Disclaimer: I don't own Tokyo Ghoul. It belongs to Ishida Sui.

It was another beautiful evening at Anteiku, the shop was now closed and the remaining were now cleaning up the café before heading home. They were Koma, Touka and Nishio. Yoshimura came out the staff door with a box in his arms which he placed on the counter.

"Everyone, this shall temporarily be your new uniforms," he pulled out a maid uniform and a butlers uniform which shocked Touka. "Itori told me clothing like this will attract students attentions so we'll have an increase in customers," he told everyone.

"Wait! Yoshimura-San, you can't be serious!" He looked towards Touka and reassured her that it was only for a week but this did not soothe her in the slightest. She wouldn't be caught dead in those clothes and she voiced her opinion once the manager left.

"There's nothing you can do about it shitty Touka unless you switch outfits," Nishio said, bored. That gave Touka an idea and she decided she would switch outfits with Kaneki.

It wouldn't take too much to trick him anyway. Back in his apartment, Kaneki felt a shiver run up his spine and knew something bad was going to happen to him.

The next morning

Kaneki woke up early the next morning and headed to Anteiku for his morning shift. He arrived to see Touka there with a hopeful look on her face.

"Kaneki, can I ask you for a favour?" She asks, hesitantly but on the inside she was cheering at how good she was at acting as Kaneki immediately started to worry about her strangely calm behaviour.

"You see," She looked away from him before continuing, "the manger has a new uniform that we'll be wearing for the rest of the week," and she showed him the uniforms, "and the problem is that if I wear the maid costume then the scars on my legs will show," he began to look worried as he believed she was genuinely upset at the ordeal.

"So what should I do to help?" He asks without hesitation, wanting to help her no matter what. This caused her to smirk which she quickly hid before he could see it.

"Well, I thought about wearing the male uniform but there's no spares so could I swap my uniform for yours?" He wasn't expecting that. This was a dilemma for Kaneki, on one hand, he considered Touka to be his friend and she seemed upset but on the other hand, he wasn't so sure that he was willing to wear a maid dress, I mean it's an insult to the little manliness he had left.

His train of thought was broken by a loud sigh from Touka who faced away from him and said, "well, if it's too much trouble for you, I guess I could just suck it up and deal with it." She moved to the employees door to get changed but was stopped by Kaneki.

"Wait! Touka, I'll wear it for you!" It didn't matter if he would be mortified at everyone's piercing stares or embarrassed at their mocking laughter. He just wanted to help Touka.

He grabbed the uniform and trudged to the changing rooms never looking back which meant that he missed Touka's smug grin.

Not soon after did the rest of workers come in; that was Koma, Irimi and Nishio. They were confused to find Touka, who was wearing the wrong uniform, standing outside the male changing room apparently talking to someone on the other side. She hadn't noticed the others had come.

"Come on Kaneki, we need to open up shop so get your ass out here," the door opened and everyone stood dumbfounded as Kaneki exited wearing the maid outfit.

When he came out he saw the astonished faces of his fellow co-workers, he froze, not knowing what to do. While Kaneki was screaming internally the rest of the workers only had one thought in their mind.

'Damn, Kaneki looks good in a dress!'

"I-I'm only wearing this for Touka-chans sake, please don't think I'm weird," Kaneki begged, his eyes tearing up slightly and he covered his face with his hands to conceal the blush that overtook his cheeks.

Everyone was left awe-struck and had no idea what to say, it was Touka who snapped them out of their stupor.

"Oi, shouldn't you guys get changed? We open in 5 minutes," She told them, smirking at their behaviour. Kaneki ran passed them to head to the café while the rest of them got changed, still shell-shocked.

The day started out crazy as the usual ghoul customers were stunned seeing Kaneki, but he used the same vague explanation he used on the others. The customers got over it quickly and began to tease him about how good he looked cuter than any girl, that he should get a sex change and how he'll get so many phone numbers from guys. This embarrassed Kaneki to no end.

The last point of the phone numbers happened a lot, much to the chagrin of Kaneki. Some of the boys, who didn't know Kaneki's true gender, persisted, making Kaneki confused and flustered on what to do. In the end, he was always saved by Touka, once she finished laughing at his misfortune.

By the afternoon, everything calmed down with the customers but Kaneki should have known that fate likes to mess with him. Tsukiyama arrived, apparently he heard about Kaneki's predicament and went to check it out himself but he couldn't prepare himself at the sight before him.

Kaneki looked 'Tres Bien!' And it took all of Tsukiyama's will not to pounce on Kaneki straight away. Well that and the threatening glares from all Anteiku members, daring him to get close. But no matter, patience was a virtue after all.

Kaneki freaked out once he saw Tsukiyama but luckily, he didn't seem to want to cause trouble but that didn't stop him from oogling Kaneki, whatever chance he got.

A group of boys about Kaneki's age, who didn't know his gender, were plotting something diabolical. They ordered some cake and when Kaneki was delivering it to the table, one of them tripped Kaneki so the cake fell one of the guys lap, or more specifically, his crotch.

All of them began to make a fuss, pressuring Kaneki to clean the mess but he was conflicted. He didn't want to touch another guys crotch but he spilled cake on the guy and if he doesn't clean it it will give Anteiku a bad reputation. He couldn't see the other workers so there was no one to help him. He sighed and resigned to his fate.

He grabbed a napkin and slowly made move to clean the mess, much to the delight of the boys when someone grabbed his wrist. It was Tsukiyama!

"Kaneki-kun, you shouldn't dirty yourself by touching trash" his smile was dangerous, "why don't you let me do it?" The boys immediately began to protest but was silenced by his glare. Kaneki tried to dissuade Tsukiyama but he wouldn't take no for an answer and sent Kaneki to make Tsukiyama a cup of coffee.

When Kaneki left to do just that, Tsukiyama turned to the table of boys whom he intended to make suffer. By the time, Kaneki finished with the cup the boys had left, Tsukiyama was sitting at his table, looking very proud while the rest of the customers looked either scared or traumatised.

Kaneki had no idea what happened but something told he'd be better off not knowing. He thanked Tsukiyama very prettily before carrying on working.

The rest of the day went smoothly except for a few hiccups but nothing as serious as the group earlier. Near closing time, everyone was preparing for closing time and the Manager finally came in and was shocked when he saw Kaneki in the maid uniform and questioned him on it.

"Touka-chan told me that she didn't want people looking at the scars on her legs so I agreed to switch uniforms. I had to do it for her sake, she was on the verge of tears!" At that moment, everyone knew Touka set Kaneki up and Yoshimura started to scold her for tricking Kaneki. He was about to switch back their uniforms when Koma mentioned that maid Kaneki was extremely popular and Irimi backed up this fact by saying that they got a lot of students come in for Kaneki.

It was then decided that Kaneki would wear the maid outfit for the duration of the week, much to Kaneki's shock and displeasure but it was the Manager's decision and he had to obey it.