I'm so happy to have people dedicated enough to read this journey I'm pretty much bullshitting my way through.
It's been so much fun, and I really treasure this story. I'm so happy that those of you who read my other work, PLUS ULTRA! THE GIRL WHO BECAME A HERO! Have come to read this, and I'm even happier that you enjoy some of my own characters that I created and inserted into this story as well.
So everyone, from the bottom of my heart, Thank you so much!
(aaah my hands...! hahaha!)
The snow was falling in large chunky flakes, and Izuku smiled as she watched them gently float down from the sky. She pulled the blanket she had on, tightly around her shoulders, and felt her chilly skin warm a bit as she sat by the window. It was early morning, and the sun was just starting to rise. It was cloudy, and the rays gave the sky a beautiful orange glow, and made the snowflakes sparkle like diamonds.
"Kita..." Izuku breathed out the word that was carved into her thoughts. It was late when she had first woken up, and she had sent everyone off to bed after she had a snack to eat. She felt awful about what she had put her friends through... They all looked so tired, so beaten... But none of them looked as exhausted as Katsuki did. She didn't want to burden them with the information that was swirling about her mind. She had watched Katsuki fall asleep, but she didn't feel like sleeping any more... She had three days under her belt.
"Ichiro..." Izuku mumbled out the name as she leaned her forehead against the chilly frosted glass of the window. She closed her eyes, remembering the sapphire blue eyes that looked at her with decades of sadness and knowledge. How on earth did she have that dream...? She opened her eyes up, and looked at the delicate patterns the frost had formed on the window pane. "... I'll do my best..." She smiled to herself as she lifted her head from the glass and looked back outside.
"Izu...?" She turned her head around to look over at the bed, and saw Katsuki stirring. She watched him reach a hand out to her side of the bed, and she frowned a bit as she saw him sit up straight almost instantly. He whipped his head around, a panicked look written across his face.
"I'm right here...!" She called out to him, and his ruby eyes landed on her. She smiled at him hopefully, and saw the panic ease on his features, before concern replaced it. "Kacchan...?"
"What are you doing up...?" He asked her, and she shifted on the bench she sat on. "You should be resting.. It's cold, you'll-"
"I'm alright," She smiled at him and saw his brow furrow in frustration. "I rested for three days, I couldn't go back to sleep." she told him, and watched him moved his legs off the bed. "You how ever... you look like you haven't slept in three days, just keep resting."
"I don't want to..." he grumbled out and she looked up at him as he got up off the bed and walked towards her. "Are you sure you're alright...?" He asked her as he leaned over her and pulled the blanket around her shoulders a bit more.
"I'm not a porcelain doll, Kacchan..." Izuku laughed out as she looked up at him, and watched him narrow his eyes at her. "I'm just weak from sleeping too much... I didn't eat either, so..."
"The curse..." Her eyes widened a bit as she looked up into his ruby eyes, and saw anger in them. "... The mark didn't go away this time..."
"What...?" She frowned at that information, and Katsuki looked away from her. "... But I... I took the medicine..." She put a hand over her mouth, and felt Katsuki's hands grip her shoulders.
"It wasn't a sure thing... You pushed too hard..." She looked down at her knee's as Katsuki grumbled in anger. "Most of it went away... but there's a large flower still on your back... At least there was yesterday..."
"... Were you looking at me naked while I slept...?" She looked up at him and pulled the blanket tight around her shoulders. She watched his eyes widen a bit in surprise as she feigned a frown up at him. "Kacchan, I was unconscious... How could you?"
"No, I was checking on the mark!" He snapped and She felt a smile tug at her lips, and let out a small laugh. She watched his face redden in anger, and he glared at her. "Why you... that's not funny! Do you know what I fucking went through while you were-?!"
"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it..." Izuku looked up at him, and saw his glare soften a bit as he clenched her shoulders. "I know you wouldn't..." she sighed out, before she moved her feet back up onto the bench. She looked up at him again as he let go of her shoulders, and smiled warmly. "If you're not going to go back to sleep, sit..." She nodded to the bench, and he sat down on it with a thunk. She smiled at him, and reached her hand out from under the blanket to hold his. "... I'm sorry for making you go through that..." She told him, and watched his ruby eyes look up at her.
"...Izu..." he growled out, and she tilted her head to the side as his eyes narrowed while they looked at her. "You can't... Fight like that right now... Not until we figure something out... It's hurting you from the inside out..."
"I know..." Izuku looked down at their hands as he gripped her fingers tightly and she felt a few tears come to her eyes.
"You were bleeding from wounds... But there was blood coming from your mouth too..." She looked up at him with wide eyes, and she gripped his hand tightly. "We gave you some potions... But there wasn't much else we could do... We need to get this curse off of you... I don't care if I have to bow and beg the god damn man, I'll go to grim Island and make him-"
"Angels... Blush..." Izuku's eyes widened as she looked up at Katsuki, and saw him raise an eyebrow at her in confusion. "... We can... We can get rid of it with Angels Blush...!" She sat up on her knee's and looked into his eyes. She saw confusion written all across his face, and she gripped his hand with both of hers. "While I was asleep...! I had this crazy dream, Kacchan! Everything in it was beautiful!" She smiled brightly at Katsuki.
"What...?" He raised an eyebrow at her in confusion and she felt her smile turn into a big grin.
"The Northern part of the mountains...! They're so beautiful with out Demons! And there's this place called Kita...!" She gripped his hand tightly with both of hers. "It's where the Mountain King used to live! A long long time ago! It's in the badlands, there's this castle!" She started to buzz with excitement, but all she saw was confusion and shock written on Katsuki's face, why wasn't he excited? "Kacchan, the sky was like a rainbow! And the grass was so green, and the mountains were beautiful! There's this flower there, it's called Angels Blush! Ichiro told me that..." Izuku paused, and saw Katsuki's shock turn to concern as she sat back on her bottom. "... Ichiro..."
"... Izu...?" She looked up at Katsuki as he lifted his free hand up and touched her cheek with his fingers. "You're crying... Whose Ichiro...?"
"... He's..." Izuku felt her eyes sting with tears, and her vision blurred. "He's this... he..." She felt whole being become overwhelmed by sadness, and she gripped his hand tightly as the tears poured down her cheeks. It was just now dawning on her... Ichiro... He created One for All... he was the First Wielder... The one who died trying to stop his brother, All for One... Trying to stop Suchiru... "... he's gone..." Izuku sobbed out, and put a hand over her chest. She didn't know how... But she had some how spoken with Ichiro, learned all he had to offer her... or at least what he could give her within her time with him...
"Izu...?!" She looked up at Katsuki as she put a hand over her mouth, her tears still pouring down her cheeks. "Who is this Ichiro...? Why are you so upset...?"
