K: Will not start new fic … Will not start new fic … Will not start- AW, F& IT! starts typing wildly

Y: --; My aibou has no will to fight the infamous plotbunnies…

Dai: peeks over her shoulder with a tender roast sandwich from KFC in his mouth Hwuh?

Y: --; Chew, swallow, THEN talk.

Dai: glares but does so What's up with her this time?

Y: She can't draw this week, so she's given in to the plotbunnies that plague her always…

Dai: Dammit! I KNEW we should've broken out the vacuum cleaner! ; But NOOOO- Aete had to go and break it in his fricking drunken stupor!! glares broken vacuum in the corner

Y: And just whose fault was it he went and GOT drunk in the FIRST place?! sighs Anyway, too late for that now… points to her hikari

K: has thousands of fluffy rabbits chewing on pencils staring intently at the screen from over her shoulder

Dai/Y: ; --;; Hopefully, it won't take her that long….

K: cackles insanely as the rabbits join in, giving her tips and demanding to be heard XD

Dai/Y: ; --;; HOPEFULLY…..


Dai/Y: Season-? 00! 00! You mean of MOU HITORI?!

K: turns around and blinks Yeah, what'd you think I was working on? I've had this song-themed chapter stuck in my head all day!!

Dai/Y: glance at each other and nod, then glomp Ko ferociously THANK RA!!! YOU'RE CONTINUING IT!!!

K: turning blue from lack of oxygen Can't- if- I- can't- BREATHE!!!!

Dai/Y: ; ; Heh heh… Oops? release her

Disclaimer: We don't own Yuugi-tachi, just the infamous "Mou Hitori" saga. WHEE!! ANGST FICS RULE!!! Though, sadly, this seems to be turning fluffy…. UU; UU; UU; Oh well, that's what Linkin' Park songs are for! (But we don't own them either… UU UU UU The next album's coming in the mail soon, though! )

Dedication: To all our WONDERFUL fans who dun mind the fact all we write is shonen ai and that our Japanese grammar is basically crap. all 3 bow Also, a special thanks to Merodi no Yami and Naito-chan (We're in someone else's bio!! Kinda…), and a big GET WELL wish for poor Klonoa-chan. (Try good, upbeat music and some homemade soup- it really helps! )

Warnings: You all should know the drill by now- after all, it HAS been a whole season, ne? - - - Regardless, here's today's line up: (and yes, we know that sounds sporty… We're just happy we actually managed to catch the football today and scored a touchdown in P.E…. WITHOUT getting hit in the face!!) Shonen ai, profanity, angst (takes place after Bakura rapes Ryou in the soul room….hall….thingy ….), blood (obviously), Ryou doubting his religion (no offense to anyone!!), a total change in Ryou's past (since you never really learn it anyway), and Ryou's slightly OOC (cuz' you never really can tell what he's like anyway- sure, he's polite and all that, and he cherishes what friends he has, but you never see what he's really thinking, beneath all that), and any other random crap we happen to forget…

Mou Hitori no Jinkaku: Kami-Tachikata

The Other Personality: Paper-cut

Why does it feel like night today?

Why do I feel so uptight today?

Paranoia's all I got left

I don't know what stressed me first

Or how the pressure was fed

But I know just what it feels like

To have a voice in the back of my head


Why? Why does he torture me so? What have I ever done to him? What have I done to make him treat me this way?

I wince as I get up from the shadowy, blood-stained corner of my mind; our mind… Or, is it now his? I can't find any safety here, as I could before he came, so does that mean this plain is now under his rule? His darkness covers everything, driving whatever light; whatever hope; is left in me. All in all, there's not that much to drive away anymore- he's taken over my life and stolen everything I once held dear, and what hope is there of ever getting it back? You can't give back someone's innocence…

I clutch the wall, trying to maintain balance despite my aching body. I try to take a shaky step forward, but as my foot moves, it feels as if my body is engulfed in flames. I crumple to the ground, hissing in pain, and watch my tears mingle with the crimson river as the pain slowly subsides. My gaze turns to my once stark-white hair, tips stained red with blood; my blood. I finger one of the sodden locks, and tears come to my eyes once more.

