



No one dared make a remark after Takuma's departure . However , Zero spared no time following after him , leaving behind a group of uneasy onlookers .

As soon as the silverette stepped inside Takuma and Senri's room , the younger drew in a fierce breath , rubbing his hand all over his jaw .

" Tak- " The elder started , only to have the blonde male interrupt him in a tone way harsher than strictly required .

" Do you happen to know a certain couple ? They are so blinded by their own pride that they think their decisions won't have a repercussion on others ! " Takuma yelled vehemently , clearly referring to Zero and Kaname .

It wasn't the first time he got angry at the silverette ever since the whole 'Kaname and Zero are on the threshold of breaking up and we gotta do something about it' fiasco . However , it was certainly the first time for him to show it , - unguarded , unadulterated and nearly terrifying anger - .

Realistically , he knew he couldn't really blame them if they couldn't stay together anymore , they won't disregard their own feelings just to make sure the healthy atmosphere stays intact in the house . However , another part of him screamed otherwise . The part that knew those two still loved each other immensely and couldn't have possibly stopped feeling for one another . That part was also the one fueling his anger .

The damage was done and there was nothing that could be done to mollify him . To the point he started wondering if Zero was really that stupid to jump right into the wolf's lair . Simply put , The elder's presence right now would only further strengthen his anger , replenishing it to a total new level . Which gradually led him to other series of thoughts . And so he started wondering how Zero would cope up with it , if he copes at all .

" But , Taku- "

" No ! Do not say anything ! I have already heard enough ! " Once again , the younger stubbornly clung to his grounds , refusing to give Zero a chance to explain himself , such thing only further humoring a certain rapper .

Takuma got even more furious when he started noticing a muffled distinct sound of laughter .

Just what the hell ?

" Pff .. HAHA ! You really fell for it ! God ! "




Something went off in Takuma's brain .

And before any of them could even utter anything else , a certain voice yelling drew their attention .

Was that .. Senri ?

Deciding to deal with Zero later , Takuma rushed out of the room and back to the other four , Zero following shortly after .

they were greeted with a fuming up Senri who stomped his way towards his room , bumping harshly into Zero in the process . Apparently , Kaname had just revealed it all being a prank and by the look of it , Senri didn't find it any fun , to say the least . And Zero knew better than to take it personally . The leader would have bumped into anyone within short distance any ways .

Kaname 's hair slicked to his neck , dripping wet , his shirt falling victim of the same treatment as a huge patch of it deepened in pigment , clinging to his torso . it really wasn't difficult to take a guess about the reason why .

" What the actual fuck , Kaname ?! I didn't know you were this twisted ! " Hanabusa snapped , throwing all honorific out the proverbial window , his expression a mixture of confusion , anger , and obvious irritation at the fact they were fooled by none other than Kuran Kaname and Kiryuu Zero , and regarding what ? such a sensitive topic , no less .

He was partly relieved yet frustrated at such action and all of it poured on his face , the usually cute and cheerful smile adorning his face replaced with an awkward aggravated frown . Truth be told , no matter what and no matter how much Hanabusa tried to look angry , it just didn't look right on him . Basically , it was a sight to behold , so priceless .

" Yea , he's far more devilish than we gave him credit for ! " Takuma added , shifting his weight on one leg as he crossed his arms in total display of disapproval .

Kaname would have sulked at the blatant offense if he wasn't so busy trying to control his laughter .

Meanwhile , Akatsuki took the liberty of asking his lover to calm down and take a deep breath but before he could even finish his sentence , his very lover interrupted him oh so crudely .

" Shut the fuck up , stupid ! It's not like I'm giving birth ! " Panting right after his enraged fit , Hanabusa knew it wasn't the smartest thing to say , especially with the way Akatsuki raised a clearly irritated eyebrow at him , only to smile a devilish one right after .

The other three did all but refrain from bursting into laughter . Damn , Hanabusa was gonna get it !

It didn't take long before Akatsuki started dragging - for the lack of a better word - his ball of sunshine towards their room . which left only Zero , Takuma , and Kaname present . So far none of them talked until Zero decided to stir some action up .

" I would have asked you to go and calm Senri down , if I wasn't too busy worrying about your well being . "

The silverette commented , trying his best to sound as sympathetic as convincingly possible , making it sound as if Senri was nothing but an angry beast at the moment .

" Senri does not Lash out at me , sweetie . " Takuma said with mock affection .