"... Kacchan..." Izuku bit back her sobs, and she gripped his hand tightly in hers. She looked up into his ruby eyes once again, and before she could stop herself the words just spilled out of her mouth. Every last detail of her dream, every word of her conversation with Ichiro, every detail about the terrain. By the end of it, her tears were starting to let up, and the overwhelming sorrow in her chest had eased a bit, but she felt like she had lost a good friend...
"... So some how... You were having the adventure while you were unconscious..." Katsuki sighed out as he held her against his chest. The blanket was wrapped around them both as he leaned back against the wall next to the window, and stroked her hair gently with his fingers. "... And this Ichiro... He created..."
"One for All..." Izuku sobbed out against his shoulder and closed her eyes. There seemed to be no end to her tears that continued to pour.
"... I've never heard of Angels Blush..." Katsuki mumbled against her hair, and Izuku hiccuped from her tears as he continued to try and calm her. "... I've never heard of Demons Thorn growing outside of the northern mountains either..."
"We need to... To plant it..." Izuku hiccuped again and tried to dry her eyes with her fingers. "Some where demons can't walk..."
"Tch, that's a hefty fucking order... They're everywhere..." Katsuki grumbled as she slowly calmed down. The sorrow in her chest seemed to stay, but her tears were coming to an end finally. "And how do we even do that... We have no seeds... And who knows how those things grow...?" he growled out, and Izuku sat back away from his chest, still trying to dry her cheeks. "... Come on..." Katsuki sighed out, and Izuku looked up at him curiously as he shifted and stood up. She blushed a bit as he held her in his arms, "I think you need a calming bath... Then we can get you some breakfast..." He told her, and she gripped his shoulders with her fingers. He carried her into the bathroom, and Izuku kept her hands on his arms as he lowered her onto her feet. She felt her legs shake a bit, and her knee's about to buckle, but he held her up by her waist. "... Izu, can you...?"
"I uhm..." She felt weak... Weaker than she should have been. She ground her teeth together and steeled her nerves. "Let go.." She told him and she watched his brow furrow. She nodded her head to him and he slowly let go of her waist. She held onto his arms, her legs shaking again, no matter how hard she tried to stop them. She felt her legs buckle and she went down, but Katsuki swiftly caught her by her waist. "I can't..." Izuku groaned as she held onto his arms while he picked her up again, and looked at her in concern. "I should... Maybe I need to eat... I don't..."
"You were asleep for a long time, this will go away.." He assured her, and she felt tears of frustration come to her eyes. "I'll help you, come on..." He kissed her cheek, and she nodded her head to him. They both got undressed, and he sat her on a stool in the bathroom so she could wash herself. Her arms and hands felt weak as she scrubbed her hair clean, before she rinsed off. When they sat in the warm tub, she let out a sigh as her already jello like muscles relaxed even more. She looked over at Katsuki as he closed his eyes, and let out a groan as he leaned back in the water.
"You know..." Izuku leaned back in the water as well, and looked up at the ceiling with a thought. "... Ichiro mentioned the first King of the world..."
"Wasn't that him...?" Katsuki asked lazily, and she smiled a bit.
"I guess... But not officially...?" she said with a thought, before she closed her own eyes. "he said it was a Mountain King... Want to know what his name was...?" Izuku asked with a laugh.
"You know..." Katsuki grumbled out and Izuku opened her eyes to look over at him. She smiled nervously as she saw his eyes narrowed in her direction, "I'm not a big fan of you going on and on about other men..."
"H-hold on..!" Izuku said with a wave of her hands. "Its... It's really cool, his name was Bakugou!" She held up a finger, and watched Katsuki sit up fully, his eyebrows scrunching together in confusion. "He was the last King to live in Kita! Ichiro gave him One for All back then!"
"... Bakugou?" Katsuki looked away from her, and seemed confused by this. "You said Kita before... But.. there's no such place.." He looked over at her, and Izuku frowned, before she looked down at the water.
"... I guess... It was such a long time ago... But... There has to be some kind of information on it." she sighed out and leaned back in the water again. The more she thought about it, the more she wanted to know...
"... Hmm..." She looked over at Katsuki gain as he stared up at the ceiling, and ran a hand through his hair. "...Maybe that Old Banana knows something..."
"Old Banana...?" Izuku asked in confusion, and Katsuki looked over at her.
"That guy in yellow... All Might's teacher or some shit." He waved a hand around in the air, and Izuku sat up straight in the water.
"Gran Torino...?" she asked him and Katsuki pointed a finger at her and nodded his head. "... Yeah... YEAH!" She pushed herself up out of the water and went to get out of the tub.
"Izu, hold-!" Katsuki could only get the first two words out before she crashed onto the stone floor of the bathroom. She groaned in pain as she held her chin and heard him sigh. "... On... You can't move that well..." She looked up at him with a pout on her face, and watched him snort in laughter.
"It's not funny..." She grumbled as he got out of the water and grabbed some towels. She pushed herself up a bit, and rubbed her sore chin while he wrapped a towel around his waist. She looked up at him as he walked over and wrapped the second towel around her, before he picked her up like a princess. She felt her cheeks redden as she looked up at him, and he grinned.
"It's not funny... But I don't mind holding you all the time.." He told her, and her cheeks got even warmer as he kissed her cheek. He sat her down on the bathroom counter, and She looked up at him as he handed her another towel to dry her hair with. "I'll grab some clothes and get the room warmer." He told her as he dried his own hair, and she nodded her head to him before he stepped out of the bathroom. She sighed out as she quickly dried her short green locks of hair, before she looked at the mirror behind herself. She touched her red chin, and sighed once more, before her eyes caught a glimpse of black and red. She looked at herself in the mirror, and turned her back to it. She could see the mark poking above the back of her towel, and she loosened it around herself, before letting it slip off. Her eyes widened as she saw the large image of Demons thorn decorating her skin, and held her breath.
"Damnit..." She groaned out and looked away from the mirror. She gripped the edge of the counter with her fingers, and closed her eyes. "...It's okay..." she sighed out to herself, and held up her hands. "You can beat it... You can get rid of it..." She took a deep breath, and opened her eyes again. She jumped a bit as she saw Katsuki staring at her with a raised eyebrow and a smirk on his face. "K-Kacchan...!"
"I like how you give yourself pep talks.." He told her simply, and she felt her whole face turn red in embarrassment. "You always boost everyone else up with your words... It's good to know you do it for yourself too." He said simply, and Izuku looked away from him shyly. "Here.." She looked back up at him as he spoke, and he took the spare towel from the counter and started to dry her legs off for her. She looked down at him with wide eyes as he did, and saw he had already pulled on pants and a shirt.
"Th-This is way more embarrassing..." she stuttered out and watched him smirk up at her as she tried to pull her leg away. "Kacchan, cut it out, come on..." she gripped the counter again and watched him chuckle, before he kissed her leg. The sensation of his lips on her skin made her heart throb, and her eyes got bigger as he smirked up at her.
