StormyFictioners Holiday mix of oneshots.

A mix of oneshots of the different Universes and Fandoms we StormyFictioners have already started. Please check out our stories that these chapters are based on. We will try to write these where a person wouldn't have to read them first, but we do recommend to check them out. Each will start out with information on the story that the one shot it based on. They will be randomly selected however, comment on which story you would like done next and it might sway us. :)

Four Bones and One Tiny Human




Fell papyrus- Fell

Fell sans- Red

Swap papyrus- Stretch

Swap sans- Blue


Romance, Hurt/Comfort


M for Sexual content

Story Summary:

The UnderSwap Brothers end up in UnderFell staying with their doppelgangers. This is a journey of their discovery of romance and difficulties in becoming a family. Rated M for sexual content. Each chapter will have Characters and a Summary at the Top. We don't own Undertale. ships include: EdgeBerry and HoneyMustard. later Fellcest and Swapcest.

Chapter Summary:

Continuation from Chapter 21 Red and Blue have a surprise for their lovers and brothers, Fell and Stretch. However, Fell and Stretch seem to have a bigger surprise than just making their lovers dinner. Sexy times. Lots of Feels. Answers to Questions. More questions.

P.s. Like all the other dresses/outfits these are actual sexy dresses that you can wear and show off to your mirror or significant other. You can either look it up using the descriptions that we got from the websites or message us to get a link/picture to find it.

-Valentine's Day: Four Bones and One Tiny Human-

You could hear the two Sans' mumbling behind Blue and Fell's shared bedroom door. They were doing the finishing touches on their surprise for their lovers and brothers. Since, Stretch and Fell were off bringing Frisk to stay the night with MK and Napstablook they didn't worry about keeping their voices down.

"I'm not sure about this… what if it looks stupid!" Blue whined flopping onto a rose petalled bed and let the lace garment fall to the floor.

Red grumbled working his way back over to the other in his bony glory not having time to get on his own outfit. His ecto body had pudged some starting to slowly showing that he was indeed pregnant. "Come on sugar. You will look great. Lets get it on ya and if you don't like it ya can change in to the sexy nurse outfit i got."

Blue pouted "you promise?"

Red chuckled "cross my soul."

Blue smiled standing again and letting Red help him into the the sexy two piece party dress made from lace. Getting the skirt up onto his hips and hooked into place Blue went to the mirror giving a small smile and admiring how it fit.

Red gave a low whistle "Dam Sugar you look hot as fuck".

"Language!" but Blue had to admit he did look "hot as fuck". The dress accented his bones very well. The lace was a light artic blue and left no bones to the imagination and worked well with his eye lights and thin ecto body. The neckline rimmed Blue's clavicle and the top trailed off before his last rib and the start of his slight pudge of ecto body. The skirt hugged his illium, a little poking slightly over the lace. The skirt ended a little after his knees.

Red chuckled giving Blue a small clank to the back of his neck making the smaller shiver. "Better get on mine then."

Red went to the purple bag from Muffet's pulling out his dress that resembled more of strings with some fabric. It was a cherry red, plus sized seamless stocking, sexy lace up dress lingerie. It left nothing to the imagination, the material just a light layer covering his bones and ecto body. A diamond pattern stretched over his bones and skin. The front and back had a window slit that opened to the bottom of his ribs only slightly obscured by the diamond patterned thread that kept the dress together. The sleeves were also made of the diamond patterned thread. The dress ended high on his femurs.

Walking to the mirror Red flushed slightly at the image. He actually looked pretty good.

"Woowie! You look really sexy Red!" Red blushed looking away and rubbing the back of his neck bashfully. "Thanks sugar."

Stretch and Fell entered the house "Red! Blue! we're home!" Fell called, they had planned something for the occasion as well. Fell held two boxes of chocolate and Stretch had some non alcoholic champagne.

"Oh shit!" Red cursed looking around to finishing last minute touches. "Uh um Sugar how about you get on the bed and strike a pose. Yeah that sounds good-that will work."

Blue nodded snatching some petals off the bed as he got on it. Laying out facing the door in a "paint me like a french girl" pose Blue trew some petals up so they would rain down on him. "Mwehehehe this work?"

Red cursed under his breath "yeah looks perfect sugar. Um o shit i gotta- shit forgot the trail." snatching another thing of petals he quickly tossed them out of the door petals flying everywhere before rushing back in and heading to the other bed.

