naruto replied

"Really? Jimmy, 2Vile, Grey Cooper. That's three other maggots she's sleeping with. I don't think there's a lot of discretion going on with her." Kate said causing Naruto to nod

"Yeah. I suppose you got a point." Naruto said before Kate chuckled softly

"God, what am I doing here?" Kate asked

"Wrong deity, but, yes, that is the eternal question." Naruto said

"No. I mean here, in a bar, with you." Kate asked

"Well, I don't know. You tell me, Detective. I mean, despite your proclaimed revulsion, you can't deny that there's a connection between us. Tell me, what do you actually want?" Naruto asked as Kate smiled

"You mean what do I desire more than anything else in this life?" Kate asked with a small giggle

"Yes. No tricks. Not that they work on you, you freak." Naruto smiled as Kate laughed, "Seriously. I'm curious."

"I don't know. I really do want to help people. My dad amd sister were cops, my mom was a lawyer, so I guess it was always there. I tried out modeling but that wasn't really contributing to the betterment of society. I became a cop, amd worked my way up to detective and found a whole new way to ostracize myself."

"Ah the reason everyone at your precinct has you at arms length?" Naruto asked

"Yeah. Exactly. There was a case, a shooting on Palmetto Street where a cop was shot, and I saw it differently than pretty much everyone in my department. And I stuck my neck out, and it backfired. And, uh, now no one wants to work with me."

"Well, Esposito, Ryan, and the Captain seem to be on your side." Naruto said

"Yeah, and I'm grateful to them." Kate smiled

"Too bad your little protege isn't around to collect the check." Aldrif said causing Naruto and Kate to look up at her as they looked to the news that spoke on the increase in sales for Delilah's music

"The soundtrack album for the movie Time Will Tell has reached number 15 on the Billboard charts and is still climbing. Song and record sales-"

"Oh, wow." Kate said

"What?" Naruto asked

"Delilah didn't give that watch to the drug dealer." Kate said before the two walked off

Later, Manhattan, Studio

Jimmy Barnes sighed as he listened to his artist sing, "Got a heavy load, sometimes I wonder-"

"Stop, stop, stop! What is it? You got a gerbil in your throat? What's going on?" Jimmy asked his artist as he walked up to him before there was a knock om the threshold of the door and Jimmy turned to see Naruto and Kate

"Hello, Jimmy." Naruto greeted

"Really?" Jimmy sighed

"How's the album sales doing?" Naruto asked

"What album?" Jimmy asked with a frown

"Soundtrack to Time Will Tell, which you produced. Whitney Houston hit the top ten for album sales after her death. Michael Jackson hit the stratosphere. Not sure you'll achieve such heights having Delilah killed, but that sure is a boatload of royalty checks headed your way. Guess you really needed the cash, huh? Which is why you had to pay the shooter with your watch." Kate said

"The watch Delilah gave you. Now, that's just sick. But then you are, so-" Naruto glared before Jimmy grabbed his gun and his artist and put the gun to his temple as Kate grabbed hers and aimed as well

"Hey, Jimmy?" Kate asked as everyone ran

"I made her, and she ruined me. She humiliated me. She owes me." Jimmy snarled

"You're not God, Jimmy. You didn't make her. But you did destroy her. So I'm gonna punish you." Naruto said walking forward

"You back off, you freak. I mean it. I am not going to jail for that bitch. No chance." Jimmy said as Naruto walked passed Kate

"Listen to him, Naruto. Back off." Kate said causing Naruto to pause and look at her

"I told you, it's fine. I'm immortal." Naruto said turning to Jimmy who aimed his gun at him so. Kate tool the shoot causing him to fall while his hostage ran, "Why did you do that?"

"He was gonna kill you." Kate said

"No, no, no, no, no, no. You just you just let him off too easy. He needs to pay! He needs to suffer! He needs to feel the pain, not escape it!" Naruto growled as he looked at the man who killed his friend

"Don't worry. I'm sure where he's going, the pain's coming." Kate said getting his attention

"No. No, it's not, actually. And you know why? Because I'm here and he's -" Naruto kicked Jimmy's wrist as he tried to shoot Kate and broke it before he grabbed him by the throat, "That was a mistake.'

"Please don't kill me." Jimmy pleaded

"Oh, Jimmy. You're gonna wish that's all I did to you." Naruto smirked as Jimmy saw his eyes glow red before his visage transformed into a monsterous face that horrified Jimmy who only got a glimpse of it causing him to scream in horror before Kate turned him on his back and arrested the still screaming man

Later, Club Sin

Naruto drove up to his club and got out tossing his keys to the valet as he made his way over before time slowed causing Naruto to sigh, "Bloody hell."

Turning around Naruto walked over to Micheal and Amenadiel, "Well, well if it isn't Amenadiel, to what do I owe this visit."

"It has come to our attention that Lucifer is no longer in Hell, where is he?" Amenadiel asked

"Word is he left this universe for greener pastures." Naruto smirked causing the two anges to look at each other worried

"When will he return?" Micheal asked

"Never." Naruto shrugged

"Nathaniel, there is a balance here that we must maintain. I strongly suggest you do what I told you to do and go back to Hell." Micheal said

"Don't threaten me, Micheal. I mean, you don't want to start a war." Naruto replied

"I would love a war." Micheal said as Naruto smirked, "Oh, Nathan. My hatred for you grows stronger with every visit."

"Well, I wouldn't have it any other way. I look forward to eating your heart one day. Peace." Naruto said walking off as the brothers scoffed and flew away


Naruto was on the balcony overlooking New York, "Ugh. I sense your disapproval, Maze. What is it?" Naruto asked

"I just can't understand why you would save a human life." Maze asked as she and Aldrif stood behind Naruto

"Well, there's something different about her that I don't quite understand, and it vexes me." Naruto said

"Maybe it's not her that's different. I'm worried the humans are rubbing off on you. Stop caring. You're a Devil. One of the Kings of Hell." Maze said

"Yes, I am." Naruto smiled at Maze, "Which reminds me, I have a deal to keep."

Maze and Aldrif watched as in a tornado of hellfire Naruto vanished causing Maze to sigh

Linda Martin's Office

Naruto knocked on the door and Linda answered, "Okay. Right. Here's the deal. We can have as much naked cuddle time as you desire, but you're gonna have to listen to me, too. There's a few things that I'd like to discuss with you. You know, just a an existential dilemma or two. Deal?" Naruto asked

"Yes." Linda nodded quickly

"Lovely." Naruto smirked before the two slammed their lips into each other and entered the office, while slamming the door behind them


Been a while but here it is, the second chapter.

Aldrif is played by Zoe Kravitz and her demon form is Purgatori

Linda Martin is played by Roselyn Sanchez

Lanie Parish is played by Jessica Parker Kennedy

Maze demon has a demon form other than her half mummified face, picture Lady Demon