"You know, if you were feeling any better... I'd make it so that the reason you couldn't walk... would be me..." He growled out at her, and she felt her heart explode in her chest. She quickly looked away from him, her hands trembling nervously. "I can wait though..." He said simply, and she saw him stand back up in the mirror's reflection. She turned her head to look back up at him and he took her hand in his. "... I'm just glad you're awake..." He sighed out, and she felt her heart ache a bit. "Now come on... I'll help you with the clothes."
"Erhm..." Izuku eyes up the dress he held up for her after she got her underwear on. She narrowed her eyes at the top part of it, seeing it looked like the corset thing from her first day in Koto. "... I don't... Want to wear a corset again..."
"It's not like that death trap." Katsuki grumbled out, and Izuku looked up at him curiously. "this was the only thing too." He sighed out and she groaned a bit as she pulled it on with his help. She touched the front of her chest, and noticed the ribbons on it were just decoration. She smiled as she tied it into a neat bow happily and grinned up at Katsuki.
"It's nice." she said happily as he held his hands out to her and she grabbed them with her own. She shakily put her feet on the cold stone floor, and frowned as she felt her knee's ready to buckle again. "Kacchan..."
"I've got you, it's alright." He told her, and she ground her teeth together. She gripped his hands tightly and slipped off the counter to fully stand. She felt her legs shaking, but she refused to give up. She clenched her teeth harder as she tried to get them to stop, and tightened her muscles. "Hey..." She looked up at Katsuki as he spoke and saw that look of concern there once again. "I can carry you, you don't have too-"
"No." She told him firmly and he raised his eyebrows at her. "I can do this..." She took a deep breath as she moved her legs. They felt wobbly and weak, and she took a few steps with Katsuki's help. "I need my bracelets..." She groaned as they left the bathroom, and he continued to to hold her up, while letting her walk on her own at the same time. "If I can... Use my quirk, it should help on my legs..." She looked up at Katsuki and he let out a sigh.
"I don't think that's a good idea.." He told her and she gripped his hands tightly. "But okay..." They took their time, and she managed to make it to the small table in the room. She sat down on the chair with a groan of exhaustion, and looked up at Katsuki as he frowned at her. He went over to the night stand and picked up her bracelets. "here.." he opened them up and helped her clasp them onto her wrists. He stared at them for a moment, and Izuku smiled a bit.
"Like a childs..." She said with a laugh and he looked up at her and smirked. "I know," She sighed out and she lifted her hands up. She clenched them into fists, and watched the emeralds glow as the metal warmed. She sighed out as she felt strength fill her up, and she focused for a moment to move it through her whole body. "Thats better..." She sighed out happily, and flexed her hands.
"I still don't think it's a good idea..." Katsuki told her as he stood up, and stretched his arms. She looked up at him as he wandered over to the dresser and grabbed a tunic. He pulled it on, and picked her boots up for her. She smiled as she too them from him, and pulled them on her feet. "You'll tire yourself out."
"I'll be okay," she told him and he grumbled as he watched her.
"Breakfast!" The two of them turned their heads to loo at the door to their bedroom, as there was a soft knock. Izuku looked up t Katsuki as he walked over and opened it up. A maid stood there with a smile plastered across her face as she rolled a cart into the room. "OH!" She stopped as she looked over at Izuku and her eyes widened. "You're awake, your Majesty!"
"Ah yes..." Izuku smiled at the woman as she started to get excited.
"Then I'll have more clothing brought up right away for you!" She clapped her hands happily and Izuku smiled nervously at her now as she pushed the tray into the room and began pouring coffee into some cups. "I'm glad the food will actually be eaten this time!"
"This time...?" Izuku asked, and heard Katsuki grumbled behind her as he walked around the table. She looked up at him, seeing him glare at the floor, and she frowned. "yes... It will. Sorry for the trouble."
"It's no trouble at all!" the maid laughed happily, and Izuku watched her put the bread on the table. "You should eat up after being asleep for so many days! Good thing I brought the hearty breakfast!" She sid as she began placing sausages and chopped vegetables onto the table as well. "I'll bring up some vitamins too!"
"Vitamins..?" Izuku asked curiously and looked up at the maid.
"yes, Lady Rei takes vitamins with her meals as well. It's good for the sick to get extra nutrients!" She said with a bright smile and Izuku nodded her head to the maid as she continued to put the food down, before she went to leave. "Clothing and vitamins will be right up, your Majesty!"
"Ah, thank you...!" Izuku called out to the maid as she left and closed the door behind her.
"Nosy woman..." Katsuki grumbled as he began eating, and Izuku looked over at him curiously.
"You didn't eat...?" She asked him with a frown and Katsuki looked up at her as he shoved a sausage into his mouth.
"Didn't have an appetite..." He grunted out, and Izuku let out a sigh, before she began eating as well. She felt her stomach rumble in happiness as being filled, and she ate more than she normally did. She sighed out happily as she sipped her hot morning coffee, before the door to the room banged open.
"IZUCHAN!" Uraraka's voice made Izuku turn around in her chair, and she saw the brunette looked wide awake. "It really wasn't a dream!" She cried out, and Izuku let out a small laugh as Uraraka hurried over to her and threw her arms around Izuku's shoulders. "I'm so glad you're finally okay...!"
"Sorry for sleeping so long," Izuku told her friend as Uraraka pressed her cheek to hers.
"Tch, get off of her." Katsuki snapped from the other side of the table and Izuku frowned over at him. "She's not feeling well still!"
"Is that true...?" Uraraka frowned at Izuku and she let out a sigh and shot Katsuki a look across the table.
"I'm just a bit weak, I'll be alright." Izuku told Uraraka with a smile, before she heard huffing from the door. She looked over to see Kirishima with his hand on the door frame. "Eijichan?"
"Runs... To fast..." He huffed out and pointed at Uraraka. "your Majesty..." He smiled at Izuku brightly and she smiled back at him. "I'm glad you're alright."
"Thank you..." Izuku smiled up at them both brightly. She jumped a bit in shock as she saw tears start to form in their eyes. "Uhm..."
"YOU SCARED US!" They shouted at her in unison, and Izuku paled a bit and looked to Katsuki for help. He raised an eyebrow at her and shrugged his shoulders as he continued to drink his coffee.
"I-I'm sorry you guys.." she looked up at the other two again and saw them both trying to dry their tears. "I'm alright now though, okay?"
"Not okay!" Kirishima pointed a finger at her, and Izuku frowned and looked to Uraraka.
"We let you get away with too much! There's a line!" Uraraka said with her hands on her hips and Izuku smiled nervously at them both. "But it stops here!"
"Okay." Izuku let out a small laugh, and smiled at them both. She saw them look at her with surprise, as if they expected more of a fight. "Until I get rid of this curse, I won't fight like that anymore. Well..." She paused and everyone frowned at her as she looked at the ceiling. "Unless our lives are on the line... Then I will..."
"Hold on!" Katsuki snapped and Izuku looked over at him in confusion. "You said earlier you wouldn't!"
