The Place Where We Belong
Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Fanfiction
Female Tsuna
Summary: Reborn's opinion of Sawada Iemitsu is that the man is a complete fool. Everyone knows this. Reborn should have known better than to take Iemitsu's words in face value. But he didn't think he would fuck up this bad. In which Iemitsu's child is not a dame middle schooler but an adult woman with a life of her own. They really, really need to check the inside of Iemitsu's head.
Disclaimer: I do not own KHR
Warnings: Lots of OCs, grammar mistakes, typo.
CHAPTER 1: Sawada Setsuna
Tuna Fishy
Soft cheeks
Easily scared
Those are the words scribbled on the yellow Post-It note Reborn found tucked in the manila folder. Baka Iemitsu didn't even bother to use normal paper. You would think that at this point he would get used to the amount of paperwork that come in and out the office. Then again, this is Iemitsu we're talking about. Reborn would not be surprised if Iemitsu's kid is as bad as he described. Or worse. The kid is Iemitsu's. That would explain everything.
But Reborn had worked on Dino. That boy was hopeless when Reborn first met him. Now? Dino is still Dino but he is more than fit to lead his Famiglia. Reborn will do the same to Sawada Setsuna. He is not training her to be a Boss . No. But the possibility didn't escape them. After Enrico got killed in a gunfight and Massimo drowned, Vongola upper ranks are getting restless. The only candidate left is Federico. Xanxus, the youngest son, is not fit for candidacy for reasons only Nono and his Guardians knew about. Iemitsu's position in CEDEF means that he can't inherit. The only one left is Sawada Setsuna, Iemitsu's civilian daughter. Nono sent Reborn to Japan for observations.
Just in case.
There are three scenarios.
One, Federico become Decimo and live long enough to sire children.
Two, the situation have become more urgent but not to the point of emergency. To ensure that the Vongola bloodline won't die out, Setsuna will be wed to Federico. And maybe to Xanxus if he ever get defrosted.
Three, Federico is compromised, leaving Setsuna as the only candidate for the position of Decimo.
Scenario One is most preferable. Iemitsu has problems with the second scenario if Xanxus get involved. But he doesn't seem to mind if Setsuna is to be wed to other Famiglias for the sake of making alliances. The girl won't be married off anytime soon though. She is still in middle school after all. Plenty of time for Federico to take a wife. Still, if Setsuna is to be a mafia wife, she need to know how to protect herself and the basics.
That's where Reborn come in, to teach Setsuna and prepare her for her upcoming involvement with the mafia. Basically grooming her.
(There is the fourth scenario; where Setsuna get no involvement with the mafia at all. Slim chances that. Not after Reborn.)
In any case, Reborn is given a mission and he intend to succeed. He never failed. Ot he is not the World's Greatest Hitman.
Namimori is a small town. It won't come under Vongola's radar if it were not for Iemitsu's wife and child living here. Not that it make much difference. The only one who can contact Iemitsu's family is Iemitsu himself. The idiot believe that no one will be able to find his wife and daughter here. He didn't even install agents to guard his family. Considering he never heard of a mafia related incident in Namimori, Reborn is inclined to believe. There are the yakuza groups, but they are either too small or don't have much international presence. Either way, Sawada Setsuna about to get the surprise of her life. And Reborn will be the one to break it to her.
Reborn stopped in front of a two story house, typical of Japanese suburbs. It's school hours now so Setsuna is still at school. The flyers had been sent before he touched the ground. It will make his introduction much more smoothly. Reborn will use the opportunity to introduce himself to Nana and examine the house. Put a booby trap or two in Setsuna's bedroom to give her a taste of what's about to come.
He rang the doorbell with the Leon's help. The lizard turned to a stick. There was the sound of shuffling footsteps from behind the door. It swings open, revealing a woman with short brown hair in her thirties. She blinked at the sight of Reborn. Sawada Nana smiled and crouched down.
"Hello, dear. Are you lost?" She cooed.
