Author's Notes: I need a month off, the Christmas season, other real life obligations and general tiredness are getting to me. I'll be back though don't worry. Still working on Into the Black. I even know what I want to say and where I want to go. The stinking words don't want to flow though... Hope you enjoy this chapter.
For the first time in around four years Tonks found herself in the office of the head of Gryffindor house. Just as she always had previous, she was somewhat nervous to find herself there.
Considering how often she found herself needing to hare off to deal with some of the chaos which seemed to follow Hadrian wherever he went, it might be wise to assign an additional auror to cover for for her during these times.
She sipped nervously at the coffee McGonagall had provided her with.
It wasn't that McGonagall was a particularly intimidating woman, though she did possess a sort of austere and cultured to her that made Tonks uncomfortable. There was just something about the woman that led one to believe she always knew exactly what you were doing wrong at any one time. It didn't help that every time she found herself in the woman's office previously, she'd been in trouble.
Usually she had deserved the rebuke that would no doubt come with such a visit, being something of a prankster in her time at the school.
Mcgonagall seated herself across the desk from her with a cup of tea, it was generous all things considered, that the professor had gone out of her way to provide her with her preferred drink. Aurors tended to prefer coffee for it's higher caffeine content.
"I presume you still prefer to go by your last name?" Minerva said giving her a wry look.
Tonks nodded firmly, "Yes, definitely." she agreed perhaps a little too quickly and eagerly, earning a small amused quirk of the lips from the professor.
"Has your time in the aurors been treating you well?" The Scotswoman asked.
Tonks nodded agreeably. "Fairly well, it's not easy work but it's worthwhile. And yourself, how are you managing?"
McGonagall dipped her head gracefully, "I am well." She informed her simply, before getting on with things. "I should inform you I did not request you come visit me in order to exchange pleasantries and converse socially. No matter how much I enjoy catching up with an old student." She said plainly, earning an understanding nod from Tonks, she had assumed as much after all.
"I will try to be as tactful as possible, however I have a concern I would like to discuss with you." Minerva began cautiously, and Tonks braced slightly, already suspecting what was to come. "This…issue between yourself and Bathsheda, will it be a problem?"
Tonks couldn't help the wince but shook her head. "No, at least not on my end."
The deputy headmistress did not look entirely comforted, "It was…unfortunate, what happened between you two." The professor ventured delicately.
Tonks, licked her suddenly dry lips nervously. "I admit, that the fault for what happened was mostly mine Professor, I made a big mistake back then," She admitted. "But I can't really take it back, and I'm uncertain as to how I can ever make it up to her."
McGonagall favoured her with a dry look, "I would suggest starting with an apology, that is generally a good place to begin with such things, yes?"
That's going to be an awkward conversation. Tonks noted mentally to herself before reluctantly nodding her agreement. After all, if she was going to be working in proximity to the woman, it would be best they reached an understanding.
McGonagall, nodded silently, apparently accepting her unspoken acknowledgement for what it was. "Very well, then I shall leave that matter there I should think. I do have another matter to discuss with you however. Usually this would be handled by the headmaster I think, but he finds himself…preoccupied with other matters at present."
Tonks waited patiently while the professor clearly cast about for a way to approach the topic at hand. "The headmaster is….perturbed that Hadrian has seen fit to take his place as head of house Potter, and I find myself curious as to what insight you might have on the matter."
The young auror grimaced. "I do not really know all that much about it. May I ask why Dumbledore is so bothered by it?"
McGonagall sighed, rubbing tiredly at the bridge of her nose before regaining her composure. "I admit to some…exasperation with Albus of late, I cannot fathom this unusual interest he has taken in the lad. Nor can I understand just what business it is of his what Harry chooses to do with his family legacy."
Setting aside her surprise at hearing McGonagall of all people expressing doubts in regards to Albus Dumbledore, Tonks tried to puzzle out the old man's interest in her charge. "What exactly comes with being a head of House Potter?" She asked eventually. Despite her mother's origins she wasn't up on the details of how families like the Potters worked.
McGonagall's lips twitched ruefully, "Quite a bit actually, alliances to broker, finances to manage, parties to attend, and properties to oversee…"
Tonks hummed in understanding, "So far as I know Hadrian hasn't shown any interest in that stuff, not around me at least."
The Professor nodded understanding, before giving her a knowing look. "You do understand, that as Hadrian's importance increases so will the number of people seeking to approach or undermine him? I'd advise you to be extra diligent when watching over him."
Naturally Tonks took that advice to heart and revised some of her contingency plans accordingly. "How about you, what are your impressions of our young mister Potter?" She asked, allowing a bit of humour to creep into her voice.