Fell heard them curse and the door opening and slamming shut before petals rains down from upstairs. he chuckled "guess we weren't the only ones planning something..."

"Yeah but I have a feeling our plans are a bit derailed..." Stretch chuckled patting a little black box in his pocket knowing Fell had a matching one.

Red felt his bones and excto skin crawl. He was nervously rattling the longer the silence continued. What if they didn't see the petals. What if they thought this was stupid. What if it wasn't enough. If he wasn't enough.

"You think they saw the petals yet? This is getting a little uncomfortable. Should i just call?" Blue asked edging on impatient.

"N-nah. They are probably just taking their sweet time."

Fell climbed up first and knocked on the door "are our pretty ones behind this door?" He purred

Blue giggled "i don't know strange voice, are they? You might need to come and check Mwehehehe."

Fell smirked and turned the knob opening up and entering first before freezing at the sight.

Stretch followed before his jaw nearly fell off his face.

Blue giggled striking another pose and blowing them a kiss. "SURPRISE! You like it? Aren't we Sexy! Mwhehehehe it was Red's idea."

Red flushed a deep red, nervously picking at his arms. "Ya like it?"

Fell nodded "shit..." He said and came over "you're gorgeous…"

Stretch was still trying to form words blood began dripping from his nose as he only had eyes for Red "nyaahrke?"

Red flush giving a small giggle looking down at his bony fingers embarrassed. Glancing up through his non existent eyelashes at Stretch Red murmured "ya bleeding ya perv."

Blue giggled beckoning to Fell. "you think so Felly?"

Stretch shook himself "sacrebleu! putain, j'ai vu le paradis!" He said and walked forward kneeling beside the bed and reaching to touch his glorious mate. (damn it! damn, I've saw paradise!)

[BlueXFell EdgeBerry]

"Oh I know so my sweet little vixen" Fell purred running his hands over his body "did Red pick the dresses too?"

Blue giggled giving Fell a clank "yup! They're sexy aren't they?" looking up at Fell with hooded sockets Blue mumbled "Though you might have to help me out of it. I don't think i can reach the zipper Felly~"

Fell chuckled darkly and ran his hands down his thighs "who said I was letting you out of it?" He said kissing him and sliding his tongue in when he gasped

Blue hummed into the kissed wrapping his arms around Fell's neck and pulling him down and closer.

Fell got on top of him pulling him up into the kiss.

Blue pulled back from the kiss panting, his eye lights hearts. "Fell~"

Fell smirked "my sweet little Blue so sexy for me" he said reaching under the skirt. Blue wiggled giving a small gasp.

Fell ran his fingers over his slit "so cute..." He said and licked his neck.

Blue moaned grinned up at Fell. "so strong and handsome."

"So small and delicate" Fell countered sliding a finger in "and devious... Wearing such enticing clothes... Derailing my carefully made plans for the evening..."

Blue giggled "oh? The great and terrible Papyrus's plans derailed oh whatever shall you do about that? You going to punish me~"

Fell smirked "I will" he said sitting on the bed and putting Blue on his knee

Blue gasped in shock and nervousness "wait-what are you doing?"

Fell placed a hand on his butt "I'm going to punish you..." He purred.

Blue whined giving Fell a frown "i-i was just joking. It w-was supposed to be sexy. I didn't do anything wrong… did i?"

Fell chuckled "of course you didn't love... And it was very sexy" he said and smacked his bottom not enough to actually hurt him, but to create a pleasant sting before soothing it away with gentle rubs

Blue pouted turning away looking betrayed. He hated it when his brother spanked him. It meant he had done something wrong, something bad. Blue didn't really care if Fell ment it in a lewd sexual way, it still hurt, well his feelings.

Fell raised a brow and lifted Blue up "you know you aren't really being punished" he said and nuzzled him "I guess I should have talked to you beforehand... It's just spankings. many couples do it sexually"

Blue pouted "well i don't like it. Sex it for feeling good not for being mean."

Fell nodded and picked him up and kissed him "alright my dear" he said and kissed him "I'm sorry"

Blue smiled "i forgive you." turning and straddling the other Blue ran his hands down Fell's pants rubbing at the bones he found. "Now give me what i really want."

Fell chuckled and summoned his hard cock opening his pants he pulled Blue on him "gladly" he purred and began pushing it in.

Blue moaned wiggling and pushing himself onto Fell more.

Fell growled and lowered him easily and began thrusting in and out of him with a moan.

