And guess what? ANOTHER ONE FUCKING FANFIC! :D I'm too hyped on making fics nowadays that aren't Kamen Rider related. But this is kind of related to the Orochi Warriors, but it won't have any characters in it, except for Magoichi Saika with a few other figures.

Anyways, this is just the first fanfic of mine that relates to the Fate Series, so I'm not too familiar with some of the terms, but I did find it interesting on how it goes and started to gain an idea from a long time ago, so yeah...Hope you guys enjoy! And once again, this is only a One-Shot, not sure if I want to make one whole series about it...

God90zilla Studios does not own Fate or even any characters except my OCs.

Fate/Grand Order: The Hunter


A young girl by her eighteens named Asuka Ryusaki was walking through a clean hall, she was looking like she was in pain or something. Her golden brown hair drooped down to her shoulders, her blue eyes glistened, her skin was fair. She wore a white jacket strapped with three belts, one on her waist, one below her breast and one in between the two belts, below the waist was a short black skirt with a pair of black stockings and a pair of tall white boots.

She have been abducted to say the least to this place, but to her. It was much better than her current home where she happened to have a cruel step-mother, she remembered how she treated her after her father died. She was exhausted. Mentally exhausted after the years she have to endure after the events that happened, that was when she was abducted when she was out to buy a few ingredients.

How the hell was she to cope with this!?

She was quite talented, yes. She can cook well, she can fix broken machines as well, speak Russian, English, Japanese, German and a bit of French. She was an ideal mage to say, her mother has been a mage that didn't reveal herself to the public nor to her friends, only to her husband that she revealed it to. The woman herself died Asuka turned seven.

Oooooh, how she misses her after all these years. Apparently after five years, her father decided to marry another woman, Asuka...Reluctantly agreed to say. But after showing her true colors, Asuka has been living in complete despair. Her mind was tortured by the wicked woman. It was when she entered second grade of middle school that kept her going.

A young man that cared for her entered her life and to say that she had interest in him was not completely wrong, but the kid doesn't notice her...

How dense...

But still, she kept being close friends with him until he had to drop out by the third year due to reasons. Ever since, she had been running alone from her step-mother. The poor girl kept on walking through the hall before reaching her destination after she checked into her room. The Central Command Room was basically where she was to go after her long walk.

(In another Timeline)

(Night time)

A young man walked through a grass plain, his face was that of pained. He had a grey hooded coat that covered most of his head, a pair of dark grey pants that were strengthened with metal plates, a black robe in the inside of his coat, a pair of combat boots, a pair of brown fingerless gloves, a small shoulderbag dangling on his shoulders and a blue rifle strapped on his back. A pair of dagger sheaths on either side of his belt that was placed on his waist, a pistol holster with a .500 Magnum revolver, the huge revolver was locked away on his back, a bayonet placed on his coat's inside pockets with a few more pocket knives just in case.

"Why me?" He groaned out as he walked through the plains. "Why me of all people? Why did I survive?" He sounded sincere. How can't he? He survived a terrorist attack on his home block when he was a teenager. Now...He goes through a different timeline as he learned his magic. The type that allows one to travel through time, but it has a cooldown and eats away his stamina, mentality and his Od pool.

Mostly it would cost him his life if he didn't use it wisely. "Leah-chan..." He muttered before he fell to his knees. "Leah...Why her? Why didn't you take me instead!?" He began to hit the ground as he screamed in agony, birds flew away from the sound of agonizing trauma. "Why me? Why? God...Please tell me why..." He muttered somberly. "I lost too many lives I care about..." His brilliant blue eyes flashed. Wind began to pick up before it revealed his rich brown hair did in a messy fashion flowing through the air, his pale skin showed some of his blood veins. He tried to control himself as he then muttered out.

"...Why am I like this…? Why did I have to lose this much beloved ones?" He asked himself in shame. "But then...There's her..." He gazed into the endless sky of stars. "I wonder if she's alright..."

(Central Command Room)

Asuka's POV

I was inside the Central Command Room right now and I have to say...This place is HUGE! I've never seen a place like this in my whole life! Not even my trip to Tokyo Sea Life Park can match it! I just gazed over the ceiling, it wasn't the time for the meeting yet, so I have time to admire this place till that time comes. But there was something that I didn't expect...

"HEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING HERE!?" I winced a bit after that voice nearly break my eardrums. The voice came from a woman, she was barely older than me, but...She has that weird aura that surrounds her...I'm actually shivering from her glare. She had long white hair, pale skin like mine, a pair of orange eyes. What she wore was similar to what I was wearing.

