A/N: Annnd I'm back with another fic! This one will be separated into five parts! I'll try to get them out as fast as I can. As always, I do not own gmw or anything related to it. And this prompt comes from the lovely mind of LaughInstead!

The first time it almost happened was one of Maya's most embarrassing moments. The Matthew's clan and the Hart-Hunter's had decided to go ice skating at the local mall. She'd been so sure of herself, so sure she could easily go and knock the socks, or well skates, off of all her competitors.

And then the words, "Uncle Josh is coming." fell from her best friend's lips and Maya could physically feel everything she knew about skating fly out the window only to be replaced by every detail of him.

The sixteen year old blonde knew that Uncle Boing was the only thing that could make her unsure of herself. She couldn't explain it but everytime he came near she turned into a blubbering idiot. Well, some would honestly call her a psycho if they didn't know any better. She knew it wasn't just his looks that caused her to get all giddy inside but that's what everyone else thought. She was too young to be feeling the things she felt for him. She didn't know the world yet. The mantra of her elders had been playing constantly on repeat for the past three years.

"Oh. Cool, I don't care...that's awesome." she rambled grabbing her skates and putting them on, not bothering to look at her friends amused expression. "I'll see you on the ice." Maya grinned awkwardly as she turned quickly, running head first into the object of her desires.

"Boing! Oh Josh, Joshua Matthews...fancy seeing you here! Bye!" she babbled unable to maintain eye contact with him as she ran off more embarrassed than ever. She wasn't sure what had changed. She'd always been so confident around him, albeit bat shit crazy, but confident. And now, well she felt like Riley talking to Lucas. Maybe it was the fact that she'd been losing herself over the past year or maybe it was the weather. Maya wasn't sure but she knew she needed to get out of there.

Maya had been skating effortlessly for the past hour and Josh couldn't take his eyes away from her. He was sure someone had noticed him staring by now, but if they had no one said a word. She looked amazing on the ice and he couldn't even fathom how someone could be so perfect.

He had to shake the thoughts from his head. He was nineteen for crying out loud, these weren't thoughts he should be having about a sixteen year old girl. Especially not a sixteen year old girl that was his niece's best friend.

But then she did a twirl and he couldn't keep himself from looking once again. He was so entranced he didn't notice Cory coming up behind him. He didn't notice the playful push until it was too late and he was flying at full speed directly towards the blonde that haunted his dreams.

"Oof" He heard the word leave her lips as he slammed into her sending them both to the ground with him on top. And then he couldn't breathe. Not because the wind was knocked out of him, but because she was so incredibly beautiful. Her blonde hair was splayed out beneath her and her nose was slightly red from the weather. Her eyes were crystal blue and her lips were so pink he couldn't look away.

It wasn't long before he found himself leaning in, his eyes closing involuntarily as he drew only inches away from her lips with his own. And then Cory and Riley were surrounding them helping them up, the moment completely ruined. Josh knew it shouldn't have happened. He knew it was good that Riley and Cory had interrupted. But he couldn't shake the feeling that she held everything he was missing.