So, this is a prompt that I have written for a friend of mine, it was initially going to be a long one shot, but it got a little too long, so I thought I would post it in more than one chapter. It isn't really a new multi chapter, it's only going to be 4 or 5 chapters. Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy! :)

"What do you mean I won't be able to attend prom?" Regina snapped, her eyes narrowing at the headmaster who sat behind his desk with a strict expression on his face, "that isn't fair," she shook her head.

"Regina, you skip lessons, and some days you don't even turn up to school at all, the only thing you are ever on time for is cheerleading practice," he tutted.

Regina huffed and crossed her arms, sure she might not go to some lessons and she knew that was probably a bad idea, but she wasn't the most academic student and when the teachers weren't accepting of that, what was she really supposed to do? "Isn't there anything that I can do?"

"Yes, you can improve your GPA by 1.5 at the very least and then I might consider it."

"1.5?" she laughed shaking her head, that wasn't possible, not between now and prom, there was not a chance that she would be able to achieve that. "Are you serious?"


She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "how do you suggest that I do that?" she murmured fiddling with the hem of her cheerleading skirt. She really wanted to go to prom and she knew that she was putting her future at risk by not turning up to lessons, she needed help, someone who would teach her.

"I can organise a peer tutor for you."

"A peer tutor, how is that supposed to help?" she rolled her eyes, she didn't know how anyone in her year group would be able to help her, what she needed was an adult who actually knew what they were doing, someone who had an actual degree.

"Regina some of the students in this school actually put the work into their classes and learn things, some of those students have way over double what your GPA is."

"Double?" she gasped, her eyes going wiped in shock, well that was entirely depressing, way to make a girl feel worthless. She ran a hand over her face and took a deep breath, "okay then, who are you going to pair me with?"

The teacher looked down at his desk and moved around a few of his papers, "peer mentors usually tutor freshmen not seniors, but in this case, I think you need it."

"Okay I get the point, just tell me who is mentoring me so I can leave this office," she almost growled as she gritted her teeth, she was getting pretty sick and tired of listening to this guy whose clear motive was just to put her down.

"I think I'll pair you with Robin Locksley, god knows you need someone who will be calm and put up with your constant tomfoolery."

"Fine, when do I go to the meeting?"

"The first one will be in the library after school."

"No, I can't sir, there is a game after school, I'm leading the routine and…"

"Do you want to go to prom?"

"Yes of course but…"

"Then you will go to the study session, no excuses, I know that you have someone who knows your part in case you aren't there so you can't opt out of this Regina. You either do it, or you don't go to prom, it's as simple as that."

"Fine," she growled, pushing her chair back and grabbing her bag from the ground, she couldn't actually believe this was happening, not only did she have to go to these stupid sessions in the first place, she had to miss the game. She had been working on that routine all week making sure that all her girls had their moves on point, now though she wouldn't even be there to see them shine. She was just at the door when the principle called out to her again.

"Regina, I just want what's best for you."

"Sure, you do," she scoffed, slamming the door behind her as she headed down the corridor, she was well and truly fucked.

"So what you're telling me is that you are being shoved into extra tuition after school?" the blonde gasped as she rose her eyebrows. "What about the game? That's your routine!" she protested.

Regina nodded and dropped her head to the table before pulling back up and taking a sip of her chocolate shake, "what else can I do? I'm failing Tink," she sighed as she closed her eyes, "not even just failing, like crashing and burning."

"It's not fair for him to threaten that you can't go to prom though," Tink scoffed, "like surely he shouldn't be allowed to do that. And why couldn't he do it on another night, he knows the game is today."

"He can do what he wants, he's the principle Tink, that's the point. To be honest I think I need all the help I can get."

"Regina!" she felt an arm sling around her and turned her head to see Graham on one side and Daniel on the other.

"Hey guys," she huffed. They were both quarter backs and in her social circle, there was a rumour that went around the school saying she had slept with half the football team which couldn't be further from the truth, she didn't just sleep around. The thing was though, when you were head of the cheerleading squad people judged you, even if you were also a member of the chastity society. Not that she turned up to any of the meetings, but she wanted to prove a point, something which had backfired tremendously, with people accusing her of all sorts.

