AN: I made this up ages this poem belongs to me tis based on how I been feeling lately plz RnR ^-^

Play The Fool

I'm the fool

I hide behind a bright smile

I hide under colourful humour

I hide behind my jokes

You like a fool that makes you laugh

You like it when I degrade myself

For the sake of a laugh

For the sake of a smile

I play the fool

I've never played any other role

I have no need to when that's all you want me to be

I've played a con artist

But that was for survival

When you're down and lonely

You look to me

The fool

The prankster

The jester

I cheer you up with bells of mockery and imitation

I delight you with scarf's of self-hate and degrade

But when I become depressed

And my antics slow to a stand still pace

You don't want me

What good is a fool when they are depressed?

You take your leave

Not knowing how to cheer the once cheery jester up.