"Ciaossu," Reborn greeted her. "My name is Reborn. I am a home tutor."
Nana tilt her head. "Home tutor? Oh! The one from the flyers! Will raise your kid to be the leader of the next generation. Grade and subject doesn't matter. Is that you, Reborn? But I didn't contact you..."
"Yes, I am he," He confirmed it to her. "Your husband is the one who arranged it. He saw the flyers and want me to tutor your daughter, Setsuna."
Nana beamed at the mention of her husband. "Iemitsu did? How thoughtful of him!" And then her expression shifted. "But Tsu-chan don't really need a tutor right now. Her grades are quite good, despite her being busy."
Busy? Nana must meant after school clubs. Clubs are good, it help one's growth. Reborn file the new information in his mind.
Nana continued, "I don't know if Tsu-chan will take it nicely, considering we weren't told about it. She will like it less if we told her that it was Iemitsu who contracted you."
Oh? Does she know something about Iemitsu? Their last contact was when she was 5 years old. Did something happened?
"I'm sure your daughter will understand. She is a teenager after all. It's a difficult age. Setsuna will eventually come around," Reborn assure her.
"That's what I thought at first," Nana said sadly. "But Tsu-chan became bitter and eventually indifferent about her father, no matter what I said. She show no sign of her opinion changing at all."
This could be a problem. If Setsuna couldn't even trust her blood, it will be harder to trust the Famiglia. One more issue they need to work on.
"I understand, Sawada-san. I will talk to Setsuna about it," Reborn promises her. Nana smiled sadly. "Well then, I will wait until Setsuna come home."
Nana blinked. Her smile turned to a sad one. "I'm sorry, Reborn but Tsu-chan hasn't been living here for years now. She moved out awhile ago."
"Is that wise?" Reborn frowned. Civilian middle schoolers usually don't move out of their homes unless their school have dormitories. "Isn't she still a middle schooler?"
It's Nana's turn to frown. "I apologise, Reborn but you're mistaken. Tsu-chan is not a middle schooler. She graduated high school already."
Iemitsu is so dead
Graduated high school! That means she is either a university student or already working. "Sawada-san, how old is Setsuna this year?"
"She is turning twenty two this year."
So very, very dead
In the course of his life, Reborn have met all kinds of people. The good, the bad, the ones like his lackey Skull. He encountered people not fit to be a parent but never in his wildest dreams he would experience this kind of situation. Iemitsu forgot his own daughter's age. Inexcusable. Reborn never thought that his opinion of that idiota would get any lower. It's understandable that Setsuna has misgivings about her father and Reborn haven't even met her.
Reborn had wanted to call Iemitsu to tell him off but decided to put that off for now. He need to see Setsuna first. Children or teenagers, he can still handle, but adults are different matter entirely. They don't change easily. They don't respond to changes well. Depending on how bad the damage is, it could be too late for him to reverse it. This job have become much more complicated than Reborn initially thought.
Nana gave Reborn Setsuna's current address. She is living in an apartment now. Her apartment building is located on the other side of town. Eventually, Reborn found himself standing in front of apartment 227. Leon changed to a stick once more and Reborn ring the doorbell.
The door swings open, revealing a young woman dressed in orange shirt and jeans. Her brown hair is tied to a ponytail with a scrunchie. She looked down at Reborn and blinked.
"Can I help you?" She asked.
"Ciaossu," Reborn greeted her. "My name is Reborn and this is my partner Leon." Leon crept up to his fedora. "You are Sawada Setsuna, yes?"
"I am her…."
"Sawada Nana told me that you moved out here a few years ago. I was not aware of that," Something he will hold against Iemitsu later.
Setsuna eyed him carefully. "Is there any reason why you're here, Reborn?"
"Yes. Your father, Iemitsu, sent me here to tutor you."
At the mention of her father, Setsuna's face turned blank. It only lasts for a few seconds before a myriad of emotions flashed in her eyes. Shock, confusion, distaste, irritation.
Reborn could have sworn there was a flash of orange in those brown orbs.