But had an orange and black color design with a few golden-colored ornaments, a white skirt with a pair of orange stockings and a pair of black high heels. "IT ISN'T THE TIME FOR THE ORIENTATION YET!" Ooooh, did I forget to mention she was fairly...Strict? Yeah, add that to her description.

"Uhhhh, I wasn't informed about what I should do..." The woman sighed with an annoyed tone.

"I'll let that slide this time." She stated. "And you are?"

"Uhhh, Asuka Ryusaki, ma-ma'am." I stuttered for a bit, the woman registered it for a while before asking.

"Have you been to an Academy before?" She sharpened her stare at me. But, wait. Academy? I don't even know those exist!

"I can't say I have-" She can only snap.

"Great, now we have a civilian candidate!" She sarcastically barked in frustration.

"If it helps...I'm able to control my own magic..." I nervously added. The woman glared at me before sighing.

"It does help. At least, I'll know you're not going to be very useless." She harshly mouthed. Geez, how spoiled can this woman be? I didn't even sign up for this! "Anyway...Come back to the Command Room after a few minutes, this isn't the time or place for you to be here."


"GET OUT!" She barked out as I quickly acknowledged it by running out of the room. Outside the halls, I panted. I've never that fast in my entire life. How fast was that? I bet it was faster than the fastest human alive. Alright, at least I know that the woman was a strict and spoiled one...It was only a few minutes. A FEW MINUTES THEN I'LL BE INSIDE! NO NEED FOR GOING OUTSIDE THEN COMING BACK, GEEZ!

"Excuse me." A new voice entered my head. I turned to see a girl with lavender hair and purple eyes and she was with a girl my age with orange hair with a ponytail on the left side on the head. The girl wore the same uniform as me, but the other had a white coat with a black under dress with a red tie and a pair of black leggings and a pair of brown shoes. "Are you here to attend the orientation?" The lavender girl asked.

"Y-Yeah..." Stupid! Why did I stuttered!? "I'm actually here for the orientation. But well..." I laughed nervously. "I got kicked out."

"As expected from the Director." She commented. Wait, she was the Director? Alright, this is making my head hurt a lot.

"So..." I started after the place got silent. "Who are you?"

"My name is not important." The lavender girl stated, while the other just laughed nervously.

"I'm Ritsuko Fujimaru." The red-head introduced herself. "And you are..."

"I'm Asuka Ryusaki." I introduced myself. No need to be nervous. It's all in your head...Be yourself...Screw it...I can't be like this! "Well..."

"We're just going to get to the orientation room." The lavender girl added.

"Ahhh..." I got out. "Alright...So is it-"

"You three! Get in! Orientation is about to start!"

'But I got in there a few minutes ago!' I yelled through her mind. But, I shrugged that thought off before other candidates started entering the room.

(A Few Minutes Later)

I was in the Orientation like I said, I would. Curse you teach. I was in the room for a few minutes then you kicked me out. If I can pout, I would be, but in this condition I would be normally portrayed as the oddball. So, like any normal people or smart people. I stayed silent. A few minutes of pure boredom, Ritsuko was thrown out of the room for being asleep. I just stifled a snicker, barely. The Director as always kept a stern face on me.

What did I do!? Only if he was here!

(In a Distant Place)

"BLESSYOU!" The man from before sneezed. "What the fuck?" He wondered. 'Is someone thinking about me?' He shrugged the thought off before he continued walking down a path. "So, how do I be a Heroic Spirit again?" He asked himself as he removed the thought off his head. Unknown to him, that path of his will lead to his doom.

(Back with Asuka)

I was now told to get ready...First off, for what exactly? I don't really get it now. First off, why the hell am I wearing this very tight suit? It was colored in bright orange with white colors and a tight black belt below my breasts...A-Anyways, I wore a pair of black gloves with an opening to reveal the upper side of my palm. In front of me was the Director along with the other candidates. I was like...In the second group? I don't really get it, but well, when you're from the civilian side of a secret organization. There's not much you would know about things.

"Alright, you were all chosen from a lot of potentials, since you have a lot more potential besides them!" She yelled. Geez, I can hear you, you're like a few meters in front of me! But eh, every time someone makes a speech, they have to be so loud that they'll break people's eardrums. Aye, aye? No?


No one's POV

Asuka just felt a bad aura in her senses. She was hesitant as she stared on the mysterious pod that popped up in front of her. That was when the others entered it before the pod encased them, an explosion occured. And of course, she was knocked out of her knees.

Debris fell as Asuka shielded herself from the dust that covered her vision. "What the?" She heard ringings as she felt consciousness wither away from her.