"Who got your panties in a twist?" Daniel asked, budging his way onto the chair with her, his arm still around her as he gave her a little squeeze.

"Principle Nolan," Tink rolled her eyes.

"Really Regina you let principle Nolan in your panties?" Keith one of the line-backers tormented, "really will do anything to get your grades up won't you."

"Shut it Nottingham," Daniel warned glaring at the guy who just laughed and sat down with his lunch tray, "so, what did Principle Nolan say now?"

"He said that I couldn't go to prom," she sulked leaning into Daniel with a sigh, he was her friend and she knew that he would be sympathetic.

"What?" Graham scoffed, stealing some fries from her plate as he sat down on the chair next to hers, pushing Nottingham off it so he could sit.

"Yep and he said that there was only one thing I could do if I wanted to…"

"Did he ask you to come to his place to get it on with him and his wife?" Nottingham butted in, "cos we all know you'd be up for that wouldn't you."

"Whoa back the fuck off," Graham hissed and Regina just rolled her eyes as she stood from her seat, snatching her shake from the table before glaring at the guy.

"Do you know what, just go choke on that burger," she spat before turning and leaving, she wasn't going to just put up with that kind of shit, she was sick of it. She knew that Graham and Daniel were the only guys that would stand up for her in this place, all the rest of them were arseholes whose minds were led by their dicks. She really couldn't wait to just leave school and never have to see them again.

On her way out, she knocked into someone accidentally, but she was too pissed off to even check what had happened and instead swanned off. Pulling down her skirt as she went, she was conscious that it was too short and she was sick of being an object for guys to just stare at. Especially ones like Nottingham who were first class jerks and had no respect for others in the slightest.

Robin had been having the worst day imaginable, he was ready to get out of this hell hole they called school and get to a good college, he already had his scholarship, he just needed to maintain the GPA he was on now and smash his exams and then he would be going to one of the ivy leagues.

He had been totally freaked out when he'd received a note telling him to report to principle Nolan's office, he had no clue what it could be about, but it always worried him. Not that he could be in any type of trouble because quite frankly he was a loner who kept himself to himself and sometimes ate his lunch on his own in an abandoned section of the library, that was when the jocks and cheerleaders weren't using those areas for their heavy make out sessions. When that happened the jock either kicked his ass or he ran off as quick as possible, he wasn't really a fighting kind of guy.

He liked his books and information, learning things was what he did best and he knew that getting himself into trouble would only hinder that, so he stayed away from it all and remained as a lone wolf who would rather eat with teachers than his fellow students.

Robin arrived at the Principle's office and knocked on the door, he adjusted his glasses as he heard the teacher call for him to come inside. He did as he was told and sat down on the seat at the other side of the desk before looking up at the other man and cringing, "you called me to see you?"

"Ah yes, Locksley, you signed up for the peer tutoring system, didn't you?"

"Urm, yeah, I did, why?"

"There is a student I would like you to mentor for me, she really needs the help, at this rate she is going to fail all of her exams and more than likely be refused from any colleges she applies to."

"Oh, is she a Sophomore or a Junior?" he asked.

"Actually, she's a Senior, like you, but she really needs the help and we have no actual tutors that have enough time, so do you think you might be able to help?"

A senior? Needing peer tutoring, that was rather strange, he didn't even think they did that. If someone needed help though who was he to say no, they were clearly in quite the predicament and he wanted to be able to help in any way he could. "Sure, yeah, that's fine. Who's the student?" He questioned curiously, he wanted to know if it was someone he had heard of or if it was just another random like him.

"Regina Mills, you will most likely have heard of her, I think everyone will have heard of her."

Robin nodded, of course he'd heard of her, you had to have been living under a rock not to have heard to the head cheerleader. He found she was stunningly complex and couldn't help but have had a crush on her since sophomore year when she had been a little less rebellious than she was now. She'd been in a few of his classes over the years although as time passed, he seemed to see less and less of her and when he did see her she didn't look happy in the slightest. "Okay, yeah I can tutor her."