"You… You're in contact with my… Father," The way she said it, Setsuna doesn't seem to be fond with Iemitsu at all. "He… Iemitsu. Sent you here…. To tutor me?" She looked at him disbelievingly. "Why?"
"He is under the impression that your grade is suffering and want to help," Reborn answered.
Setsuna let out a 'Ha!' "That's bullshit if I ever hear one. That man don't care enough for me to hire a tutor for me. Not after so long. No, he has a reason. You greeted me with 'Ciao' so you must be Italian. So that's where Iemitsu is? Italy?"
Reborn nodded. "He is under the impression that you're still in middle school."
The young woman shakes her head. "Why am I not surprised?" She looked at Reborn. "You wouldn't haul yourself and your pet all the way here from Italy just for giggles. There is more to the story isn't it?"
"It is," Reborn admitted. "Iemitsu didn't sent me here just to raise your grades. He sent me here so I can observe you and teach you certain set of skills. It's best if I start explaining from the beginning. May I come in?"
"Not so fast," Setsuna said coldly. "State your true occupation first. Like I'm going to believe you're just a regular tutor."
He will tell her anyway so why not now? "I'm a hitman."
"Iemitsu is related to crime? Italian mob?" Setsuna questions further. Reborn nodded. "I knew it," She mutters. So she did suspect. Reborn wonder what else he's missing here. "You're going to explain everything to me?"
"Everything," Reborn promises. Setsuna deserve that much.
Setsuna stared at him long and hard. Reborn is careful not to move. Another flash of orange. Definitely Hyper Intuition in the works here. Whatever she found seems to satisfy her. Setsuna move aside to let Reborn in.
"Tea? Coffee?" Setsuna offered as she led him to the kitchen.
"Coffee please. Espresso, if you have it," Reborn plopped down on the sofa. Setsuna give him a look before taking out the coffee pot. Reborn use the chance to look at his surroundings. The apartment is reasonably tidy. He noted a photo frame on the shelves. The photo shows Setsuna with two other girls her age. It seems to be taken during their graduation, judging from their middle school uniform and diplomas in their hands.
Setsuna returned with a cup of coffee. She follow his gaze and smiled. "The girl with auburn hair is Sasagawa Kyoko-chan. The black haired girl is Kurokawa Hana. We took the same ballet class when we were in kindergarten. We've been best friends ever since." Her gaze turn sharp. "You're not going to target them, are you?
"No," Reborn answered. Setsuna set down the cup on the coffee table. Reborn take a sip. It's good. "I should start from the beginning." He said after Setsuna sit down on the armchair.
"As I introduced myself to you earlier, my name is Reborn. My occupation is a hitman, though I do accept jobs to groom future mafia dons. My client this time is Vongola, the Famiglia Iemitsu is part of," He is careful not to address Iemitsu as father. "Vongola is the strongest mafia Famiglia in all of Italy. Vongola wield worldwide influence. No other Famiglias in present time can match them in terms of size, power, wealth and so on. Iemitsu is the head of Consulenza Esterna Della Famiglia . CEDEF for short. They act as the external advisor for Vongola. Normally, CEDEF is considered as independent, Vongola have no direct control over them. In time of crisis, the organisation will merge with the main group and the leader become second-in-command."
Setsuna narrowed her eyes but didn't say anything.
Reborn pull out files from his briefcase. "Sawada family is related to Vongola from the very beginning. The founder and first head of Vongola retired to Japan centuries ago," He showed her the family tree. "So you're related to the Vongola by blood."
"I always wondered about my family," Setsuna trace the name Sawada Ieyasu. "Kaa-san didn't know anything. We only have a scroll and a few other papers in the attic. Not enough information to go by. I barely passed my assignment on fifth grade," She sighed. "I know that my great grandfather married an Italian woman in the Showa period. That's when my family branch got more involved with the main branch, isn't it?"