Minerva smiled ever so slightly, before shaking her head in exasperation. "He is courteous, far more so than his father was at the same age…He certainly seems to have Severus figured out as well. Thus far I've had no official complaints about him. Though there has been word going around that he seems to be showing a fair degree of skill in Defence Against the Dark Arts and Runes."
Tonks grumbled wearily. "I'd been hoping you had heard something I hadn't."
The Professor shook her head, "I'm sorry, but no. Not as yet anyways."
Tonks put down her now empty coffee mug, "Well, thank you anyways. I hate to dash out on you, but unless you have something else to discuss I really ought to go see about figuring out Hadrian." She said getting to her feet.
Minerva smiled benignly at her. "But of course, and I shall wish you luck. In my experience no one learns from a Potter that which they do not wish known. Take care of yourself my dear," She said bidding her farewell.
Tonks murmured her own goodbyes before leaving, careful to not exit the room more quickly than was polite.
Hermione really was finding it hard to focus on writing her weekly letter home to her parents. There were just too many conflicting thoughts and emotions wheeling through her head. Most of them were being produced, at least in part, by the boy quietly studying across the table from her in the Ravenclaw common-room.
Hadrian, despite everything, she felt she barely knew him. She knew he wasn't big on his fame, which was a good thing in her estimation. That he had a strange sense of style, was polite, apparently spent a goodly amount of time practicing combat drills and knew more than she did about Defence Against the Dark Arts.
Of course he evidently had access to a great deal more information than she did judging by the information in the reports he'd given her.
Expelliarmus was a relatively simple spell, scientifically speaking, it delivered a good deal of kinetic energy in a specific manner so as to propel a wand from someone's grasp, a fairly simple thing really. Though how it was guided by one's will alone was unclear.
Reducto was a bit more complicated, using the magical energy of the spell to break down materials to clusters of component molecules. The amount of focus you put on it determined just how far the components would be rendered down. According to the report they believed it impossible for a witch or wizard to rend the material down to its atoms. And mercifully left fissioning actual atoms unattainable with such a method. The energy requirements were too prohibitive, let alone the required level of focus.
She shook her head, chastising herself for running off on a tangent. Aside from what she'd noted before Harry also knew a handful of advanced applications for Runes as well. Though that appeared to be something of an anomaly.
Really that wasn't all that much to know about someone who was her friend. Perhaps it was her natural skepticism about things, or her well learned caution in regards to other people but she couldn't help the small doubting voice in the back of her mind which whispered that it was too good to be true, that it wouldn't last.
Perhaps it was the desire to silence that voice, at least for a while, or a need to maintain the illusion she was living a little longer, but she decided to try to find out more. "You know…" She began tentatively, prompting Hadrian to look up at her curiously. "I don't really know all that much about you." She noted pointedly.
"If we are going to be friends I should probably know a bit more about you right?" She probed.
He nodded speculatively, before putting down his book. "What do you want to know?"
She considered the list of questions which he'd generated in her head since they'd first met. "Well…where have you been all this time?" She asked. After all he had been effectively missing from Magical society for years until just recently. It was a good question.
He shrugged, "Several places actually, spent some time in the Channel Islands, though I can't really be more specific about which one…" He admitted sheepishly. "Spent a goodly amount of time in France, Germany and the United States. Visited Canada once or twice, Japan too. Mostly I've been here in the UK though. Yourself?"
The question he added on the end caught her somewhat flatfooted. "Pardon?'
"Where are you from?" He clarified patiently, "I have a dossier my father sent me, but I have no intention of reading it."
This produced a stunned expression from his companion. "You have a dossier on me?"
He made a face, something she hadn't really thought him capable of considering how serious he usually was. "My dad's friends put one together for me at his request. I prefer getting to know people the normal way though."
She blinked at him in consternation for a good minute before nodding slowly, putting aside the thought about someone putting together a dossier on her of all people. "Er…London, Belsize Park in specific."
He nodded smiling slightly, "What sort of things do you like to do? With your free time I mean?" He asked.
She shrugged. "I read mostly, you've probably noticed, I draw a bit, I used to run more, but my knee hurts too much most days now…"
This produced a sympathetic look and he cast his eyes around, eventually settling them on her cat which had perched himself on the table next to her. "Any pets…aside from Crookshanks here I mean?"
The cat looked up at his name, and gave Hadrian an imperious glare. "He doesn't seem very fond of me…"
She snorted in amusement shooting the cat a chiding look, "Don't take it too personally, he doesn't like too many people. As for your question I have a dog named Oliver as well."
Hadrian opened his mouth to fire off a followup question, only to stop short when a voice interrupted them. "Hey Kiddos, you two doing okay here?" Tonks said making her way over to them as she entered the common-room.
She smiled slightly at the pink haired auror. She liked the woman, she was fun and while she didn't seem to take life too seriously she also appeared fairly competent. "Hello Tonks, did you get whatever that was sorted out?" She asked politely.
