I didn't realize it was 5 am, but I still gotta shower since I work tomorrow. Oh well... anyways, sorry it's been so long! This chapter is longer than usual so I hope that makes up for it. This chapter is a bit all over the place, but we learn more about Lucy and their relationship is getting closer. That's it so have fun!

Natsu felt like an idiot, but he literally had no idea how else he was supposed to lure her here. She was a succubus, and liked to feed off virgins… aka him. So he did the only thing he could to get her attention. Laying flatly on his bed over the covers completely nude with his dick at full attention and fingers laced together behind his head. At the beginning, he wasn't hard, but he eventually felt goosebumps form across his skin and his cock started to twitch at the tension in the air. He knew she was watching, but he still didn't touch himself. He wanted her to see what she did to him without him even stroking himself. Eventually, he was completely hard and straining under her intense gaze, even though he couldn't see the demon.

He wasn't sure how long he would have to wait, but it was getting hard not to touch himself. He let his hand slid down his hard body and grasp the base of his thick cock. His heart jolted as he stroked himself, easing the arousal that almost hurt.

"Lucy…" he moaned her name, and shivered when the tension turned up a few notches. He didn't know how long he waited for her, too occupied on the building of his orgasm. He was disappointed when he came and she still wasn't there. But then he paused when he heard the jingling of her chains and then there was a wetness on his belly. He gasped when he looked down to see Lucy licking up his semen… her eyes crimson red and fangs grazing his skin ever so slightly. "Luce…"

"You're a naughty boy, Natsu. No human has ever been more intriguing than you."

His dark eyes lidded at the site of her tongue licking up his cum as she slithered her way up his body and plopped her round bottom on his stomach. He didn't want to frighten her yet and slowly let his fingers drag up her thighs to let them rest on her hips. She leaned over him, cupping his cheeks and leaned down to press her soft lips to his. Before she had any ideas to run away, Natsu flipped their positions so he was on top of her with her back bouncing on the mattress and blonde hair sprawled out on his pillow. "Go on a date with me."

Her scarlet eyes blinked up at him in confusion. "A date? Is that some human term for sex?"

Natsu rolled his eyes and lightly flicked her on the forehead, causing the blonde to go a bit cross eyed. She was cute. "No, you dummy. A date is like… a way to get to know each other better. I already bought you clothes that's normal."

"Hey, my clothes are normal! You humans are the weird ones! Why would you wear so much? It's so constricting."

"Because humans have decency, unlike you." He leaned down to peck her lips before she could stop him, causing the demon to stare up at him unamused. He thinks he's captured her, but she could get away whenever she desires. She didn't really mind being held captive though.

"Fine, I suppose we could do this date thing." She had a noble look, but Natsu just grinned at her. After one last kiss to her lips, he got up off her and began to dress himself in decent clothing. Lucy was suddenly next to him with a hand on his chest and fingers dragging down his skin. Her long nails made him shiver, and his eyes closed in bliss at just the feeling of her hand on him. She suddenly was floating in the air with her wings extended and petite hand resting on his shoulder. She leaned forward, her hot breath fanning in his ear, making him shiver for the who knows what time tonight. "Let me pick what you're wearing tonight, Natsu. It's only fair since you got to dress me."

She didn't give him time to respond and suddenly disappeared into thin air, leaving Natsu nervous about if she'll come back. He waited several minutes, with her clothes laid out on his bed and legs pacing around the room. He sighed in relief when he felt the same intense pressure of her gaze watching him, until she emerged through some type of portal with clothes in her hands that still had price tags.

"Did you steal those?"

". . . No."

Natsu rolled his eyes, but accepted the clothes from her. He had slipped some boxers on when she left so he shoved the clothes she picked out on and looked down at himself in concern. "I see you like black…"

"Yep! You look sexy as fuck." She eyed him up and down, Natsu having a hard time standing still under her intense gaze. She gave him some black jeans with holes ripped up and down his legs and a sleeveless hoodie in the same color that had gold details and looked very expensive. The clothes were very tight… Looking in the mirror, his ass was squeezed in the jeans, and he pretended not to notice Lucy licking her lips at the site of it. She suddenly extended her wings out once more and flew around him in circles while checking him out. "Hmm… I like your usual look of those strange pants that get tight around the ankles, but the patterned shirts tied around you hips cover up your fine ass and that's such a shame. Plus…" she pushed off the ground and elegantly landed on his shoulders, then leaned over him and pressed a kiss to his lips. "The rebel style looks fitting… you almost look like a demon."

He blinked at her a bit surprised, but Lucy suddenly frowned with her luscious thighs surrounding his neck. Lucy was suddenly off of him and she stood in front of him with her bare feet on their tip toes.

"Do you like me looking like a demon?"

