A/N: Happy Early Holidays everyone! In honor of the incoming Holliday season, I've decided to release a TMPASS Christmas Special for the fourth ever fanmade episode (written by me of course)

Why a Christmas episode? Well almost every show eventually gets a Christmas episode made one way or another, and sometimes it feel like it was a prerequisite for all shows to at least have one holiday episode. So thsts why I'm calling this one an OBLIGATORY Christmas Special.

And technically, The Mr. Peabody and Sherman Show did have a Christmas themed episode with the Season 3 episode, "This Is Your Life?/Robert Edwin Peary", but the Christmas aspect was dialed down to focus on the Time Travel adventure, which is not a problem, but it's not a true holiday special at all to me. So This is why its being made.

Hope you enjoy yet another spectacular episode of The Mr. Peabody and Sherman Show!

*Play "The Mr. Peabody and Sherman Show" Theme Song by The Outfit here*

The live studio audience cheers as spotlights swirl around them and the stage, fully decorated with Christmas lights, a wreath above the elevator in the center, and candy canes hanging from the second floor banisters. Orchoptitron activates wearing reindeer antlers on the top of its boxy body.

Orchoptitron: Ladies and Gentleman, DreamWorks Animation proudly presents your hosts, Mr. Peabody and his boy, Sherman!

Both Mr. Peabody and Sherman come walking down their respective staircases, this time wearing ugly Christmas sweaters. Mr. Peabody comes in wearing a green sweater with snowflakes and a snowman on the front, while Sherman wears a red sweater with a Christmas tree on the front. The audience cheers as they approach the middle of the stage.

Mr. Peabody: Hello! Welcome to a very special episode of The Mr. Peabody and Sherman Show.

Sherman: We have a very good show for you all tonight because... it's Christmas! My favorite holiday of the year!

Mr. Peabody: Indeed. As with all shows, we are required to produce one Christmas themed episode before our shows run ends. Not that in complaining. There's plenty to love about Christmas. The cold weather.

Sherman: The hot cocoa!

Mr. Peabody: The time with the family.

Sherman: Making snow angels and having snowball fights.

Mr. Peabody: A time to spread kindness and joy.

Sherman: And most of all! The presents!

The audience laughs at Sherman's final remark as Mr. Peabody raises an eyebrow.

Sherman: I've been good all year and I can't wait for Santa Claus to get me all the toys on my wish list!

Sherman pulls out a rolled up list which rolls out and and shows how long it really is. Mr. Peabody is quite surprised and the audience laughs at the length of the list.

Mr. Peabody: Well it's true that you want all these things but wouldn't you wanna at least limit yourself this year.

Sherman looks at Mr. Peabody very scarily as the lights dim with one light showing below Sherman's face emitting a very eerily image.

Sherman: I've been very good all year! I deserve all the gifts I want.

He keeps his eerie face for a couple of seconds before the lights come back up and Sherman smiles as he hugs Mr. Peabody momentarily.

Mr. Peabody: Ooooookaaaaay... well anyways I think it's time to retrieve tonight's Time Travel envelope.

Sherman: Way ahead of ya, Mr. P!

He pulls out a large wrapped box and hands it to Mr. Peabody. The audience awws as Sherman hands Mr. Peabody an early gift.

Mr. Peabody: Oh well thank you Sherman.

He smiles and unwraps the box. He opens it only to find a smaller wrapped box inside. Sherman smiles as Mr. Peabody takes the wrapped box out, with the audience laughing. Mr. Peabody shrugs and tears the wrapping and opens the box to reveal yet another wrapped present, this time extremely small, enough to fit in someone's hand.

Sherman smiles again as the audience laughs again. Mr. Peabody, shrugs again and tears the wrapping only for it to explode into another wrapped box, this time even bigger than the first box. Sherman and the crowd starts laughing as Mr. Peabody is not amused

Mr. Peabody: Okay, this is getting ridiculous.

He opens the box once again and finally, after so much silliness gets the time travel envelope.

Mr. Peabody: Well... ahem... now that we have the time travel envelope, please welcome, Mrs. Hughes.

The audience claps as Mrs. Hughes wheels out wearing an ugly Christmas sweater, and a Christmas wreath in front of her desk.

Mr. Peabody: Ah, Mrs. Hughes, it's good to know you're in the holiday spirit.

Mrs. Hughes: Eeeghh!

Mr. Peabody: Well anyway here's another envelope to validate.

Mrs. Hughes: Eeegh?!

Mr. Peabody: What was that?

Mrs. Hughes: Eeegh eeeggghh!

Mr. Peabody: oh your Christmas bonus of course. I'll be sure to pay it to you at the end of the show.

Mrs. Hughes smiles as she's getting paid this Christmas.

Mrs. Hughes: Eeegh heeegh!

She stamps the envelope and hands it back to Mr. Peabody.

Mr. Peabody: Mrs. Hughes, everyone!

The audience cheers as she wheels away. Mr. Peabody walks to his storytelling chair as he sits down.

Me. Peabody: Now as this Christmas Special continues, let's begin tonight's time travel adventure.

He opens the envelope as the lights dim with one spotlight shining above him. Mr. Peabody looks at the prompt and smiles

Mr. Peabody: Ooh! Now this is gonna be a good one!

To be Continued...

A/N: So here begins our Christmas Special. I plan on updating this episode every Monday and Friday, leading up to Christmas Day, where the episode is going to end on, or around that day.

So what is the time travel adventure for tonight's show?

Find out next time