Tonks nodded, "Yeah, had to talk with my boss about a couple things." She admitted coming to a stop beside their table and pausing to look them over seriously. "Actually, on that note would you two be willing to take a walk with me?" She asked, her eyes bouncing over to Hadrian, "It should be somewhere a bit more private, maybe the sparring room?"
Hadrian was already nodding as Hermione gave a small start upon realizing she had been invited too. "You want me to come along as well?"
The auror shrugged nodding gamely. "Yeah, he's your friend too right? And besides, I thought you might feel a bit left out if you didn't get to come along. Besides I can't see any of the information we're going to discuss being classified…"
Hermione nodded hurriedly, just glad to have been offered the chance considering how often she was overlooked. "Yes of course, um—my letter can wait a bit." She muttered hurriedly collecting her things into her bag.
Once they were all sorted it only took a few minutes to walk together across the seventh floor to a strangely blank section of wall. Where Tonks proceeded to pace. This confused Hermione up until the door almost melted into existence before her eyes.
"You'll have to tell me just how you found this room kiddo," Tonks said smiling ruefully at Hadrian who merely shrugged amiably.
"Not much of a secret to it really, I just asked the castle elves where I could practice without drawing attention." He admitted as they went to enter.
The room was not at all what she'd expected considering Hadrian and Tonks had described it as a 'sparring room' instead appearing as a smaller, warmer common-room of sorts. When she voiced her question in this regard Hadrian nodded understanding. "The room actually becomes whatever you need it to when you summon it, within reason of course. Just the sort of things you might expect to find in a school like this."
That alone was plenty intriguing to the bookish Ravenclaw, but she felt compelled to leave her questions about the place aside for the moment as they all got themselves comfortably seated near the fire. "So, what did you want to talk about Tonks?" Hadrian asked amiably.
Tonks groaned slightly, leaning back in her chair and running a hand tiredly through her hair. "Merlin, what don't I want to ask about right now?" She asked rhetorically, before giving Hadrian a pointed look, "You kid, are an enigma."
Hermione snorted in amusement drawing questioning looks from the pair, causing her to blush lightly in embarrassment, "Sorry, it's just a little ironic considering…I was asking Hadrian questions just before you arrived and somehow ended up answering more than I was asking."
It was Hadrian's turn to look a bit sheepish. "Sorry about that."
Tonks merely looked amused, "Yeah, that's about par for the course I think." She agreed, before looking seriously to her charge. Sitting forward and smacking her hands on her knees idly, "Okay, I've decided I'm just gonna lay it all out there, so everyone's clear one where we stand." She said firmly. "The moment the DMLE heard Hadrian would be coming to Hogwarts we took an interest. After all Hadrian, you've effectively been missing from the wizarding world for the last thirteen and a half years." The auror pointed out earning a nod of understanding from the boy in question.
"Now, due to the situation with Sirius Black, we wanted to at least post a bodyguard on you from the beginning, but were blocked by Dumbledore." She explained, looking mildly irritable as she spoke of the headmaster. "That changed only a day after your arrival."
She spread her hands a scornful look gracing her face, "Suddenly, Dumbledore was demanding we place a bodyguard on you and run an investigation into your history. As if it had been us stonewalling and not him."
This produced nods of understanding from the teenagers, they were following her so far at least. "Amelia—er, my boss that is. Didn't want to just bow to his wishes despite our similar goals. However for a number of reasons we couldn't afford to not comply." She explained, though Hermione understood loud and clear the political ramifications that would have occurred had they refused to guard the 'boy-who-lived'.
"Now, Madam Bones, she could have picked a number of other aurors for the job. I'm fairly junior after all, and there are more senior investigators. But she selected me for a couple reasons. She wanted someone who had a vested interest in your welfare and who wouldn't prioritize sucking up to the Headmaster over your wellbeing. Admittedly she also was probably looking to thumb her nose a bit at the man too." Tonks explained.
"Bones isn't exactly eager to just hand Dumbledore all the information he wants on a private citizen however, he has a reputation among those in power for meddling in other people's business for no good reason. So she's been…unhelpful with her reports."
This prompted Hadrian to cock his head curiously at her. "In what way exactly?"
Tonks shrugged. "Wrapping it up in legalese mostly, as well as limiting the 'useful' details we might have picked up. You have to understand she can't directly disregard a request from the chief warlock under the current political climate, but she's not doing things in the way he might desire either."
She leaned back in her chair. "Now, I asked Alastor about you, considering you seem to know each other at least a bit. His advice was to give Dumbledore nothing and to see about cultivating you as a contact. You know, people us law enforcement types go to for information and expertise?" Getting a nod of understanding she pressed on. "Either way though, things are getting ever more complicated with you, so my boss and I are wondering just who it is we are dealing with. After all we wouldn't be doing our jobs if we weren't a little concerned by all…this." She finished lamely, waving uncertainly at the boy across from her.