"No, I actually don't." She pushed off the ground once again and disappeared back through that strange portal. "I'll be back."

He was left standing there a bit confused as he looked at himself in the mirror again. He guesses he has the demon look. It matched what she was wearing right now, but this outfit wouldn't really go with what he picked out for her.

Lucy was gone much longer this time, but came back with more clothes and an unsure expression. She handed him the clothes and watched him intently as he changed into them. This was drastically different. She got him a white dress shirt that she helped him button up so the top two were lose, and a pair for khakis capris that rolled up to his shin. It looked like he was ready for a beach wedding, but the smile on Lucy's face while looking at him made the demon smile.

"That's better…"

"Why didn't you like me looking like a demon?"

Honestly, Natsu's thought of how far he'd be willing to go if it meant being with her and he decided he would become a demon of it meant he could spend his life with her. But now he's starting to think she wouldn't want that because she chose an outfit that looked so pure and almost… angelic.

Lucy sighed at his question and fiddled with one of the two large braids in her hair. "I'm not attracted to sin. The reason why I keep coming to you time after time is because of how pure hearted you are. Natsu… you're very kind… you saved your virginity and you have such a nice aura."

"Do all succubus like that?"

Lucy shook her head. "No… I'm one of the only ones. Most succubus are attracted to sin. They look for the dirtiest of souls… the one who kill… rape… do harm. They like the impurities… the sins. But I'm different. I like my souls to be pure hearted and kind. Virgins who have saved themselves for gods will. I like to feed off that purity. It gives me such a rush and I feel—" Lucy shook her head. "Anyways… I don't want you to be a demon. I like your purity and that's why I'm so afraid to take it from you." Lucy turned towards his bed, unable to meet his gaze, but her eyes only widened when she was greeted with the garment laid out over the covers.

It was pure white and long. And for some reason, Lucy couldn't seem to get it on soon enough. She stripped so fast, letting her usual chains and small shorts fall at her feet. She wasn't wearing a bra or panties, but she slipped the dress on over her head anyways, and let it fall to the floor. Lucy immediately ran to the mirror and gave a twirl, letting the lose fabric bubble out around her in a big circle, a huge smile on her face. For a moment, he saw her wings flicker. Before, they were bat wings, but for one moment, he saw black feathers. She turned to him with a wide smile, looking almost bohemian with out a bra on, and how loose fitting the dress was.

"This brings back memories."

"To when?" He never imagined a demon wearing something like that, and he wasn't sure how Lucy would react to it, but she seemed to really enjoy it.

"To Before I was a demon."

She… was something before then? He doesn't know what he really thought up until now, but he guesses it makes sense. Was she human then? Or something else? Natsu decided to drop the subject though and handed her the flip flops he bought for her. He guessed her shoe size and they were just about right.

"Ready to go on our date?"

"Oh!" Lucy suddenly snapped her fingers and she was no longer a demon. She didn't have any ram horns, her eyes were brown with no dark eyeshadow, and her teeth didn't have fangs anymore. Her finger nails were also plain with just a French manicure and she even added little flowers in her braids instead of chains. "Do I look like a human now?"

"You look like an angel."

Lucy blinked in shock, but smiled down at her feet with a curt nod. "So, where does one go on dates?"

"Well, you said you wanted to try a cupcake so we'll head there first."

He intertwined his fingers with hers and led her to the front door. Once they were out on the busy street, Lucy looked around them curiously, her long hair dancing in the breeze, along with her dress. He smiled at her and squeezed her hand. She looked up at him in excitement and tugged at him a bit. "Woah, what's that?"

Natsu followed her finger and laughed at how cute she was. "That's called an airplane. Humans invented it so we could travel across the world a lot easier."

"H-human learned to fly?!"

She was acting so innocently cute that the last thing he'd think she is was a demon. More like a child in an adults body. "Yep! It looks small from down here, but planes are actually really big. They can fit around five hundred people, depending on how big it is."

"Really?" She continued to follow the slow moving thing in the sky. "Does it like drop people off wherever they want to go?"

"Not quite," Natsu chuckled. "It's not like a bus. It costs a lot of money and each plane only goes one place. All the people on each plane are going to the same place."

"I see…" she nodded, then jumped when something brushed against her leg.

"I'm sorry, please excuse him." A woman stopped on the sidewalk, causing the both of them to stop as well. A dog was sniffing her leg and Lucy looked unsure of what to do.

"I-is that a dog? I've heard of them…"

The woman looked at them a bit strange, so Natsu smiled at her with an apologetic look. The woman soon smiled and pat the dogs bottom so he sat down. "Please pet him. He really likes to be pet under his ears."

"O-okay…" she reached her hand out slowly put jumped back into Natsu when the dog sniffed her.

