Resurfacing Memories

"Hans…Hans wake up" A sweet voice calls out to me, rousing me from my uncomfortable sleeping arrangement.

"M'rnin" I mutter as my eyes flutter open, meeting the gaze of the most beautiful woman I could ever Imagine.

The way her hair shines in the morning sunlight, gives her an almost ethereal aura. Her vibrant blue eyes sparkle with kindness and love, making my heart melt as I stare into them. A simple brush of her hand against my skin, sends tingles down my spine. I am with the woman of my dreams

"You're finally awake, you feel asleep in your studio again. You're covered in paint again" she says with a kind chuckle

"Well, So I did. Good morning to you too. My angel" I say while sitting up and glancing around the messy room

The studio is cluttered with canvases, some with half completed sketches and others with completed portraits on them. Boxes of art supplies crowd the corners of the room, reminding him to stop buying in bulk. In the centre of the room, is a portrait of a boy with white hair and buckteeth. It was smiling at, like it was unknowingly telling him his future.

"Why do you think Sophia? You like my latest portrait, or do you think I should scrap it?" I ask, side hugging my wife.

"It's lovely Hans but what was the inspiration behind it" Sophia asks

"I'm not sure, it was simply stuck in my and I needed to paint it" I respond, pulling off my paint covered shirt.

I change into a orange button up shirt with blue pants, once again totally unware of the future being foreshadowed. I lean over to kiss my wife on the cheeks, moving into the kitchen for a wonderful breakfast.

"Hans, can you go down to the store and grab a few things for me?" Sophia asks me once I am done eating.

"Sure. I'll be back soon" I say, rinsing off the plate before I leave.

I go out to my garage, hoping on my bike to ride to the store. Not that we couldn't afford a car, I simple prefer to ride everywhere I go. As I pull out of the driveway, ringing the bike's bell and waving to my wife. There is a horrible screech of tires, pulling my attention to the car barrelling straight into me.

"HANS, LOOK OUT!" I hear Sophia call out to me, just a second too late

The car hits me dead on, sending me over the hood of it. My bike going under the tires, landing in a twisted heap next to me. My body had it the ground with a loud crunch, crimson liquid beginning to pour out of the hole my ribs hand caused.

Soft hands cradled me in my dying moments, Sophia's sobs echoing in my ear. The pain made it extremely hard to breath, as did the ribs that had probably poked a hole in my lung. As I lay dying on the sidewalk, the sound of ambulance sirens wailing in the distance. I leaned up to Sophia, whispering to her gently

"I promise you my angel, I promise to find you in my next life" I promise her before dying in her arms.

I died that day as Hans Strakenburg, aged 26. I was quickly reborn as Lincoln Loud, my memories of my previous life gone but not forgotten. I will not forget my promise

Lincoln awakes from his surreal dream, his face drenched in a cold sweat. His head throbs in pain and his vision blurs for a few seconds as he adjusts to the waking world. The boy can feel the bandage around his head but has little to no memories of what happened. Like his vision, his other senses seem to kick in after a few seconds of adjustment.

"Am I in the hospital?" Lincoln asks himself, his mind processing the strange influx of memories mulling around in his mind. They range from what he can remember of the accident and something else. Like a life not his own, he remembers living it but it's not his current one.

A gasp draws his attention from his memories, his gaze meeting the nurse's. The nurse seems familiar but foreign to him. The woman walks over to him, clicking on a small rectangular device.

'She must be paging the doctor about me waking up' Lincoln thinks to himself, pondering his memories once again

"Are you ok?" The woman asks in an accented voice, her voice like honey to Lincolns ears

"I'm sorry, it's just that you seem so familiar to me. I can't put my finger on it for the life of me" Lincoln responds, about to ask her but gets interrupted by the doctor's entry. Lincoln watches sadly as the nurse slips out of the room

"Mr. Loud, you're a very lucky young man" The doctor says, pulling the chart from the end of his bed "You've been out for nearly a week now. You had everyone worried"

"Thanks, uh… Can you tell me what happened? I'm having a little trouble remembering the incident" Lincoln asks, rubbing his head in pain

"It's not uncommon for patients to suffer memory loss after an accident. You were unfortunately struck by a car. From what I know, you pushed a little girl out of the way to stop her from getting hurt" The doctor says, doing his standard reflects test to make sure Lincoln's body is still working in proper order

"I remember now, my sister Lana was chasing her escaped frog across the road. Is she alright" Lincoln asked in a slight panic about his younger sibling

"Other than a few scrapes and bruises, she was fine and released to your parents. Now if you don't mind. I'd like to run a few tests before we discharge you, we've already notified your parents to come pick you up" The doctor says "Don't worry the test are non-invasive, you'll be released in no time

True to his word, Lincoln was released to his parents after a few small tests. Being cleared of a concussion, internal bleeding and contusions but they put his leg in a cast, so his broken bones could heal. Giving his strict instructions to not get the cast wet or to try and scratch any itch he might feel.