"Katsuki," Izuku said his name, and he clicked his tongue in anger as she said the whole thing. "If all of you are in mortal danger, I'm not going to hold back."
"We won't be though!" Uraraka protested.
"We're strong heroes too!" Kirishima said with a huff, and Izuku looked up at the both of them. "We won't end up in mortal danger!"
"Then I won't have to fight too hard, will I?" Izuku said with a bright smile and she saw the others let out a sigh. "I know you guys will be alright, and that you'll do your best... So from now on, I'm counting on everyone." her smile turned into an even brighter grin and she saw saw the other two smile back at her.
"You guys shout too much." Izuku looked to the doorway and saw Todoroki standing there with his arms crossed as he looked into the room. She smiled over at him as he stepped inside and looked over at her. "Izuku... How are you feeling today?"
"Jeez, I'm fine!" Izuku groaned out, and she went to stand up. She felt her legs buckle and heard the cups clatter on the table as she grabbed the edge of it. Her eyes went wide as she just about dropped onto the ground, but Katsuki was faster and had her by the shoulders in an instant. She sighed out in relief, and put a hand on his arm as he helped her stand up.
"Idiot..." He grumbled out at her and Izuku laughed nervously before she looked over at the other three in the room. They were all frowning at her and she blushed a bit.
"You should get back in bed..." Todoroki told her as he stepped forwards.
"No, I need to walk around." Izuku held her hand up and smiled at him hopefully. "I wont get my strength back if I just lay in bed all day! Besides... I want to see if Baku is dong better! And I still didn't get a chance to see all of Koto either! And I need to talk to your father!" She clenched her fists and let out a huff. "I have lots to do while I'm here! I need to get his approval and then we have to find out what those Demon Alliance guys are doing here!"
"STOP." The others all said in unison, and Izuku looked at all four of them with wide eyes as they all let out a collective sigh.
"Slow down, you just woke up last night." Katsuki grumbled and Izuku pouted a bit.
"Talking to my father isn't a big deal, but you should take it easy today." Todoroki told her and she looked over at him with a frown.
"And we saw most of Koto the other day, right?" Kirishima smiled hopefully at Izuku and she groaned a bit.
"And looking for the Demon Alliance is just asking for trouble!" Uraraka had her hands on her hips and a motherly look in her eyes. "If you go bouncing around looking for them you'll end up in a situation like the other day and go over board!"
"You guys, I can do this much at least...!" Izuku told them all as she clenched her fists again. "I don't need to be babysAAAAAH!" Izuku felt Katsuki's hands let go of her shoulders and her legs buckled from the sudden burden on them. She fell to the ground, but he caught her around the middle swiftly and raised an eyebrow at her. "KACCHAN!"
"Seeing Koto can wait till you can walk on your own." He told her, and she groaned in frustration, and let her head hang in disappointment. "Start with seeing Baku, and then talking to Icy Hot's burning potato of a father."
"Hey." Izuku and Katsuki looked up at Todoroki as he crossed his arms across his chest. "That's Lord Burning Potato to you." He told them, and Izuku let out a laugh at the serious look on his face. Uraraka and Kirishima joined in on the laughter, and Izuku put her hand over her mouth as her giggles continued. "We can go speak with him this afternoon," Todoroki said with a poorly hidden laugh of his own, and Izuku looked up at him with a smile. "I told him you were awake, and he cleared the afternoon for you."
"Whoa," Izuku felt a nervous sweat on her cheek as the prince stated that, "I uhm... Is that okay?"
"I think after what the people of Koto are saying about you, it's more than fine." Todoroki held up a hand, and Izuku raised an eyebrow at that.
"They're praising you out there like crazy!" Kirishima pointed at the window and Izuku looked over at him. "That Kori woman from the other day, she insisted we go visit when you were better!"
"And Mr Attakai," Izuku looked back over at Todoroki curiously. "He actually sent you several outfits and some warm cloaks as a thank you from everyone for what you did."
"But... I wasn't the only one fighting..." Izuku said with a frown.
"Where do you think I got this dress, hmm?" Uraraka gestured to her soft pink dress, and Izuku looked at it, seeing fancy embroidery stitched onto it, as well as delicate gold buttons. "He sent everyone a gift,"
"I'm not wearing it." Katsuki grumbled out angrily as everyone looked over at him.
"But you'd look so Kingly," Kirishima said with a laugh and Katsuki glared t him darkly.
"Come on, at least try it on." Uraraka giggled out herself and Izuku looked at them all in confusion.
"I don't want to look like fucking Icy Hot and his twinkle brothers!" Katsuki snapped angrily, and Izuku looked up at him in confusion.
"What is it...?" Izuku asked curiously, and Uraraka bolted to the dresser.
"HEY!" Katsuki growled out and let go of Izuku to chase after her. Izuku wobbled on her feet again and threw her arms out, but Katsuki snapped back around and caught her by the arms with Kirishima and Todoroki. "Damnit... LEAVE IT THERE!"
"LOOK!" Uraraka laughed happily as she held up a dark red fancy tunic. Izuku's eyes widened as she saw the black embroidery and the silver buttons... The trim was white, and it was a bit longer like Todoroki's. "Isn't this amazing?!"
"Whoa..." Izuku smiled brightly as she straightened up with Katsuki's help. "That's stunning! Why wont you wear it?" Izuku looked up at Katsuki with a frown.
"It's dumb, I'm not wearing that girly shit!" Katsuki snapped angrily and glared at Uraraka who put the tunic down.
"This is the best part!" She beamed brightly as she held up a delicate golden crown, and Izuku gazed at the black metal in awe. "Seriously, wasted on this guy though!" Uraraka pointed at Katsuki who growled in anger.
"BITE ME!" He snapped and the others all laughed.
"I think its neat, I'd like to see it." Izuku smiled up at Katsuki as he continued to rumble with anger.
"In your dreams." He snapped and Izuku laughed nervously at his statement.
"Your Majesty...?" Everyone turned to look at the door as the maid from early called out. Izuku saw a towering pile of clothes in her arms, and her eyes widened. "This is all the clothing Mr Attakai sent for you!"
"Oh my god..." Izuku looked at the fabric in awe as the maid stepped inside and place the things on the dresser. "This is too much...!"
"Just accept it," Todoroki sighed out, and Izuku looked at him nervously. "He doesn't take returns,"
"Hah..." Izuku let out a sigh of her own, and she steeled her nerves with a clench of her fist. "Okay..." she too a breath and pushed Katsuki's hands off of her as she activated her quirk with her bracelets. The others watched her with wide eyes as she took the shaky steps towards the dresser, and ground her teeth together as she did. "Thank you for your help..." Izuku smiled to the maid who smiled brightly and nodded her head before she left. Izuku stopped at the dresser and reached out to grab the top of it with her hands.