"Great, well if you want to meet her in the library after school for your first session that would be perfect."

"Right," he smiled briefly before standing up, grabbing his bag and walking out of the room, he needed to go and buy some lunch before all the good food went. He headed towards the dining room, he usually brought a lunch with him but he hadn't had time that morning to pack one so he was buying something today. He glanced around the hall and kept his head down as he made his way over to the counter and found what he wanted to eat, just grabbing a burger and fries with a chocolate shake before heading for the exit.

He'd just gotten out of the door when he realised that he had forgotten the ketchup, with a groan, he turned back to go inside his version of hell, yet again. His eyes were trained to the ground and all of a sudden someone was colliding with him, not even stopping as they carried on the way they were going. Unfortunately for him though his lunch ended up down the front of his blue jumper, he closed his eyes in annoyance and heard cheering and laughing seeing that everyone had witnessed what just happened.

In his embarrassment he turned and left as quickly as he could, needing to just get out of there and escape the constant ridicule of the other students. He reached his locker and smacked his head against it.

"Careful you might do some damage," a voice warned.

He looked up to see the girl he would be tutoring later that day standing there unlocking her own locker that was only a couple down from his, inside it was decorated with photos and a mirror, everything he had expected it to be decorated with.

"You're Robin, right?" she asked after applying a coat of lip gloss in the mirror and closing her locker as she turned to look at him.

"Y…yes," he nodded, adjusting his glasses as he gazed at her awkwardly, "urm, I just… I got to go," he stated, hurrying off in the opposite direction and leaving her stood chuckling against her locker.

He was cute she'd give him that, quirky in his own little way, he was quite clearly a nerd, but in truth she actually liked that, she seemed to find herself attracted to the geekier types, not that she was attracted to him, but she had a feeling that they were going to get on despite his awkwardness, maybe she had just found another decent guy in the school.

Robin rushed down the corridor, heading for the guys rest room, she knew his name, she actually knew him and he couldn't believe it. He thought she had no idea who he was, no idea of his existence, but apparently, he had been wrong because she had just said it then, just called him by his name. She'd probably already have been told about the tutoring and done her research into who her tutor was, it wasn't because she just knew him, it couldn't be.

Once in there he locked himself in a stall and pulled the jumper off, flinging it in his bag as he closed his eyes and shook his head, this wasn't going to be a good day for him, all he had with him was his work out gear, which meant a tight black vest shirt, something he wouldn't be seen dead in at school. Hell, he drove out of town to the gym in Portland so he could avoid seeing anyone he knew, even if he was literally in prime shape at the moment, he didn't want anyone to see.

With a groan, he pulled the t-shirt on and closed his eyes, he just wasn't a cool guy, he was an awkward nerd who happened to work out. So right now he was dressed as a jock with bloody glasses on, maybe he could wear his coat for the rest of the day and hide inside that. It was a plan actually, the only issue he had now was getting from the bathroom and back to his locker without being seen. What was more embarrassing, putting the burger covered jumper back on or having everyone see him in his tight shirt?

He pulled the jumper on and was just about to leave when he heard the bathroom door bounce open, he closed his eyes and shook his head before keeping completely quiet.

"I really pissed her off," a voice laughed.

"She can't handle the truth mate."

"I know, I think she just hates it that we call her out for what she is, I mean you've been with her right?"

"Yeah, course," the other guy answered.

Robin furrowed his eyebrows, these guys were clearly jocks and he was not going to be opening the door any time soon.

"She's a little slut, but I bet she loves it."

It was then that Robin recognised the voice and groaned inwardly before sitting on the system of the toilet and making sure that his shoes couldn't be seen from underneath, the last thing he needed right now was a run in with that prick, especially when he wasn't alone.

"I think she's probably made her way through every teacher as well you know, she can't get enough of it…"

The door opened again and he heard some other guys come in, "Keith, want to tell me what the fuck you think you're doing?" the voice asked angrily.

"Just messing about mate, you know."

