There was an overwhelming silence, the only sound the swishing of Roxie's tail on the hardwood floor. Luke could not hold back from staring at her. His eyes roamed over her, taking in every inch. The silky blonde hair he used to run his fingers through. The ruby red lips that caused his heart to jolt when he kissed them. Her delicious hourglass figure was encased in a red dress, THE red dress.The very one she had been wearing when they first kissed. He had thought her a goddess that day, and yet now she was even more beautiful. How had he managed to live without her for so long?

Penelope found it hard to breathe, her chest constricting with every attempt at a gulp of air. The eyes that had haunted her dreams were staring at her and she found she was once again lost in their chocolate depths. The light streaming in from the window seemed to catch the golden flecks, making his eyes an amber fire. She could feel herself blushing from the heat of his gaze and she found herself looking away, putting all her focus into pulling herself up. She couldn't stay here. What right did she have to be here when she had hurt him so?

Luke watched as she rose from the floor and turned to face away from him. Was she leaving? It had been a month since he last saw her and she was going to walk away. Like hell she was! Something snapped inside and Luke felt a fire start to burn, fuelling him on. Whatever it took, he was damn well making sure she stayed. Luke tried to move quickly, but one of his crutches caught on the leg of the coffee table. Trying to right himself, Luke overcompensated and found himself sprawled back onto his couch, a painful whoosh sound escaping his lips.

Penelope whirled around at the noise. In that moment, she didn't care what had happened between them, he could continue to hate her later. All that mattered in that moment was making sure he was alright. She rushed forward and helped ease him into a sitting position. Once again, she felt his eyes upon her and she steeled herself to look up. Tears threatened to appear as she absorbed the raw emotion he was projecting. She recognized it all too well, knowing everything was being mirrored back to him in her own eyes. Penelope pulled her hands back to her lap and found herself falling into her default mode; she began to nervously babble.

"I'm so sorry to have just shown up like this. I was having lunch with JJ and she told me she had a surprise. If I had known it was this, I would have stopped her. I can't even begin to fathom what she was thinking. I can only assume she didn't come up with this on her own. I'm betting Emily and Rossi..." Penelope was too afraid to let silence descend on them again. She resigned herself to talking until she could escape without being rude.

Luke wasn't even listening. He was busy concentrating on the burning of his skin where she had touched him. From the first touch to this one, he always ended up on fire. He knew that was never going to change. Luke felt a nervous grin start to appear on his face. He slowly stretched out his arm and wrapped his hand around one of hers and tried desperately to get her attention.

"Penelope." His voice was a whisper, but she heard him. She could feel his thumb rubbing gentle circles into the back of her hand, but she kept talking. She knew if she stopped, the tears would fall and she couldn't afford to fall apart. Not yet. Not until she was safely out the door would she let her world crash in again.

"Chica." One word, that was all it took for her resolve to crumble. "Please look at me." Her words died in her throat as she raised her eyes to do as he asked. His next words caused her world to flip again. "Do you love me?" The vulnerability in his voice shook her to her very core. After everything that had happened between them, that was his only question. She knew he risked himself to ask, she knew she had to be brave enough to answer.

"I'm sorry. I didnt handle any of this very well. Morgan is only my..." He silenced her by gently pressing a finger against her lips.

"I didn't ask for an apology. And I didn't ask about Morgan." Luke paused at the name, but plunged on. He was at the point of no return. "I only asked if you love me." He held her gaze, positive she could hear the pounding of his heart. He waited patiently for her answer; would wait forever if he had to.

Penelope knew this was it, this was the moment she had been waiting for. She had wanted to tell him for so long, knew she should have been saying it all along. Once she said it, there was no going back. Either she would find all her dreams coming true, or she would be left in heartbreak. Neither outcome changed her answer.

"Yes, I love you Luke Alvez. You and only you. I never should have let you doubt that. I love..." She was once again silenced, but not with a finger to her lips this time. Instead, she felt his warm, soft lips make the gentlest contact with hers. Penelope felt a weight lift off her chest and sighed happily into the kiss. She placed her hand on the side of his face as he pulled back, touching his forehead to hers.

"I love you too Penelope and I never want to be apart again. I know we have a lot to talk about. I was an idiot and I..." Luke was cut off by a crushing kiss being placed on his lips. Penelope didn't hesitate this time, pouring all of her love into her kiss. He was right, they did have a lot to talk about, but there would be time for that later. Right now she was kissing the love of her life and he was kissing her back. For now, that was enough.

Luke had been caught off guard when Penelope kissed him, but he soon found himself lost in the sensation of bliss. She was kissing him, she was in his arms and nothing could be better.

XXJJ should have been back by now. Emily was growing increasingly impatient and was about to leave to drive to Luke's herself, when a flash of blonde hair caught her attention. JJ made her way to the bar, whispering something in the bartender's ear. Emily noticed a smirk on her friend's face and sat back down, anxious to hear the news.

JJ took her time walking over to the table. She knew they had been waiting here for hours, but she couldn't help but enjoy making them squirm a little longer. They had given her the toughest assignment after all. She deserved a little fun after such a stressful day. Her joy was cut short as she was unceremoniously yanked down into the empty chair between Emily and Tara. She felt five pairs of eyes immediately turn her way. Sighing, JJ decided to just spill it. With the intensity of the teams stares, she figured it was safer. So, as quick as she could, JJ blurted out the story of her day, from storming into Garcia's apartment, to dragging her out for lunch. The team let out a collective chuckle at the ruse JJ had used to blindfold Garcia. JJ raised an eyebrow and then laughed herself. She still couldn't believe it had worked.

"I think a toast is in order." Emily stood and raised the last of her drink. "To JJ, for getting our star crossed lovers into the same room. Let's just hope they use this opportunity to their advantage. " The rest of the team echoed their leader's sentiments and downed the last of their drinks. It was then that Emily noticed a tray of tequila headed their way. She turned to JJ in confusion.

"Confession time." JJ waited until she had the teams attention before continuing. "I know I was just supposed to make sure Garcia got inside and hope they worked things out, but...what if she was too embarrassed and tried to make a run for it? I had to make sure she stayed." She paused for a moment, surprised to find herself blushing slightly. "I may have crept over to the side window and I may have ended up spotting some very serious smooching goung on. I went out on a limb and figured she was staying and it was safe for me to leave." At her admission, she placed a shot in front of each agent and held hers aloft. "As nice as Emily's toast was, this is the drink we all need." They each grabbed their tequila and stood, even Reid. "To Luke and Penelope!"

As soon as their glasses were slammed onto the table, each of their phones went off. They let out a collective groan at the familiar ringtone and all thought the same thing; a new case. Instead, they were all greeted with the same message.

You are very lucky I love you all. Your method might be questionable, but I can't argue with the end result. To make up for your dastardly plotting, I expect everyone to arrive at Luke's tomorrow, each of you bringing some kind of shareable breakfast item. You all know my favourites. Be sure to bring enough for the whole class, and that includes Roxie. Since I have been abandoned here, I suppose I shall stay the night to take care of Luke and await our yummy breakfast in the morning.Hugs and kissesP.G.With their spirits lifted, the team made their way out the door. It had been a battle to get them to this point, but each of them was happy to have Garcia and Alvez back together.

JJ was doing up her seat belt, wondering if Will's dark chocolate brownies could be considered breakfast, when her phone went off. Sge couldn't contain her grin as she read the text.

And for the record, you might want to duck a little lower next time you peer through a window. Tell Will to make a double batch of brownies. If we eat them last, it can be considered brunch.LoveP