'Hey. Don't lose consciousness!' A voice in her mind yelled. Asuka tried to fight it. The voice just demanded that she doesn't lose consciousness.

'Yes! Fight it! Fight it, Asuka!' The voice continued to cheered her. 'Don't surrender to it!'

Asuka maintained her consciousness after fighting the weight on her eyelids. 'Just...Who are you?' She thought.

The voice disappeared from her head. 'Was it just me?' She thought before shaking it off. She looked around her, fire began to spread as she walked through. "Mash!" A feminime voice yelled out through the debris. Asuka knew that voice!

"Ristuko!" She yelled out.


"I'm here!" Asuka ran through the debris as she saw more pods with cracked seals. She quickly met up with the red-head. "Ritsuko!"

"Asuka! Have you seen Mash!?"

"Mash? The lavender haired girl? No, why?" The brown haired asked. Ritsuko looked frustrated.

"She went to this room."

"I'll look around." The other responded as the two split up. Asuka quickly ran through the area before spotting someone moving.

"Damn it." The voice muttered, it sounded like a guy. Asuka determined on saving someone quickly went to the source before finding a guy with brownish black hair and green eyes being in one of the pods.

"Hey! Are you alright?" Asuka asked as she got the guy out of the pod.

"Yeah...Kinda." He answered with a wince.

"Wait for a bit, I'll try and patch you up." The boy just turned to her.


"Begin healing." Prana began to pour into her hands as the boy's wounds began to close. Asuka was wincing on the strains that she felt upon using her magic. She wasn't used to it. At all.

"Woah, I didn't know you have healing magic." The boy stared at his former wounds with a face full of amazement.

"I just learnt water magic, healing magic comes with it as a perk." She smiled softly.

Rayshift system transferring to Final Stage

"That's not good." The boy quipped.

"We need to get out of here. Fast." The boy nodded before he tried to get up. "Crap, my legs are numbed."

"Damn it, I haven't learn on how to wipe numbness off." Asuka gritted, she quickly got down before getting the boy's arm.

"What are you doing?" The boy asked as Asuka looked at him.

"I'm helping you get out, that's what!" She winced as she got to her feet, the boy was heavy, she noted.

"I-Thanks…" The boy looked at Asuka gratefully.

"Don't mention it. No doubt a friend of mine would do the same." She smiled before she slowly carried the boy out.

Coordinates: January 30th, 2004 CE. Fuyuki, Japan

"Damn it, we're not going to make it." The boy somberly got out.

"Oh yes we will!" Asuka just hastened her efforts on helping the boy. There was so much going on in her head right now. The flames. The debris. What if a chunk of it landed on them? How will she save herself and the boy?

"Just leave me." That got Asuka's brain stop working.

"What?" She asked as if she didn't hear him. He didn't just-

"Just leave me. Get out of here, while you can!" The boy stated.

"I'm not going to leave you here. I'm not going to abandon anyone."

Laplace conversion protection in place

"What's your name?" The boy questioned, even though it wasn't in the right time or place.

"Asuka. Asuka Ryusaki desu." Asuka answered.

"Asuka, huh? I'm Akito. Akito Inui."

"Akito...We're going to get out of here." Asuka kept hauling the boy before-


A large chunk of debris landed in front of them. "Kuso!" Asuka gritted her teeth before she tried to find another way. That was when another one fell down.


"What the hell, should we do?" Akito just looked frustrated with a look of fear in his face.

"We-We…" Asuka couldn't find a solution as she looked above before spotting another chunk of debris falling. "...I don't know."

'Hey, sempai?'

'Yeah, Asuka-chan?'

'Would you...I don't know...Save me?'

'What? Why are you asking me this?'

'No reason…Just curious.'

'Well...Of course, I would.'

'Even if you're far away?'

'I'll try and save you. No matter where you are, Asuka-chan.'


'Isn't it common sense to help others, Asuka?'

The memory stung her as she helplessly closed her eyes.

'Yata...Garasu.' The voice from before uttered. Asuka's eyes shot up as the debris turned into nothing, but chunks of rocks. 'Did you forget?'

'I'll be there for you.' The voice got out with assurance before disappearing from her thoughts.

'Thank you.' Asuka just looked around before spotting a debris next to them before carrying the now unconscious Akito to a small gap.

Additional Factor Frame towards the Singularity secured

Asuka just stared at her hiding place with Akito next to her. Her consciousness was fading as she can feel the presence of a being. 'Heh, I wasn't expecting you to be this tough right now.' The voice chuckled.

'Is that really you?'

'...Well, no. In fact, this part of my real consciousness, if the real one dies, I die...And now...He just died.' Asuka just widened her eyes.