"Friend and relative or no, we are a bit concerned about your history and training. We need to know more Hadrian, or things might eventually be taken out of our hands when we can't in good conscience sign off on you." She finished.
Hermione was uncertain as to how she felt about the aurors taking such an interest in her friend, but Hadrian was nodding calmly. "I understand, really I do. You've got a rogue element who just popped up out of nowhere who you know nothing about."
Tonks nodded in relief, that he understood. "Exactly! Look kiddo, I wish I could just be your friend and bodyguard, but I can't…" She explained regret tinging her tone. "But I didn't want secrets to cause us any hassle down the line, so I thought I'd let you know where we're at and start asking questions. You don't have to answer any of them of course, that is your right. But—"
The lad was nodding already though, much to her relief. "But some answers would help wouldn't they?" He asked, though it sounded rhetorical. She nodded agreement regardless. "Okay,"
"Okay! Good." Tonks said clapping her hand together, relief flooding her.
"I think I'll start by telling you a bit about myself and if my father and I find we like what you do with the information we'll tell you more, but please understand—" He cautioned, raising a hand to stall her, "What I say is being entrusted to you, Hermione and Madam Bones. Maybe a couple others on a case by case basis. Do you think you can work with that?"
Tonks nodded eagerly, "That should work fine yes. What would you like to tell me for our trial run as it were?"
Hadrian raised a finger, asking her to wait, "Dobby?" He called aloud.
There was a pop and a house elf appeared, wearing the Hogwarts school uniform. "Yes Harry Potter sir?" Hermione smiled at the elf. He'd shown up the year previous, a bit odd for an elf, but a nice one. Apparently he was struggling with the fact Harry preferred to go by Hadrian too.
"Dobby, there is a bag beside my trunk in the dormitory, would you be willing to bring it to me?" Hadrian requested kindly, not correcting the elf.
"Yes Harry Potter sir, but I should warn you, the other elves mights not be willing to do the same!" The house elf cautioned, before popping away.
It was only a moment before he was back with the bag. "Thanks Dobby, you're the best." Hadrian said sincerely, causing the elf to blush.
"Harry Potter sir is too kind." The elf murmured before popping away again.
Hadrian began rummaging, but glanced up at them mid way through. "Okay, first things first I suppose…My Father's name is Tobias Bishop. I won't say more than that just yet as we're both curious as to what you'll dig up." He explained. "The second thing is this. The night I 'Disappeared' I was placed on a church doorstep by my ever so loving relatives." He said, derisively.
He drew out a pair of letters and handed them across to the startled looking Auror, "These two notes were pinned to my blanket. The first is from Dumbledore, exhorting them to take me in. The second is from my relatives to the church. Basically asking them to take me instead and recommending I be killed due to being a 'witch child' and a 'freak'."
Hermione and Tonks looked at him in horror, and he grimaced ruefully. "To be clear, this all happened at night in bloody November and I was placed on a doorstep twice."
Nodding at their outraged expressions he plowed on, "Now, we both know nothing ever happened to Dumbledore over it, but what you may not know it that the muggles initially didn't like it either and tracked me back to my relatives. Who they arrested. Only for them to be released a couple hours later and all records and memories of their incarceration disappeared. I entrust that knowledge and those notes to you," Hadrian said solemnly.
He settled on his heels. "Finally, we're curious to see what you dig up on a name. Here, let me write it out for you—" He muttered pulling out a notepad and jotting something down.
Hermione caught a glimpse of it as he handed it off to the Auror. Tom Marvolo Riddle.
"Who is he?" Tonks asked, a moment ahead of Hermione.
Hadrian just shrugged. "That's part of the test isn't it?"
Tonks frowned but nodded slowly in acceptance, "Okay…Anything else?"
Hadrian paused to consider that, but shook his head after a few moments, "Nope. I think we've made a good start, at least with what I can tell you and your boss at present."
The Auror nodded, her hair shifting colour a bit as she pondered that, "Okay, might I make a request then, while we run these down?"
A small smile from Hadrian, "Shoot."
Tonks quirked a small smile at that. "My boss and an associate of hers were interested to learn you have scientific studies of spellcraft. Much like Hermione here. We'd like to officially ask for copies of any such studies you can provide us with."
There seemed to be no problem with that, "Of course, all of them I assume?" Hadrian asked easily.
"How many do you have?" Tonks asked considering that.
He just shrugged, "Don't rightly know, several hundred at least I'd assume."
"We'll take what you're willing to give, particularly those to do with the Unforgivables." Was the eventual reply.
"You'll have them." Hadrian assured her.