"There's messing about and there is deliberately setting out to hurt someone and I think that you need to learn the difference. Also, I'm not your mate, we might play on the same team, but you're just a jerk who doesn't deserve his place."

"Come on Daniel…"

"No, shut up alright, say anything to her again and I will make you regret it."

Robin wondered who they were talking about, he'd heard a few rumours about girls on the cheerleading team, but he didn't like to believe them, mainly because they were probably a load of bullshit lies made up buy a bunch of guys who played football to compensate for the fact that their balls hadn't dropped yet.

"Is this all because she's giving you blue balls by playing hard to get? Are you jealous because she's sucked off everyone else in the team but you?"

Robin heard a crash and a groan and rose his eyebrows, apparently you shouldn't mess with this Daniel fellow.

"You are a sad excuse for a human being," Daniel ground out before footsteps were heard leaving the restroom.

"Shit mate!" the other guy who clearly hadn't spoken up to the man who confronted them laughed.

"He's going to get what's coming to him."

Robin audibly scoffed before placing a hand over his mouth and closing his eyes, oh crap. He was totally and utterly done for, quickly he hopped down and opened the door, looking at the two guys who were glaring in his direction.

"Ooh perfect, let me get my frustration out by kicking a nerd's ass," Keith rubbed his knuckles and Robin shook his head before bolting for the rest room door and speeding out of it, running down the corridor as quickly as he could, knowing that the guys were probably chasing him.

Hearing a commotion on the corridor, Regina stood up and looked out of the tiny window that was built into the store room before opening the door and seeing her peer tutor running like hell in her direction. Her eyes widened and just as he was passing her she grabbed his arm, pulling him inside with her and shutting the door before turning off the lights and placing a finger over his lips, "shush," she whispered.

The broom cupboard was small and she liked to come here to get away from things, but she felt that was exactly what Robin needed to do in that moment. When what was outside died down she sat back down on the makeshift seat she's made and looked up at him, "so, why were they chasing you?"

He tried to regain his breath as he realised just who it was that had pulled him in to the closet with her, with a sigh he sat down opposite her, rather glad that she couldn't see him because he would be highly embarrassed for her to see him yet again with a stained shirt, even if it was her fault in the first place that it was like that. He ran his hands over his face and shook his head, "they just wanted to kick a nerd's ass."

"And you just happened to be there," she chuckled, picking up a nearby broom and using the handle to turn the lights on, she glanced at him and rose her eyebrows, "messy eater?"

"No, god no, just clumsy apparently," he shrugged, "someone walked into me in the dining room," he confessed.

Regina rose her eyebrows before closing her eyes, "oh no, that someone was me wasn't it?" she sighed, burying her head in her hands, "I'm so sorry."

"Don't worry about it, I have stain remover at home," he felt bad, he didn't think she would actually realise that she had been the one to walk into him, he thought that she wouldn't have even known she'd knocked someone, she seemed to be pretty much in her own world as she stormed out of that dining room.

"Still, you have to walk around like that now," she scoffed, "is that why they were after you?"

"They're always after me," he shrugged, "I'm pretty used to running from them."

"They are jackasses," she narrowed her eyes and he saw the anger residing within them, she clearly didn't like these guys and he wondered why. Most of the cheerleaders hung around with the all the jocks, so it was surprising that she, head cheerleader, didn't go around with them, or even like them.

"I will have to agree with you on that one," he nodded, adjusting his glasses before looking to the door, "I think I better go, I have class in five minutes."

"Oh yeah, you go," she smiled weakly.

"Thanks for saving me from the jackasses," he chuckled awkwardly before looking down at her and seeing that she didn't look like she would be leaving any time soon, "aren't you going to class?"

"What's the point, they don't teach you stuff anyway? Or at least not in the way I can learn," she sighed, resting her head in her hands, "I think I am doomed to be a failure."

"Not if I can help it," he grinned, "go to lesson, maybe you'll learn more than you think."

"Okay nerd boy," she scoffed, standing from her place on the floor and picking up her bag, "I'll go to lesson and if I don't learn anything, you will buy me a hot chocolate in our study session, deal?" she held her hand out for him to shake. She was looking forward to that drink already, she knew that going to this would be a waste of her time.

