Disclaimer: Harry Potter isn't mine.

Chapter 1 The Dementor

Vampire. That's what Draco thought when he first saw the poor bloke, but he knew better. It was a bit cloudy, but the sun was still peering through the windows onto the sleeping man. And he wasn't resembling burnt toast at all.

"This is about as private as its going to get," Pansy huffed as she threw her bag on the couch opposite the sickly looking man. "Who do you think this miserable wanker is?"

"Professor S. T. Snape," Blaise said lazily.

Pansy wrinkled her nose. Blaise knew everything, and worse, he acted like everyone else was an idiot for not knowing as well. "And how, if I may ask, do you know that?"

Blaise could hardly be bothered to answer and pointed at the man's battered suitcase. The stamped letters looked like they had seen better days. "You can read, can't you?"

"Oh shut up." Pansy pouted, but Draco knew she'd be over it in all of two minutes.

"He's going be the next Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, in case you were wondering." Blaise made the closest thing Draco had ever seen to a smile on his face. "It is the only vacancy after all… I give him a week."

"Anyway," Pansy spat. "What is it you wanted to tell us, Draco?"

Draco sighed. At least it would stop the bickering, but… He hated it when his friends worried about him. It was bad enough they saw Aunt Andy in all her glory last summer. Unfortunately, he couldn't keep something like this from them. As quickly as he could, he told them the warning Mr. Parkinson had just given him.

"Regulus Black escaped to find you!" Pansy gasped. Blaise was in too much shock to tease her for pointing out the obvious. "Draco, you-you aren't going to go looking for him, are you?"

"Why would I do that?" Draco grumbled.

"Yes, he's not that stupid," Blaise said dryly.

"Shut up!" More than half the time Pansy interacted with Blaise, she was telling him to shut up. Draco rolled his eyes as he started insulting her intelligence, and they started bickering. She fell for it every time.

Draco soon found himself lost in thought and hoped they wouldn't expect him to take sides. Regulus Black was a big supporter of Dumbledore. He wondered if the man was related to Professor Black, his horrifying Potions teacher.

"Well look who it is."

Draco jumped in surprise. Granger. The sight of her wasn't the surprise. No. What surprised him was that she was acting at the leader of the demented little group, not Potter. In fact, Katherine Potter didn't look much better than the sleeping Professor Snape. She was a lot thinner than he remembered and very, very pale. When their eyes met, she turned a bit green.

"I heard your mother's found herself a new boy toy, Zabini," Granger taunted cruelly. Blaise clenched his fists but was too embarrassed to speak. "Does this one slap her around too?"

Pansy jumped out of her seat. Blaise may make himself an easy target by refusing to so much as raise his voice to anyone who bothered him, but Pansy was more than willing to rip Granger's hair out for him. Potter still had a scar above her eyebrow from their last scuffle.

"What's he doing here?" Potter asked as Professor Snape snored rather loudly. There was a hint of fear in her voice. Potter wasn't afraid of anything.

"New teacher," Draco said coolly, although he was sure he wouldn't feel so bold in a few days. Every Defense teacher they ever had absolutely adored Potter. She was probably already plotting to wrap him around her little finger. And she was already Professor Black's favorite, even though she could somehow manage to burn water.

But something about Potter was on edge. Her bright green eyes widened as she started to tremble. Granger started to glare at her until Weasley intervened. "C'mon."

And like that, they were gone without Potter so much as trying to steal a chocolate frog from him. She looked over her shoulder as they left, until Weasley put a hand at the small of her back. With a jump, she scurried out like a rather undignified mouse.

"I'm not taking any of her shit this year," Pansy mumbled as she sat back down. "I swear, I'll—"

"Shut up!" Blaise hissed and jerked his thumb in Snape's direction. "He's obviously faking!"

Draco doubted it. Snape slumbered on, and if it wasn't for the snore several moments ago, he would've been tempted to check the man's pulse. He didn't even wake up when several screams could be heard throughout the train as the power went out. Pansy's wretched new cat Orange growled, causing Blaise to swear when his rat Zeus squeaked fearfully.

"Did you ever hear the expression, Pans," Blaise asked quietly, revealing a fraction of his anger, "there's more than one way to skin a cat? Because I'm about to put it to the test!"

"He can't help it!" Pansy cried. "And don't give me that Blaise! You can't even bring yourself to kill a spider!"

"Because spiders are actually useful!"

Before Draco could force himself to intervene, the compartment door swung open and someone rather heavy fell on his legs. "Hello Dudley."

"Draco? Is that you? What's going on?"

"I don't know!" Draco grunted. "But get off me!" He had to bite his tongue not to add that he couldn't feel his legs. Dudley got enough scrutiny about his weight from Potter, his cousin.

