Hi guys! Now any of you that have read my TMNT story, I know I haven't updated in a while, but I just couldn't resist writing something about the new Ducktales reboot! I never was able to watch the previous version, but I am absolutely in LOVE with this new series. This chapter involved Della and the Spear of Selene, and I have absolutely no idea about the two. This is just my take on things and my version haha. That being said, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

I do not own Ducktales!

Two kids were playing around an old tree, who's red and orange leaves were falling to the ground. Winter was quickly approaching. The cool autumn breeze ruffled the children's feathers as the female duck chased her brother.

"Ngahhh!" Della cried out as she leaped towards Donald. The duck gave a shout of surprise as his siter slammed into his back and pinned him to the ground. A cloud of dust and leaves rose from the ground and filled his nostrils, making him cough briefly. "Gotcha!"

"N-no fair!" Donald laugh-cried, struggling to get back up. "We said jumping wouldn't be allowed!"

Della grinned. "That wasn't a jump, that was a leap. Know the difference." With that, she got off her brother and helped him up. "Now your turn to catch me!"

The male duckling smiled, but his smile faded when his sister began climbing the tree with ease. "How am I supposed to catch you like that? You know I can't climb trees well!" As if to prove his point, Donald grabbed the trunk of the tree and only made it up two feet before landing back on the ground.

"We're ducks! We're supposed to be able to get into high up and hard to reach places! Don't worry, my beloved brother, I Della Duck, will make you the greatest tree climber ever! Well, apart from me, that is!"

She looked down at her twin brother, whom was excitedly and nervously nodding. She was about 25 feet off the ground.

"Good! See? What will you do without your amazing sister to teach you things? Now, first you just gotta feel confident. EXTREMELY CONFIDENT. You look at the branch you want to climb, and you leap for it! No hesitation, just go for it! Like so!" She looked up at a thin looking branch, and she made a jump for it. However, just as her hands made contact with the branch, it snapped, and sent her falling down towards the ground. Donald quacked in surprise and stretched his arms out to catch her. Fortunately, he was able to catch her before she hit the solid ground, but that catch sent the both of them to the ground.

"Owwiee," Donald groaned. "You alright Della?"

Della laughed. "Never been better! Thank's Don!"

The male duckling sighed. "What will you do without me to get you out of trouble?"

"Well, that's just the thing. I can't live without you to get me out of trouble, and you can't live without me to teach you things. So how about we never leave each other?! We can go on adventures, travel the seas, and we will have each other to support one another! We can be unstoppable that way! "

Donald made a face. "So we will live in the same place our whole lives?"

"Pffft hah! No! I just mean, let's never travel too far from one another, ok?"

He smiled. "Well….ok! By the way…"

He tapped his sister's beak. "I gotcha!"

Both ducks laughed.

Dewey woke up, feeling unrefreshed.

He rubbed his eyes tiredly and yawned. Yet again, he dreamed something about his mom. This had been the 4th time this week, and it had been going on for about 3 weeks by now. The first couple times, he had freaked out due to having multiple short dreams about his mom in a row, but by now, he assumed that these dreams would help him in his search for their mom. Making sure Huey and Louie were nowhere in his room, he reached underneath his mattress and pulled out a small notebook where he wrote all his dreams. Sure, Dewey was never the organized type, but specifically for this, he felt the need to be just the tiniest bit of Huey.

He opened a fresh page and began writing. The past pages had been filled with dreams about Della, where she was out adventuring, or when she was a child, or other things. The duckling wasn't sure how true these dreams were to the real life she had, but he would have to ask his uncle Donald a couple of questions to validate his dreams. That being said, the dreams never came in order, but Dewey hoped to wait a little longer before putting them all together. He hoped one of these days he would dream about the Spear of Selene. That could possibly give him answers of her whereabouts.

"DEWEY! It's time for breakfast! You don't want to miss out on your favorite waffles, marshmallows, and chocolate chips now do you?" Huey's voice rang out.

This almost made Dewey drop the notebook. He quickly hid it back under the mattress and slid on his favorite shirt. He made his way to the bathroom to freshen up his "hairstyle" because the feathers on top of his head were always ruffled after he woke up. He couldn't help but notice how tired and awful he looked. Bags were certainly growing under his half-lidded eyes. Hopefully splashing a bit of water on his face would make him look fresher.