"Deal," he laughed shaking her hand, "and if you do learn something, you can buy me a hot chocolate how about that?"

"Dream on," she sniggered, "see you after school in the library nerd boy," she winked before leaving him alone in the broom cupboard, turning the light off behind her, leaving him in total darkness as her light laughter tinkled through the corridor.

He bit his lip and laughed, she was going to be a challenge, but one he was definitely up for. He didn't really mind being called a nerd, not when she said it anyway, he knew she was joking around and with the little interaction they had, he already knew that he really liked her and his crush on her increased.

Robin sat in the library, he was just reading a book waiting for his student to turn up, he hoped that she actually did and didn't just bail on him because that would be awkward and he wouldn't know what to do, would he have to tell Principle Nolan? Would she get into serious trouble? Not only that but he would feel disappointed that she didn't value him enough to at least turn up to the study session and give him a chance at being able to tutor her, for him to prove to her that she could learn.

The door creaked open and he turned to see what looked like Regina Mills walking in, although he couldn't be sure because where the hell had the cheerleading outfit gone? She wore it constantly, much like the other cheerleaders, but there she was in black ripped jeans and a simple top paired with a denim jacket. Her hair had been thrown up into a messy bun and in her hands she was carrying too take out mugs.

"Hi," she smiled, sliding into the seat next to him and taking out one of the cups before placing it in front of him, "that is for you," she stated shyly, going to tuck a stand of hair behind her ear before realising that it wasn't there to do so with. "Just to say thank you for agreeing to help me, it really does mean a lot."

"No problem, looks good on the personal statement," he laughed as he took the drink, "thanks for this."

"You're welcome," she nodded, she'd felt weird in the cheer outfit whilst she was with him, silly almost and she had to take it off and replace it with some actual clothes. She would love to be able to wear them every day, but it was school policy that cheerleaders had to wear their cheerleading outfits on game days and today was one of those days, even if she wasn't able to make the game because she was here with Robin. "So, what will you be teaching me today oh great leader?" She laughed picking up the book he had been reading from the table and frowning at it before putting it back down again.

"What do you want to learn?"

"What are the options?" she shrugged, she didn't want to learn anything really, all she wanted to do was be out on the field performing with her squad, even if the company wasn't too bad where she was.

"History, Science or Geography?."

"Anything else?" she cringed, they all sounded like they were going to send her to sleep.

"Well, Principle Nolan gave me a copy of your class schedule and marks in each class," he stated, he didn't know if the teacher had actually been allowed to do that and he had felt extremely intrusive taking them, but he knew that looking at her grades would help him determine what she needed the most help with so he could tutor her accordingly.

"He's such a snake," Regina huffed, folding her arms over her body as she cast him a disapproving look, "how can he just give out my information like that?"

"Don't worry I'm not judging you…"

"Sure, you're not," she rolled her eyes, "your grades are probably twice what mine are," she sighed reluctantly, he was so smart and she was just an airhead bimbo as she'd been called many times, she had no chance of ever getting near the intellectual skill he was at.

Robin shook his head, he didn't want to admit to her that it was true, he knew that saying that would only make her feel worse about herself. He had a feeling that she would really gain from his help and he hoped that he could be the person who made her see that she had potential to be more, to do more with her life and really achieve something. "Regina, I want to help you, so how about we start with History?"

Regina took a sip from her hot chocolate before grabbing her history text book from her bag, "okay then, teach me oh great master."

"First lesson of History class, dump the textbooks," he picked it up and tossed it across the room, causing Regina's mouth to gape open.

"Did you just throw a book? My, my Robin Locksley, I may have underestimated your rebellious side," she giggled.

"Excuse me Miss Mills, I will have quiet in my classroom thank you," he smirked before picking up his flash cards which had little mind maps drawn all over them. "What I think you need is something more visual to make you remember things."

She nodded, "that's my problem, I can't remember, I try to study, I look at the books, but it just doesn't go in."

