Game of Thrones: In the Heart of the Storm

Chapter 25, the final chapter, of my Game of Thrones story, enjoy.


Marina Ka-Fai: Well, my point still stands, since there's only one person Joffrey could possibly hurt that fits that description and I don't think Tywin is going to let him get away with doing anything to Kevan, do you?
Boris Yeltsin: Thanks.
Wolfgirl2013: Thanks :)
jean d'arc: Thanks, glad you enjoyed it :)
Veridissima: Thanks, glad you enjoyed them :)

Now onto the story.

Disclaimer: Game of Thrones belongs to George R.R. Martin.


Once again, there was much buzzing and speculation in Winterfell; only this time, the majority of those curious would have to wait for news. The Starks were all gathered and waiting anxiously for news on the birth of Lord Bran and Lady Meera's child.

Lady Meera had gone into labour some time ago and right now Bran was waiting, anxiously with the rest of the family. Bran flinched whenever Meera screamed, but they did the others did their best to keep him calm. As this all progressed, only Ned and Cat noticed Arya and Gendry kept sending each other strange looks.

But they couldn't focus on that at the moment. Finally however they were invited into the room and all grinned as they saw Meera. She was seated upright, her face shining, looking wan, but overjoyed. Bran joined her quickly and soon the rest of the family saw.

"Twins..." Meera announced. "Both girls."

Bran nodded and everybody grinned as they joined them, already showering the two baby girls; whom Bran and Meera decided to call Minisa and Lyanna, leaving their parents very touched, with love.

It was then Bran joked. "Guess we're going to need another crib."

Arya then made her revelation. "Make that two, for Gendry and I as well."

All eyes turned to them, Gendry took Arya's hand and they both smiled, confirming it; Arya was pregnant now too. Yet more joy to come for the family, even in the midst of Winter, their family was growing and no matter what, they would endure through the Winter together.

End of chapter and of story, hope you enjoyed it, read and review please.

Also, while this story is over and there is no more chapters to come, may I still say, to all who read, Merry Christmas :)