"I'm going to ask the driver—" There was a loud thud that could only have been Pansy's head smashing into someone else's. "Who the bloody hell?!"

"Pansy!" Astoria whimpered. "I can't find my sister!"

"Lucky you!"

"Wha-what if she's lost?!"

"Again, lucky you!"

"Quiet!" an unfamiliar, booming yelled. The only sound that could be heard afterwards was a fearful whine from Astoria. Draco held his breath as Professor Snape's hand was suddenly filled with pale blue flames. Haunted black eyes stared back at him. "Stay here."

Before he could leave, the door slid open and Draco started shivering before he even realized that the temperature dropped. A strange rattling noise filled his ears as black spots danced in his vision. Draco heard a loud, desperate scream as everything went black.

"Draco! Draco!" Someone was shaking him like a ragdoll. It had to be Dudley, Draco thought as his head snapped back and forth. He was the only one in the compartment with such brute strength.

"Are you okay?" Pansy asked, voice quivering.

No, Draco thought as he said, "Yes. Who screamed?"

"No one." Blaise's voice was only a slight pitch higher, the closest it would ever be to afraid unless he thought someone was dying.

There was a light thud as someone threw something on his chest. The sweet smell of chocolate assaulted his nostrils. "Eat it unless you want to feel like that for the rest of the night."

Professor Snape. Draco didn't think he looked much more lively awake than he did asleep. The only difference was his eyes, which intensely studied him. Although he felt weak, Draco struggled to sit up. Dudley hoisted him up easily, as if he truly were a doll.

"What was that?" Draco asked as he tried to keep himself from shaking.

"A Dementor. It's looking for Black." Professor Snape turned to leave without further explanation. "Eat. I need to speak to the imbecile they let drive the train…'

"Are you sure you're okay, Draco?" Fat tears were tumbling down Astoria's cheeks. She still felt guilty about the Chamber of Secrets last year. Somehow, Draco was sure she managed to blame herself for this too. "We thought you were having a seizure!"

"It was awful," Dudley complained. "S-s-so cold… I felt like I would never be happy again."

"But did any of you—?"

Draco stopped when the compartment door ripped open. Potter, as pale as a ghost, stared at him with bulging eyes. "I need to ta—"

"Miss Potter." Professor Snape had already returned and from the sound of things, already didn't like Potter. "I believe you were instructed to stay in your compartment. Or did you believe that the announcement was for everyone but you?"

And like that, Potter turned back to her old self. The odd thing was that she talked to Professor Snape as if he were a Slytherin student, not a teacher. "I was taking a dump when the power went out."

"Well this compartment is clearly full," Professor Snape said slowly. "Leave."

Potter pursed her lips. "My father—"

"Is not here," Professor Snape finished for her. "Return to your compartment, Potter, before I have to take points."

Potter was horrid, but when it came to teachers, she was sweet as sugar. Professor Snape, however, was different for some reason. "Sure thing, Professor."

"I love you," Pansy said before Draco could try to fathom what Potter would want to tell him. Then, she turned bright red at the cold look Professor Snape gave her in return. "I-I mean that in a total Potter Deserves It sort of way."

"Wonderful." Professor Snape offered no further explanation and glared at Draco until he shoved a piece of chocolate in his mouth. Well… at least he felt better…

Professor Riddle had Draco sent to his office after the feast. Hopefully this wasn't about the train. Pomfrey wanted him shipped off to the hospital, calling him delicate. Draco growled to himself at the fresh memory. This school year was sure starting off with a bang.

Potter was already there when he arrived. Even better. Her usual disgusted look at the sight of him was replaced with a look of terror. "You didn't say that he was going to be here."

At least she referred to him with the usual malice. One had to rely on some things. Professor Riddle's handsome face, which was just starting to wrinkle deeply, soured. "I could send you back to Gryffindor Tower, Miss Potter. However if you were to drop Muggle Studies, I would need a parent signature."

Muggle Studies? Potter was taking Muggle Studies? Potter, who referred to Pansy only as the Mudblood last year, was taking Muggle Studies?

"I-I…" Potter blanched at the thought of her parents knowing. "Why would I need their permission to drop it, but I wouldn't need their permission to sign up for it?"

Professor Riddle was a Slytherin through and through. Draco wondered if he was making a new rule on the spot. Granger wouldn't fall for it, but Potter definitely would. "Because there is a procedure to follow, Miss Potter. You cannot simply drop a class. There has to be a reason, like a too heavy course load or a hardship at home. We have to do everything we can to ensure you are getting the best education. Provide tutoring, have meetings—"

"Well maybe I don't like Muggles," Potter spat. "Ever think of that?"