Robin grinned, he knew he had been right, that her issue wasn't that she wasn't willing to learn, but that the method of learning the teachers took wasn't the one that worked for her and in return her grades were falling. Hopefully, he would have them rising again in no time.

Regina came into school the next morning extra early, she wanted to find Robin and thank him again for helping her the day before, his method had really worked well and she hoped to show him all the study cards and mind maps she had made later that night when she got home. Today she was in simple denim skinny jeans and a cropped white T with an oversized denim jacket that had wool on the inside, she was also rocking the converse high tops, something that she would never wear to school but today she was feeling extra edgy, if you could class converse as edgy, for her they were anyway.

She reached her locker and took out some of the books for class before finding a little bit of paper and writing a note on it before posting it in the locker she guessed belonged to Locksley, or at least the one he had been banging his head against in embarrassment when she had seen him the day before. With that she turned and headed to the library for the second time in her life, she'd actually had to ask someone for directions the day before which was quite ridiculous. No wonder she had been failing.

Regina pushed the door open rousing the attention of everyone who was already in there, geez did these people really get up that early and come to study when they could have extra time in bed? Like who would actually choose to do that… her eyes fell onto the person she was seeking out, he was looking at something on a bookshelf somewhere in the middle of the library. She tossed her stuff onto one of the tables before heading off in his direction.

"Well hello there Professor Locksley," she smiled as she came to stand neck to him leaning against the bookshelf, he nearly jumped out of his skin the book slipping comically from his hands causing her to drop down and catch it, bumping her head with his and rubbing it as she stood back up.

"Sorry," he cringed closing his eyes, why did he have to be such a klutz? He was stupidly clumsy, with a sigh he opened his eyes and looked at her, wondering why on earth she was here so early.

"Am I that scary?" Regina chuckled.

"I just wasn't expecting to see you here that's all," he shrugged taking his book from her hands.

"I thought you said to toss the text books," she rose her eyebrows in challenge.

"I told you to toss the text books, unfortunately I need to text books to be able to teach you what's in them."

"Okay," she smirked, "so what are you studying then?"

"Microbiology and metaphysics."

"Right, pretend I didn't ask," she had no idea what any of that meant, but she guessed it was science.

"Don't worry, that isn't to teach you, that's just some extra reading I guess."

"So, you're telling me that you read text books on microbiology for fun?" she scrunched her face up, he really was a nerd, no offence meant by that but wow, "you must be really smart," she smiled, "anyway, I just came here to thank you for yesterday, it really helped me. For the first time in my life I actually understand history and remember dates! Can you believe it?"

He grinned at her enthusiasm and grabbed his bag from the floor before leading her into the main part of the library where the tables were situated. "I'm glad I could be of assistance, in fact I really enjoyed our session."

"So, did I," she tucked her long hair behind her ear and took her bag from the table, "so I suppose I will catch you later. Here after school?" she enquired hopefully, she knew she was going to need to get in all possible revision sessions she could and as much as she might hate to admit it, she actually found them really fun.

"You're on," he nodded at her, watching as she walked out of the room, casting him a blinding smile before closing the door behind her. Once she was gone he dropped down into his seat with the biggest grin on his face ever, god, she was actually perfect and even better than that she was willing to learn, she wanted to do well and that was something that impressed him. She was determined to put the work in, she clearly wanted to pass her exams and with any luck she would.

She was so beautiful though and at times it was rather distracting, especially when she smiled at him the way she had just then, it nearly knocked him out. It wasn't just about her looks though, although she was stunning she was witty and caring. He had become a little obsessed with Regina Mills as weird as that might sound, he just couldn't get enough of her and he would be willing to give her as many revision sessions as she wanted.

At break Regina made her way out to the quad feeling more confident than ever about her lessons, she had been taking part more and more in class and even answered a few questions which seemed to completely stun her teachers, something that made her feel rather smug. She held onto her coffee as she approached her friends who were sat at the head table outside, she smiled at them and waved before stopping stood up when she realised there were no free seats, "hi guys."

"Regina, hey!" they all chorused their greetings and she chuckled before deciding that she was going to just perch on the table between Daniel and Graham.