The room was filled with a mix of wanton moans. "Ah Fell!" "Str-ah-etch~"

For the taller skeletons both were in paradise buried in their respective lovers

Blue looked up to Fell drool running down his chin "Fell~"

Fell began speeding up holding Blue's hips helping him bounce on his cock

Blue moaned leaning into Fell's chest letting his lover take complete control. "Oh i love this. I love you. Oh my Felly."

Fell smirked and moved his hands down to squeeze his plump ass "I love you too my sweet Blueberry" he purred and nuzzled his skull glad he could give him pleasure he could not wait till he got to ask his important question.

Blue moaned leaning up and sliding his tongue against Fell's teeth.

Fell opened his mouth and tangled his tongue with his

[RedXStretch HoneyMustard]

Red flushed covering his skull. Seeing Stretch like that make him feel extremely embarrassed and nervous. Peeking through his fingers Red whispered "y-ya really like it? I-if ya don't we can do something else. I-i got a nurse outfit incase. Fuck sorry this is probably stupid heh i can just take it off and we can watch movies or take a nap or something"

Stretch chuckled and kissed his boyfriend "you look just fine my darling... Makes me want to ravish you"

Red blinked before giving a large smile and pulling Stretch into another kiss. "You really mean it? Even with this fat in the way?"

"Red my darling you're pregnant. you'd worry me if you weren't fat... Plus I like my baby with a little meat in his bones" he said and nipped his thighs

Red squeaked his legs trying to close on Stretch's skull. "S-St-Stretch! Ya know i'm s-sensitive. Wait... Did you call me fat?! You Ass!"

Stretch chuckled and put his head under the skirt

Red gasped instantly trying to push the skull out of his short dress. "Stretch you can't avoid me! Ya called me fat you little fuck!"

Stretch drug his summoned tongue over his delicious folds "you know I didn't mean it like that ma'chete" he purred

Red gasped giving a small moan. Teeth quivering slightly Red felt unwanted tears form. He knew this was ridiculous. It was a joke! Red, himself makes rude comments all the time! Why was he being all emotional over this?! "Th-then how did you mean it? That i'm fat and ugly now, but it's okay since it's your fault. Is that it?"

Stretch sat up instantly when he heard that "no no ma'chere..." He said getting on the bed pulling Red into his lap. "My love... I didn't mean it that way at all... You aren't fat you're beautiful. You're chubby but it's adorable" he said kissing his tears away. "I adore every single inch of you..." He said

Red sniffled giggling softly at the tickling kisses. "You mean it? I-i love you Stretch. Sorry i get so emotional all the time. Dam kid. I-if you want we can try again."

Stretch smiled and kissed him "of course my sweet Cherry" he said.

Red hummed feeling more at ease and leaned in closer to kiss Stretch. Red tangled his hands in the familiar soft hoodie humming contently

Stretch kissed him deeply. if Red moved a bit he would feel a hard box in Stretch's hoodie pocket

Red hummed into the kiss pulling back, but only a hair. "So was that chocolate and alcohol for us later?"

"Fake alcohol but yes" he chuckled "we had a candlelight dinner planned" he chuckled

Red hummed in aprovel "oh you romantic. Now take off this hoodie and sex me good." Red tugged on his hoodie his hand clenching something hard "ow what the crap? Dang Stretch empty your pockets before crawling into bed with someone. Ya all pokey and not the cuddly honey bear you're supposed to be."

Stretch chuckled and pulled his hoodie off revealing the black tank top. "Sorry it's a surprise" he said and dropped his hoodie on the floor.

Red grinned tugging the other closer sucking on his neck "ooo can't wait."

Stretch purred and tilted his head and rubbed his clothed hard on against him "mind undoing my pants" he purred

Red chuckled "lazy." rubbing hard on the clothed pelvis Red worked on undoing his pants. Sliding his dress higher Red rubbed their pelvises together.

Stretch purred "you know it babe" he purred and rolled them over "don't know if I should fuck you now or get my tongue back into your sweet slit."

Red gave a small moan at his options. "Nyah please put your devils tongue to work."

Stretch growled pleased and got his head back under the skirt putting his tongue quickly to work

The room was filled with a mix of wanton moans. "Ah Fell!" "Str-ah-etch~"

For the taller skeletons both were in paradise buried in their respective lovers

Red gasped loudly bucking slightly into the invading tongue as it hit a sensitive spot. Shaky hands landed on the top of Stretch's skull, not pushing him away or closer, just holding him.