Did Zero really think Senri would try and take it out on Takuma ?

" Oh ! I didn't mean that , precious blonde one . I meant physically lashing .. I'm already envisioning it . poor you . You won't be able to walk tomorrow or perhaps , for the whole week . "

" Oh ! " Takuma exclaimed as realization hit him . In a heartbeat , he started looking around for something to hurl at the idiotic elder in front of him . Finding none , he resorted to using his own tongue to retaliate " At least my dear Senri is not some sex-deprived beast ticking time bomb . The one you should be feeling sorry for is none but yourself , zero-chan ~ " Takuma fired back smugly , confident the elder would grow utterly speechless . After all , who could retaliate to that ? Ha ! Take that !

Alas , Zero was the infamous ' If I'm going down , I'm not going down alone ' type of person , much to Takuma's chagrin .

The one who should have felt affronted though , for the second time that morning because of Takuma's words , only clutched his sides to ease his muscles , trying to control his laughter-induced tears but only failing to do so , miserably .

" This 'sex-deprived beast' as you so delicately put it is my everything and I'd much appreciate it if you refrain from talking about him like that . "

It might look like Zero playing the knight in shining armor had to be the sweetest thing to come right after Romeo and Juliet or Tristan and Isolde ( well , if such tragedies could be considered sweet , that is ) , when in fact , he took immense pleasure in repeating such offensive words , just to tease his so called 'everything' , namely , Kaname .

" Besides , I believe it's Senri the one worthy of such title . You are such a screamer , Takuma . And if that fact is anything to go by , Senri is definitely no slacker as opposed to our original theories regarding his stamina . " Zero almost snickered , barely containing the devilishly malicious smirk carving its way to his lips as he proceeded to return the favor tenfold worse .

Kaname seriously started suspecting he had pissed himself after so many excessive fits of laughter .

To say it was amusing watching Takuma's face go all sorts of red would definitely be a huge understatement .

" You actually have no shame ! " Takuma exclaimed , nearly stuttering as he stared back at the silverette in sheer mortification , trying his best to salvage whatever remained of his scarred , scattered and deeply punctured pride .

Now joining his lover , Zero replied with none but a maniacal guffaw , the act only encouraging Takuma to scurry his way to the confines of his room , even if it meant confronting a very angry Senri .

" Oh Dear ! " Zero mumbled , his voice slowing down to a soft giggle , eyes watering the more he tried resisting the urge to just laugh .

And Kaname was still laughing …

They didn't know how or when but they ended up on the floor , crawling to the safety of their room lest one of the other offended members decided to use them to mop the exact same floor .

Panting and yet more panting could be heard as they finally managed to get into their room , the fit of laughter having prevented them any instant progress .

A few minutes later Kaname had finally stopped but Zero - even after biting his lips and using his hands to muffle his noise - ended up falling victim to a crazy fit of laughter once again .

Startled at the sudden boisterous sound , Kaname regarded the younger with a look , trying to discern whether Zero had gone nuts or what . But the younger either paid such act no heed or was too engrossed in laughing to even notice the " Are you crazy? " look his love had been giving him .

Yea , sure it was fun to provoke the others earlier but now that they were in the confines of their room , there was absolutely no need to keep on laughing . Like a play , once the curtains fall and audience leave , you are free to throw the mask away . Yet Zero sure got caught in his own role , or so Kaname believed .

" Hey ! Zero ! "

Shaking the silverette , Kaname realized , with a little more than an ounce of worry , that Zero might actually die if that laughter fit stretched any longer . He wouldn't allow that !

It's like someone fed him a laughter-inducing mushroom or something .

Determined , Kaname stood up with grace , intent on saving his lover .

He had urged the younger up , held his hand tightly , and wasted no time moving towards the bathroom extended to their room . Zero , in his current state , allowed himself to be dragged , giggling all the way , clearly unaware of whatever Kaname had planned for him .

With just about enough force to place Zero under the showerhead , Kaname twisted the faucet open , nearly jumping at the loud gasp Zero had let out -even though such reaction was to be expected- .

After shrieking at the sudden coldness , the silverette instinctively pulled himself backwards , only succeeding in choking himself over some water that had escaped his now , thanks to Kaname , dripping wet hair .

" What was that for ?! " He fumed up , rubbing water out of his eyes and hair out of his face .

However , Kaname only sighed in relief as he slumped down the tiled floor , a hand loosely resting over his chest . Still , he knew he needed to offer some sort of explanation for the now close -to -sulk -and -never-talk-to-you-ever-again Zero in front of him .