His parents were happy to have their baby boy back, taking him to the mall to celebrate and thank him for saving Lana's life. They tell him that they'll buy him whatever he wants, within reason of course.

Lincoln and his parents walk around the mall for an hour before Lincoln stopps in front of an arts store. The ashen haired boy is drawn to the store for reason beyond him, feeling an urge to draw and paint.

"Mom… Dad, Can I get some art supplies?" The boy asks innocently, shocking his parents.

"Sure Son" The loud patriarch says, guiding his son into the store

The pair are greeted by a friendly German fellow named Alaric, greeting them in his native tongue at first before repeating in English when he got a confused look from Lincoln's father. The boy on the other hand, shocks both adults by replying in German

"Good Morning to you sir Alaric, we are here to buy some supplies" Lincoln says in not quite perfect German

"Of course, dear boy but… How do you speak German so well?" The man asks

"I don't know, it's like I just remember how to speak it from somewhere. By the way, do you sell in bulk" The boy asks, tilting his head in a familiar way

"I haven't sold in bulk for a long time, the last time was roughly… Eleven years ago" The man replies in English this time, scratching his chin gently "I suppose I could sell you bulk for cheaper"

The boy smiled, showing off his buckteeth to the man. The old German fellow rang up their purchases. It came out to almost the same prices as Lori's phone would be, the easel pushing it slightly over that amount. All together it was a good haul, the prospect of painting excited the boy

They carried the supplies out to the car with some difficulty, as Lincoln had to balance himself on his crutches and carry the canvases and easel. He managed after a while, bouncing around on the ride home. After a quick discussion, his parent allowed him to set up his easel in the Living room. They didn't want him going up and down the stairs too much, so they allowed the by to sleep in the living room for a while.

"Hey Dude, you're finally awake" Luna said, greeting him as he walked in the door.

"Yeah, Sorry for scaring you guys and all" Lincoln says, rubbing his neck.

"It's no biggie. Say, what you got their Linc?" The rockstar asks, pointing to the items under his arms

"Well, I've decide to take up art. Mom and Dad bought this for me as a thank you for saving Lana" Lincoln says, setting up his stuff in a corner that's relatively out of the way

"That's way cool, what are you gonna paint first?" The rocker asks, catching the attention of a certain pink princess

"I don't know, I'm open to suggestions" Lincoln replies

"Obviously, he's going to pint me first. Isn't that right Linky" Lola says, bounding in from the kitchen

"I'll give it a try. Sit on the couch and try not to move. Ok Lola" Lincoln says, cracking open some paint and a pack of pencils.

The pink clad girl sat on the couch, quickly gussying herself up to be painted. The ash haired boy simply smiled at his sister's antics, pulling out a pencil to sketch her out on the canvas. He had to tell her off a few times for moving too much, but was able to sketch her out easily. That's when his past life begins to shine through, allowing him to paint with the skill of an artist.

Without much through, he gently strokes the canvas with his brush. The mash of Pink, gold and other colours quickly forms into a painting that tells a thousand words. The regal pose, the glimmer of mischief in her eye are captured in the portrait. Causing those who watch him paint to gasp in shock. By the time he's done, his sisters had begun to crowd around him.

"Linky It's beautiful" Lola says with tears in her eyes, taking off her crown in humility to the painting that portrayed her. Feeling as if she was not beautiful enough to even be near such art. Not that the young girl really knew art.

His family sung his praise, congratulating him on finally found his talent. Even the always competitive Lynn congratulated him, still calling him a wimp for being an artist but sounding proud while doing it. Even with all the joy, the boy felt something missing. Feeling a hole in his heart, the boy yearns for something.

'I should be happy, but I feel wrong, like something isn't right' The boy thought to himself, determined to find his missing spark

A/N – Hey guys, I thought for my third Loud House fic. I thought I'd change up from the more violent stories to something little sappier. I haven't ever really written a story about past lives and I am not actually sure how much art supplies cost so. Forgive me for any mistakes I have made.

I will warn you know that this story will contain a relationship between an older woman and Lincoln. For now, I will try and keep it T rated, but if you do not like that it might change. I kindly suggest you leave and find something you do like. Also there will be no loudcest in this story unfortunately

As always, I am open to questions you might have, any suggestion from you guys on what you'd like to see in the story, any criticism you might have or any ways I might be able to improve. Please leave a review and I will try to respond to them in the next chapter.

Thank you, for reading my story.