AN: This is my first Zootopia Fan fiction. It might be a little slow until fully figure out where I want to go with it. It takes place a year after the movie & after the Crime files moble game. I have a villian Picked out already. One thing to not pull you out. I'm trying something new. Dream sequinces will be in first person while the main story it's self will be in third. Please enjoy.

"BADGE!" Chief Bogo yelled holding his paw out in front of me. I slowly lifted mine to my chest lifting my vest up to unhook my badge.

"Uh, no." Nick's voice stops me causing both Bogo & I to turn towards him. My paws reaching for my chest.

"What did you say, fox?" Bogo asked not able to believe what he heard.

Nick only stepped a couple steps forward putting his paw by his mouth as to make what he said clearer. "Sorry, what I said was "NOOOO!" She will not be giving you that badge." As he kept talking he made his way beside me staring down a buffalo twice his size. "Look, you gave her a... a clown vest, a three-wheeled joke-mobile, and two days to solve a case you guys haven't cracked in two weeks?" My mouth felt dry my body stiff. I could barely move. My eye shift between them. Why is he standing up for me? He tried all day to get rid of me. Sabotage my case now he is standing up to Bogo? It doesn't make sense. "Yeah, it's no wonder she needed to get help from a fox. None of you guys were gonna help her, were you?"

Nick doesn't let the Chief speak cutting him off each time he tries. "Here's the thing, chief. You gave her the 48 hours, so technically we still have... ten left to find our Mr. Otterton, and that is exactly what we're gonna do. So, if you'll excuse us, we have a very big lead to follow, and a case to crack. Good day." My eyes cross working the math out myself he was right. My mouth opened & closed a few times like it was trying to form words that wouldn't come. Nick turned as sky tram pulled another gondola up to our location, walking to it. I tried to speak but thought better of it & walked the best my tense body would let me. It wasn't until we were in the gondola & pulling away that my body relaxed & words came to me.

"Thank you" I tell him. He doesn't look at me, only speaks

"Never let 'em see that they get to..."


Judy's Alarm clock wakes her from her sleep. Stretching she reaches up to her windowsill turning her alarm off. Every so often Judy's sleeping mind goes to her first few days with Nick. It has been over a year & 19 cases together. The two were the closest of friends spending 99% of their free time together. There was no one she trusted more by her side than the slick fox she called her best friend & partner. It was their day off, the two were suppose to be having breakfast together at her Apartment. Which is where they mainly ate together. Judy got up making her way to her bathroom to shower & dress. An hour later Judy sat on her bed wondering where Nick was he was supposed to be there some time ago. Good thing the breakfast was going to be microwave Hungry Maw breakfast meals.

Calling Nick's phone she get's no answer. Before letting herself worry & calling her fellow cops Judy decides to try one other thing. Go over to Nick's house & check on him. Gathering the meals from her mini fridge she places them in a tote bag before making her way out to catch a cab. The cab travels over the bridge where Nick's lawn chair is kept then turns onto another street marked Cypress Grove Lane before stopping in front of a building that looks like an old store & old red barn mixed. Judy pays the driver before stepping out & looking over the building. The signs that would have the name & deals as been painted over to say "Private home" & "No Trespassing" Also on the sign are is the address 1955. Hanging above the door is a huge wooden sign saying "Wild Times". As She looks around even more she notices a red Convertible parked next to the house, in between it & a huge warehouse. "If Nick has a car why does he always ride the subway with me?"

Stepping up on the porch Judy looks around a bit more before checking finding it obviously locked. Searching around Judy looks for a spare key. He had to have one somewhere. After about a minute she seen a board sticking out. Moving the board aside she finds a key there. "Not so slick Nick it was too easy finding it." She snatches the key ready to unlock the door but stops herself. It almost didn't seem right for her to just enter his house but he didn't show up for breakfast & didn't answer his phone she needs to make sure he is OK. Unlocking the door she slips inside closing the door behind her. In front of her is a curtin across the entrance to the living room. Slowly she pulls the it aside looking around the room. Her ears moving scanning for noises. Stepping farther in she sees Nicks phone sitting on the counter. Well that explains why he didn't answer.

The ceiling was was covered in pipes snaking this way & that. The wall separating the room from the next was just two archways. Judy sat the bag of food on the counter as she looked around. Going to the other room she scans the room from right to left, seeing the bathroom with no door just a big opening showing the sink, toilet, & tub next a wall with posters the closet with all of Nick's clothes then a dresser with a blank clock on top then Nick fast asleep in his bed made from the bottom drawer of the desk behind him. Judy's eye's widened as she sees the Fox laying there with the blankets draped over his foot & the floor in a wife beater & boxer shorts. Judy let out an eep loud enough to startle the sleeping fox waking him. Nick sits up quickly looking around the room to see Judy standing there covering her face.

"This is breaking & entering Carrots." He said with a smirk more at how embarrassed she looked. "Why are you here? Wait what time is it?" It dawning on him why she must have come over. Turning to the clock groaning when he sees the face blank.