The blue shirted duckling slid down the stairs and ran into the kitchen, where his two brothers were seated, happily munching away on some waffles. Well at least Huey was. Louie looked like it was taking too much effort to cut the waffles into bite sized pieces and then bring the fork into his mouth.

He was the first to notice Dewey step into the kitchen.

"Gosh you look awful," was the first thing the green hooded duckling said.

"Well good morning to you too…" Dewey replied dryly. He pulled up a chair next to Huey and helped himself to the waffles that were placed in the center of the table.

"Good morning Dewey!" Huey cheerfully said. He then paused and inspected his blue shirted brother. "Don't tell me you were up playing videogames again! You look like you haven't slept!"

"I did sleep!" Dewey defended. "I just woke up feeling unrefreshed. That's all."

"Oh, well just be sure to nap if you feel like it. They help reduce heart attacks!"

"….I think that's for old people. We're too young for heart attacks."

"Still, better safe than sorry!"

"HIYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH" A voice rang out, scaring the living daylights out of the triplets. Webby pounced onto the table and karate chopped the remaining waffles in the middle of the table in half. "What's up guys?" She said.

"Webby dear, what have I told you about jumping onto the table?" Mrs. Beakley said as she came into the room with more waffles.

"Oops, sorry Granny!" With that she sat down next to Dewey. Webby frowned and inspected the blue duckling. She then leaned into his personal space and inspected him closer. "Wow do you look terrible!" She finally exclaimed.

"Yes…I KNOW. I've only been told about a million times," Dewey huffed, annoyed.

"Actually, its only been thr—" Huey began, but a look of annoyance from Dewey made him shut his beak. It was a Saturday morning, so luckily there was no school. Dewey didn't know how he would have gotten through the day if there had been school.

The silence was making the duckling uncomfortable. Usually if it was too quiet, he would complain and say something to get rid of it, but this time, he didn't feel like being loud and obnoxious. He just felt like leaving. So he finished up half of his first waffle and cleared his throat. "Well, I'm done! I need to go to the bathroom, if you'll excuse me!"

Louie fake gasped and dramatically clutched his chest. "You are going to throw away that half of the waffle? That's so cruel! Uncle Donald always told us not to waste!" Then he shrugged. "But its ok to waste, now that we are rich!" He was suddenly smacked in the back of the head with a newspaper, which made him wince. Webby snickered and Huey cracked a smile.

"How many times do I 'ave to tell ya, lad? I'm rich, not you! And wasting anythin', even as petty as a piece o' waffle, is still waste! There are others out there who would kill for a crumb of food," Scrooge said as he passed by with his cup of tea, paper in hand. He turned to Dewey, "So be sure you finish that and don't throw it away!" With that, he left the kitchen to go back to his room.

Dewey scowled and forced himself to finish the rest of his meal. He loved waffles with marshmallows and chocolate chips, he really did, its just that that morning he wasn't feeling very hungry. Nor was he in the mood to do anything.

"So!" Webby suddenly declared. "How about we play some zombie tag today? WAIT! Actually, some extreme soccer of death!"

The three triplets winced, each unconsciously rubbing sore spots from where Webby had previously hit them hard with the ball. "Umm…" Huey began.

"I promise I'll hit the ball less hard this time! Please!"

Huey looked at his two younger brothers. Louie was wide eyed and slightly shaking his head, while Dewey just looked exhausted. Some exercise would get him to wake up, Huey thought. "Only if you promise not to kick the ball so hard, and to not get so aggressive!"

The girl squealed in delight. "Awesome! I promise!"

"And no using any of your gadgets!"

"Aww….ok sure! I'll meet you guys outside!"

With that she left. Louie sunk down in his chair, hands in his pockets. "Oh, good going, Huey. Let's just hope none of us have to go to the hospital this time," he mumbled.

"Relax! We haven't had the need to. The worst she has done was make you think she broke your arm, but luckily she didn't. And she promised she would go easier this time." The red shirted duckling stated. The hooded duckling sighed.

"I guess. C'mon Dew." He slid out of the chair and headed outside. Dewey sighed. Perhaps a bit of a competitive match would help him wake up more. Besides, he was never one to turn down a competition. So he smiled slightly and followed his brothers outside.

"Okay, you all remember the rules?" The duck with the pink bow said, as she tossed a soccer ball up and down. "Do whatever you can to steal the ball from the other team, even if it means killing—"

"Webby, no," Huey cut in. "You promised not to be that aggressive this time. So how about we try to get the ball in whatever way we can, without hurting anyone?"