"Izu...!" Katsuki rushed over to her as she let her quirk go. She grasped the dresser with her fingers to hold herself up, and she grinned as she looked over at the others triumphantly. "Moron... Don't push yourself..."
"I'm alright, I made it!" Izuku told him with a laugh, before Uraraka came over to look at the clothes with her. "Well, Ochachan, what do you think?"
"I think... This one..." Uraraka reached up and grabbed a burgundy colored dress that looked much warmer than the one Izuku had on currently. It had a short skirt to it, and Uraraka smiled at her, "I'll help you."
"Thanks," Izuku smiled back at Uraraka, and Katsuki grumbled as he put a hand on her shoulder. "Just let me change, we'll meet you guys in the study down the hall." Izuku looked up at the boys who were all frowning at her. "It's okay, go on...!" Izuku told them with a wave of her hand and Katsuki narrowed his eyes at her. "Kacchan, I'm fine." Izuku have him a warm smile, and he grumbled in anger before he turned to leave the room with the other two. When the door clicked shut, Izuku groaned out in pain and fell to her knees in front of the dresser.
"Izuchan...!" Uraraka dropped to her knees beside Izuku who was trying to still her shaking hands. "Izuchan, what is wrong..?"
"Just feeling really weak..." Izuku sighed out, and looked over at Uraraka. "But... I'm tired of worrying Kacchan and troubling him... I'm sorry, Ochachan..." The green haired girl smiled at her friend who was starting to tear up.
"You should have said something, you should be in bed... Izuchan..." Uraraka touched her friend's shoulder and Izuku sighed out. "Eijichan was right... There's a limit to how manly you should be..."
"... Eijichan...?" Izuku looked over at Uraraka with a grin, and saw her friends cheeks turn a bright pink. "Ochachan... Whats up with you two, hmm?" Izuku asked curiously and saw Uraraka look away from her quickly. "... You came in awfully quick when he was in trouble... And all he could do was stare at you, you know..." Izuku teased her friend.
"Izuchan, come on!" Uraraka cried out as she waved her hands around wildly in the air. "There's no way! I don't like him or think he's handsome at all!"
"... Who called him handsome?" Izuku asked with a snort of laughter, and Uraraka's whole face went a bright red. "Ochachan...?"
"Lets get you dressed in the warm clothing!" Uraraka cried out, and Izuku continued to giggle as her friend helped her up into a chair, and helped her change the dress from earlier. It had half sleeves, and it even tied up in the back with a nice silver cord. The neck was high to keep the chill off, and Izuku flattened out the poofy skirts. "There, better?"
"Well I feel kind of bad that he sent me such nice clothing.." Izuku said with a frown and Uraraka raised an eyebrow at her. "I seem to ruin all the clothes given to me." Izuku sighed out and the girls both laughed before Izuku stood up from the chair. Uraraka reached out and offered her arm to her friend, who took it with a smile. "Thanks..."
"You can lean on me any time." Uraraka said with a bright smile that Izuku returned. "Can you make it down the hall?"
"I have too." Izuku raised her head and took a breath as she held onto Uraraka. "I feel a bit better after digesting my food, so it's now or never." The girls both giggled as Uraraka took slow steps to the door with the doe like Izuku holding onto her. They made it out into the hallway, and Izuku slowly felt her legs getting their strength back as they walked down the hallway that seemed longer than it was before. "This is embarrassing..." Izuku sighed out as she just about stumbled.
"You're tired after that fight... This is normal." Uraraka said with a sigh, and Izuku looked over at her. "We were all pretty beaten up and tired ourselves, you just happened to need the most rest." The brunette smiled at Izuku, and the two of them giggled a bit together.
"your Majesty...!" Iida was the first to greet Izuku in the study, and she grinned up at her friend happily as he looked at both her and Uraraka. "Are you alright? We've been informed you're a little weakened from your long rest. The muscles shouldn't have lost too much, perhaps you're just sore from over workin-"
"Thank you Iida, I'm alright." Izuku held up a hand to stop her friend, and looked at the others in the room.
"I feel bad for not being able to do anything..." Shinsou groaned as he sat on a chair.
"Me too.." hagakure sighed out from her own chair and Izuku smiled at them both.
"Well... I think you guys will be able to help the most with what I want to do next..." The girl king smiled brightly at the whole room, while everyone paled.
"Izuchan... What crazy plan do you have now...?" Yaoyorozu asked with a sigh and Izuku grinned brightly as Uraraka helped her sit on a lounge chair.
"I was going to ask Lord Endeavor, but I think we should run surveillance checks on Koto." Izuku told the room and everyone looked to her with surprise. "The Demon Alliance is definitely here some where,"
"Dabi..." Katsuki growled out, and Izuku looked over at him. He was leaning against the wall behind her, and he glared darkly at the floor in front of him. She looked over to Todoroki who was doing the same, and then at the others. "... Tch... he's really after you, Izu..."
"I know." Izuku took a breath and sat up straight. "But he has another thing coming..." she grinned at everyone, and folded her hands in her lap neatly. "I think a patrol schedule is order, but I'll this matter by Lord Endeavor." Izuku looked over at Todoroki who nodded his head to that. "I'm sure he already has something up and running, so we'll work his schedule and figure something out." Izuku smiled at the others brightly. "In the mean time... If you see anything suspicious inside the castle, inform some one right away."
"I'll keep my jacks to the ground." Jirou said with grin, and Izuku smiled over at her.
"I'll do a patrol at night!" Hagakure said excitedly.
"Let me know if you need questioning done." Shinsou said with a nod of his head.
"Thank you," Izuku smiled at them, before she took a deep breath. "After the other day, I've decided I need to take a step back..." She looked at everyone in the room, and felt a hand on her shoulder. She glanced up at Katsuki who had moved to stand behind her now. "I know I can trust everyone in here," Izuku looked to her friends, and saw worried looks on most of their faces. "The Great Demon placed a curse on me back in the badlands. I am unable to move at my full power."
"Your Majesty..." Iida frowned at Izuku sadly and Izuku looked down at her hands.
"That's awful, Izuchan..." Yaoyorozu sad sadly from her own chair. "You should have said something earlier..."
"I was afraid too..." Izuku sighed out, and closed her eyes. "I probably shouldn't be saying anything at all, but I do not want to place mistrust in any of you. I know you all have my back, and I want you to know that I completely trust every one of you." She looked at everyone around the room, and smiled warmly. "Until I can remove this curse... I'm going to have to rely on all of you heavily."
"Of course you can!" Iida said with a chop of his hand.
"We need you around," Kaminari laughed out and Izuku giggled a bit to herself.
"With out you, who would come up with all the crazy plans?" Shinsou asked and everyone in the room let out a laugh.
"So..." Ashido spoke next, and Izuku looked over at her. "What are you going to do about the curse...?"
"... I need to find a flower called Angels Blush.." Izuku sighed out, and everyone looked at her in confusion. "Its Demons Thorn really... Except white instead of black... We need to plant some in a place where demons can't poison it with their miasma..."
