A/N Hi guys, this is my first twilight fanfic. I have always hated the fact that in New Moon, Bella takes Edward back so easily and also that after he leaves, she falls apart and neglects everyone else. I hate her character so much in New Moon. Also, the other New Moon AUs I have come across have never been satisfactory so I thought why not write my own. In my fic, Bella will make all of the Cullens (except for Rose and Jasper) work for it and will give them a very very hard time. Did I mention that I really hated all of the Cullens except Rose and Jasper for abandoning her like that? Well, I do. And trust me, people, they won't know what's hit them when they meet my strong and bold and confident Bella who wants nothing to do with them. Please give it a chance.

I don't own Twilight series.

Chapter 1

"Bye guys, see ya tomorrow!" Bella Swan waved cheerily at her friends as she got inside her trusty old pickup truck to head home after a long but productive day of school. Her friends- Jessica, Angela, Mike, Eric, and Ben- waved back at her and smiled while Lauren reminded her that she was coming over to her house that evening so they could study together for their upcoming Biology test. As surprising as that sounds, Lauren and Bella had become very good friends. Lauren was Bella's new Biology partner and once she got to know her, Bella found out that Lauren wasn't so bad and was actually fun to be around. They had talked and set their differences aside and a friendship had bloomed.

Bella assured her that she did remember and told her she would see her that evening before driving off to her house. As she drove, she let her mind recall the past few months. It had been about five months since Edward had left and she hadn't fallen apart like she always thought she would in case he ever left her.


After he callously broke her heart with his vicious words and cold, indifferent attitude, he ran off like the cowardly jerk he was. She took deep calming breaths as she walked back home in a daze, still not being able to come to terms with what had just happened. When she reached her house, she noticed the note Edward had written for her dad in, she had to admit, a good imitation of her handwriting. Hot white fury coursed through her veins as she read the note.

Why the hell did he feel the need to do that? Did he honestly think that she would get lost on her way home which she could still see from where they were in the woods or that she would foolishly venture deeper into the woods in order to find him so that Charlie would have to come looking for her?

She may have been lovesick, and she grimaced as she finally admitted to herself, clingy and pathetic but she was in no way crazy. She ripped the note to pieces and forcefully tossed it into the bin. "Asshole", she muttered as she made her way up the stairs to her room, flung herself onto her bed and gazed at the ceiling. As she thought back on her relationship with the stupid, sparkly vampire, she realized what exactly he thought of her. Weak, fragile, clumsy, foolishly lovesick, clingy, pathetic, crazy, someone who couldn't take care of herself or make her own decisions, someone he constantly had to protect, oh she could go on and on. Did he not know that before Phil came along she was the one who took care of her mother when it should have been the other way around and shouldered every household responsibility like cooking, paying the bills, cleaning, and everything else? She always considered herself to be strong and independent, someone who doesn't let people walk all over her.

As she thought, she realized how unhealthy their relationship was, how he always thought himself to be superior to her, how little self-worth she had. She hated that she had zero self-esteem. She cringed as she thought back to how just a few days ago, she couldn't even look at that picture of herself and Edward taken on her birthday because she thought she looked too plain while he looked like a Greek god. What was wrong with her? How had she even allowed herself to think like that? She may not be a supermodel but she wasn't nothing compared to him. Before her big move to Forks, she had never considered herself to be exceptionally beautiful but even then, she had never thought that she was too plain or ugly like she felt around him.

She stood up in front of the dressing table and looked at herself in the long mirror. She had healthy and shiny mahogany hair that reached to the middle of her back and curled at the ends. She had deep brown eyes which her mother always told her were her best feature as she felt that they expressed whatever she was feeling without her having to say it. They were framed by thick, long lashes. Her face was free of blemishes, completely flawless and she had pink plump lips. She had a slender figure and she often got complimented on her height which she inherited from her father. She was 5 feet and 9 inches tall and that was her one feature she had always been proud of. (A/N- I know Bella is only supposed to be 5''4 but for the purpose of this story, let's pretend she is 5 inches taller, okay?) A small grin broke out across her face as she finally admitted to herself that while she was no Rosalie Hale, she wasn't plain or ugly either but rather decent looking. Hmm, not bad Bella, not bad at all, she mused as she appraised herself.

She had horrible fashion sense, though. She was going to gain confidence and nothing would stop her. With a determined nod to herself, she opened up her closet and decided to get rid of all her unflattering, shapeless clothes. She would take Jessica up on her offer of going shopping together and buy herself some pretty and flattering clothes that would accentuate her figure and show of her womanly curves. It would go a long way in boosting up her confidence. She would start going to the local gym with her Dad to gain balance and better coordination. Her dad, being the chief of police, worked out regularly to keep himself fit. She hated being clumsy and was determined to change that. She also figured that working out regularly would ensure that she kept her figure and would enable her to occasionally stuff herself with her favorite foods without worrying. She smiled as she thought that it would also help her bond with her Dad and get closer to him.

She loathed herself for not spending any time with her amazing father and instead only focusing on that no good bastard, Edward. Sure he had saved her life more times than she could count and she was immensely grateful for that but he just wasn't good for her like she wasn't good for him. He had never treated her as his equal but like an errant child whose responsibility rested on his shoulders. Hell, he didn't even kiss her properly, always just barely brushing his lips against hers and always leaving her wanting for more. He was too careful and while she knew that was important because he could easily break her bones if he wasn't careful enough but he was just too much which frustrated her to no end. She had needs, damn it! Why did she stick with him for so long, again? Oh right, because she was too much in love to look past all his flaws. That's right, Edward fucking Cullen wasn't perfect by any means and she just wished she had realized that sooner.

