Hey guys, this is gonna be the last chapter from me before I go on vaca with my fam. Hope you all enjoy, and stay safe out there. Peace out homies!

While the group was moving to the final debtor of the Third Isle, they heard a familiar call for help. In unison, they look to the source of the calls, and see the final mausoleum, with Ms. Chalice calling from the inside of it.
"Oh for…." Weiss growled, pinching the bridges of her nose. "Is this chalice lady a complete and utter moron?! Why would she go into these tombs if she's just going to get captured again?!"

"I guess it's worth it for the Super Arts." Blake said, "I think we should save her, as getting another one of those could come in handy."

"I agree, but we gotta hurry!" Cuphead said, pointing towards the sky. Everyone looked up and gasped in horror. The sun was beginning to set, meaning that their deadline of midnight was approaching.

"What're we waiting for then?!" Yang yelled, "Let's bust these ghosts." She let out a yell of rage and ran into the mausoleum, much to the group's shock. Blake, Mugman and Pyrrha ran inside after her.



Almost instantly, the Spectre Syndicate began swarming the group, coming in large packs.

"Is success achievable? Not when we are this un-boo-lievable!" The Syndicate hollered, as a new ghost phased into the tomb. It was larger than the rest, with an even larger nose and a green hat. Yang parry slapped the phantom, only for it to split into two normal ghosts.

"You gotta be joking me man!" She growled.

"Focus Yang, we can do this!" Pyrrah said, as she and Mugman parry slapped the two ghosts. The gang continued to parry the ghosts into the next life, until the Syndicate was finally no more.

And with that, the final mausoleum stage was completed. Ms. Chalice soon materialized out of the urn.

"Thank goodness you came by!" she said, "Those lousy ghosts had me but good that time!"

"All part of the job ma'am." Pyrrah said, "Did you happen to find any super art in here?"

"Indeed I did!" The chalice beamed, "Here's the last magical super art I was able to find for you." She proceeded to fire the magic from her head, which entered Mugman's head, and the group's weapons. "Well, time for me to take a powder. Good luck!" Ms. Chalice then vanished in a flash of magic.

"What's that mean?" Yang asked. Blake whispered the answer into her ear, the blonde brawler being slightly disgusted by the meaning of the phrase.

Mugman's group met up with the others a little bit later near a train station. The moon had begun to climb up into the air, time was of the essence.

"Ok guys, we got the last super art. Mugman said, "Any luck on finding our last debtor?"

"As a matter of fact, yes." Ren said, "Our last Debtor is the Phantom Express itself, and it just so happens to be right there!" He pointed to the station, which had a line of wooden coaches with a caboose at the end. The train itself looked old, with spooky noises echoing from inside it. Suddenly, a haunting voice was heard on an intercom on the station.
"The Phantom Express will be departing from the station now…. Next stop, the afterlife…"

With that, a steam locomotive's whistle was heard, and the train began to move, rapidly gaining speed.

"Why'd you have to tempt fate like that Ren?!" Nora shouted, as the group tried to chase the train. But alas, they weren't fast enough to catch up to the locomotive, as it entered a tunnel. Ruby used her speed to try and grab it, only for her to fall just short of it.
"No, no, no, naaaaaw!" She screamed, landing on her chest. "We're doomed! We'll never catch up to that train in time!"

"No, I'm not giving up!" Cuphead said, determined to fix his mistake. "There's gotta be a way…" He looked around, putting his hands around his eyes like a pair of binoculars. He then spotted something by the station, parked in a siding. It was a large wooden flatbed rail car, with two vaults on it. Behind it was a pump trolley. "AHA!" Cuphead said, getting the attention of the others.

"What is it Cup?" Yang asked.

"We can use that cart over there to catch up to the express!" The cartoon cup replied. The others agreed and ran over to it.

"Looks like there's room for only one team." Jaune said, "I suggest you guys go, we'll stay at the station in case it comes back."

"Ok, see you guys on the other side!" Ruby said, climbing onto the cart. Weiss, Blake, and Cuphead joined her on the flatbed, while Yang and Mugman went to operate the trolley.

"Ok you two, start 'er' up!" Cuphead called. Yang and Mugman began to pump the trolley, making it roll forward, pushing the rail car down the line. They soon vanished into the tunnel the Phantom Express went into.

The group emerged in a haunted forest of some kind, old, rotting trees on both sides of the railroad tracks.

"Faster man, put your back into it!" Yang said. Mugman was sweating and trying to catch his breath.

"I'm pumping as fast as I can!" he retorted. Soon, the Phantom Express was in view, as the group approached the caboose of the train. Upon getting closer, a large ghost emerged from it, causing everyone to jump in fright. The ghost was light blue in color, with one hollow eye socket on its head, and two large eyeballs on its palm. This "Blind Specter" cackled at the group.

"So, you're the debt collectors all of us have been hearing about?" It said, its voice having a slight echo to it.

"That's right" Weiss said, "And we aren't afraid of you, or any other entities on this train! So hand over the contract, or else!" She pointed her rapier at the specter.

"Well, we're taking ours to the grave!" It said, "And you're free to join it!"



