04. The Walk of Shame

The first thing Michonne needed was a cup of unadulterated caffeine. Still in her birthday suit she tiptoed to the kitchen and was greeted by her forever naked and forever angry Sphynx, Cat. Yeah, not the most affectionate and thoughtful name but it did serve its purpose. Cat was hovering over the empty bowls staring down her (also naked) owner.

"Good morning, Cat." Michonne said as she took the bowls to refill them. Still no sign of gratitude. No sign of wanting to be petted, nothing. Just icy eyes that judged her. "You're welcome." Michonne said flatly as the skinny little thing started to devour the food.

Tired but happy Michonne prepared a large cup of the strong stuff. She smiled proudly to herself, pleased she corrected whatever mistakes the Universe was about to make. The dead would have to come back to life before a Jessie could ever. Hell, even then the dead would probably get her. But more than that she was pleased she could bring Rick out of his funk. I'm just a good person.

Rick proved to have quite the appetite. Amazing what a little teasing can bring out. She liked him, but it was impractical. Would he be down for a strictly FWB thing? Nah. Rick was most definitely the wholesome, dutiful, 'put a ring on it'-type. He had a freaky streak which was interesting, but he was also very emotional. Michonne had gotten a taste of that as he held her most of the night, his body practically glued to hers. He was so thoughtful and sweet… it was quite annoying. This man really didn't know the etiquettes of one nightstands. He was overwhelming and leading him on would only hurt him. Michonne wasn't obliged to safeguard his feelings, yet she felt the urge to do just that. From what she had gathered from their tête-à-tête, he'd been through (and was most likely still going through) some bullshit that had him questioning himself.

Fishing out her phone from her clutch, Michonne made herself comfy on the couch, covering herself with one of the large throw pillows.

"Uuuuughhhhh..." She groaned at the amount of missed calls, texts and voice messages. The first thing she noticed was a bunch of missed calls and voice messages from an unsaved number. 7 fucking voicemails? Frowning, Michonne listened to the messages only to hear heavy breathing on each one. Gross.

It wasn't uncommon for her to receive threats and/or strange calls especially not when she was active on a case, and her appearances on media didn't make matters better. Butting heads with perverts and their lawyers was fun but unfortunately; it came with a price.

This was a classic master suppression technique: a way to intimidate her, get her scared and sometimes, believe it or not, a way to "flatter" her. Contrary to popular belief: The culprit wasn't the classic basement dwelling mamas-boy. It was probably a successful male, most likely an attorney like herself. A man annoyed by her carefree attitude, her successes, her sex and more often than not - her skin color.

Michonne scoffed, too tired and too fucking satisfied to be bothered. She'd let HR deal with it, quickly she took a screenshot and blocked the number.

The first text was from Sasha apologizing for her husband's gaffe. This made Michonne wonder what exactly blew her cover. Torrez-gate, as embarrassing that shit was, wasn't what tipped him off. Not that it mattered, but the fact that he willingly continued their date and ended up in her bed all the while knowing she wasn't his real date was… exciting.

The second text was from another unsaved number but Michonne knew immediately it was from Mike. It was definitely his writing and judging by his incoherent rant, he was drunk. Really drunk. Jumping from begging to calling out of her name.

Michonne: "What would your boss say if he knew you were harassing me? I suggest you keep my name outta your mouth. Delete my number and move on with your life. This is your last warning." As soon as the 'delivered' status appeared Michonne took another screenshot and blocked the number. For his own sake she hoped he would take heed.

She didn't want to go there, especially not with Mike. He was one of the good ones even if he wasn't the one for her. Despite feeling a little sorry for him she couldn't excuse this behavior, he was being messy. He knew what he got himself into when they started their little… arrangement, sure, Michonne didn't have to kick him out with his dick still out but in her defense; he spooked her with all that 'I love you' stuff. Kicking him out was a reflex, it wasn't anything personal. Dealing with Mike did damped her relaxed mood. Irritated, Michonne tossed her phone aside, gulping down the last drops of coffee. I need a shower.


06:01 AM

Without opening his eyes, Rick felt the sunlight against his face. He touched the other side of the bed, searching for Michonne. Her spot was cool and vacant; he lifted his head to look around. It hadn't been a dream. He was in her bedroom and he could make out faint noises most likely coming from the kitchen. Could I stay for breakfast? Would she welcome it? Rick knew Michonne wasn't looking for anything steady. She didn't say it flat out but her words; "tonight you're mine", "we have tonight" her overall avoidance of speaking about the future, about love – Rick knew she was subconsciously preparing him for the inevitable walk of shame. Their night was, indisputably, one of the best in his life and Michonne had unknowingly gifted him with the best birthday present. Rick resigned himself to accept whatever faith had in store for him and whatever Michonne wanted. But I be damned if I go without tryin'.