"How was the game?" she asked, shivering a little at the bite in the air and pulling her coat tighter around her.

"We won," Daniel rose his eyebrows playfully, "let's just say though that it wasn't the same without you there."

"We totally needed you out there Gina!" Kathryn complained, her hands going to her hips as she glared at Emma who was sat on the other side of the table, "Swan fucked up the routine."

"Oh shut up would you Midas."

"You know you messed up Emma."

"Well never mind, we all mess up sometimes right," Regina offered Emma a friendly smile, "don't worry about it."

"I didn't mess up, Kat has two left feet and tripped me."

"Seems I missed quite a bit," she chuckled rolling her eyes at their antics. Her girls were always like this, constantly arguing over little things, getting into petty squabbles, she bet that the little trip probably wasn't even noticeable to anyone not in the team. She looked around and narrowed her eyes, "where's Tinka?"

"Apparently, she's messing around with Killian," Emma huffed, causing Regina to frown and shake her head. She knew for a fact that Tink would not be messing around with Killian, especially when everyone knew that both Killian and Emma were into each other but wouldn't admit it.

"I don't think so somehow."

"Someone said they saw them making out after the game yesterday."

"Well maybe that someone is a bullshit liar," Regina shrugged, saying it how it is, there had been so many lies about and rumours spread around about her that she ought to know that people say stuff that isn't true.

Everyone around the table went quiet and she felt all their eyes land on her before Graham broke the silence with a laugh and a clap, "so true, you tell em, I think people need to realise that they can't believe anything they hear unless they here it from the horse's mouth."

"Exactly," she nodded, there had been many times when she had wanted to stand up and yell that a rumour about her wasn't true, but from what she had seen, people didn't really tend to believe the truth either. Not when the lies were much more exciting and made better points of conversation.

"Okay, so then Regina, how was your after-school session with your peer tutor?"

"Actually, it was really good," she smiled, taking a sip of her coffee, "he's a good teacher and it really helped me with what I needed to learn. In fact, Daniel and Graham can I ask you a favour?" she enquired pulling her bottom lip between her teeth as she slid off the table and beckoned them to come with her somewhere more private.

"What is it?" Daniel asked.

"Okay, so the guy tutoring me, Robin Locksley, he's having a hard time of it with some of the guys on your team and I was just wondering if you might be able to watch his back a little, you know, make sure they don't try jump him." She knew that Robin would probably hate that she was going to her friends about this, but from what she had seen it was serious and these guys needed to be sorted out, he shouldn't have to be dealing with that shit.

"Who are the guys?" Graham questioned.

Regina laughed as she rolled her eyes and shook her head, "give you one guess."

"Oh, he's a right pain in my arse that guy," Graham groaned as Daniel nodded in agreement.

"I already had it out with him about something yesterday."

"You did, why?" she furrowed her eyebrows, feeling interested to know what led to Daniel and Graham taking action against the guy. She saw them exchange a look and became even more suspicious, her eyes narrowing as she looked from one to the other. "Right, what's going on?"

"He was saying some shit, some gross stuff that we know ain't true."

"What was he saying?" she whispered, having a bad feeling that it was probably something to do with her, he had some sort of obsession with spreading crap about her.

"Just that you're easy, we know you're not."

"I wish he's just fuck off," Regina groaned.

"He won't say anything else Gina," Daniel reassured, "I warned him that I would kick him into next week if he did."

"Thanks," she half chuckled, still feeling rather disheartened, "anyway, I better be getting to class. Thanks again guys, for having my back."

"We've always got your back," they grinned, both hugging her tightly, "and don't worry, we'll make sure that Locksley is okay."

"See you later," she smiled, kissing both of them on the cheek before turning back towards the school. She fucking hated Nottingham.

At lunch Robin was extremely wary about where he was going to spend his time, he had a feeling that Nottingham and his gang would still be after him and it clearly wasn't safe in the usual places he would eat lunch. So after quickly grabbing his food from his locker he hurried through the corridor.