Stretch didn't push him too much moving his tongue lovingly in and out playing with his clit. his pretty kitten needed all the love.

Red shivered moaning. Stretch was an expert with his tongue. "Gah no-no wonder ya-your so good at-ah-talkin'. S-silver tongued d-devil."

Stretch chuckled and removed his tongue a moment "tu me flattes mon cher" he purred nibbling his thighs "I love nothing more than letting this silver tongue pleasure you" (You flatter me my dear)

Red hummed in approval. "Everything you do pleasures me."

Stretch purred and licked his clit again, pulling it softly with his teeth before diving back in with more vigor.

Red gave a startled squeak that tapered into a moan. Oh stars he was close. His walls were practically seeping with juices that Stretch lapped up

Stretch gripped his thighs a bit digging closer moaning into his slit

Red shutter at the vibrations, his thighs clenching as juices squirted around Stretch's tongue. Red gave a shuttery moan as he orgasimed. He wasn't sure if he was sensitive or Stretch was just that good that he was able to orgasim with just oral.

Stretch drank up the juice eagerly even if it stained his teeth a bit he sat up after. growling a little as his judgment eye radiated his magic making him look both sexy and dangerous as his lust spilt forth. "Ready for more?" He purred

Red gave a small whimper wiggling closer to him. "P-please."

Stretch smirked and kissed him pushing his cock in quickly the normally lazy man eager to fuck his baby into the matress

"Ah! Ah-so fast~" Red gave him a dopey grin clanking his neck and ribs "no-ah need to rush. We have the rest of our lives heh."

"Hmmm I like to live in the present baby..." He purred holding Red tightly as he kissed his skull Red just pushed all the right buttons today and he deserved to be rewarded for it

Red hummed moaning grinding down into Stretch "then use me like we don't have tomorrow."

Stretch growled and pulled out flipping Red over and putting a hand between his shoulder blades and he shoved back in and began fucking him hard and fast eager to fill his mates request.

"AH-S-St-ars! Stretch!" Red gave loud wanton moans as he was plowed into the mattress. He could feel a climax approaching quick and it excited him that Stretch might not stop there. Oh stars what if they fucked until he passed out?

Stretch smirked as he jerked his hips in and out making sure to run against his clit "cum for me my little Cherry... Let everyone know who's fucking you" he purred possessively.

Red gasped squirming. Clentching the sheets Red quivered and moaned as he orgasimed. Drooling and giving small content noises Red pushed his hips back to meet Stretch's thrust. "I'll *gasp* make sure every*gasp*one knows it's you,love."

"Good" he purred continuing his quick thrusts he'd come soon but he was far from done he hasn't been so worked up in awhile. Valentine's dinner be damned he could propose tomorrow... Or right now.

Red moaned, he was drooling and quivering underneath the other. Red looked extremely debauched his heart shaped eye lights just and addition to the wreaked skeleton. Oh how he love this.

Stretch watched with possessive eyes he used a quick flick of magic putting the black box in his hand setting it just out of Red's eyesight he leaned down whispering into his ear canal "you love this don't you? You love me..." He purred

Red nodded giving small moans at just Stretch's voice. Stars it was like honey and Red was drowning in it. "Stars-Fuck-Yes! Ah~ yes! yes! S-Stretch Stars I love you so much~"

"Good" he breathed and licked along the curve of his skull. "And you'll love me forever right? Want to stay like this... Us and our babies" he purred flipping the box open almost ready to show him. "Wear my own brand on you for all to see?" He wouldn't dare replace Red's collar it was important to him, but the ring would be just as telling.

Red moaned and shivered in delight "F-fuck yes! I'll l-oh-ove you even a-after i'm d-dust~ i-i'll c-Ah-carve your name into me if-if ya w-ah-nt."

"That won't be necessary my love" he purred pushing the open box in front of Red. Inside was a gold ring with rubies in it set to look like the sun lost so long ago and engraved in it was a curved 'Papyrus'

Red gasped giving only small moans and noises. Large tears dripped down his cheeks. Using one hand to try to scrubbed them away Red hiccuped. Sniffling as he burst fully into tears Red gave shakey nods. "Y-y-ye-es y-yes yes fuck you idiot Yes!"

Stretch purred watching his mate and leaned over him kissing his tears away "my sweet sweet Cherry... I love you so much" he cooed

Red shook as he cried into the sheets. "Pull out so i can hug you, du Esel!" (you dumbass!)

Stretch chuckled and pulled out helping him roll over and picked him up.