"It's 10:00am" Judy told him through her hands backing into the living room. Nick groans climbing out of bed, making his way to his closet grabbing a pair of dark grey pants putting them on.

"OK Hopps I got pants on now" Judy uncovered her eyes as Nick walked in from the other room

"For the record I was not breaking & entering it was a wellness check." Judy informed him after she stopped covering her face.

Nick chuckles at her response "A little to late with the comeback. It doesn't count." He stretches a bit then looks around his kitchen "Since you're here we might as well have breakfast."

"Oh yeah! I brought the breakfast." Judy says grabbing the bag handing it to Nick. Taking the meals out of the Bag Nick looks over them.

"Hungry Maw Strawberry Waffles & Blueberry pancakes with beetle sausages?"

"Yeah?" Judy questioned tilting her head wondering what Nick means.

Nick smirks "I mean do you ever use that little red toaster oven?" He places the two meals into the microwave before moving to the other counter to start a pot of coffee.

"Of Course! Just...not that much." As breakfast cooks Nick has Judy sit at his Dining counter as he sets everything out. Two Coffee cups, forks, & a jar of Hopps Family Blueberry Jam. Judy looks over the Jam jar "I dont remember giving you this."

Nick smirks as he retrieves the now finished food from the microwave. "Apparently your parents like me. Ever since they met me at the concert last year, they send me a care package with blueberry items in it every few months." Judy smirks this time as Nick sets the meals down then proceeds to pour them some coffee.

"They think you are my boyfriend." Nick almost drops the coffee pot but stops himself in time only making a slight clink on the cup his was pouring into. "Well as least I get blueberries out of the deal." Judy shakes her head with a smirk as Nick puts up the coffee pot before searching under the counter for something. "Nice place Slick. Not what I expected though." she comments as she starts to look around from her seat.

"It's not much but it is mine. It's a lot more homie since I got the pipes to stop leaking." He pulls stool from the storage area putting it next to his guest & sitting down in front of his meal.

Not long after they start their breakfast Judy's phone goes off. Grabbing it she sees it's her parents. She quickly answers it. "Mom, Dad Hi"

"Hi Bun bun" Her mother greets her in her friendly tone. "What are you doing?" Bonnie continued.

"I'm just having breakfast with Nick." was Judy's answer.

"A little late for Breakfast isn't it?" her dad chimed in.

Nick leaned into the shot since Judy pretty much told them he was there. "Yeah I over slept. If Carrots here didn't come over I would have missed all my appointments."

Stu furrowed his brow at Nick's admission "They aren't working you two too hard are they Jude?" Nick shakes his head

"Don't worry about that Mr. Hopps my alarm clock just died on me."

Bonnie speaks again getting to the point of their call "We were wondering if you were able to make it to the Carrot day's Festival next week. You missed it last year then were so unhappy when you did come home."

Judy perked up more than she was already at the mention of the Carrot day's Festival. "Oh yeah that will be great Nick & I start our vacation week so it works out great." Judy smiles thinking of her play when she was nine.

"That's great honey bring Nick with you, it will be great to have him wont it Stu"

"That's right Bon. We will get everything ready for your visit." Judy's father answered his wife. The three talk a little bit before hanging up so Judy can finish her breakfast.

"So Nick what are the plans for the rest of the day?" Nick thought a moment as he finishes his Beetle sausage. "I don't know about you Fluff but I am going to see a special woman, plus I have to see Finnick. Something about someone wanting to make Pawpsicles big." He shrugs as he finishes his sentience.

Judy looks at him surprised. "Special Woman?" Nick gets up putting away the jam & dropping their cups & forks in the sink.

"My Mother Carrots." He turns with a sly smirk on his face "Don't tell me you were jealous, that is cute."

She rolls her eye "No Slick. It's just we spend all our time together I would be surprised if you had a girlfriend."

"Ha ha Fluff Stay here I'll get dressed" Nick walks to his room as Judy looks around making sure she doesn't accidently see into the next room since there isn't much in the way of a wall separating the two. About ten minutes later Nick comes out wearing a red shirt with yellow flowers, a blue & yellow tie with red flowers, & the same dark grey pants he was already wearing. "Come on unless you want to sit around my house alone" Judy hops up as Nick grabs his phone & keys slipping both into his pocket. The two friends walk out of the Fox's house making their way over to the car. Judy takes the moment to bring it up.

"If you have the car why do you always ride the subway with me?" Nick shrugs a bit as an answer to her question then ask her one of his own.

"Are you try to ask me to drive you to work from now on?" Before she can really answer he gives a better answer to what she asked. "Finnick always prefers to drive & I guess I got use to barely using the car." He shrugs again getting in with Judy getting in on the passenger side.

AN:I hope you liked Chapter one. I decided since Judy's parents are at the Gazelle consert at the end of the movie that more than likely Nick would have met them then. Please Comment & let me know what you think it helps me keep writing thank you.