Summary: Azlyn and Brooklyn swan-mills get sucked into the past before the curse was broken. They end up revealing things that they shouldn't have revealed and messing with things that they should have left alone. Now they have to deal with the problems that their "little" adventure has caused. Eventual sq.
Azlyn Swan-Mills, Brooklyn Swan-Mills
"Time is a river...and books are boats. Many volumes start down that stream, only to be wrecked and lost beyond recall in its sands. Only a few, a very few, endure the testings of time and live to bless the ages following."
― Dan Brown, The Lost Symbol
(Regina's Vault)
*Third person Pov*
Two girls, a vault, a book, and a potion. What could go wrong?
Using her magic to move her grandfather's coffin out of the way, Azlyn walked down the stairs that would lead to her mothers' vault, with Brooklyn trailing behind her. She knew she wasn't allowed in the vault ever since her last magical mishap, but that didn't stop her. It never did.
Azlyn also wasn't allowed to use magic without supervision. She may or may not have turned everyone in storybrooke into rabbits when she was only trying to transform herself. And before that, she switched everyone's minds into someone else's body after reading a spell that said something about walking a mile in someone else's shoes. And some other non-important stuff. To say the least, it was all a disaster. But wasn't that what life's about? Trial and error. Learning from your mistakes.
Regina didn't think so. What she thought was that Alzyn shouldn't be able to use magic unsupervised because her magic was "unpredictable". Azlyn would scoff at that. She had saved the town with her "unpredictable" magic. Sort of.
But that's getting off track. The point is that if she isn't allowed to use her magic then how was she supposed to learn how to control it properly. She was nineteen for fuck's sake. She was pretty sure she could handle a little magic.
"Hey, Az, you know we're not 'sposed to be here, right," Brooklyn said, bringing her sister out of her thoughts, as she grabbed her right hand. She had been trailing behind her sister but the second they entered the lower level of the vault she was clinging to her.
She hated the vault with a passion. There were hearts in that vault. Or at least there used to be. This place was creepy beyond comparison. Why anyone would want to be in here was a mystery to her.
In her opinion, the only not scary thing about this place was all cool potions that were lined up on the shelves. Everything else sent shivers down her spine. Especially those spell books that Azlyn had so much interest in. The spells made no sense to her and they all gave off a terrifying aura. Brooklyn would rather stay away from that stuff.
"I know. But it's not like anyone is going to know," Azlyn paused to look down at her little sister. "Right," She finishes, raising an eyebrow in question.
Brooklyn nods and makes a zipping motion in front of her mouth. She had no intention of snitching but this would be good leverage when she wanted something from the blonde.
"Good," The blonde says before walking over to the table that stood in the middle of the room. It was a large black table that had book stacks spread all over it and six chairs around it. She cleared off a spot on the table and pulled out a chair to sit down.
Brooklyn walked over and climbed into the chair.
"Seriously," Azlyn asked sounding kind of amused. Brooklyn looked up at her sister and batted her eyelashes innocently.
"Nevermind," Azlyn grumbled as she pulled out another chair and sat down. She pulled her messenger bag off of her shoulder and sat it on the floor. She didn't have time to argue with the four-year-old. She had to find what she was looking for and get out of there before she was caught.
"What are were even looking for in here. You said we were going to get ice cream," Brooklyn asked as if she had been reading Azlyn's mind.
Azlyn grabbed the nearest book and popped it open before answering.
"We aren't looking for anything. I am. And we're gonna get ice cream when we leave, but only if you behave. That okay with you." Azlyn glanced over at her sister. Brooklyn was tugging at the hem of her purple Nyan cat shirt. Her thumb was in her mouth and she was staring at the wall to her right. She was also wearing blue jean overall shorts and brown combat boots. Her light brown hair was pulled back into two braids that hung over her shoulders. She continued to stare for another two minutes.
As if it had just occurred to her that Azlyn had spoken, Brooklyn looked back over to the blonde. Forest green eyes for lingered for another minute before the brunette spoke up.
"M'kay." Her voice was low and if Azlyn hadn't been looking at her she probably wouldn't have realized that Brooke had said anything. Brooklyn turned back to look at whatever it was she was staring at before.
Azlyn sat there silently looking at the four-year-old. Neither moved nor said anything for two minutes. By the second minute, it occurred to Azlyn that maybe she had been a little too harsh with her words. Brooklyn was only four after all.
Azlyn sighed and started to think of a solution to get Brooke to cheer up. When she thought of the perfect thing she smiled to herself before summoning the item of her choice.
"Hey, Brooke," Azlyn said as she waved the lemon-lime popsicle shots in front of Brooklyn. They were Brooke's favorite. After strawberry crunch ice cream of course. But Azlyn didn't have any of those in her secret stash.
Using magic to make things from scratch took a lot of energy and was usually unsuccessful. Summoning something that was already in your possession was the much more logical thing to do. It takes less energy because if you know where the desired item is all you have to do would be to imagine where it resides, what the item is, and then concentrate on your magic to summon it.
Catching movement out of the corner of her eye, Brooklyn turned to see what it was. When she turned she saw Azlyn moving something in front of her face. She reached up and grabbed Azlyn's arm to stop further movement. She smiled when she saw what was in Azlyn's had before letting go of the blonde's arm.
Watching Brooklyn's eyes twinkle as she opened her lemon-lime shots, Azlyn tried to keep a straight face. She dropped the ice cream into Brooklyn's awaiting hands before turning to look back at the book.
"Whats this for," Brooklyn asked as she took the first bite. Azlyn shrugged her shoulders and mumbled something under her breath. Not really caring, Brooklyn went back to eating her lemon-lime popsicle shots.