Rick put on his jeans sans underwear and took out his phone. Like anticipated, his phone started to vibrate uncontrollably with new notifications. Most of them coming from Shane. He was angry and apparently so was Candy who spent the whole night consoling the real Jessie. Try as he might, Rick couldn't feel sorry. Not. One. Bit.

He pressed the dial key and waited for Shane to pick up.

"You're a real son of a bitch, you know that?"
"Good morning to you too." Rick knew Shane was royally pissed off.
"Don't you fucking 'good morning' me asshole. Listen, we were worried about you. Do you know how many times I called? It's not even about the Goddamn date, I was about to put out an APB on your ass."
Rick was touched by his friends concern. Hadn't he been so intoxicated by Michonne he would have given Shane the heads-up.

"Look, I'm sorry. It's... it's a long story, I'll fill you in on everything later but I'm fine. Tell Candy I'm sorry about her friend but I'm not interested."
"It's like that huh? Wow, I can't believe you. Will you at least show up to your birthday bash tonight? " Shane asked.
"I'll be there."
"We'll see and happy birthday, asshole."

After putting on his shirt Rick stood in front of the large vanity-mirror, finger combing back his unruly hair. He straighten himself up as best he could, mentally preparing what he'd say or not say to Michonne. I could ask her to come to the party? She'll say no with such short notice. Shit.

He found her in the kitchen. Her apartment was small yet astonishing. With large windows covering almost all the walls Michonne had an amazing view of the city. The furnishing and decoration was sleek and sparse, Rick liked it a lot and it fit her perfectly. He jumped when he saw movement from his peripheral vision. Christ! He hadn't seen a cat last night and its unexpected presence scared him. "Hey there." Rick crouched down to pet her and she willingly accepted his affection, purring with closed eyes.

Michonne's eyebrows rose when she saw Rick petting Cat. What the actual fuck? Is this man a pussy-whisperer? A smile broke out on her lips when Cat jumped into his arms and they entered the kitchen.

"Good morning, sleepy head" She said. "Did you sleep well?"
"Good morning. I did. Must've been all that exercising." Rick answered, trying to be just as cool and collected Michonne was being. She was dressed in black yoga pants and pink tank-top. Her long hair pulled into a high ponytail. She looked even more beautiful now. He wanted to kiss her but wasn't sure if he should. If she'd be all right with that now that the haze of lust was lifted. They were once again strangers.

"Have a seat. I've made breakfast burritos, how do you like your coffee?" Feeding the man is the least I can do before I send him off.

"Black with sugar."

They ate mostly in silence, occasionally asking the polite question and receiving an equally polite answer. They were still flirting and stealing glimpses when the other wasn't looking. It was strange how shy they were being after everything they'd done to each other a few hours ago. Michonne gave Cat a pointed look, she wouldn't leave Rick's lap. Really Cat? Really? Damn, it really be ya own.

Michonne followed Rick to the door. It was now or never Rick told himself.

"What are you doing tonight?" Her lips curved to a small smile at his question.
"Nothing in particular. Why?"
"I'm having a birthday-bash, tonight. Aaaand I'd-love-it-if-you-could-come." The words left Rick's mouth quickly, too quickly for his liking. His palms were already sweating.
"Is it your birthday?" Her lips now curved into a full smile. Rick nodded, looking shy and adorable tucking his curls behind his ears. It was his eyes, his ocean blue eyes that put a spell on her. The plan was to send him off and now he'd make her come to his party.
"I'd love to". Michonne said against her better judgment. Shit, this is why I shouldn't be messin' with inhumanly beautiful men. All right just one more night before I disappear on his ass like Cinderella.

Rick was surprised at how much his heart lifted at her acceptance.

Michonne entered her number into his phone and called herself.
"You're of course welcome to bring someone, if you want. Um… I'll see you tonight then". Rick was about to leave when she suddenly but slowly ran her hands from the base of his stomach to his collar, pulling him down for a kiss that was met with eagerness. Michonne's fingers combed and pulled Rick's hair as their tongues interlaced and explored each other's mouths. In chorus they broke the kiss before they once again ended up in bed.
"Happy birthday, Rick." Michonne whispered into his ear, planting soft kisses from his earlobe to his neck. With great effort he finally let go of her nimble body.

"Thank you."


A/N: Next up, the birthday-bash in KC. Thank you so much for reading and for the awesome reviews – Lucy.