The Auror huffed a relieved sigh, "Now, I just figured I'd let you know, technically speaking Hestia Jones is also your bodyguard, but she's been assigned the night shift. She mostly patrols the castle during that time, so I don't anticipate you running into her much but if you need help, she's around." At Hadrian's simple nod of acknowledgement she continued. "Now, do you two want to head back to the common room now, or do you intend to hang out here for a while?"
"Which would be more convenient for you?" Hadrian asked.
This produced a rueful grin from the Auror. "Honestly I should probably hand things off to Hestia soon and get back home to catch some shut eye. So if you two were locked down in Ravenclaw for the night it'd help."
"Fair enough, then that's what we'll do." Hadrian agreed.
It was as the three of them were headed back to the tower that it occurred to Hermione, that despite Hadrian's answers she had even more questions than before. It was incredibly vexing.
Dumbledore grimaced sourly as he slapped the latest report from Amelia down on his desk rather harder than was - strictly speaking - necessary.
This was…actually somewhat typical of Amelia. He had to concede. The woman was simply too obsessed with the concept of law and order to see that helping him without reservation was for the Greater Good.
The reports she was sending were, while completely accurate, were also virtually useless to him. They were so tied up in obscure legalese and double talk that he could barely understand the majority of it, and even what he'd managed to translate, was almost entirely made up of information he was already well aware of.
It was, in a word, infuriating. Particularly given the information rapidly flowing in from his subordinates, which only served to produce even more questions.
The boy had training, extensive training, that was now far beyond question. But from whom; that was the question…
Who was this new player on the board?
It did not help that Harry had dodged every one of his subtle attempts to meet with him. He hated to admit it, but he'd need to be more direct.
The next announcement regarding the tournament came the next morning during breakfast. Hermione stirring from her various morning rumination as Dumbledore stood and tapped his goblet, causing a ringing note to issue forth, garnering the attention of most in the hall immediately. It was rare the headmaster himself stood to make an announcement.
He favoured all present with a grandfatherly smile, his arms spreading wide to encompass the hall's inhabitants. "Now, as you are all no doubt aware, the other schools will be arriving throughout the day today, and I now feel the time is ripe to inform you just which schools will be attending the first ever Magi Internationale!" He announced.
This quite predictably produced excited murmurs to race around the hall. Students making excited predictions about who would be coming to Hogwarts this year. Hermione even noticed some galleons changing hands.
"First and foremost, our closest sister institution in Europe! Beauxbatons Academy of Magic!" Dumbledore announced grandly, a large light blue banner with the school's emblem emblazoned across it in Gold unrolled from the ceiling.
An excited muttering ran through the hall. "That's the first of the other schools that are usually part of the the old Tri-Wizard Tournament." Hermione said quietly, earning a nod of understanding from Hadrian, who was seated beside her.
"Yes, very exciting indeed!" Dumbledore concurred with the crowd, smiling knowingly at them as the room slowly settled, the students eager to hear more. "Next, is our northern neighbour. The Durmstrang Institute!"
A grey and green banner of a different design unrolled from the ceiling this time to the sound of thunderous applause from Slytherin. Hermione grimaced, "The other Tri-wizard competitor…Known for denying muggleborns entrance to the school and teaching Dark Magic as a core subject." The nod this earned from Hadrian this time was somewhat more rueful.
It took a while longer to calm the Slytherin table, but once it was done Dumbledore continued. "Which brings us to the two new contenders, the first two schools to accept an invitation to an event which will hopefully, in times to come, become a long standing tradition!"
The atmosphere within the hall became thick with anticipation, Hermione would be lying if she said she wasn't a little excited to find out who else who be coming as well. "Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!" He announced grandly, and a red banner with golden symbols and an intricate coat of arms unfolded from above. "The main school for magic in America!" She hissed, intrigued to those around her. The excitement this time was perhaps greater than that afforded the previous schools.
"And finally, one of our most distant, but nevertheless fond relatives!" Dumbledore began, curious and interested expressions found on every face before him. "Mahoutokoro School of Magic!"
A black banner lowered from the ceiling. Across it emblazoned a golden triple caltrop like symbol comprised from the bodies of three strange birds. One a barrel chested hawk like creature with a flowing tail and rippling feathers, a three legged crow, and a bird which appeared equal parts storm, raven and falcon.
Now isn't that a surprise? Hermione mused as she and the rest of the hall began to clap, an excited murmur flowing through the hall. "That's Japan's school. Very old, they're known for producing very competent witches and wizards…"
Hadrian chuckled, "Sounds like they have a long trip ahead of them, that's for sure."
"Now—" Dumbledore began, another benevolent smile on his aged face. "As the first two schools will be arriving shortly, I would have you all gather outside on the front lawn. Tents have been provided for shelter, and refreshments for while we wait."
The students certainly didn't need to be told twice, most all but scrambling from their seats and streaming out of the hall, almost before he was finished.