Five minutes passed with Brooklyn slowly eating and Azlyn going through the books before the blonde let out a frustrated growl and slammed a book shut.
"What exactly are you looking for, anyways," Brooklyng asked. She had gone from sitting down in the chair to being on her knees while leaning on the table to see what Azlyn was looking at.
"A spell," Azlyn said vaguely while tucking a strand of her short blond hair behind her ear. She picked up a new book and stared at it, trying to read the strange words on the cover.
Having gone through all of these books multiple times, the 19-year-old has memorized what all the books looked like. She had never seen this book before. That meant that it either didn't belong to her mom or that it used to be hidden. If it was the former then the question of where it had originated from would arise. If it were the latter then the question would be why.
"Get of the table." Azlyn didn't even glance up to see if the girl had listened. Brooke rolled her eyes but lid back into her chair none the less.
"What for," Brooklyn asked once she was situated. She looked from the book to Azlyn and back. When she looked back to the book, she let her eyes linger for longer than a second and soon she was entrapped. As she continued to stare at it she leaned closer to get a better look causing her chair to lean and her to fall.
Hearing the chair next to her screech, Azlyn turned just in time to stop Brooklyn's fall with her magic.
"You okay," Azlyn asked gently setting Brooklyn onto the ground. The brunette nodded and blinked up at her sister. It was then that Azlyn noticed that Brooke's eyes were glowing gold.
"Your eyes are glowing," Brooklyn pointed out as she continued to stare at her sister. Azlyn closed her eyes and shook her head.
"Still glowing," Brooklyn said when Azlyn had opened her eyes again. She didn't know why she thought that it would work.
After a few seconds, the golden glow faded from Brooklyn's eyes. Azlyn assumed it was the same for her when Brooklyn had stopped staring at her and got up off of the floor.
"I made a bet with Grumpy that there was such thing as a spell that can turn things like cups and chairs into food. I have no intention of losing fifty dollars," Azlyn said, answering Brooklyn's earlier question. Brooklyn nods before walking away no longer interested in anything that the older girl was doing.
"Don't touch anything," Azlyn said opening up the new book. She suspected that it was the cause of her and Brooklyn's glowing eyes even if she had no concrete proof. It was the only thing that made sense.
Stopping on a random page, Azlyn tried to read the first spell that caught her eye, grumbling when she didn't understand any of it.
Meanwhile, Brooklyn had walked over to the wall of potions that she had been staring at earlier. Of all the potions on the shelves, only one really stood out. It was pink and blue. The potion glowed while the blue and pink seemed to dance around each other, mixing but not quite becoming one color. It was on the fourth shelf from the bottom, enchanting Brooklyn by the second.
Not realizing it, Brooklyn had started reaching for it, not quite being able to grab it. Switching to her left hand, she put her hand next to it and started pushing it, inch by inch, trying to bring it to the edge. Her other hand rested on the third shelf, pushing down as if she was trying to make herself taller.
Hearing her little sister's grunts and grumbling, Azlyn looked up from her book and turned to see Brooke reaching for a potion. Immediately panicking, Azlyn yelled at her before quickly slapping a hand over her mouth.
"Brooklyn, NO!"
Hearing the sudden noise in the previously quiet vault shocked Brooklyn. She ended up hitting the potion a little too hard. The potion went falling to the ground, shattering on impact.
Wincing at the sound of the shattering glass, Azlyn closed her eyes. She hoped and wished upon every star in the galaxy that nothing bad happened when she opened her eyes.
"Azzy, look."
Hearing Brooklyn call her name, Azlyn peaked out of one of her eyes and groaned. She definitely had terrible luck.
In the space between where the table and where Brooke was standing, a little swirly portal of doom started to open up.
Soon papers and books were flying everywhere. Everything started shaking and potions started falling to the ground around Brooklyn.
Azlyn's eyes widened as she shoved the book into her bag and stood from her chair, knocking it over. She ran past the growing vortex and to her little sister. She picked up Brooklyn, who immediately tried to curl into Azlyn, and started to back away from the wall of potions. She could feel Brooklyn shaking against her. Brooke was obviously frightened, which was more than enough of a reason for Azlyn to bolt out of there as quickly as she could.
She continued walking backwards and started to call upon her magic but stopped when she felt the vortex pulling her in. Azlyn turned to stare wide-eyed at the portal as she tried to back away from it, stopping when she heard and felt the crunch of glass under her black converse.
Her magic was completely forgotten as she started panicking while looking for a way out. If they were to get pulled into the vortex there was no telling where they would end up.
Deciding that the only way out was to go over the portal, Azlyn bent her legs preparing to jump over the ever-growing vortex. Azlyn closed her eyes and leaped.
Slowly opening her eyes, Azlyn felt relieved as she landed on the solid ground of the vault. That relief didn't last long as the portal suddenly got bigger and the pull got stronger. She tried to run but didn't get very far. Azlyn felt herself being pulled off of the ground and her body leaned forward involuntarily. She wrapped her arms tighter around Brooklyn, turning her body in the air, hopping Brooklyn didn't feel much of the impact when they hit the hard floor. Azlyn lied on cold floor as she and Brooklyn were being pulled into the swirling vortex. Looking towards the table, Azlyn calculated the distance in her head and figure that she would be able to reach. Pulling her arm from under her body, the blonde reached for the table. Just as her fingers touched the leg of the table the magnetism of the vortex got stronger. She closed her hand in an attempt to grab the leg of the table but only felt the soft fabric of the handle to her messenger bag. Before she could think of any other way to get out of there, they were pulled into the portal.
Off on an adventure, The Little Swans go.
A/n: To be continued. Comment and tell me what you think, please.