I was much like them- pure and untainted, then overcome by a darkness of such magnitude that it is left changed forever. My hair used to be so soft and light, but now, after every time he'd done this, it's always been grayish and tangled; frayed. It's been tainted, just as I have been.

What's worse, I can't stop this from happening. I'm helpless against him, and all I can do is obey him so that he might take mercy on me. He is with me always- watching, waiting, laughing at my misfortunes. Why? Why does he seek pleasure in my pain? What could he have possibly endured to make him such a dark soul?

It's like a face that I hold inside

A face that awakens when I close my eyes

A face that watches every time I lie

A face that laughs every time I fall

And watches everything

So I know that when it's time to sink or swim

That face inside is hearing me

Right underneath my skin

What could've made him this way? Why does he hate me so? Do I remind him of someone from his past? Is that why he treats me like a tool, instead of a person? Why he haunts me, never sleeping? Why he simply won't let me live in peace?

So many questions, and I know I'll probably never get an answer for a single one of them. He will always torment me, keeping me in this abyss of lonely shadow. He will watch me live my life in constant fear of him. He'll watch… and laugh.

And there's absolutely nothing I can do. If I told someone, they wouldn't believe me. If I tried to take my own life, he'd stop me before the knife ever touched my skin. I'm his hostage, the prisoner he keeps locked within my own mind…

God, I hate this…

It's like I'm paranoid, lookin' over my back

It's like a whirlwind inside of my head

It's like I can't stop what I'm hearing within

It's like the face inside is right beneath my skin

God. I used to believe you would help me, someday; that you would somehow dispel him and save me. Now… Now, I'm not so sure.

I prayed to you, every day, asking forgiveness for whatever sin I'd committed to have you send such a demon to me. But did help ever come? Was I spared from his hands? No.

Tell me- if you are truly a divine being of eternal love, forgiving the sins of those who give their hearts to you, where were you the first time this happened? Where were you when he broke me? Did you come to stop him? Did you come to your child's aid? MY aid?!

No. He always told me I was foolish to waste my time asking forgiveness when there was nothing to forgive. I can't ask you to forgive me of my existence, and if you still refuse me, he must be right. I hate to agree with such a monster, such a demon, but there isn't any other answer I can think of.

So, I'm not worth your time to save? So be it. I won't waste my time praying to you, either. I'm obviously meant to live this horrid half-life, a world of everlasting pain, so why bother with you? You won't do anything, anyway…

I know I've got a face in me

Points out all the mistakes in me

You've got a face on the inside too, and

Your paranoia's probably worse

I don't know what set me off first,

But I know what I can't stand

Everybody acts like the fact of the matter is

I can't add up to what you can

I wonder what that boy thinks? If he, too, has to deal with all I have… His spirit committed mass-murder of his own classmates, after all. That must account for the same emotional turmoil I've been force-fed…

But… his eyes… His eyes still retained innocence. His spirit hadn't taken it from him. Not like mine did to me…

Dammit… Even then, I still manage to end up with the short end of the stick… That boy's lucky, even if his friends live and breathe no longer… I've never had any friends, which is most likely why my demon's target is me, rather than those around me. At least he doesn't have to live a broken shell; a tool for a monster's own pleasure!

Hn. They all think they're so high-and-mighty, don't they? That I'm not allowed to be considered of the same species they are… Fricking prejudice…. I hate it!

Just because I was born different, the world; the gods, even; treats me like some abomination. It's not my fault that Father was cheating on his wife, and that my mother was only a lowly peasant girl from Egypt… I cannot change the things of the past! I couldn't help that Mother died giving birth to me, and that Father's wife left him after I was placed in his care… I can't help any of it!