Hadrian and Hermione took their time, which may have been a mistake considering a grandfatherly voice interrupted them as Hadrian helped her to her feet. "Excuse me, Mister Potter." Dumbledore greeted, apparently having made his way down from the head table in the commotion. "If I might have a moment of your time?"
Hadrian straightened as she regained her feet beside him, "Of course Headmaster," He said pleasantly.
"I would like to meet with you this evening after dinner, I would appreciate the chance to speak with you about how you are settling in."
An amiable nod was his first response. "Of course sir."
The headmaster smiled, clearly very pleased. "Very good, I shall expect you then. Carry on you two…"
"Weasley! Straighten your hat." Mcgonagall's remonstration could be heard from across the horde of milling students, "Miss Patil, take that ridiculous thing out of your hair. Mister Potter—" Here she stopped, as she considered the student standing there looking at her curiously. "Perhaps you could sling your staff please? You look rather intimidating."
Hadrian obeyed without complaint, and she moved off hurriedly organizing the students so that the first years were in front. Flitwick shot him an amiable smile as he passed, moving to see to the younger Ravenclaws.
"How do you think they'll be arriving?" Padma asked, joining them again.
Hermione frowned as she considered the question. "I have heard that Beauxbatons uses carriages to reach their school…Though it may be a little hard to get a carriage all the way here from France though."
Padma hummed agreement, "I suppose they could modify them. What about Durmstrang and the others?"
The brunette shrugged, "No clue about Durmstrang, as I understand it very few know exactly where Durmstrang actually is. As for Ilvermorny, I hear they use a train to reach school like we do, and Mahoutokoro use giant birds according to the books I've read."
It was fortunate that shelter has been provided in the form of tents, Scotland in early morning tended to be a bit cold and dreary.
It was only a few minutes however before Dumbledore called out from somewhere behind the gathered students. "Aha! Unless I am very much mistaken, the delegation from Beauxbatons approaches!"
"Where?" Someone cried loudly from somewhere off to their right.
"Coming in over the forest." Hadrian remarked quietly to those around him, tipping his head towards the forest in question and Hermione turned to see he was indeed correct. Sure enough a dark shape was gliding towards them over the trees.
"There!" Cried an excited sixth year pointing out over the forest as he too spotted what Hadrian had.
"It's a dragon!" Someone shrieked, and she Hermione shook her head as the person in question proceeded to pass out forcing several others to scramble out of the way.
"Don't be stupid, it's a flying house!" Dennis Creevy exclaimed.
"It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a crumple horned Snorckack!" Luna singsonged from beside her, earning a good chuckle from those who got the reference.
It turned out that they hadn't been far off the mark when they'd discussed the matter earlier. It was in fact a massive pale blue carriage drawn by huge winged horses. "Guess you were right Padma." Hermione noted to the Indian which who merely nodded, admiring the large horses as they cantered to a stop on the lawn in front of the gathered students.
The door, emblazoned with the crossed golden wands of the school sigil, popped open a few moments after the carriage came to a complete stop and some kind of footman hopped down out of the doorway and extended the golden steps which were contained beneath the doorway. No sooner had he straightened from his task and stepped aside than the Headmistress stepped out.
"Well…she's interesting." Hermione murmured in an undertone.
"Olympe Maxime," Hadrian relayed. "Headmistress of Beauxbatons. She apparently is a world renowned charms mistress and reputed to be a half decent duelist in a pinch."
The students followed behind her out onto the dewy grass. There were about thirty of them, at least two of them, the pair of blondes, judging by the way most male eyes in the area honed in on them, were Veela.
Hermione glanced sideways at Hadrian, expecting a similar reaction, only to find him examining them with a mildly interested demeanour instead of the out right lustful longing she'd expected. "You're not affected?" She blurted, before clapping her hands over her mouth, shocked at her own bluntness.
"You're surprised by that, after the way he threw off the Imperius?" Tonks asked sounding amused.
"Good point," Hermione conceded weakly, before shooting Hadrian an apologetic look for her outburst.
Dumbledore and Hagrid were just finishing up assuring the Headmistress the animals would be cared for when she turned her attention back to them and the French Students trooped off under one of the empty tents. She had to shake her head in amusement when the 'dulcet' tones of Professor McGonagall chewing out a group of boys who'd tried to sneak over to join them reached their ears. Taking a small amount of pleasure in the fact that one of them was Ronald Weasley who was blushing crimson at the castigation.
"The Lake!" Came the excited voice of Lee Jordan a few moments later.