"But it's called 'extreme soccer of death!'"

"…Webby, you promised."

"You're no fun! But fine, I guess. We will play regular soccer, which is basically the same thing, without the fun, and without a goalie….because we don't have enough people. Ok, time for teams! Last time I was with Louie, so this time I choose….Dewey! You're the lucky guy to be on my team!"

Dewey felt relieved. The feeling of being unrefreshed was really draining his energy. He didn't feel like running as much, and he knew Webby would do most of the running, for now. Plus, that meant he wouldn't get attacked by the girl since they were on the same team.

"ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLRIGHTYYY THEN!" Webby announced. "Those two trees will be our goal post, and those two will be your teams goal post!" She pointed in front of her, and behind her, respectively, as she said those words. "The team that scores 4 goals first will be the winner! NOW, LET'S BEGIN!" With that, she kicked the ball high in the air, and the game commenced.

The children managed to play well over an hour, only taking a one-minute break for water towards the end of the hour. As promised, there was no "death" involved in the game, nor any violent attacks from Webby, as in previous times. Both teams were tied, the score being 3-3.

"Kick the ball to me!" Dewey shouted at Webby, since he was closer to their goal, and his other two brothers had just cornered her. With all her might, she kicked the ball hard, causing Huey to jump back at the last second to avoid being hit. Dewey was ready to receive the ball, but his eyes momentarily glanced over to the tree behind the other ducklings, and he thought he saw a shadow of some sort. His attention had become interrupted by the thought of a possible intruder behind the tree, but shouts of despair cried out and interrupted his thoughts. A sudden, massive impact around his temple area sent him falling backwards, and he hit the back of his head on a tree with an equal amount of force. He was unconscious before he hit the ground.

"Three?! You're going to have three children?!" Donald cried out as he looked at his unborn nephews.

Della laughed. "Why is that a shock to you? Besides, you always said you wanted to have lots of nieces and nephews, so here's a start!"

"By lots, I meant only two…. Besides, you do realize that now, you won't be able to go on any more adventures, right?"

His sister laughed again. "Of course I can, silly! Well, there's at least one more, before my children hatch. Then, they will have to come with me!"

"Don't tell me you're gonna take them along with you on adventures?! That's irresponsible, Della!"

"I'm joking! Don't take everything so seriously! But only time will tell what will happen to my adventuring! Oh! That reminds me!" She walked over to where her eggs were. "I need to name them!"

"Now?! But you don't even know if they will be boys or girls!" Donald sputtered.

"I have a strong feeling they will be boys. And a mother, or soom-to-be-mother, is never wrong! So, what name should I give this one?" She placed a warm hand on top of the first egg.

Donald sighed and walked next to his sister. "Uh….Jeremy?"

"Jeremy?" She made a face. "I don't like that name. How about names where all three of their names rhyme? That would be fun!" (A/N: No offence to anyone named Jeremy! It's a cool name! :D)

"Well if you don't like the name, then why ask me to name them?" He muttered under his breath. "Umm. Hen…..ry?"

"Henry….is a nice name. But you can't really rhyme it with any—OH! I got it! He shall be named, Hubert! Huey for short!"

Now it was Donald's turn to make a face. "Huey? That's not a name!"

"Well it is now! I don't care if it is unusual, I love it! Okay…..now for this one," She moved her feathered hand to the last egg.

"Let's see, something that rhymes with Huey….how about Lewey? Ending in 'e-y' to make it rhyme."

"Why not just Louie, ending in 'o-u-i-e'? It still rhymes! Yeah, that sounds good! Now for this one," she touched the middle egg.

Donald sighed. "Why do you ask me? You're gonna end up changing it, like you have for the rest."

"But you give me ideas! And that's just as good as naming them!"

"If you insist. How about….uhh…..Dewd..le…y?"

"Hmm. No. Not good enough. Maybe…Dewey! Yes! Short for Dewford!"

"So Huey, Dewey, and Louie…..the first two are uncommon names, and you don't hear Louie very often. Are you sure you want to name them like that? What if they get picked on at school?"

Della punched her brother lightly in his arm. "You worry too much. They won't get picked on. I am satisfied with their names. Thanks Don, for the ideas! I really can't wait to see my baby Huey…..