But everybody has a face that they hold inside

A face that awakes when they close their eyes

A face that watches every time they lie

A face that laughs every time they fall

And watches everything

So you know that when it's time to sink or swim

The face inside is watching you too

Right inside your skin

No. I shouldn't be blaming myself for all that's happened. Besides, they're no better than I am. They lie, cheat, swindle, steal… If anything, I'm better than most. Therefore, it must be that they hate me for my purity, and make me an outcast because of it.

Well, do you hate me now? I'm tainted, just like the rest of you. There's nothing left between us to be jealous of, other than your freedom where I have none. Of course, do you even care? Have you even noticed the change?

Hn. Of course not. After all, who would be foolish enough to pay any attention to the 'albino blasphemy', the scourge of your existence? The one labeled a 'mistake'?

Well, you know what? I don't care anymore. What use are feelings if all you do is get hurt because of them? What use are 'friends' if none of them will ever know exactly what you're going through? I'm already lost to one form of darkness… I don't need to fall victim of another.

The sun goes down

I feel the light betray me

The sun goes down

I feel the light betray me

It's like I'm paranoid, lookin' over my back

It's like a whirlwind inside of my head

It's like I can't stop what I'm hearing within

It's like the face inside is right beneath my skin

I struggle to my feet once more, bracing myself for the bout of searing pain that was sure to follow. It came, as expected, but was strangely less than it had been before. No more blood came from my wounds, and the only pain I felt came from my many bruises, not the cuts or my lower abdomen. I heard footsteps ahead of me, then looked up in wonder at their owner as he stopped.

"You're learning…" he stated simply, face neutral.

"You did something to make the pain go away, didn't you?" I inquired, disbelieving.

He scoffed. "Don't count on it happening any other time… I still need you to catch the pharaoh, and if you disobey, you're still to be punished, got that?"

I could only nod dumbly in reply. He returned the gesture, then turned to go. Halfway there, he stopped and looked back over his shoulder.

"And… don't give up so easily. Tell those bastards to fuck off if they treat you that way… I'M the only one who can treat you however I like…"

He returned to his pilgrimage into the shadowy abyss, leaving me there to stare after. Something had changed… Something made him change… And, apparently, it was a change for the better.

Still, no use dwelling on it now. I doubt I'll ever figure it out anyway… Now, I need to focus on getting back to the 'real world', and finding out just where that boy and his friend ran off to…


Why did I do that? I'm not growing attached to him, am I?

I shake my head, banishing the thought. No way! He's a tool and nothing more. And, just like every other tool, they need to be taken care of from time to time…

-No, you just didn't want him turning into someone like you… You didn't want to relieve it all, and don't want him exposed to it either….- a little voice taunted, and I growled.

Damn conscience…. Why'd it have to decide to come back now?

-He's not just a tool… He reminds you of how you used to be… How you want to be…-

Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!! I waited hesitantly to see if my 'inner oracle' would return, but all was silent. I was about to congratulate myself on driving it away, but froze when I picked up a familiar power signature.

No… It can't be…. There's no way….



plotbunnies scurry away in fright

K: So, what'd ya think? turns to Ya and Dai Guys?

Y/Dai: speechless 00! 00!

K: o.O; Ano sa…. coughs and turns to readers Right. Anyway, hope you guys liked this chapter, though it seems it's getting a bit fluffy too… UU; Ah, maybe Malik and Marik will spice things up a little, ne? - I've got BIG PLANS for THOSE 2… cackles insanely, then stops and coughs in embarrassment when she notices everyone backing away from her Heh heh… ;;

Anyhoo, PLEASE R&R (this being one of the few times I've actually come out and asked/begged you to…), and I'd LOVE to see fanart for any part of this series! (meaning you don't have to stick to any one scene- you can even make up your own poses and crap, if you want… I just want fanart! ) Well, till next chappie/update! - Ja!