She, like everyone else present turned to watch as the water seemed to boil and suddenly a great sailing ship surged forth on a fount of churning water. It was certainly impressive she had to concede, despite her bias against the school, the loch was entirely self contained, and didn't connect to the ocean. Therefore it had somehow arrived 'magically' from somewhere else. She'd love to see one of Hadrian's reports explaining how that was achieved…
Ironically it was the way a certain obnoxious Gryffindor went completely off his rocker that actually revealed to her just whom it was that escorted the school's headmaster down the plank onto the dock. Else she would never have guessed his identity. "Krum…" She heard Tonks muse. "Didn't know he was still in school."
"He flew wonderfully at the World Cup." Padma noted. "I'm not surprised they latched onto him so young.
Victor Krum, seeker for the Bulgarian national team, was a stocky, solidly built, dark haired and eyed young man, a couple years her senior. He also did not look particularly impressed as he eyed the crowds of cheering students. "He looks rather surly…"
"He always looks that way," Padma noted in an undertone, "Even when he's smiling."
"I'm more concerned about their Headmaster," Hadrian growled, and Hermione gave a start noticing that for the first time since she'd met him, he appeared openly angry.
"Why?" She asked.
"His name's Igor Karkaroff, and he's a former Death Eater." He muttered, discontentedly.
A bark of grim laughter came from Tonks and the pink haired Auror shook her head ruefully, "Oh, Mad-Eye looks pissed."
"Can't blame him, word is he only got off at trial because he panicked and sold all his 'friends' up the river." Hadrian relayed, settling somewhat, though he still looked unhappy.
The Durmstrang students were settled, and a certain sulking red-head was on his way back up to the castle after McGonagall had caught him trying to sneak out of the Gryffindor tent again, before Dumbledore once again gathered the attention of the students. "Now, as I was saying earlier, it may be a while before the other schools arrive, as they are coming from further away. However, Ilvermorny is scheduled to arrive in about half an hour. Thus, refreshments have been called for." He said indicating the tables laden with snacks to the rear of the tents. "Please, settle in and enjoy each other's company in the meantime."
Hadrian sidled up to Tonks as many of the other students practically stampeded over each other to gather their share of treats. "Have you had a chance to send on that material I gave you yesterday?" He asked the Auror carefully.
Tonks snorted in amusement, "Yes I did, although they haven't really gotten back to me in detail about it all just yet." She said shaking her head ruefully. "Something about a whole shipping pallet showing up, Muggle mail, in front of the gate to the Bones Residence…"
Hadrian shrugged, "Dad was saying in his letter the only reason it wasn't faster was because it took forever to print it all off."
She rolled her eyes, "Considering it showed up the morning after our discussion, I don't think Bones will be overly perturbed."
Hadrian nodded, then looked to her, "How about you Hermione, you holding up okay this morning?"
"Well enough, I'm looking forward to seeing how the other two schools arrive." She allowed, not mentioning that the cold morning air was causing her leg to ache.
Luna returned from her search for food, with pudding. Though Hermione could have sworn that wasn't one of the options available at the snack table. "Hello again Hadrian, Hermione, Padma…Tonks." She greeted each in turn.
"Hey Luna, how are you—" Hermione began, before stopping and staring. "Good Merlin, you don't have any shoes on!" She said indicating the very pale toes on the girls feet.
Luna blinked at her with grey eyes, not giving anything away. "Yes, the Nargles took my shoes again. Or perhaps it was the faeries. Who knows?" She stated mildly.
Hermione rubbed her eyes irritably, I've heard that before… she mused before sighing, "You still won't tell me just who the Nargles and Faeries are, will you?"
Luna looked away, and Hermione caught Hadrian frowning thoughtfully before he schooled his features and pulling out his staff and directing warming charms at the girl's feet. "That should help," He said simply, as the staff returned to his back.
The blonde blinked in surprise before grinning happily, wiggling her toes happily, "Thank you Hadrian, ooh! That was a strong one too, my feet are nice and toasty!"
"It should last most of today unless you dispel it," He informed her mildly.
"Thank you," Luna murmured happily, giving him a quick hug in thanks.
From there the discussion turned to the mundane, briefly touching on such things as class schedules and homework. True to Dumbledore's predictions however, about a half hour later the Headmaster stood. "Ah! Excellent, it appears Ilvermorny will be arriving shortly. If everyone would please prepare to meet our guests!"
Hermione wasn't sure what she was expecting, after all while they had come close to guessing the means by which the students of Beauxbatons would arrive, they had still been surprised. They had not even come close with Durmstrang.
Thus, she was less shocked then she could have been, when staring out over the lake she, and everyone else gathered, saw the fog banks, which had been gathering for some time at the end of the lake, give way as a great dark form coalesced within them and burst forth.
At first, she was not certain what it was that she was seeing, a great rounded prow being foremost to break the edges of the mist. It was only as the foremost structures appeared from that mist that she realized just what it was she was looking at. An airship. Like one of the great Zeppelins of the early half of the 1900s. Large, and silvery with golden accents decorating the prow and forward surfaces of the gondola slung beneath it.