'W-What?' She couldn't believe on how flat his tone was when he said that his real counterpart just died.

'Sorry to say, but I can no longer accompany you.' The voice said as the presence slowly disappeared. 'But know this, just believe. Anything can happen if you believe.' The presence then disappeared.


Unsummon Program Set

Masters, please enter the final adjustments

This was it, she was losing her consciousness. Her eyes drifted before a figure appeared in front of the gap. The figure crouched down before her. 'L-Liam?'

The figure didn't say a word as her vision was enveloped by darkness.

"Ughhh...What happened?" Asuka groaned. She opened her eyes to reveal a city in flames. Rubbles were everywhere. "Damn it. What happened around here?" She cursed before looking around. "Akito!" She got a good look on the unconscious boy. She got to his unconscious form before shaking him.

"W-What happened?" He asked after he got up. Asuka just hugged the boy dearly.

"You're okay. You're okay!" She hugged him tighter.

"Yeah, I am. Why?"

"Thought I lost you." The girl sobbed. His face reminded her so much about her dearest friend.

"W-Well, ehehehe...I'm not going to die off after what you did." He smiled. That was before he felt a strange presence. "Watch out!" He quickly grabbed her and pushed her out of the way as a blur strikes past them. "What the hell?"

"Heh, you can dodge well, kid." A figure smirked. The man stood as his shadow glanced at the two.

"Who are you?" Asuka asked carefully. The man just cracked his neck and fists.

"You can call me...Ruler." The man chuckled out. The smoke dissipated as his figure was revealed to be a man in a blue bodysuit, a black armored vest, black boots with black hair and tanned skin on his cheek were black veins crawling to his right eye. His black eyes staring to the pair's very soul. "Or maybe even Lord Cao Cao." He grinned as he twirled his Jian. "Sword of Heaven. Bring these meekly fools to their knees." He began chanting. His Jian began glowing with a sickly murky gold.

"Run!" The two quickly ran off from the scene as Cao Cao grinned out.

"Heaven's Wrath!" He yelled as his sword released a blast of murky gold light.

"Shit!" Akito quickly tackled Asuka to the sides, barely dodging the blast. Smoke began to pick up as Cao Cao can't see through the smoke well. "Get inside!" He quickly shuffled to the building's door with Asuka. Inside was devastating, stone statues of people everywhere. The two just grimaced at the sight before finding a room that could hide them both. Closing the door slowly, they searched for a possible escape route if they were spotted. In the room was a magic circle of some kind. "Is that a Ritual Circle?"

"Huh? Is it?" Asuka looked at it. "Is it really used to summon a servant?"

"I think it is. Other than the FATE system, this might be the only other option to summon a servant." Akito answered as he looked around. "We might even be able to defeat that Ruler. Although our Servant maybe outmatched, since...Y'know he's a Ruler."

"T-Then I'll give it a try." Asuka responded before looking sheepishly. "But...I don't know how to do it."

"Since, I'm still high on Od. I might be able to do it-" A loud bang sounded close to them. "Crap. We don't have the luxury of waiting though."

"I-I'll hold him-"

"No, stay here. I'll hold him off. After all, this is the least I can do to pay you back."


"I'm still good at fighting, I'll be a better decoy than you'll be. Just summon the Servant!" He quickly opened the door before leaving Asuka alone.

"B-Baka." She uttered before looking at the magic circle. "How do I do this though?" She breathed. She tried remembering the thing that her mother once told her.


"Asuka." A woman called out as a young looking Asuka turned to her. A smile plastered on her face.

"H-Hai, Kaa-san?" The young girl asked of her mother.

"There's something that I wanted to tell you. It's something important if you're in danger." Her mother quickly sat down. "There is a summoning ritual that you once need to know, so you can summon a Servant that could aid you."

"But why would I need a butler?"

"Servants are not butler, Asuka. They are powerful individuals that can hold an army by themselves. Each of them having specific classes. The common ones, Saber, Servant of the Sword, Archer, Servant of the Bow, Lancer, Servant of the Spear, Rider, Servant of the Mount, Caster, Servant of Spells, Assassin, Servant of Assassination, Berserker, Servant of Madness. These were the spirits that were present in every Grail War, though there are irregulars as I can see them in the books."


"There were Ruler, Avenger, Shielder, Saver, Gunner. But when I think about it...There were a few individuals in one particularly impossible class."

"And what class is it?"