" You were being weird , laughing and all .. It was starting to get dangerous . And I had no choice but to smack some sense into you . " Head hung low , Kaname admitted , feeling his ears grow hot as he did so .

Call it cheesy or childish , he truly worried for the younger . People could actually die of laughter and Kaname definitely wanted no such thing happening to his precious Amethyst .

Noticing the instant dramatic turn of events , Zero didn't have it in him to scold his lover any more . He had settled for a dreary sigh instead as soon as he realized why .

" I haven't had my fill of laughter in so long and I suppose my brain is making up for the lack of it . "

Kaname instantly snapped his head at the younger one as soon as the words sunk in , garnet pools narrowing a little as he gazed eye to eye at his lover . He felt a lump in his throat at the implied message and preferred to ignore his need to make a comment about it . But Zero was one to break eye-contact , preferring to stare at the floor as he wrapped an arm around himself , gulping past the mass of emotions invading his senses . Maybe he shouldn't have said that .

Judging by the look Kaname was giving him , he definitely shouldn't have said that .

" If you are trying to make me feel guilty , it's working . "

Now it was Zero's turn to snap his head back to his lover's eyes , feeling the urge to discern whether the elder was being serious or what . He was met with genuine seriousness in Kaname's eyes , though something else appeared to be shining there , a hint of understanding and not an ounce of reprimand .

He hadn't meant to make it sound like it was all Kaname's fault . having the other male misunderstand him now that they just reconciled felt like a merciless hail of heart-wrenching emotions .

However , he was more woeful about the fact Kaname chose to interpret his words like that .

He should know me better than to assume I meant it to come off as an offense ..

" But I know you weren't . "

Zero only drew in much needed air , nearly asking what the elder had meant , were it not for his mind quickly supplying him with answers . He knew Zero wasn't trying to make him feel guilty .

The immense joy at such words along with the sudden gentle touch on his hand made Zero gasp softly , snapping him back to the real world . Kaname couldn't help the smile carving its way to his face and neither could he help the hand moving from Zero's hand to his cheek , caressing it with great affection , possessiveness , and a hint of playfulness .

Glad they had nothing to worry about anymore , the pair went back to their room . Though Kaname still felt kind of sad at the younger's words and what magnitude they held .

" Kaname ? You gotta change this shirt , unless you want to get sick . " urged Zero , growing concerned at his lover's well being . It was bad enough how demanding their schedule was and Kaname getting sick would never go well with it .

" Mm ." The elder only hummed in response , making Zero frown .

" Kaname ? " He tried again , only to get the same response .

Kaname seemed deep in thoughts , too deep to comprehend he was being called .

" Mm.. "

" Kaname . " Zero moved closer to the elder , trying physical existence to snap the other out of his stupor .

" Mm ? "

However , Kaname still seemed dazed and so Zero could take it no more .

" Kaname ?! " He snapped , shaking the other by the shoulders , successfully getting his attention that time .

" Oh , hey .. what ? " The elder looked as though someone had just splashed ice cold water on him without warning . And that further intensified Zero's frown . Was he really that distracted he couldn't even notice any of it ?

" Please tell me you aren't over thinking it .. " With a rather resigned sigh , Zero realized his earlier words could only be the possible thought plaguing Kaname's mind so much .

" I .. I'm sorry . " Shoulders deflated , Kaname let the softest apology roll past his tongue . Zero could only shake his head at that .

It wasn't Kaname's fault , not entirely at least .

" Kaname .. It wasn't your fault , we were all stressed by our stuffed schedule .. It's only natural I had my bad days . "

Moving his hand to reassure the elder , Zero briefly squeezed his lover's hands before leading him to the bed so they could lie down . After all , such a long talk was ahead of them .



Flashback :

It was another hectic day when Zero woke up earlier than usual , thinking he could get some time for himself before having to go about the preparation of everything . He thought he could earn himself some time to drink a much needed and craved mug of hot chocolate . However , Reality hit him hard when he realized the others started piling up requests over his head ..

Zero , can you get me this ? Can you get me that ?

Zero , can you prepare us some instant noodles ? We don't have time to have a proper meal and you are already dressed up .

Hey , do you know where I left my blue shirt ? The one with white collar attached to it .. ?

Chewing on his lips to control his rising anger , Zero went forward to prepare them their noodles , with the exception of Kaname who wasn't present and even if he was , it wouldn't have made much of a difference since he and Zero were still on no speaking terms .