It was only as the airship arced around the periphery of the lake that the school sigil became visible on it's flank, the ship slowly descending as it approached the castle.
"Mister Filch, if you would?" Dumbledore called out grandly, his voice magnified by a sonorous charm.
There was a sound, and Hermione turned to see a newly constructed gantry, which she had failed to notice before was being lowered from one of the Castle's many parapets. Dropping perfectly into place as the airship drew up opposite it. She could see someone scrambling along a forecastle like structure on the bow and a series of ropes were passed across, one after to the other to Filch, who had stumped his way across the gantry to meet them. One, he anchored to the gantry itself, while two of the others were run off along the sides to the parapet by house elves who secured them there.
So focused was she on that, she was mildly surprised when harpoons lashed out from the ship's gondola and into the ground beneath it, before drawing tight to hold the ship firmly in position. Were this a mere muggle contraption she'd have been worried about what might occur should a strong wind come up, but something told her that this ship would not need to worry about such things.
Then, a pair of doors in the ships belly opened and another structure, a cable car of sorts lowered itself out of the ship and descended smoothly to the ground. The doors soon popped open and steps extended onto the turf. Allowing a tall woman, she suspected must be the Ilvermorny headmistress, to exit. She was followed closely by a pair she suspected were teachers.
"Headmistress Jocelyn Morgan," Hadrian murmured beside her. "Youngest Headmistress of a school in centuries. Said to be skilled at transfiguration. Used to be an Auror for MACUSA,"
"Mac-koo-zah?" She asked, she'd not heard that name that she could recall.
"Phonetic of the acronym for 'Magical Congress of the United States of America'." He relayed patiently and she nodded understanding.
"Also said to be utterly vicious with fire spells in a fight." He noted, sounding a touch amused.
Somehow Hermione could believe it, while the woman's expression as she approached the Headmaster was stoic, there was something, a wary caution in her eyes and a harshness to her features and the way her dark red hair contrasted with pale skin that made her seem…dangerous.
"Ah, Headmaster Dumbledore," She greeted, her tone suggested she was from somewhere in the northeastern states. "Thank you again for inviting us. This is quite the opportunity," Hermione could hear the woman say.
"It is our pleasure my dear, may I just say you certainly know how to make an entrance?"
A small smile flickered across her lips, "Thank you, we shall take that as a compliment I think. We had a great deal of fun putting together something new for this trip."
She turned to regard the tents with their gathered masses of students. "I note Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are already here."
The headmaster nodded amiably, "Yes, we are just waiting on Mahoutokoro now."
Again that small flickering smile, "You may wish you had put in a couple stipulations in place given a couple hints Keiji dropped me Headmaster. This tent over here is for us then?" Dumbledore seemed non-plussed by her sudden change of direction after that odd warning.
"Er—yes, please." He said, trying to regain himself.
She led the gathered staff and students behind her under the tent, and once again everyone settled in to wait.
Amelia sat at her desk, staring suspiciously at the large shipping pallet, stacked a meter high with boxes full of documents that sat rather obtrusively in the centre of the room.
The whole thing was….confusing, not to mention a bit frightening. Confusing, because someone they strongly suspected was a muggle had somehow managed to print, organize and ship an entire pallet of very large and detailed reports to her overnight.
It was frightening, because it had been shipped not to a third party and redirected to her, but instead had shown up directly outside the concealed gates to her family property. An address which was not only magically concealed but kept confidential due to her position as head of the DMLE.
The Auror guard on duty at the perimeter had been very shocked to see the Muggle Delivery truck pull up out front and deposit the package, with the sign stating 'For Madam Director Bones', on the sidewalk there.
While she was uncertain just whether or not this was the intent, it certainly said loud and clear to her 'We know where you live,' in a rather hard to miss fashion.
She'd have to have Tonks carefully probe the lad as to what the intent had truly been. She didn't like the thought that she may have just been threatened, albeit indirectly.
On the other hand, she'd already shipped one of the file boxes to the Unspeakables, apparently they were drooling over the information provided. Apparently while the muggles behind the reports were at a loss as to explain precisely where magic came from, and how it was generated or controlled, they did have some very valuable insights into how the energy of a spell interacted with the world in order to affect change.
Apparently the data, assuming it was indeed accurate, which judging by what they'd been able to corroborate, it was, had already up ended a couple of long standing theories the Unspeakables had been operating on and had also opened another couple new avenues of investigation.
Croaker, however, the Director himself had been somewhat more reserved in his response, merely referring to the information provided as 'fascinating' with an odd glint in his eye. She wasn't certain if she found that comforting or not.
Author's Note: Thank you very much to Temporal Knight for his continued support and beta work! Otherwise? Please review it really helps a great deal!