Natsu squeezed the hand still holding his and reached his other one out to pet him. "Like this Luce. He won't hurt you… I can tell he's a good boy."

She nodded and touched the top of its furry head. Natsu started making conversation with the woman, but all Lucy could do was stare at the creature in front of her. "You're really nice..." He panted at her praise and licked her hand, causing Lucy to giggle. "You have such a pure soul… I wonder if I can find myself a dog too."

They eventually had to say goodbye to the doggy, and Natsu continued to answer whatever questions she had. He never thought of Lucy as innocent until today, and he has to say… he's starting to like her even more. She's just so cute and he wanted to show her everything with their fingers interlocked just like this. He wanted to take her on all sorts of adventures and explain anything she'd ask about. She was just so adorable an intrigued by everything.

Eventually, they walked into the cupcake shop, and Lucy immediately ran to the glass box while tugging him along. She stared at each flavor, reading the card about what it was, then moved onto the next one. "Which one tastes the best?" She asked him, looking up at him from below.

"That depends on what you like. Chocolate or Vanilla are usually the two bases for the cupcakes."

She furrowed her brows and shuffled on her feet a bit. "I want vanilla."

"Kay… so they have plain vanilla cupcakes, a lemon one, coconut, vanilla salted Carmel… snickerdoodle, vanilla butterfinger."

"Umm… I'll try lemon."

Natsu nodded and stood up straight. The woman behind the counter smiled at him while asking what they'd like. "One lemon cupcake and one chocolate peanut—"

"Get a vanilla cupcake." Lucy tugged at his shirt a bit with a frown, before she mumbled down at her feet. "Chocolate is considered a sin… And sinning isn't like you. I like you're purity… I'm afraid you're soul will turn dark."

Natsu chuckled at her and leaned over to kiss her temple. "Alright, but my soul won't change from one chocolate cupcake." He ordered a vanilla maple cupcake, then the two of them left with their treats in hand. Natsu just stared at Lucy, her round, brown eyes shining while she nibbled on the cake and small hands holding it like it was the most amazing thing in the world.

Natsu thinks he understands Lucy a bit better now and why she doesn't want to have sex with him. She doesn't want to taint his pure soul and losing his virginity before marriage isn't gods will. She's afraid she'll no longer be attracted to him, and honestly, Natsu's afraid too. But his desire and the sexual tension gnawing at him whenever they touch, isn't easy to overcome. Though, right now… he feels so happy and like he's actually getting to know her. He didn't feel that tension and even though he's holding her hand, all her feels is an immense happiness and desire to make her his in a different way. Before, it always felt so sexual between the. Lucy is such a different person in the bedroom than when she's just looking at a cupcake. The words he would use to describe her before were sexy, tempting, enchanting, and sinful. But oddly, it seems like she's only that way when she's having sex. She wasn't acting like the demon he expected. She seemed so pure right now and like she wouldn't hurt a soul. But he knows she's killed many virgins like him. Yet, he isn't scared or threatened in the least. He's holding her hand and smiling at how beautiful she was. She looked like an angel… and he so desperately wanted her to be his in so many different ways. Natsu thought he was curious about her before but that can't even compare to how he feels now. He just wonders how she became a demon and why she changes completely when it comes to sex. Because he has a feeling that this is the real Lucy. The Lucy who's almost naïve and so curious. Who giggles and points to the sky like a child while asking the most silly questions. He wants to know what happened to her and why she's so attracted to sex, yet she likes the purity and feeds off that from her victims.

"What do you want to do next, Luce?"

"Umm, I'm not sure. What else can we do?"

"Well, do you want to try more food, or maybe keep walking around?"

Her brows furrowed and she looked around at again with an unsure expression. She opened her mouth, about to speak, but somebody cut her off.

"Holy shit, is that you Natsu?"

They both whirled around at the voice, and Natsu cursed, his hand immediately sliding around Lucy's waist to keep her away from the very flirty man heading their way. Lucy stared at him long and hard, her nose wiggling and lips pulled down into a frown. He wasn't sure what she was thinking, but he was instantly worried. Loke was so popular with the ladies and he found himself being really self conscious with himself.

Once Loke was in front of him, he held his hand out for Lucy to take and peek over his shades with a look no girl has ever been able to walk away from. "Hello, princess. My name is Loke and I'm at your service."

"You smell like a sex shop in the shitty parts of Hell. The ones the weak demons go to have orgies with old hags because they can't be seen on the higher floors. Talk about pathetic."

They both looked at her a bit confused, but for different reasons. Loke probably didn't think such vulgar words would come out of a woman who looked like an angel. But Natsu was confused because this was the first time he's actually heard her talking about Hell and his curiosity got the best of him. "Are you really powerful in hell?"