Red clinged to Stretch's ribs crying softly. "I-i love you. Ich liebe dich so sehr, meine Liebe. mein Ehemann. mein Seelenverwandter." (I love you so much, my dear. my husband. my soulmate.) with a wet chuckle Red rubbed their bones together. "Jetzt, mein Ehemann. Finish what you started." (Now, My husband.)

Stretch's soul swam with joy at his lovers sweet words he didn't know what they said directly but the sentiment rang clear and when Red told him to continue he smiled "gladly but first..." He slid the ring onto his ring finger and smiled kissing him as he slid back in with a loving growl

Red shivered wrapping his arms securely around Stretch's neck. As he was ravaged by his lover Red admired the ring over Stretch's shoulder. It truly was beautiful, perfect just like Stretch.

Stretch thought it matched Red's perfection himself. The red rubies shown like his eyes and his magic. The gold like his heart and his tooth... He kissed him and slid his tongue into his mouth tangling it with his mates as his thrusts sped up and became erratic. Red was his. His mate. his one and only. Red was going to marry him

Red felt bliss hit him as he climaxed for the third time. His moans lost in the other's mouth. Stretch was claiming him. His body. His soul. His mind. His reputation. His whole life. And Red was happy to give it to him. Signed, sealed, delivered, and bound with a kiss.

Stretch moaned into the kiss and came inside his mate his soul pulsing enough for Red to feel it promising eternity for them... Even if they couldn't bond again just yet while he was pregnant. Stretch broke the long kiss and gave him many little pecks and whispered praises and promises

Red sank into the embrace feeling boneless. Red flushed at all the praises and promises. They made him feel a little giddy inside. His soul humming bright and happily.

Stretch held him nuzzling his skull. He'd provide as good of a life as he could here they were already working to make things better and Stretch had a job now everything was improving and he would make Red happy he swore it.

"I love ya. More than anything else... Thank you... For pickin' me." Red murmured

"Thanks for having me" Stretch said and held his cheek. "You make my life so much better"

Red gave him a gentle smile. "Ditto, sexy bones. Now let's bask in the post proposal sex haze. This is getting to sappy for me I call for a cuddle filled nap." Red gave a small yawn.

Stretch purred and stroked his skull "me too" he purred giving him a last sweet kiss "goodnight my lovely bride"

Red hummed contently nuzzling into the other and Stretch smiled and rested with him.

[back to BlueXFell EdgeBerry]

Blue moaned loudly clenching desperately at Fells shirt.

Fell squeezed his ass before moving down to lick and suck on his neck. his pretty Blue was all he needed

Blue moan voicing his desire and lust with small noisy whines. "Fell ah so good- so big-ah fill me~"

"I will my sweet..." He growled softly

Blue whined clinging to Fell and sucking lazily on his neck and ribs.

Fell reached down and played with his clit he was close... "Gonna fill you up baby..."

Blue looked up to Fell his gaze filled with lust. Pulling him into a kiss that was all tongue and teeth. "Do it. Fill me with your cum. Fill me Papyrus."

Fell growled in pleasure gripping his hips thrusting harshly before he came hard within him moaning his name.

Blue moaned leaning heavily into Fell's ribs as he climaxed with his lover. After catching his breath Blue wiggled out of Fell's hold shuffling to his pillow. Blue pulled out a small black box from under his pillow. "Fell, i love you. You make me so happy and take amazing care of me. So it was simple to figure out i want to spend forever with you. so, will you marry me?" he popped opened the box inside rested a silver band with a embedded pear shaped ruby jewel.

Fell looked at Blue in shock "well hell... I was gonna ask you the same..." He said pulling out a box and opening it a silver band with a brilliant tear drop sapphire in it. He blushed "I'll marry you if you marry me…"

Blue gasped lightly eager to swap boxes, holding out his box for Fell as he took the box from the other. "Woowie it's so pretty!" beaming up at the other Blue exclaimed happily "of course i'll marry you Fell! You are my soulmate. Mwhehehehe."

Fell took the box and kissed him lovingly

Blue giggled kissing his soon to be husband back. "Sorry it's not very big or flashy. I thought i might be better if it was like this. So, you don't have to worry about it while you work and you can wear it under your gloves if you want."

"Thank you for being considerate... I'll take care of it" he promised kissing him repeatedly "I love you so much Blue."