"Getting Demons thorn is hard..." Kirishima said with a frown and Izuku nodded her head sadly.
"Never mind the white part..." Ashido fretted, and Izuku groaned as she slumped her shoulders.
"Where do we even start...?" Uraraka asked out loud, and the room went silent for a moment.
"... Does it look like this...?" Izuku looked up at Yaoyorozu spoke, and saw her with a piece of paper. She held up a picture she drew, and Izuku nodded her head to her friend. "Izuchan..." The princess stood up, and a smile spread across her face. "I know where I can get some!"
"WHAT?!" The room exclaimed all together.
"In the plains!" Yaoyorozu said with a bright smile, and Izuku's eyes widened. "We grow plants from all over the world in the plains! We have special gardens, and we use them for medicine or dyes! We grow berries and other fruits too! We call them Green Houses, and we get the seeds brought to us from travelers and the like." She hurried over with the sketch in her hands, and Izuku took it from her friend. "We've been growing these flowers for a few years now! Demons don't really cross the plains, so that must be why they're white!"
"THE PRINCESS IS A SAVIOR!" Kaminari shouted with his hands in the air.
"Momochan... This is..." Izuku looked up at her friend who was smiling happily. "This is amazing... and perfect...! We're heading there next anyways, so..."
"So you'll be better as soon as we finish here!" Uraraka cried out happily, and Izuku grinned brightly at her friends. "This is fantastic!"
"Now we don't have to worry," Todoroki sighed out and Izuku felt the hand on her shoulder grip her tightly. She looked up at Katsuki with a bright smile, and saw a look of relaxation on his face at the news.
"Except we have to worry about that Demon Alliance..." Kirishima said with a frown, and the room went silent again once again at the thought of the near by threat...
"I'm so excited to see Baku!" Izuku said with a happy grin on her face as she walked down the hall with Katsuki's help. "Is he doing any better? Is his wing alright?!"
"I've been checking on him!" Kirishima said with a grin as he ran up beside her. "He's doing much better now, it's almost completely healed!"
"The stables are so big.. This place is really a castle..." Izuku looked back at Uraraka who had wide eyes and a nervous smile on her face.
"I'm sorry, is it too large?" Todoroki asked as he trailed beside her, and Izuku let out a giggle before they came to the stairs. She looked at them with a nervous smile on her face, and the others all watched her pale a bit. "Izuku...?"
"I'll carry you..." Katsuki went to pick her up, but she held up a hand to stop him.
"No no, I can do this!" She told him with a determined grin on her face. She looked at the hand rail, and grabbed it with both hands. "I've got to keep working my muscles!"
"For them to have gotten so bad... It was only a few days.." Todoroki said with a frown as the group watched Izuku take shaky steps down the stairs. She was slow moving, and they could all see her arms shaking from the effort she was using.
"We've got a few floors to go down..." Kirishima said with a frown.
"Izu, stop being stupid." Katsuki sighed out and she glanced up at the others, before she ground her teeth together. "Stairs are too much, you're still struggling with the flat ground."
"Sorry..." Izuku sighed out as she stopped on a step, and looked down at her hands. It was hard, but she could stand for the most part on her own. "... I know it's stupid..."
"Way to go." Uraraka and Todoroki hissed out at Katsuki, who glared at them both angrily while Kirishima paled, fearing for their lives.
"But I don't want to be carried around or have you guys help me all the time." Izuku looked up at the group that was still at the top of the stairs. "I need to build the strength back up. You guys can go on ahead of me."
"Izuchan, we wouldn't do that..." Uraraka said with a frown as she walked down the steps. "Do you want me to use my quirk? It'd be easier on you."
"That would defeat the point." Izuku laughed out, and Uraraka blushed a bit and rubbed the back of her head.
"I have a better idea." Todoroki said with a nod of his head, and everyone looked up at him as he drew his right sword from his hip. They all watched the prince with wide eyes as he walked down the stairs ahead of them, and he slammed the blade on ground. Izuku felt the hallway chill instantly and frost crept up the walls, but the prince had created a slide out of ice that followed the wall spiraling downwards. "We used to do this lots as kids," he pointed down at the ice, and Izuku let out a laugh. "You can hold onto the rail, and stand as you slide down," He pointed at the handrail on the wall.
"AWESEOME!" Kirishima shouted excitedly as he ran down the steps and looked at the Ice. "I'm giving it a go!" He shouted as he jumped onto the slide, and Izuku's eyes went wide as he slid down the stairs, and out of sight. "WOOOOHOOOO!"
"Me too!" Uraraka said excitedly and Todoroki gestured to the slide with his hand, before she nervously got onto it, and held onto the rail. She went a bit slower than Kirishima, but Izuku could hear her laughter as she went down.
"This does look like fun.." Izuku smiled at Todoroki as she wobbled up to the slide, and looked at the sparkling ice.
"Tch, you'll crack your head open at the bottom." Katsuki stepped down the stairs, and Izuku looked up at him as he put a hand on the railing. "I'll follow behind you, don't go to fast." Izuku grinned up at him warmly, before she gripped the railing in her hand tightly and pulled herself up onto the ice.
"I'll follow after him and melt it." Todoroki said with a nod, and Izuku nodded back to him, before she let herself start sliding down the ice. She giggled happily as she went, and glanced back to see Katsuki following close behind her as they went. She looked forwards again, and laughed louder as they zipped past startled maids and guards on their way down, until she saw the ground floor fast approaching.
"H-How do you slow down?!" Izuku asked, noticing that she had picked up a lot of speed.
"Tch, I you don't!" Katsuki called out from close behind her, and she looked at the bottom nervously. "Here...!" She felt a hand grab her by the arm, and Izuku looked up at Katsuki nervously. "hold on!" He told her, and she let go of the railing and wrapped her arms around him. She closed her eyes as she heard his palms crackling, and there was a small explosion.
"Excellent landing, your Majesties." Izuku opened her eyes as she felt Katsuki wrap an arm around her, and she turned her head as she heard soft clapping from the side. She saw a young Butler with gray hair and eyes, standing with some maids, smiling at them. "Far better than the other two," The butler pointed down the hall, and Izuku looked over to see Kirishima laying on the ground, groaning while Uraraka patted him on the back.
"Idiots." Katsuki grunted and Izuku let out a small laugh as she saw Uraraka glare back at him.
"Ah, I forgot about the dismount." Todoroki's voice rang out, and Izuku looked over to see him sliding off the ice with practiced ease. "Sorry,"
"It's fine..." Kirishima groaned out as Uraraka helped him up.
"Thank you for melting the ice, Your Highness." The butler laughed out and Todoroki nodded his head to him. "Ah, I actually have something for Her Majesty." The butler turned to look at Izuku, and she blinked in surprise as Katsuki held her arm to keep her standing. "This arrived for you," The butler bowed to her, and held out a sealed letter in an old envelope.
