Disclaimer: All publically recognised characters, settings, etc. Are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


Bella took a deep breath as she prepared herself mentally to open the door to William McKinley high school. She couldn't believe she had done this. She had ditched the foster family they had placed her with, ran away and hunted him down to here. She knew there was no turning around now. And honestly even if she did, what would she have to go back to? She pushed the door and approached the main office.

"I'm looking for William Schuester," Bella said, getting the receptionists attention.

"He runs the Glee Club after school on Thursdays so he'll be down in the choir room. Turn left and go right to the end of the corridor. Take a right and it's the third door on the right."

"Thank you," Bella told her. She followed the directions the receptionist had given her. She found herself stood in a door way watching a group of teenagers sing and dance. Bella had to fight the urge to join I, as much as she loved both there was a reason why she was here. She spotted the only adult in the room, aside from the guys who were playing instruments. She eyed him for a moment, she wondered idly if she looked like him at all.

The song ended and they all began high fiving each other. The sound pulled Bella from her thoughts. Rachel looked over then and spotted Bella stood in the doorway. "Can we help you?" Rachel asked. Bella looked at Rachel, she couldn't help but notice how high her voice was.

Everyone in the room turned to look at her. Bella didn't pay much attention to the rest of them, her eyes fixed on him. Bella stepped into the room, stealing herself. "I'm looking for William Schuester."

"I'm Will," the teacher said, stepping forward. The Glee all started making their way back to their seats.

"I'm sorry for just turning up," Bella said walking further into the room. "But I just had to come find you..."

"Okay," Will said slowly.

Bella looked down at her hands before she met Mr Schuester's eyes again. "I'm Isabella Swan. I'm your daughter."

Will dropped onto the piano stool in shock. Everyone in the room exchanged surprised looks. Bella couldn't take her eyes off Will. She hadn't intended for it to just come out like that, she'd panicked now she was here.

"I'm so sorry," Bella told him. "I didn't mean to just drop it on you like that. I mean, I had this whole speech planned out and..." She took breath and gathered her thoughts. "My father, Charlie, he told me about you. You are listed as my biological father on my birth certificate."

"Your mum is Renee Higginbotham?" Will asked but he already knew the answer, she was the only person it could be. Bella nodded. "Why didn't she tell you about me? Why did your father have to?"

"Oh, I've never met Renee. Well, I've met her obviously but she left before I even turned two. I guess being a mom wasn't for her. This is kind of why I'm here. Charlie passed away a few months ago, he was cop and he was shot on duty. The state tracked Renee down but she isn't interested, she turned them away. So I got sent to a foster family but they don't have room for me, it's temporary. I know I'm headed for a group home. I know how this ends for kids like me. I'm nearly seventeen. No couples wasn't to adopt teenagers, they want babies. So I'll get bounced around from foster families to group homes until I'm old enough to be out of the system. I had to try and find away to stop this happening. I honestly don't know exactly what I'm asking of you, but I'm alone and afraid, I have no family and no home anymore. I really need your help."

Will finally found his voice. "Your mother never told me she was pregnant," Will said. He needed Bella to know he was processing what she had told him.

"I know," Bella told him. "Charlie explained that the summer before my mum started her junior year her parents moved. When she realised she was pregnant she came back here to tell you but she always told Charlie that you had moved on. Your new girlfriend had seen her off and Renee hadn't put up much fight because she didn't want to disrupt your life. She met Charlie when she started her new school, he knew she was already pregnant but he fell for her anyway. Clearly Renee wasn't cut out to be a mum because as soon as she graduated she took off. I was a little over a year old, I have no memory of her. Charlie raised me."

"Terri? She stopped Renee from telling me about you?" Will demanded, he stood up and started pacing. He didn't think he ex wife could sink any lower but clearly she had been manipulating Will's life for longer than he had realised. She'd robbed him of the chance to watch his daughter grow up. Crap, he had a daughter. He turned and looked at Bella's wide eyes. His eyes, she had his eyes. Well as caught of guard as he was by all this it was his chance to put it right. "Okay, well there is no way you can back. You need something more stable than a foster family. You'll stay with me but we have to do this legally. I'll need to contact the authorities from the state your from to let them know where you are and find out how I go about this. Where are you from?"

"Washington," Bella told him.

"Washington?" Will asked surprised. "That's all the way across the country."

"I really needed to find you," Bella said with a smile.

"Come on, Isabella," Will said. "We need to get this sorted."

"Bella," she told him. "I prefer Bella."

Will nodded and smiled before turning to his students. "You're dismissed for today. We'll find time to make this up."

Will quickly led Bella from the room and towards his car. The members of the Glee club all remained where they were stunned. "Okay, what just happened?" Kurt asked breaking the silence as they all stared at the doorway.

"I think we just met Mr Schue's daughter," Puck stated.

Authors note. So this is a new idea I have been thinking about. I will pull my head and finish my other stories once I get this idea out of my head. I'll focus on the Lost boys/ twilight ones first because they are the ones I get the most messages about. Thanks, Violet.