Blue giggled giving him lots of small kisses over his skull. "I love you too my edgy bear~"

"Whatever Blueberry" he said

"Aw don't be a grumpy wump. I loooove you Felly~"

Red grumbled "sugar don't tease the boss."

Blue gasped "I wasn't!"

Stretch pet his skull "go to sleep Red" he chuckled.

Fell pet Blue "was too"

Blue poked out his tongue "nu ah! Was not."

Red grumbled snuggling closer to Stretch "i would but their old lady bickering is keeping me awake honey"

Stretch purred softly "guys let Red sleep" he said

"Fine fine" Edge said "we need to rest too we can make dinner later."

Red hummed contently snuggling into Stretch's ribs before starting to let out small snores.

Blue pouted but snuggled up under Fell's chin. "Sorry i didn't mean to tease. You know i love you my great and wonderful Papyrus… this will be the first nap we'll have being engaged."

Stretch smiled and soon joined this mate asleep.

Fell smiled and kissed him lovingly "yes it will goodnight my dear"

Blue smiled snuggling closer "night Fell."

"Night" he replied and fell asleep soul beating contently.

[Time Skip]

Blue squirmed on the couch cushion. "Are you absolutely sure you don't need my help? I promise it will still be very thoughtful if i help cook it."

Red chuckled "Sugar let them do their thing. They can handle cooking one meal together."

Stretch was lounging on the table chopping veggies with magic.

"You lazy bum... And no we have it under control!" Fell called

Blue whined flopping back onto the couch.

Red simply laughed at Blue's suffering. "Come on Blue enjoy some relaxing time with me."

"No! Being lazy isn't relaxing. I can't do it!"

Red frowned "well ya can't bother them. Come on we can go try on some more stuff i got from Muffit. Playing dress up, that'll make ya feel better, right?"

Blue sighed, but nodded taking the others hand and walking to the stairs.

Stretch heard them leave and purred "we should buy our babies more dresses"

"I like that idea"

Red made his way to his room dragging a few bags out from under his bed. "Welp here we are all the gold i own and everything i'm going to be wearing until this kid pops out."

Blue giggled pulling out a silky black strapped knee length dress. It was a little bigger than him but it looked like it would compensate for Red's ever growing baby pudge. "I like this one! It looks fancy and would look like you were on a date. Put it on!"

Red frowned "m-me?"

"Yeah! You'll look pretty. Plus we might clean up a little before we go eat what our Papys' are fixing."

Red chuckled but nodded slipping out of his thin sexy lingerie dress. Doing a quick swipe down of his bones with a wet rag Red slipped the other dress on. It felt really soft. It looked really good too. "Okay find you one."

Stretch left the house at some point to find flowers for the table.

Red groaned flopped on his mattress as Blue went through every single one of the dresses he had picked up. Twice! "Piiiiiiick one"

Blue humed holding up two close together. Both would fit him. Both would be comfortable. One had straps. The other was shorter and when to just above his knees. "Hmmmmm." black and gold or red and black. "Okay what about this one? No wait i got it this one!" Blue tossed the red and black dress back in with the others. Slipping on the sleeveless dress Blue gave a small twirl. It was flowy and soft and even though it came above his knees Blue really liked it.

Red groaned "Thank Stars!"

Fell knocked on the door "dinner is ready!"

Red gave a small cheer "Yes! Thank you Boss i'm starving down to my bones."

Blue groaned helping the other skeleton up and making his way to the door. "We're coming."

Fell opened the door leaning on the frame with a purr "oh what pretty skellies" he knelt kissing Blue on the teeth and Red on the cheek

Red flushed quickly hiding his face and giving a low whine.

Blue giggled leaning up to giving him a kiss back "Was Papy good for you Felly?"

Fell chuckled "he was a lazyass but we got it done"

Blue nodded "i'm excited to taste what you made. I bet it will be delicious as always."

Red groaned teleporting down to the kitchen. "Stretch? you bros being a suck up."

Stretch picked him up and kissed him "nah he's just being nice" he said and smooched him

Red flailed before realising it was just Stretch. Giving him a small smack to his chest Red pouted "don't do that. Give a skeleton some warning. Freaks me out even more with this kid off balancing me."

"Red! You can't just teleport away." Blue huffed taking Fell's hand and walking to the kitchen.

"Sorry baby"

Fell held his hand "yeah he could be anywhere"

"Red! You were too lazy to just walk down the stairs!? *sigh* i guess it can't be helped, but you lazy bones are going to work out more."