"A letter...?" Izuku asked curiously, and looked at it curiously as she reached out to take it from the butler. She saw her name scribbled across the front in messy writing, and looked it over, before she looked up at the butler. "Ah, thank you. Sorry for the trouble, err...?"
"Matsuda." The butler smiled at her warmly, and Izuku nodded her head to him as she accepted the letter. "It was no trouble," He waved a hand at her, and She felt Katsuki's hand grip her arm. She looked up at him and the others, and smiled as she took his help with with walking down the hallway.
"Who would send you a letter...?" Todoroki asked curiously as she looked the envelope over, and she shrugged her shoulders.
"I'm not sure..." she said thoughtfully as they made their way through the hallway, before they came to a door that lead outside.
"We're gunna have to run, we didn't bring cloaks." Kirishima said with a nervous grin, and Izuku let out a soft laugh.
"Come on." She looked up at Katsuki as he spoke, and he scooped her off her feet and into his arms.
"I-I can-" Izuku started, before she saw him narrow his eyes up at her. "... Alright..." She sighed out as he wrapped his arms around her middle and held her tight. She turned her head to look over at Todoroki as he opened up the doors, and the small group made a run for it towards the stables.
"IT'S FREEZING!" Uraraka cried out as she ran faster than the others, and Izuku let out a giggle as she hugged Katsuki around his shoulders while he ran. They burst through the stable doors, and the group let out a collective shudder to rid the chill off of their skin, all except Todoroki.
"It's not that bad," He said with a shrug, and Izuku laughed a bit before she heard a familiar snort. She turned her head to look over at the three dragons that took up most of the large building, while Yuki stood off to the side, eyeing them up with distaste.
"Baku...!" Izuku called out as the Fire dragon looked at them with big golden eyes. He move first towards their group, and Izuku lifted her hands up to his snout as he lowered his head to her. "Baku, how are you...?" Izuku cooed out as she hugged his snout with her arms, and the dragon pressed into her embrace. She giggled as she held onto him, and he lifted her up out of Katsuki's hold.
"HEY!" Katsuki snapped angrily, but Izuku continued to hug the dragon tightly. "Put her down, Baku!" Katsuki called out, but the dragon ignored him as he continued to get a hug from Izuku.
"I think he knew something was wrong this whole time..." Kirishima said with a small laugh as he looked up at the dragon, before Iwa came over for attention along with Riku.
"Of course he did... If Izu had the option, she'd sleep in here." Katsuki grumbled out and the others all laughed at that. "He knows she'd come visit every day too..."
"I'm sorry..." Izuku cooed out to the Fire dragon as he lowered her back onto her feet. She looked into his big golden eyes, and grinned at him. "I'll make sure you get some deer soon," She told the dragon as she held onto his snout for support.
"Oh it's you guys!" Izuku turned her head as she heard Natsuo, and saw him step into the stables with his other brother, Touma. "And Her Majesty! WOW!" Izuku laughed as Natsuo came running over to her with a big grin. "I heard you were awake finally! It's good to see you're all better! That fight the other day was absolutely amazing, you're so strong!"
"And the rumors were true..." Everyone turned to look over at Touma as he spoke up, which Izuku learned was a pretty rare event from how surprised his brothers were to see him talk. "you really did end up covered in blood while fighting..."
"While riding a wolf!" Natuso said with a laugh as he clapped a hand on Izuku's shoulder. She buckled under the force of the friendly gesture, and fell to her knees among the hay. "Whoa! I-I'm sorry, are you alright?!" Natsuo cried out in surprise as everyone rushed to help her.
"Yes, sorry...!" Izuku laughed out as she waved her hands around. "Just a bit weak from being asleep for so long!" She looked up at Katsuki as he skidded to a stop next to her and bent down to help her to her feet. She let out a sigh as he steadied her, and smiled up at the frowning Natsuo.
"That's a bit strange..." Touma spoke again, and Izuku looked over at him. She saw his piercing teal eyes analyzing her with a familiar look in them, and felt a shiver down her spine. "if it were more along the lines of 5 or 6 days, I could see it... But you were only asleep for 3. Muscle Atrophy shouldn't have happened that easily..."
"You read too much." Natsuo said with a sigh as he looked over at his brother. "What I find strange is you went to the city library for only a few hours the other day."
"Did you come here for a reason, other than to knock Izuku down?" Todoroki asked Natsuo with a raised red eyebrow, and the brother grinned at him.
"Yeah, I wanted to look at these dragons some more!" He pointed up at the fire dragon that was hovering over Izuku and Katsuki protectively. "I saw people coming in here, and thought it would be a good opportunity to ask questions you know!"
"Are you interested?" Kirishima asked with a smile as he stepped up.
"Yeah!" Natsuo grinned again, and Izuku smiled up at him. "You see, we don't get a lot of dragons here, other than the ice type that live on the cliffs over the ocean! And they don't seem to friendly..." he sighed out.
"I've never interacted with the Ice ones before," Kirishima said with a laugh.
"The cliffs...?" Izuku asked with wide eyes as she tried to edge closer. The boys looked over at her, as her eyes sparkled with the need to know. "Like... They nest on the cliffs...?" She asked curiously and smiled. "Can you show me where when I'm able to walk better?" her fists were pumping up and down with excitement. "I want to see them so badly, what are they like?! I bet they're pure white!"
"Izuchan..." Uraraka laughed out as she watched Izuku practically vibrate with excitement now as she began speculating the dragons.
"Well they're really white, that's for sure!" Natsuo said with a wave of his finger and a grin. "Their eyes are sapphire blue too! If it was snowing hard enough you definitely wouldn't be able to see them!"
"I can't wait to go look...!" Izuku said excitedly, before she felt a hand clamp down on her shoulder. She looked back at Katsuki who had his eyes narrowed at her.
"You're not going near a cliff that's possibly covered in Ice." He told her with a grumble and everyone looked at him with wide eyes. "You'd slip off it and we'd never see you again."
"Right..." Izuku laughed nervously while the others giggled around her. "But... I really want to see them though... This is a really good chance...!"
"I said no." Katsuki spoke firmly.
"She'll be okay if we all go." Todoroki said simply, and everyone looked over at him. "We could tie a rope to a tree and the other end to her. That way when she falls off, she won't go far."
"That's a good idea, actually." Kirishima laughed out.
"Why didn't we think of that before?" Uraraka groaned out and Izuku paled a bit.
"I take it, you fall off a lot of cliffs?" Natsuo laughed as he looked down at her.
"Er... Yeah..." she sighed out, and heard the Todoroki brother laugh loudly at that statement.
"So graceful in battle, yet a klutz outside of it." Touma said simply and Izuku glanced over at him curiously. "You..." He looked down at her with those piercing teal eyes once again, and Izuku felt another chill on her spine as she saw them narrow at her. "... Have hay stuck to you." He pointed a finger at her skirt, and she looked down. She heard the others laugh again as she picked it off, and let out her own small laugh.