"Hunter. Some say they were Jack of All Trades. Utilizing their sneaky tactics, silent kills, they can become Assassins, most of them uses both ranged weapons and melee weapons, making them one of the most agile irregular classes with ranged and melee weapons. Along with riding mounts, though there were none that can cast spells like any Casters or be as mad as a Berserker, but this class is one of the ones that are in par with the Rulers."

"Are they really that strong?"

"They are, Asuka. Ask your Father." Asuka's mother smiled at the young girl.

"So...When can I do it?"

"If you're old enough to do it, Asuka." Her mother giggled before looking away. 'That maybe after my life have to pass on.' She thought sadly before looking at the hyped little Asuka. "Now don't get too excited."

"Sorry, Kaa-san." Asuka apologized as she stopped shaking in excitement.

(Back with Asuka)

"I'll have to do it." Remembering what her mother told her about one of the Ritual Chants, she slowly eased her mind and held the silver cross necklace that was on her neck. "Let silver and steel be the essence. Let the gem and the archduke of contracts be the foundation. Let blue be the color that I shall pay my tribute to. Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall. Let the four cardinal gates close." She chanted before continuing. "Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate."

"Let it be declared now, our flesh shall serve under me, and my fate shall be with your sword. Submit to my plea. Answer, if you would submit to this plea and this broken girl. An oath shall be sworn here. I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven; I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell." She then finished it. "But, support with all your will, your heart and your mind-" The room was quickly blown away as Asuka shielded herself. The Ritual was nearly finished.

But that was when she saw Akito, all bruised with cuts all over him. "Akito!" The boy just acknowledged it by turning his face as his stomach was against the floor of rubble and shards.

"A-Asuka! Finish the ritual!" Cao Cao just stepped on his back, causing a painful scream to fly out of his lungs. Asuka cleared her head before she glanced back to the circle, ignoring her friend's screams. It was better to ignore them now and finish the ritual then helping him now along with dying needlessly.

"I summon thee, the Hunter of all! Answer my call!" The Magic Circle just glowed with a dim red. Asuka just slumped down when Cao Cao laughed.

"Your ritual is useless at this time. You won't have a chance upon summoning a Servant!" He laughed madly. Asuka just grimly looked at the magic circle, which still dimmed down into a blood red color before turning into the former form of blood red ink.

'No.' Asuka gripped her hands, balling them into fists. "This can't be the end. This can't be the end." She repeated over and over again. "I can't die a foolish death." That was when a pair of eyes opened up in her blank mind, dichromatic eyes, the right eye being blue and the other being crimson red.

'This isn't the end, Asuka.' A voice cut through her mind. The Magic Circle came to life as it glowed blue. Cao Cao stared at it for a moment before a blast of blue flames erupted from the outer circle. The flames danced around the wind as a figure hovered out of the circle. His face was pale, his hands were covered in leather gloves, his head was concealed by his hood, a blue rifle was strapped upon his back. With a blink of an eye, Cao Cao was quickly thrown off Akito's back before crashing into a chunk of debris. Asuka looked at the figure, who just walked towards her after the fire dimmed down. A flash of red light appeared by her left hand, carving a red symbol that was separated into three sections.

"I ask of you." The figure stated with a cold and hard voice, Asuka just looked at the man as he continued. "Are you my Master?" Asuka swallowed, fear taking over her body before gathering every piece of courage to nod. "I'm forever grateful to you, my Master." He continued. "I am the Servant, Hunter. At your service." His eyes were fierce blue with a few strands of brown hair drooping down from his hood.

"W-What's your real name?" Asuka shivered as the man carved a smirk upon his face.

"It is really nice to meet you, Asuka-chan." The man said with an amused tone, Asuka's face just turned from fear to glassy. "It has been a really long time, has it not?"

"S-Sempai?" She got out of her lungs with a whimper.

AND CLIFF HANGER! And now, I really put my thoughts into this fic, I don't know if from what I read of an Author's fic that all of you enjoy funny fics or seriously taken and dramatic fics. But anyways, if any one is wondering, I would let out one simple spoiler. The Servant is an OC, since I thought that if EMIYA, a Counter Guardian can be summoned. Why not a man that travelled back in time and fought countless battles?

Next Chapter will mostly cover his entire backstory. Not entirely, but well...Let's just say it, a glimpse of his own life back when he was still human. Anyways, R&R. Tell me what you think about this. And please, no flames, I've been tired of having to deal with nuisances in my whole life and who knows, more and more haters will be coming at me with ridiculous reasons to stop writing.

Maybe, I'll even consider accepting OC forms...




Eh, who fucking knows? As long as they aren't so fucking OP as hell. But, tomorrow will be where the OC Servant's name is revealed with his stats...Maybe a Chapter or two after this one. Anyways, thanks for reading!