Red nuzzled into Stretch giving his chin a clank. "No. now that all of us are here. Feed me."

"Red you are so rude!"

"Hey my baby is pregnant be nice" Stretch said and made Red a plate it was a candlelit dinner with meat and veggies it must have been a fortune.

Red nervously poked his food "um boss… not to sound… um… well how much was this? I know we aren't poor, but this. It looks like it cost a lot..."

"Shut up Sans and enjoy it... Me and Stretch could pay for it since he has his job now"

Red frowned sniffling quietly. "K boss." Avoiding eye contact Red focused on eating his food, though it was slowly. He shouldn't have tried to question anything. Why should he ask about money Boss handles the money. Gah stupid Sans. all you are is a bother to everyone.

Blue beamed as he dug in to the food "this is really good!"

Fell frowned "Sans... I didn't mean it that way" he said reaching for his brother... "I just meant we could cover it we just wanted to spoil you two for Valentine's..."

Red looked up to him silent tears streaming down his face "sorry."

Fell frowned and pulled him Into his lap "Sans please don't cry. I'm sorry."

Red shook his head scrubbing his sockets. "N-no it's okay. It's my fault. The dam kids fault."

"Not your fault we should be more careful" he said and kissed his cheeks

Red frown mumbling "sorry to be such a bother."

Blue shook his head "you are no bother at all Red!"

"You aren't a bother Red we love you" Stretch said

Red gave them a small smile "l-love you too." giving Fell a small clank. "Thanks for doing all this."

"You're welcome we love you and Blue"

Stretch pet him "yeah"

"Enough to give me alcohol?" Red asked. he could certainly drink right now.

"If we didn't love you we would give you some"

Red pouted giving a few exaggerated sniffles. "Dam this kid. Can i have some of the fake stuff then?"

"Yes you can" Stretch said and poured him a glass

Red took it and sipped it making sure to give them a large pout.

Blue tilted his head asking "does that mean I could have alcohol if i wanted some?"

Stretch shook his head "absolutely not!"

Blue stuck his tongue out before turning to Fell. "Well i wasn't asking you Papy i was asking my husband."

Red's skull whipped over to Blue "Your what!?"

"Fiance Blue" Fell reminded and held up his hand "we proposed to each other last night" he said smiling.

"I proposed to Red too" Stretch smiled taking his fiancés hand

Blue squawked "hey i proposed too!"

Red frowned furrowing his bonebrows "Wait… ya mean that i'm the only one that didn't propose?"

"I did say we..." Fell pointed out.

Stretch pet his skull "that's okay Red Blue is just eccentric" he said

Red pouted but gave a small nod. "Okay, but i feel bad for not proposing anyway… wait does this mean we are going to have a wedding? Who would we even invite?"

Blue pouted "aw you are right. I wish we could invite Alphys and Muffet. Well ours i mean."

"The Dogi love weddings and it could help our alliance."

Red sighed "sounds fine boss, but if i get slaber on my dress i'm gonna be pissed."

Fell chuckled "alright"

Blue nodded sadly. "Yeah… I miss home. Papy, do you think they miss us?"

"I'm sure they miss us..." Stretch said and pulled his brother into his lap

"You think we'll ever go back?"

"Maybe... Gotta fix the machine..." Stretch said

Red gave a distressed whine. "I don't know if that is such a good plan. Wh-what about… you know who."

Stretch sighed "yeah there is that" he said

Red nodded "so do go being all heroic on me. I wouldn't want to be a widow before i get married. Heh"

"I wouldn't let... Such unpleasantries get in my way" he said.

Fell frowned they had gone back into their territory. the one of secrets and lies and he hated it

Red nodded relieved.

Blue frowned "is... Is there someone trying to hurt you? Is there someone we need to keep watch for?"

Stretch pet Red "not at the moment no" he said "I can explain a little later."

Blue pouted but relented. "Fine but you have to promise to tell us later."

Red sighed just getting it over with "it's the doc."

Stretch pet his skull "Gaster is still a threat but we don't know what's going on with him

Red whined mumbling "don't say his name."

"Who's Gaster? Oh-Sorry Red!"

Stretch pet Red "want me to tell them when you go to bed?"

Red thought for a bit before nodding. "Yeah. think i might turn in soon anyway. Boss knows what you told him a while ago. Guess ya never got around to telling Sugar skull?"

"Not really no" he said

Blue pouted crossing his arms "why am I always the last to know anything!"

Red sighed "it's for the best. Not a pretty thing ta talk about."