She never felt beautiful or confident around him or his family and while he wasn't to blame for the fact that vampirism had given him unnaturally good looks, it just wasn't right. A relationship is supposed to uplift you and not shred you off every sense of self-worth and self-respect. It shouldn't make you unsure of or constantly second guess yourself. While it is true that you need to work in a relationship, one with Edward required a whole lot of hard work and drained all her energy. It demanded a hell of a lot of patience from her side. Relationships aren't supposed to be like that, are they? You shouldn't feel as if your boyfriend is too good for you or that he is too perfect and that you are nothing compared to him. Her relationship with Edward was all wrong. Suddenly, she was glad that he had ended their relationship and left. It had put a lot of things into perspective. Sure she missed him and Alice and everyone else, she hated to admit it to herself.

She even missed Rosalie, which was surprising, to say the least. Even though she didn't like her behavior and attitude towards her and humans in general, she admired the blonde a lot. She had always been upfront about her feelings towards her family's involvement with Bella. She had come to accept long ago that not everyone she meets was going to take a liking to her and that never bothered her, for Bella was a smart and mature girl. One thing Bella liked the most about the gorgeous but bitchy woman was that she always knew where she stood with her. She had never once referred to Bella as her mate or her best friend or her little sister or her daughter and that's why Bella didn't feel an ounce of hatred for her at all for the abandonment.

Neither did she blame Jasper. Not for leaving and nor for what happened. She knew it wasn't his fault because come on, he was an empath. He must have had to deal with his own bloodlust as well as that of six other vampires, one of whose blood singer was Bella. Of course, he had crumbled under the strain, she would have done the same. She recalled the one time at the Cullen house when everyone else was out hunting and she and Jasper were watching a historical documentary together. She had accidentally scraped her knee and she remembered being terrified for a moment but then relaxed when she saw Jasper looking over at her in concern and not in a hungry way. It was him who had patiently bandaged up her knee and then shyly told her to be careful the next time. Since then, they had become closer. But despite it all, she didn't blame him for leaving. Poor guy was probably blaming and punishing himself. She just wished she could somehow convey to him that she did not blame him at all and he shouldn't either.

Jasper and Rosalie were the only two members of the Cullen family that she liked at the moment. But the rest of them weren't worth her time at all and she would get over them soon. You would think that after spending so much time together with her, always telling her she was part of the family, they would at least have the decency to say goodbye and give her best wishes or maybe call or text or even email. But they hadn't bothered.

"They are probably happy to finally be rid of the human", she thought to herself bitterly, rolling her eyes as she did so.

But you know what, it was perfectly alright. They weren't really her family and didn't owe her a thing. She had two amazing parents who loved her more than anything and were always there for her, yes even her mother. She may have been childish and a bit (okay, a lot) eccentric, Bella knew without a doubt that she adored her. And so did her father. And from that moment onwards she was going to show him just how much she loved and appreciated him.

End of flashback

That evening when she had told her father of her plans to go to the gym with him, he had been absolutely thrilled and she had felt guilty for not spending time with him sooner. And then when she had asked for money because she wanted to go shopping, he had happily handed over his card to her. She didn't really need it as she had a lot of it saved up already as she barely spent it on anything, she only asked him because she knew it would make him happy to be able to do something for her and to see her acting her own age.

From that day, she and her Dad had become very close once again just like they used to be when she was younger and she had once again become a Daddy's girl. She had also reconnected with all of her friends and made several new ones. Everyone had started liking her when she let them in. They loved her amazing personality as well as her kind and generous nature. She had also become confident about herself. Once she had started working out, she lost her clumsiness and gained curves in all the right places. She had started wearing clothes that accentuated them and looked good on her instead of her old shapeless ones. Jessica had also taught her all about makeup and Bella found that she loved it. She knew she didn't need it but only wore because it made her feel good. She had also lost the inhibition she had about wearing heels and because she wasn't clumsy anymore, they never made her feel uncomfortable. She owned several pairs now.

That night after Lauren left after their fun but productive study session, she spent some quality time with her dad watching TV and discussing each other's day, just like every evening. She had started to notice a light in his eyes once she had started bonding and opening up to him. She remembered the look of shock that had crossed his face when he saw that she wasn't affected by Edward's leaving and then a moment later, it had been replaced by a relieved smile. One thing she was sure of, Edward's leaving had done a whole lot of good to her life. But that didn't mean she would ever forgive him if he ever changed his mind about her. Neither would she forgive the Cullens, all except Jasper and Rose of course, not that they had anything to apologize for. But Esme, Carlisle and their precious children Edward, Emmett, and Alice better stay away from her at all cost. She knew their leaving was for the best but that didn't mean that she didn't despise them. If they ever came near her, they would regret it.

One of her best friends, as well as some of her other friends, were werewolves after all.

And she wasn't above taking advantage of that.

A/N Well, I really really hope you liked it. And please please please leave me reviews and let me know what you thought. I promise I will respond to each one. And if you liked it then please show me some love by following and adding it as your favorite.

I apologize for the lack of interaction in this chapter but I basically wanted you to know what our heroine has been up to the past months. From the next chapter onwards, there will be dialogues and interaction. This chapter was just meant to be a sort of prologue.

And those of you who have read my Hunger Games fanfic and are waiting for me to update it, don't worry, I'm very slowly working on it as well. I promise I haven't abandoned it. It's my last year in high school and I'm so busy these days, I haven't had a chance to write in such a long time. I will finish both the stories, I promise.

Once again, please review and let me know what you think. Feel free to PM me as well, I will respond as soon as possible :)