Stopping at the closet that Regina had pulled him into the day before he opened the door and slipped inside. He flicked on the light and looked around from his standing position it looked like a normal janitor's closet but as soon as he sat down on Regina's makeshift seat he noticed that maybe it wasn't. There were secret little draws hidden around and he was super tempted to look inside them.

With another glance around just to check that no one was watching him, he pulled one open and was rather shocked at what he found. Drawings, tonnes of them all signed with the same name, Regina Mills. He looked at one of them noticing the attention to detail and the almost whimsical technique she had used to capture the emotion in the persons eyes. She was an artist, she said that she couldn't do anything and then here were these beautiful pictures that she had created.

Suddenly he heard the door open and dropped them, his head whipping around to see said girl stood in the doorway, "what are you doing in here?" she asked, moving inside as she noticed that he had found where she stored her drawings, "do you often go around looking through other people's things?" she chuckled, budging him up a little so that she could share her make shift seat with him.

"No and I came in here because I figured people wouldn't look in here," he shrugged, putting all the drawings back where he found them, "they are really lovely."

"Thanks," she smiled, leaning back against the wall, thinking about how she had never brought anyone to this space in the whole time she had been going there, which had literally been since the middle of freshman year. It was the place she came to escape the drama of the other students and just be alone. Apparently, Robin also found it useful for that and she found that she didn't all that mind his company, "I can't believe I showed you my secret hide out," she scoffed.

He cringed and went to pick up his back, "I can leave if…"

"Shut up," she laughed, pulling him back down again, "but if you tell anyone about this, I might have to kill you," she joked with a raise of her eyebrows, "don't be bringing any girls back here for make out sessions," she warned hearing the snicker he let out, "what?"

"I was just wondering what girls you were referring to, I hardly think any girl would even take a second look in my direction."

Frowning at him she shook her head, "I hardly believe that, there must be loads of nerdy, and not nerdy girls who like you."

"Really? Well I'm not aware of any of them then," he sighed, "it doesn't really matter all that much anyway," he shrugged feeling slightly awkward now. In this school he might as well not exist, nobody ever took any notice of him, not for good reasons anyway. What was the point in being there, he had no friends, no girlfriend, no one, "I'm going to go, sorry for coming into your space," he stood up and grabbed his bag.

"You're just going to leave?"

"Yeah, I might go study somewhere," he cast her a reluctant smile before taking hold of the door handle, "your drawings are lovely by the way."

"Thanks," she whispered, watching as he left her on her own in the closet. She tucked her hair behind her ear and leant back against the wall, she had enjoyed having him in there with her and now she was alone again and for the first time she actually did feel alone, usually she came here for peace and quiet, but maybe that wasn't what she needed today, maybe she just needed that little bit of human contact.

Two weeks later Regina's studying couldn't have been going better, she had been learning all sorts of things that she hadn't thought possible until Robin began to tutor her, she finally felt as though she was getting somewhere, like she was really going to improve and had a chance at passing her exams.

She headed to the library after school and sat down at the table, it was rather odd that Robin wasn't here yet, he was usually there before she was, so it was strange that he hadn't been waiting for her. With a shrug of her shoulders she decided to just get out the mind maps she had been working on since their session the day before. She had taken to revising for at least another two hours once she was home after their now daily sessions after school.

Her phone pinged in her pocket and she received a glare from the librarian, she quietly apologised before taking it out and flicking it onto silent, she looked at the screen and saw that it was a text from Robin.

Hi, sorry, I can't make today's session, hopefully see you soon.

She furrowed her eyebrows, that was really odd because she had seen him just that morning and he had been completely fine so she didn't have a clue what was going on with him. With a sigh she collected her stuff and decided she might as well go home and revise, at least she now had the new methods that Robin had taught her, even if she didn't have any new content to go over, she could always surprise him by picking a new topic and learning that by the time they came to their time together the next day.

Regina grinned at the thought of him being impressed with her and headed towards the exit of the school, she was about to leave the building when someone caught her eye slumped down in a gap between the lockers. Furrowing her eyebrows, she turned around and headed towards them, "hello? Are you okay?" she asked before getting closer and realising exactly who it was.