Stretch rubbed the back of his neck "I find it hard to tell you things because even though you are a capable adult... I still try to over protect you..."

Blue pouted sticking out his tongue "well you don't need to! I'm allowed to know things. How am I supposed to protect you brother if I don't know who or what to protect you from."

Stretch sighed and nuzzled him "I know bro..."

Blue sighed "well as long as you know that."

"I love you" he supplied

Blue grinned "i lo-" "LOve you too babe!" Red chuckled at the shocked expression on Blue's face.

Stretch chuckled and pet Blue "thanks you two"

Red chuckled leaning up to giving him a kiss. "I guess i'll let you get to it. Nap is calling my name. Night hubby, night boss, night Sugar."

"Goodnight my love" Stretch said and kissed him

Red gave them a small wave slowly making his way up stairs. Crawling into bed Red clenched his sockets closed "d-don't bother me ya-ya crazy g-ghost."

Blue turned to Stretch after Red's door closed "okay what's going on?"

"It's about our respective dads Gaster. While ours was good theirs was bad and abused them badly.

Blue gasped turning to Fell "I-i'm so sorry Fell."

Fell sighed "it's hard to hate something I don't remember" he replied but glared at the floor "but seeing the aftermath. what happened to my brother it's unforgivable..." He hissed

Blue nodded "don't worry we will keep Red safe... Papy why don't I remember him? What happened? How is he back?"

"Ours had an accident and was scattered across the void and it made those not present forget him"

Blue frowned "that's-that's terrible! I-i-i forgot my own dad! When he needed support the most too! I'm a horrible son!"

Stretch picked him up "no no you aren't Blue if anything it was my fault you are perfect... He thought so too"

Blue frowned tears welling up "no I'm not! I can't do anything! I can't even protect my family! How long have you been suffering in silence because I couldn't dam well remember Shit!"

Stretch frowned and wiped his tears "bro... It was me... I didn't tell you anything... And you were a baby anyway... There wasn't much to remember" he said

Blue frowned crying "but still… i'm sorry Papy."

"Don't be bro... Don't be" Stretch felt a familiar urge to go drown his feelings in alcohol or some sort of weed, but instead he just rocked his brother. Blue needed him.

Fell hugged them both "it will be okay we'll stop our Gaster from hurting my brother and maybe help your Gaster, right?

Blue nodded swiping at his tears "y-yeah. We'll help our dads be good and Red won't have anymore problems."

"Yeah" Stretch said and nuzzled him

Blue nodded. "Well we shouldn't stress over it now. Today was suppose to be our day. So cuddles and bed?"

Stretch nodded smiling

Blue giggled wiggling. "Come on. It's been a long day. A very wonderful day, but long. "

Stretch nodded and went upstairs with Fell

Blue grimaced as they walked into Red's and Stretch's shared room. "Do you want to all sleep in here?

"Did you want it to be just us?" He asked petting his skull "I was just checking on him"

Blue thought "let's scoot the beds together. I want us to all be together tonight."

Stretch nodded and smooched him "sounds wonderful" he said

Wiggling out of Stretch's arms Blue crawled up onto Red's bed curling up next to him.

Stretch and Fell moved the other bed to cuddle.

Blue gave a small sleeping giggle at the two having to cuddle up. "Spicyhoney… you two are cute together. You should do more stuff together. Dinner was amazing."

Stretch smiled "you think so?"

Blue giggled "mmhmmm. You both are very loving and passionate, well when you want to be. Maybe you both can get along better?"

"We get along fine"

Blue gave a small yawn cuddling closer to Red "yeah i know… but could be better. *yawn* like me an' Red. we are the best of Sansys. Mwehhehe."

"You two are the best" Fell agreed smiling at the cute berries

Blue nodded slowly drifting off "yeah Red is a edgy sexy version of me. Love you two ya both sexy too."

"Can't argue with that... Goodnight Blue" Stretch said

"I love you Blue" Fell added as everyone went to sleep

Blue gave a mumbled "Night."

Sockets peeked through the cracked closet door. Gaster gave a small revived sigh before grumbling. "I can't believe you are simply watching them. Go dust that worthless 001-S. I can't believe you would say that about your own son! I would never hurt them! Even if this Red isn't my own Little Sans I won't let you lay a finger on him. You have caused enough problems already. If you would let me have control over this useless form i could finish this. I'll even end them quickly for you happy. No! You won't hurt them! You are a bad Gaster, Bad!"