She nodded and with a confident grin. "Succubus and incubus are like the angels of hell, since we have wings. We can go pretty much anywhere we want and some of us like to take out our frustrations on the lower demons and annoying humans. The Devil doesn't care… they'll just be reborn anyways."

"Is it true that it's always hot?"

"Yeah, but you honestly get used to it. Hell is just a fire that only gets hotter as you get lower. Don't ask why anyone would willingly go down there. Though, some demons like the heat."

"Uh, guys?" Loke raised his hand to gain their attention and stared at them completely confused. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Hell." Lucy deadpanned. "And the way you're soul is looking, you'll have a hard time making it to heaven."

Loke grinned. "Are you saying I'm a bad boy? You know… a lot of girls like the rough guys. I'll show you a good time like I always do."

And that's when Natsu suddenly remembered that Lucy wasn't into fuckboys. She only liked virgins. So him.

"Ew, no." Lucy's nose scrunched up at the thought of it. "Your soul is so dirty… not to mention your virginity is long gone. Talk about a turn off. Natsu is way better than you. He's pure and so kind. Plus, he's still a virgin, but so handsome. I was Lucky to find him when I did." She smiled up at him with one hand resting on his chest. "Plus, he's not scared of me. He's really such a kind soul…"

Natsu felt a bit embarrassed at her words, and despite how she pointed out his virginity to one of his good friends who always tease him about it, Natsu doesn't see it as a nuisance anymore. Because Lucy wouldn't have visited him if he already lost it. It just proves that the right girl is worth waiting for.

"Wait, so you know he's a virgin?" Loke asked. "Meaning you know how inexperienced he is?"

Lucy frowned. "I don't know if we're talking about the same Natsu because he is very good at pleasuring me. It's hard to part ways with him because his hands are so rough and warm and his tongue is magnificent and so wet. Plus, his dick is very large and I tasted his semen for the first time today and it was addicting. Not to mention—"

"Uh, Luce…" Natsu cut her off, though he found himself smirking at his friends dumbfounded expression. "Let's not talk about that out in public, babe. Humans aren't as open about that as you are."

"What?" She looked a bit angry. "Humans are real fucking immature then. Sex is a part of life. It's nothing to be ashamed of. And you have a really nice dick Natsu. I shouldn't have to hide that. If I want to tell someone how wonderful you are at pleasuring me, then it shouldn't matter. What are you gonna tell me next? Masturbation is frowned upon?!"


She looked horrified. "Are you kidding me? Masturbation is a normal thing too! If I want to touch myself, then so be it! Some guys just don't do it for you, ya know? Taking virgins souls isn't always pleasurable. I feel good at their purity, but the sex is goddamn awful! They never think about me! Granted… they're usually terrified of me, but ya know! When a virgin is useless… you gotta take things into your own hands!" Lucy suddenly jumped when he tightened his hand around her waist, causing Lucy to look up at him again. "Not you though, Natsu… You're my first victim who cares about my pleasure. You're a very good man and have a kind aura. You always put me ahead of yourself and you make me feel really good. We shouldn't be ashamed of that. Though, if you fuck some other girl, I'll be real fucking pissed, you hear me?"

"I hear ya, Luce." Natsu chuckled, then turned to Loke with a smirk. "You still want her after all that?"

"What the fuck are you?" Loke asked. "Are you insane?"

Natsu laughed and Lucy smirked. She stepped back and suddenly disappeared through one of her portals, then grabbed one of Natsu's hands and and one of Loke's and pulled them both through. Natsu was dumbfounded at the somewhat duller place, but everything looked the same, there was just no people. "This is the dimension between earth and Hell." Her wings suddenly flew out at both sides and she spun around, the white dress suddenly gone and her usual chains and small shorts back, along with her red eyes and rams horns. She smirked, her sharp teeth glinting as she flew forward and rested her long fingernailed hand on his shoulder. "Tell a soul about me, and I'll kill by ripping your limbs apart and making you suck your own decapitated dick."

Loke jumped back, but Lucy only laughed mockingly while flying around in the air in tight circles. She landed on Natsu shoulders with a wink while leaning her arms on his head with her breasts almost falling out. "Just kidding, I don't give a damn who you tell. No one will believe you because humans are ignorant fools!"

Yep… there it is. The usual Lucy. After today, he pretty much forget she was a demon, but it seems she's still sadistic like one. He's seen both sides of her today, and surprisingly, he can't decide which one is more amusing. He's pretty sure Loke is terrified right now, but he needs to know who he's trying to get with. Lucy isn't some submissive girl who you can get into bed. No, she'll eat you up… make you insane. And for some reason, Natsu only fell more in love with her. He really wants this insane, seductive and beautiful demon to be his. And he'll do anything to make that happen.