"Well, Fuyumi will be happy to see you about!" Natsuo laughed, and Izuku looked up at him curiously. "She's visiting with mother right now, but we should head back inside the warm castle, get some lunch!"
"Right..." Izuku raised her head, and the others looked at her curiously. "I'm supposed to speak with Lord Endeavor after lunch..."
"Good luck with that." Natsuo sighed out, and Izuku laughed nervously as he patted her shoulder. "Though... He's been awful quiet the past few days."
"No yelling or out of control flames..." Touma spoke up as the group headed for the doors.
"It's kind of..." Todoroki scratched his chin and the three bothers stopped in their tracks.
"Unsettling..." The three sighed out together, and Izuku let out a loud laugh with the others, before she turned to look at Baku who was following behind them.
"Baku, I'll be back tomorrow." She cooed out to the dragon and patted his snout. "Stay here where it's warm and you have room." She smiled as the dragon snorted small flames and she giggled a bit as he nudged his nose against her once again, and she placed a kiss on his warm scales.
"Come on..." Izuku looked up at Katsuki as he held an arm out to her, and she smiled at him as he wrapped his arms around her and picked her up once again as the others exited the stables.
"I'm starting to think you just like carrying me around..." Izuku mumbled out to him as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders while he sauntered over to the doors.
"I'm not going to lie..." Katsuki said with a shrug and she giggled a bit at the smirk on his lips. "I do like getting to feel your bottom," She squeaked in surprise as he squeezed her butt and she smacked him on the shoulder as he laughed.
"Your Majesty, it's so good to see you!" Izuku smiled at Fuyumi as they entered the great hall, and the princess rushed over to her with a bright happy smile. "I heard you slept for a long time, are you feeling alright?"
"Just a bit weak, I'm okay." Izuku said with a warm smile to the princess who sighed with relief at that statement.
"We're going to have lunch up stairs with the others," Kirishima said with a smile as Uraraka and him both stood outside the room.
"Are you sure...?" Izuku asked with a frown and Uraraka nodded her head.
"We know you have to talk to Lord Endeavor after," she said with a grin and Izuku felt a bit nervous for a moment. "Good luck, you'll do great!" Uraraka hugged Izuku quickly, before her and Kirishima went to go join the others. Katsuki helped Izuku over to a chair, and she smiled as he pushed it in for her after she took a seat. The room was quiet with only the Todoroki family, Katsuki and herself in it, and she looked up at Fuyumi, seeing questions burning in her gray eyes.
"Thank you..." Izuku broke the silence, and the others looked up at her curiously. "For letting us stay here, and for all the meals."
"W-We should be the ones saying thank you!" Fuyumi said with a frown, and Izuku looked at her in confusion. "You put your life on the line for Koto and all it's people!"
"You fought harder out there than anyone else!" Natsuo said with a huff, and Izuku blushed a bright red. She heard Katsuki huff in agreement beside her, and looked down at her plate.
"Koto owes it's thanks to you." Todoroki spoke next, and Izuku glanced over at him nervously.
"I wish there was more we could offer you," Fuyumi sighed out as the group ate. "We owe you a great deal more than you think., ask for anything and we'll give it to you."
"... Well..." Izuku looked up at the Princess with a bright smile. "The only thing I could ask for is that everyone in Koto is safe and smiling." Fuyumi's cheeks turned a bright red as Izuku beamed at her and the prince's across the table. "I want everyone to feel relieved that I'm here. It's my job to keep you all safe... The thank you's are more than enough."
"Wuh..." Izuku looked over at Natsuo as he dropped his glass, and Fuyumi covered her face with her hands to hide the bright red blush on her cheeks. "WHAT A LUCKY GUY YOU ARE, BAKUGOU!" The older brother pointed a finger at Katsuki who glared at him darkly.
"I fucking know that," The Tribal King growled out, and Todoroki shook his head with a sigh.
"Lucky indeed." Izuku jumped in her chair and turned her head to look up at a grinning Hawks as he leaned in between her and Katsuki. "Your Majesty, it's good to see you awake," He laughed out before he stood up straight to avoid a crackling fist from Katsuki. "You gave all of a scare, passing out in the snow like that."
"I'm sorry," Izuku frowned and looked down at her lap in shame. "I didn't mean to worry anyone..."
"After your hard work, you earned the long rest you took." Hawks patted her on the head, and Izuku glanced up at him nervously. "IF you're finished eating, I'm here to escort you and His Majesty..." Hawks glanced over at Katsuki who raised an angry eyebrow at him while growling. "Up to Endeavy's study."
"Ah," Izuku smiled up at Hawks, and nodded her head. "Is that alright?" She glanced over at the still blushing Fuyumi and grinning Natsuo.
"Yes of course!" Fuyumi said with a nod of her head.
"Give him a talking to again!" Natsuo said with a grin, and Izuku giggled a bit as Katsuki helped her stand up.
"Your Highness," Hawks looked over at Todoroki who raised an eyebrow. "Your Father would like to see you as well."
"Ah, I guess that's a good idea." Todoroki said as he stood up. The group, now dwindled down to just 3 and hawks, made their way through the castle. Katsuki carried Izuku up the stairs with ease, as they didn't want to keep Endeavor waiting, and when they finally made it to the study, Izuku looked up at the large doors nervously.
"Endeavy, I brought her Majesty, as well as His Majesty and your son, Shouto." Hawks called out as he opened up the doors with a grin. Izuku saw Endeavor standing by the window in the study, staring out at the falling snow with his hands linked behind his back.
"Thank you, you can leave Hawks." Endeavor called out, and waved a hand. The hero laughed and bowed to Izuku, before he stepped outside and the doors clicked shut. "have a seat." Endeavor pointed to a large comfy sofa, and Katsuki helped her over to it, before she sat down. "I've been told you're weak after the battle from the other night."
"My apologies, the rest got to me." Izuku told the Lord, but he continued to stare out at the falling snow on the other side of the window.
"At least look at her when you talk, old man." Todoroki grumbled out, and Izuku looked over at the prince with a nervous smile on her face.
"Shouto..." Endeavor turned around, and Izuku looked over at him curiously. She saw the look in his eyes had drastically changed since she last saw him... Tough they were in the heat of battle, there was sort of glare he never got rid of. He was even speaking softer than normal... She gripped the hem of her dress as she watched Endeavor step around his desk and looked down at his son. "... I'm... Proud of you." He told Todoroki, and the prince's eyes widened in shock and disbelief as he looked up at his father. "There's a lot I would like to discuss..." The lord looked over at Izuku, and she saw it... The look was much softer in them now, no longer hateful of everything. "But first..." The lord let out a grunt, Izuku assumed it was his form of a sigh, before he looked back at Todoroki who was watching him with careful eyes.
"I'd like you to go see your mother." Endeavor spoke, and Izuku swore her jaw hit the floor.