Professor Riddle raised his eyebrows. "You signed up for the course, Miss Potter."

"Is this because I signed up for three electives instead of two?" Draco asked slowly. Potter hated Professor Riddle because he saw her for what she was, a spoiled brat.

Professor Riddle nodded. "You signed up for Ancient Runes, Care of Magical Creatures, and Arithmancy. Miss Potter signed up for Divination, Care of Magical Creatures, and Muggle Studies. Unfortunately, Muggle Studies occurs at the same time that you have Charms, Miss Potter. Mr. Malfoy, Arithmancy and Ancient Runes occur at the same time."

Draco's hear sunk. He picked Ancient Runes because it was what Pansy had picked and picked Arithmancy because it was what Blaise had picked. Whichever one he dropped was sure to cause World War Three.

Potter threw her hands in the air. "Problem solved! Charms is a core class so—"

"My solution…" Professor Riddle smiled. This was going to be good. "…is for you and Draco to share a Time Turner. They are very difficult to acquire from the Ministry. We are fortunate that the two of you are able to share."

"A what?" Draco asked while Potter said at the same time, "Are you kidding me?"

"I'm afraid you cannot share with Miss Granger." Professor Riddle didn't sound bothered at all. "Her course load is too heavy, and the Ministry would not allow me to have three without there being an absolute need."

Potter paled and looked at her feet at the mention of Granger. Weird. All of the sudden Granger was the leader of the Trio from now, and Potter was bothered by the mere sound of her name. What happened between the two of them?

Professor Riddle turned to Draco. "A Time Turner will allow you to be in two places at once. After one class, you will simply turn it as far back as necessary, and you will be able to go to the other."

"Like time travel?" Draco asked, amazed.

Professor Riddle nodded, eyes twinkling. "Yes, in a way, although you cannot go very far back. However the Ministry is very strict about how you can use it. Now, I will like to show you both how to do so."

For the next hour, Professor Riddle had Draco and Potter practice going back a few minutes. Then, after a short lecture about not telling anyone or abusing the Time Turner's power, Professor Riddle had them use the Time Turner together to bring them back to the time that they had first arrived.

Potter's eyes widened as she watched herself walk into Professor Riddle's office. She leaned backwards, as if afraid of herself, even though Professor Riddle told them to leave almost immediately.

Draco touched her shoulder, causing her to jump. He flinched, waiting for her to call him rat face or hex him. Instead, she turned around. "Listen, there's—"

"What did Riddle want?" Weasley frowned at the sight of them so close. Was he planning on waiting outside Professor Riddle's office for them? "He said he wanted to see 'Mione in like an hour."

Potter jumped away from Draco as if burned. "I-I something about our schedules. Some idiot messed them up and signed me up for Muggle Studies. He's probably going to tell Hermione to stuff it since she tried to take so many classes."

Weasley glared at Draco for a moment, but like he said before, Granger was the brains of the operation, and he fell for it. "Muggle Studies. Your mum would have a stroke."

"Y-yeah." Potter laughed nervously as Weasley put his arm around her shoulders. What was up with them lately? Draco walked in the opposite direction for a few minutes before turning around and following them.

He held his breath as he did. Weasley broke his nose last year. Professor Black only gave him one measly detention. Draco doubted he learned his lesson.

"Was it really about Muggle Studies?" Weasley asked, gently now that Draco was gone.

"Y-yeah." Potter's back was to him, but Draco could see that she was tense. "What else would it be about?"

Weasley stopped, and Potter followed suit, but she almost tripped so he grabbed her arms to hold her steady. "Your dad told me to protect you… After this summer."

"I don't want to talk about this summer," Potter said breathlessly. "Besides, how would Riddle know—?"

"I don't trust Professor Black."

That struck a chord with Potter. "He's nothing like his brother!" she hissed. "Sirius knows what he's doing."

"Exactly," Weasley hissed. "If he knew, he'd do what he could to help out his cousin."

Who? Wait… Was Regulus Black Professor Black's brother?! And who was his cousin?

"Well he doesn't know," Potter snapped. "Do you think I would betray Hermione like that?" What the hell? What was going on? Potter loved Professor Black like a father.

Finally, Weasley gave in. "I'm sorry."

Before Draco could come up with any theories, Weasley turned so that he was facing Potter. For a second, he thought he was caught, that his nose was mincemeat.

But Weasley's eyes were closed. Because he was kissing Potter.

So I bought the illustrated version of The Prisoner of Azkaban and this was born! This will be a side project for now, unless it wins my poll! So, what do you think?