"Correct," Reborn put away the files and pull out photos. "Currently, Vongola is hurting. The current head had three sons. The first son, Enrico, was killed in a gunfight. Massimo, the second in line after Enrico, was drowned." Setsuna didn't look away from the photos. "The only one left is Federico, the third son." He showed her a picture of Federico.
Setsuna studied the picture. "You said my family is related by blood. Why isn't Iemitsu eligible to be the next Don? He is older than this Federico."
"When he took the role as head of CEDEF, Iemitsu had to forfeit his right to be next to inherit. Which leaves you to be the second in line after Federico."
"I suppose they don't take it too kindly if a girl is next to inherit a Famiglia like Vongola."
"No, they don't. Daniela, the eighth head, faced so many oppositions when she inherit because of her gender."
"So they want to bring me in as backup?"
"That and if the situation get worse, get you married to Federico or a Don from allied Famiglia."
Setsuna's eyes narrowed dangerously. "So like a brood mare then. How convenient for them."
"In the worst case scenario, you will be the Donna . Whatever the case, I am here to make sure you survive. The mafia is not a kind world. Of course, there's a possibility that you won't be needed. You can lead a peaceful life as a civilian."
"Unless they decide to bring me in or my future children," She said bitterly. "Why me? This Federico is old enough to have children. There's probably a bastard or two somewhere in the family line. Sure, my ancestor is the founder but that can't be just it."
"Actually, it is. The right blood is needed in order to inherit. The Vongola blood has special attributes." Hyper Intuition. Reborn need to ascertain how good Setsuna's Intuition is. Enrico had it the strongest out of Timoteo's children, followed by Federico and then Massimo.
Setsuna eyed him. "Tell me, Reborn. Are you part of Vongola? Truly one of them?"
"I do run a few hits for them but no, I'm a freelancer."
"I see…," Setsuna absorbed all these new information. "So a contract have most likely been officialized then. You can't back out easily. I don't exactly have much of a choice here."
"No," Reborn confirmed.
Setsuna sighed. "It's pointless to tell you to go back to Italy then. Still, my schedule is already so packed as it is. I don't know if we can fit mafia lessons in between. What about your living arrangement?"
"I was supposed to live with you and your mother in your childhood home. That won't happen obviously. So I will live here with you."
"You're not sleeping in my bedroom," She told him immediately. He nodded. "You pay for your own food. You do your own laundry. And whatever Leon needs." The green lizard flicked his tongue. "You can stay at the second bedroom. We can work out the chores and more details later on. I know you're not a baby so don't try to shirk off. Do we have a deal?"
Reborn nodded. "We have a deal."
"Okay," Setsuna nodded. She glanced at the clock on the wall. "I need to go to my part time work." She said, standing up.
Reborn hop off the couch. "What kind of job?"
"Ballet instructor," Setsuna answered before she head to her bedroom. She returned with a duffle bag hanging on her shoulders.
"So you're a ballerina?" Reborn questioned, trailing behind her.
The corner of Setsuna's lips quirked upward. "Not quite."
The letters 'GENERATION Ballet Studio' is neatly carved on the sign board. The place where Setsuna work at is a simple commercial building with four stories. School hours has ended now. It won't be long until students start piling in. Reborn noticed right away a picture of Setsuna hanging on the wall. She is younger in the picture. Six or seven, give or take. There are also her friends Kyoko and Hana in the same picture. They most likely learnt ballet here.
When they enter the building, a little girl throw her arms around Setsuna's legs. "Sensei!" She looked up to her in all of her chubby cheeks glory. Setsuna's eyes softened at the sight of that.
"Hello, Miki-chan," Setsuna bend down to hold her hands. "Are you ready to practice?"
"Oui, Madame!" Miki-chan answered back. Reborn noted that her pronounce and intonation are quite good.
Setsuna noticed it too. Her smile just got wider. "Magnifique!" Miki-chan preened at the compliment. "Go join the others at the studio. Sensei have to get change first."
"Oui, Madame!" Miki-chan said before running off.
"I'm going now. Don't start any trouble now, Reborn." Setsuna give him a warning look before walking away.