Totally forgetting about his hot chocolate , Zero started working on the noodles , opening the lids , getting the flavor sachets out , filling the kettle with water and turning it on ..

And the others still had the audacity to keep asking him stupid questions .

" Zero , I forgot to bring my padded jacket . can you please get it for me ? "

Hearing the distinct voice of Takuma , who seemingly overslept and now had to rush for his own individual schedule , Zero furiously tossed aside whatever he was holding .

Yes , Zero was relatively closer to the room than Takuma whose voice seemed to come from the direction of the front door . Yes , Takuma did no wrong asking such thing . Yes , it wasn't Takuma's fault that the day before's hectic schedule forced him to come back late and thus sleep even later . However , at such point , Zero could hardly care .


Zero snapped , leaving an aftermath of a painfully long silence stretching in his wake before the front door slammed shut , signaling Takuma's departure . The younger had probably left without his jacket and for that , Zero felt guilty . He slumped down on the chair , running his hands through his hair , letting out a far from relaxed sigh .

Soft steps echoed about the otherwise silent kitchen . However , Zero didn't bother looking up to know whoever came in .

Moments of silence passed by until Zero felt a hand on his shoulder , accompanied with a soft voice calling him .

" Zero ? "

" I .. I didn't mean to .. " He had nearly choked on his own breath , feeling hot furious tears threatening to brim his eyes and trickle down his face . He was feeling a whole lot of emotions at once . he felt overloaded .

Shame , guilt , stress , anger , exhaustion …

His life was going too fast for him to simply tolerate .

He had taken to coping with such fast pace , every single thing in his life was done in a rush . He never had time to fully savor any moment , be it good or bad . Everything from eating to dressing up , calling his family every once in awhile was done in a rush .

To name a few , he had nearly sometimes starved because he had no time for a proper meal , he had gotten used to tying his shoe lace in the van on the way to his destination , the same could be said for any other part of his look , his jacket , accessories .. Whatever .. It was just too much and he had reached his limit . He wanted a normal life … He wanted to have time to actually live .. He was doing the exact opposite earning a living .. The irony ..

" I know and I'm sure - deep inside - Takuma does as well ." Akatsuki comforted , his hand never once ceasing to console the elder .

" It's okay , we are all stressed and it's bound to happen for us to snap at each other every once in awhile . " He had tried his best to sound persuasive but Zero couldn't buy it . He tilted his head at the younger and narrowed his eyes .

" Your argument is invalid , we are struggling with our schedules and yet I don't see any of you snapping at each other as opposed to what I just did .. "

The elder said breathlessly , trying to suppress his mental breakdown .

" Well .. Your case is slightly different .. " Mumbled the younger , his whole being tense as he contemplated his next words .

" How is that ? " Zero asked cluelessly , looking like a lost puppy .

Akatsuki had hoped it never came to down to that but , it looked like he was gonna have to spell it literally for the other male .

" Well , our schedule , as hectic as it is , could never be enough of a reason for us to snap at each other or lose our composure since we have another emotional outlet which you currently lack , Zero . "

Fearing the possible 'well-meant but wrongly phrased words' label , Akatsuki braced himself for the blow that never came .

Zero took his sweet time to decipher what the younger had meant and when his words finally hit home , the elder could only nod , albeit dejectedly . So , aside from stressing over his schedule , he was apparently and not surprisingly , stressing over his rather wobbly relationship with a certain vocalist .





Kaname smiled , albeit ruefully , as soon as Zero finished narrating and the said returned the smile with one of his own .

" I know our lives could be all stressing and stuff , but .. if it's any consolation , know I'm always here for you . whenever you feel the need for a cathartic relief , I'm here . " Promised Kaname , leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to Zero's forehead .

Content , the younger leant in , closing his eyes , relishing in such intimate act . It felt so good after such long time of deprivation .

" I know .. I'm as well . " Smiling affectionately , Zero promised back , feeling butterflies dancing around his stomach . He felt immensely grateful and joyful , he felt loved and safe . And he would be giving it all back to his one and only .

Life is all about giving and taking . Life is never meant to be easy .

However , it takes a wise person to be able to fully indulge in its pleasures without risking anything of value .





4231 words

updated 29 nov , 2017

Starts mourning over how inspired i was back then.. Good old times ╥﹏╥

Any ways , thank you all for reading / reviewing .

Xoxo zerovk