Dewey jolted awake, in his bed his feathers covered in sweat. His heart was pounding like crazy. His vision was blurry at first, and all he could see were white faces, but couldn't make out who was who. His vision eventually began to clear up, and he saw the worried faces of his uncle Donald, Scrooge, Huey, Louie, and Webby. They all looked like they haven't slept well in days, especially Webby, whose eyes were puffy and red, and Donald, whom suddenly looked 20 years older. Upon seeing him wake up, everyone suddenly began talking at the same time. He could only make out bits and pieces of everyone talking.

"Lad! Oh thank heavens you're awake! You've been out of it fer 5 days, comin' in 'n out of—"

"Dewey I'm SO SO SO SO SO SORRY! I didn't mean to kick the ball to you like that the other day—"

"—If anything it was all our fault—"

"—Lucky the hospital said you didn't tear your meningeal artery—"

"—minor fractures to yer skull—"

"—mumbling and shaking very hard right now—"

"—Who is—"

*Uncomprehendable quacking noises—*

Their faces began to swirl together. Dewey's eyelids became increasingly heavy all of a sudden, and cries of shock were the last thing Dewey heard before giving into the darkness once more.

"THE SPEAR OF SELENE IS DANGEROUS! YOU KNOW IT, UNCLE SCROOGE!" A female voice rang out. Black was everywhere, making it impossible to see.

"Ya know very well that it is just a myth, to prevent people from takin' it!" The voice of Scrooge retorted.

"All you care about is being rich, and want to be known for the glory and fame, which is why you snuck this back home with us! The spear was supposed to remain untouched! Do you not care about your family? What about my children, your great nephews? There is the possibility that they will be affected by such an object! You know what happens to those who remove the spear from its home!"

A sound like something hitting the ground hard made Dewey flinch. "Of course I care about my family! I told ya it is only a myth! Stop worryin' so much and get that in yer head, lass! No one will be harmed by the spear, and if you are so worried, I will make sure nothin' happens to anyone!"

"…You irresponsible, selfish jerk!" The female voice spat. "You apparently care more about your money than us! I swear, if one of us goes missing—"

"ENOUGH!" The thud was heard again. A soft cry was heard. "Get out of my sight, NOW! DO not speak of this again!"

More yelling came from the female voice, but the words were fading and incomprehensible. Dewey could feel himself being pulled back into consciousness.

When he awoke, he was alone, breathing hard and in a cold sweat. For some reason, tears were falling down his face, even though Dewey felt no need to cry. What had that dream, if it really was a dream, been about? He sat up, ignoring the fact that he had been unconscious for who knows how long, and he took out his notebook. Just as his pen touched the paper, he stopped. His mind went in blank. What had his dream been about?! Something about his mom, yes, and uncle Scrooge. They were arguing about….something. He ran his hands through his feathers on his head frustratingly until he accidentally touched a sore spot. He knew he had been hit, but he didn't really remember that incident. All he remembered was that he was playing soccer, and that was it.

He pushed that thought aside and continued to think. That's when he noticed Webby peek into the room with worried eyes. She locked eyes with him and gasped, looking like she was about to scream in delight, but Dewey shushed her and motioned for her to come in and get closer. Webby obeyed and clasped a hand on her beak.

"Webby, I need help remembering something. I just had this dream…..about mom….I think. But I can't remember, and I believe it was crucial evidence for my search for her. Don't ask me how, or why I know, I'll explain later. But tell me everything we have discovered about her so far, to see if it rings any bells. Can you do that for me?"

"Ooh! Gotcha! Umm okay….."

The two ducklings spent about 10 minutes going over everything they have found out about Della in the past few weeks, but nothing seemed to ring a bell. That is, until….

"And we found a note in the library, remember? Where she said something about taking the Spear of Selene, and that she was sorry." Webby concluded.

Dewey frowned. He wasn't sure if his dream had been about the Spear of Selene, but something was screaming inside of him that this was it. He wrote it down on his notebook (a fresh page, so Webby wouldn't see what he had written in the past), and suddenly the dream came back to him at full force. Dewey gasped. His head began to hurt badly. Webby gasped as well.

"OH MY GOSH ARE YOU OKAY?!" She cried. But before Dewey could utter another word, he felt himself slipping from reality, and the world began to spin once more, until finally, his vision turned to black once more.

Yeep. That be the first chappie. Hopefully not too awful…? As mentioned above, I unfortunately don't know anything about Della, nor the Spear of Selene, so I'm making everything up as I go. This is obviously gonna deviate far from what the show has in mind, hahah. But I hope you guys liked it, and I'll hopefully write another one soon! Until next time