Reborn is alone now. The receptionist looked at him curiously but didn't say anything. An elderly woman, younger than Nono, emerged from the back. The receptionist whispered something to her. The elderly woman looked at him before approaching.
"Hello," She smiled at Reborn.
"Ciaossu," Reborn greet her.
She tilt her head at his unusual greeting. "You came here with Setsuna-chan?"
"Yes. My name is Reborn. I will stay with Setsuna for an indefinite period of time."
"At Setsuna-chan's…? Are you her relative? I was not aware that Setsuna-chan still has relatives. Nana-san is an only child and she never mention any cousins."
This woman knew Nana personally. Unsurprising, since she've know Setsuna for years now. She didn't mention Iemitsu though. She probably never even met the man. Let's see how much these people know…
"I know her father, Sawada Iemitsu."
The old woman's eyes widened before narrowed. "Is that so?" There is surprise and a hint of edge in her voice. She quickly regain her composure. "Are you going to watch the lesson?"
"If that's alright," Reborn noted the change of subject.
"If Setsuna-chan doesn't mind, I won't mind either."
"If I don't mind about what, Masumi-sensei?"
They turn around to see Setsuna. She changed to a black leotard and white tights. "I see you've met other. Reborn, this is Masumi-sensei. She is the owner of this studio and my ballet instructor."
"Is it okay with you if Reborn here watch you teaching, Setsuna-chan?"
"I don't mind, as long as behaves."
Masumi-sensei nodded. "I'll leave it to you then."
Setsuna turn to Reborn. "Come on. My students are waiting."
Reborn followed her. When he looked behind his shoulder, Masumi-sensei is watching him with critical eye.
"Good afternoon, everyone~"
"Good afternoon~" The children greets back.
"Alright! Eveyone's here! Let's start by warming up first! Remember, you have to stretch properly!" Setsuna start to stretch. The little girls and boys mimic her movements. "Don't forget to count too. One, two, three…"
"One, two, three…"
After they finished stretching, everyone stand next to the barre.
"First position. Second position. Third position. Fourth position. Fifth position. First. Second. Third..."
Reborn watches from the ceiling. During the plie , Setsuna looked up to the ceiling. Has she figured out his hiding spot? He can feel a trickle of her Locked Sky Flame, curling protectively around the children. Reborn blinked at the intensity of her Flame. Even though it's Locked, he can already feel how much power she has. Once it is Unlocked, who knows what will happen? Reborn can't help but wonder how much chaos will unfold once Setsuna reach her full potential.
He look forward to it.
Reborn waited at the reception as Setsuna get changed. The lesson just ended a few minutes ago. Setsuna waited for the studio to clear out before she head to the locker room. Parents drop in one by one to pick up their children. Masumi-sensei is not here. Reborn use the time to study the photos on the wall.
There is a few pictures of the same young woman in black and white. Most likely Masumi-sensei when she was younger. There are a number of pictures of Setsuna and her friends. They looked really young in one picture. On the next picture, they look older. This picture was likely taken when they were on fifth or sixth grade. Kurokawa Hana's face didn't appear anywhere else after that. One of the biggest photos shows a girl with auburn hair as Odette. That is definitely Sasagawa Kyoko, albeit older.
"Thank you for waiting for me, Reborn," He hear Setsuna's footsteps behind him. "What are you looking at?" She followed his gaze. When her eyes fell upon the picture of her frame, Setsuna smiles. "That's Kyoko-chan. On our second year of high school, she won the Prix de Lausanne competition. She's in New York now."
Prix de Lausanne? An impressive feat. "Impressive. What about Kurokawa Hana?"
"Oh, Hana-chan? After we entered middle school, she switched to ballroom dancing. She's in Tokyo now. She's also in a university. Hana-chan is aiming for the World Championships as well."
World Championships? Setsuna's friends sure aim high. "It must be tough to grow up with such accomplished friends." Envy or maybe even resentment is expected when someone your age already achieved so much. Reborn need to know what drives Setsuna. He'll use any sort of emotions to push her.