(cue Railroad Wrath theme)

The Blind Specter began to attack, launching eyeballs from its hands which bounced towards the group. With quick thinking, they managed to shoot them with their projectile attacks, destroying them. They then began dealing damage to the ghost itself.

"I can see into the future. You will be counting worms!" It cackled. It was then that a winged jack-o-lantern flew overhead, dropping pink ingot onto one of the vaults on the cart, causing it to move forwards. Both Ruby and Blake got hit by Blind Specter's next attack, as Cuphead parry slapped the vault behind them, making the cart roll back to its original position.

"Ok, we know what those do now!" He said and joined the others in shooting the ghost. All the while, Yang and Mugman kept operating the trolley, growing more tired by the second. After enough shots, the specter hollered in pain, retreating back inside the caboose.

"Alright, we got him!" Ruby said, as the cart began to move forward.

"It's not over yet Ruby," Cuphead quipped, "there are others spooks on this here train!" And he was right, as the cart stopped at a set of coaches, with a large skeleton wearing a conductor's hat popping out of the middle one, and two large skeletal arms popping out of the other two. This was T-Bone, conductor of the express.

"All aboard! Next stop, your funeral!" He growled, slamming his hands down, before popping back into the train cars. When he popped up again, his head was on the far-left car, while his hands were on the other two.

"LOOK OUT, MOVE!" Yang screamed. Ruby parry slapped the front vault, making the conductor BARELY miss them. With this strategy, the group continued to shoot T-Bone, avoiding his hands, and more of the flying pumpkins. The skeleton conductor was soon defeated, roaring in anguish, and retreating back inside the train cars. Again, the flatbed moved ahead, getting closer to the front of the train. But another enemy, or rather, two enemies appeared. Two large creatures with sinister faces popped out of two of the train's coaches.

"Oh no!" Mugman said, "It's the Blaze Brothers!"
"You know these guys?" Blake said.

"Yeah, they're two of the most dangerous passengers on the express!"

"Sorry, this train is only for the dead…but we can help you with that!" The brothers said in unison, as one of them began to charge up an attack. Weiss instinctively slapped the front vault, moving the flatbed forward. The brother then unleashed the attack, barfing up lightning, its head moving towards the group. Yang ended up getting singed by the attack, her hair becoming frizzled.

"Why you little….!" She growled, leaping off the cart, and decking brother in the face. It flinched in pain, heading back to its body. As if that weren't enough, pink ghosts began to fly out of the chimneys on the middle car, and home in on one of the debtors. If destroyed, they dropped a pink skull, with one of them hitting the vaults, causing everyone to be hit by another round of lighting barf.

"Ok, that does it!" Cuphead said, "Time to see what this new super art can do!" And with that, Cuphead activated the newly acquired ability, summoning a large, buff spectral version of himself. Everyone gasped at the sight, as the spirit began to attack. It spun around, dealing massive damage to the brothers until they couldn't take it anymore, melting back into the coaches from whence they came.

"Whoa!" Ruby shouted, "That was awesome Cuphead!"

"Oh, it was nothing." The cup said, brushing off his arms. The flatbed continued to roll forward, eventually coming to the literal head of the train. The locomotive screeched to a halt upon seeing them, causing the group to shoot past it.

"Huh…" Blake said, "I think it gave up!"

"I wouldn't bet on it!" Mugman replied, "Look!" He pointed behind them, revealing the head of the train had dislodged itself from the express, and was now running at the group on the other line. It had now grown large legs with wheels at the end and was galloping like a horse.

"What a glorious night for me for me to bring the fright!" It said, launching a ring of bones from its nose. Ruby leapt over it, looking for a weak spot on the train. She then saw what appeared to be a tail with a pink light at the back of it. And of course, pink means parry.

"Guys, parry slap the pink thingie on it!" She said. Weiss nodded, and with the help from her glyph, leapt up to the tail, parrying it. A hatch on the train then opened, revealing a heart within its furnace. Fireballs erupted from the furnace, which managed to knock Mugman and Yang off the pump cart.

"We gotta finish this fast!" Blake said, as she then unlocked her own super art. She began creating several shadow clones of herself, which began forming a Faunus-Ladder. Blade climbed to the top, as the head of the train began to gain ahead of the cart. "This is your final stop!" She said, as the ladder of clones began to fall forwards. Blake then brought out her weapon in blade mode, and using the momentum of the fall, slashed at the heart.


The head of the Phantom Express began to cry in pain, now sporting a bandage and a missing tooth. It then tumbled, as the cart passed it. In the distance, an explosion of lost souls could be scene, as the final Soul Contract fell from the sky. Cuphead leapt up, and caught it, as everyone else cheered. And with that, the final debtor had been defeated.

JNPR eventually saw the other team coming back down the line. They stopped back at the station, Yang and Mugman comically sweating.

"Did you beat the express?" Nora asked.

"Yep, and we got the last contract!" Ruby said, holding up the piece of paper.

"Just in time to!" Jaune said, checking his scroll, "It's nearly midnight!"

The group then all looked ahead, and saw the entrance to the Devil's Casino, the words "Try your luck" written in blue ink below the sign. Everyone nodded simultaneously, as they all knew where they had to go next. They began walking towards the casino, returning to Inkwell Hell…