Setsuna glanced at him. "I'm proud of them, Reborn. There is no room for envy between of us." She gaze upon of the picture of them as kids. "Come on. I don't want to be late for my next appointment." She head to the exit.
"Where are we going?"
"Oh, you'll see."
Their next stop is Maeda Ice Rink, the only ice rink in Namimori.
"You have another part time work here?" Reborn questioned her.
Setsuna hummed. "You can say that."
People inside greets Setsuna when they entered. One of them is a dark haired girl wearing purple jacket. "Good afternoon, senpai," She greet her softly.
"Good afternoon, Nagi-chan," Setsuna greeted the younger girl warmly. "How was school today?"
"I-It went fine, senpai," Nagi glanced down at Reborn.
"Ciaossu," Reborn greets her. "My name is Reborn. I'm a hitman." Nagi blinked at the odd introduction.
Setsuna give him a weary look. "You will be seeing him a lot in the near future. Is Coach in?"
"Ah, yes. Coach is in his office."
"Okay. Thank you, Nagi-chan. See you in a bit," Setsuna nodded at her. Nagi nodded back before going somewhere else, presumably the rink. "Let's go, Reborn. We need to see Coach first. If you're going to train me in mafia stuff, Coach need to know."
Setsuna led him to an office. She knocked on the door. A male voice called out from inside. "Come in."
An elderly man (older than Masumi-sensei) is seated behind a desk. At the sight of Reborn, he narrowed his eyes.
"Good afternoon, Coach Maeda," Setsuna settle down on a chair and put down her bag on the floor. Reborn jumped onto the seat next to her. "This is Reborn. He will be staying with me from now on. Reborn, this is Coach Maeda Kazuki. He is also the owner of this place."
"I know about him already. Masumi-san called earlier and told me about it," His steely grey eyes locked with Reborn's black ones. "She said that you knew Iemitsu?" He has the same hint of edge in his voice.
"Iemitsu hired Reborn to tutor me," Setsuna told him. "Apparently he's under the impression I'm still in middle school."
Hearing that, Maeda narrowed his eyes. "That foolish man. He thought you're still in middle school? He forgot his own daughter's age?" He said in disbelief. Reborn can relate. Setsuna frowned. Was it because the age issue or because Maeda called her Iemitsu's daughter? Probably both. Maeda quickly shake off his shock. "So after years of no contact, Iemitsu sent you here to tutor Setsuna. What exactly are you going to teach her?"
"Mafia," Setsuna grimaced at her own answer.
Maeda let out a tired sigh. "Mafia. That explain everything. But how in the world Iemitsu become involved with the mafia?"
"I'll explain," So Reborn told Maeda what he told Setsuna a few hours ago.
"There's no way out of this?" Maeda asked after the Arcobaleno finished his story. Reborn noted that he didn't look all that surprised. Just weary.
"No, unfortunately."
"I see," Maeda said. "It will make things complicated but if we are about to schedule accordingly to Reborn's lessons, there shouldn't be any problems. Don't forget to tell Masumi-san about this, Setsuna."
Reborn glanced at Setsuna. "You're going to tell her?"
"Of course," Setsuna answered. "Coach Maeda and Masumi-sensei are family. They have been the parents Iemitsu never been to me." Maeda's eyes softened at Setsuna's admission.
Reborn didn't say anything. It's clear the the two elderly care for their protege a great deal. They don't like Iemitsu. Not at all. It will be highly amusing to see these two tear Iemitsu apart over his treatment of Setsuna.
"Will you be bringing more mafioso to this town?" Maeda asked him. Setsuna turn to him. She like to know that too.
"Yes," Reborn nodded. "A former student of mine. A couple colleagues. Possibly some enemies. Mine and Vongola's," He has to contact the Smoking Bomb after this. Since Setsuna is not in middle school, there is no need for him to transfer.
"I don't want them anywhere near my athletes and staffs," Maeda said right away. "If I see one of your kind anywhere near the rink…" The look in his eyes promise bloodshed. A Cloud? Never a good idea to mess with a Cloud's territory.
They discussed a few more minor details before Setsuna excused herself to the locker room.
"Try not to get her injured when you train her," Maeda said to Reborn once Setsuna is out of the room. "I don't want her to suffer any injuries. Masumi-san will throw a fit if there is so much as a cut on her face."
"Is Setsuna an athlete?"
"Yes, she's a competitive figure skater."
"Is she good?"
Maeda looked at him. "See and judge for yourself."
Reborn is perched on the barrier. Maeda is talking to the staff. Skaters in varying ages gathered at the rink. Curiously there are no adults athletes here. All of the skaters gathered ranges from children in kindergarten to high schoolers. They give him curious glance once in awhile. Maeda told them to ignore him and focus.
"You know, you look a bit like a doll there," A voice came up from behind him. Setsuna. She is dressed in black. Turtleneck top with long sleeves, skirt and tights. Her skates are white. Setsuna piled her hair to a chignon bun. "Are you cold? Will Leon be all right?" Setsuna put on a pair of black gloves.
"Leon and I are fine." The green lizard crawled to the top of his hat. She give Leon a few pets.
"They serve hot tea if you want to warm up," She told him. "I'm going now."
Reborn watch Setsuna enter the rink. She skate to the center. Setsuna stood there for a few moments before she raise her arms-
He knows that figure skaters have to be graceful. Must look graceful all the time. The way Setsuna move… There is a certain charm to it. Something that draw eyes to her. It made her stand out from the rest. It's only a few laps around the rink. A spin here and there but each movement is mesmerising. Reborn look at the other athletes. The younger ones have stopped practising and now watching Setsuna instead. The Nagi girl looked awestruck.
Suddenly, Setsuna leap. Reborn counted three spins before she landed. Triple Axel.
"You can't help but notice."
Reborn turn his head to see Maeda standing next to him, eyes trained upon Setsuna's gaze.
"Yes," He return his gaze to the ice. Setsuna is lifting her foot for a Bielmann Spin. "I am not an expert but I can tell that she's good."
"Good is not enough to describe her," Maeda said. "It take a lot more than just 'good' to be a champion."
"She won competitions before?"
"Two times Grand Prix gold medalist, one silver and gold at Four Continents, one gold at Worlds and Olympic gold medalist."
He's right. Good is not the right word.
And how in the world did Vongola missed this ? Setsuna competed in the Olympics ! And she won! The Winter Olympics took place last year in Italy! Gross oversight is putting it mildly here.
Those thoughts were pushed to the back of his mind when Setsuna look at their direction. Reborn held his breath.
Her eyes is exactly like Primo's.
Her eyes were like Nana's before, brown and doe eyed. Here on ice, they turned sharp and somewhat melancholic. Her eyes flashed orange as they look at each other.
Sky Flames. Hyper Intuition. Blood of Vongola.
Beautiful. Powerful. Untouchable.
She would never fit in the mafia.
The ice is where Setsuna belongs.
This fanfic is partially inspired by Unmistakeable by AutumnsFey and Road to Family by Kagami_Sorako. And yes, Yuri! on Ice
There are also stories where Tsuna is able to Unseal his Flame as a child and thus not turning to a Dame growing up. Or the plot begins when the characters are in high school. I want to try my hands on the scenario where Tsuna and a couple others are already adults from the beginning.
Also this is KHR we're talking about. Logic is not exactly their strong suit.
In this verse, Timoteo never went to Japan, so Setsuna was never sealed.
This chapter takes place in 2007. So the Daily Life Arc will span from mid 2007 to 2008.
Yes, Nagi/Chrome is a figure skater here. Kyouko and Hana are also aged up along with Setsuna. Setsuna and Hana are currently in university. Kyouko is abroad. They will appear in future chapters.
This fan fiction is also posted in AO3
Thank you for reading
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