Chapter 10

Beca wasn't avoiding Chloe. Of course she wasn't. Not at all, she'd just been really busy the last couple days. Ok, so she was totally avoiding her but just because she felt so awkward. And yes, she was completely aware she had a tendency to be melodramatic about her awkwardness and not knowing how to make/ be friends but still.

Besides having a crush – not that she was 100% certain she did – wasn't a big deal. People had crushes all the time and it didn't mean anything. Nothing with Chloe should have to change. And to be honest if she didn't stop avoiding her soon, Chloe would know something was bothering her.

Anyway, while she was avoiding Chloe and she didn't really know the other Bellas – though that was also her fault – she decided to hang out with Jesse. She and her dad disagreed on most things but one thing she hadn't argued with at the start of the year was that she should try and make some friends. Obviously, she was still taking the more casual route with this as well though.

She just needed to know enough people well enough that she had someone to hang out with and so collage wasn't like a nightmarish repeat of the majority of her time at high school – and she swore she wasn't being melodramatic this time. It wasn't like she needed a best friend or anything, that was totally lame and she still preferred being by herself. As long as she had her laptop.

And that was how, a few days after the Bellas' first flight, Beca found herself shifting nervously from foot to foot and wondering if this was a good idea after all.


Beca and Jesse sat side by side on the edge of his bed, sorting through his extensive collection of movies. However so far, they had been unable to agree on what to watch. She sat staring at the multitude of Star Wars posters on Benji's side of the dorm wondering if this was the best idea. She was enjoying herself though, Jesse was fun to hang out with.

Eventually Jesse seemed to get tired of her indecisiveness and grabbed a DVD, ordering her to set it up on his laptop while he got the popcorn, "Sweet or salty?"

"Salty please."


Halfway through The Breakfast Club Jesse paused the film to get more popcorn, "So what do you think so far?"

"Well, it's not another chick-flick from Bellas' Bonding Nights so it's ok."

"Only ok?" he looked personally offended, "This is one of my favourite films of all time. Just wait, the ending's the best part."

"All right," Beca still rolled her eyes at his enthusiasm.

A few moments later Jesse said, "You know, I'm really glad you agreed to this movie date."

"It's not a date," she replied too hastily, flinching from the hurt that flashed across his face, "Sorry."

"No, it's ok. Um… maybe we could have some more not-dates then? They don't have to be movies, we could go get coffee or something."

Beca searched for the best way to explain without hurting him more, "Jesse, I would really like to hang out again, definitely. But you should know that not-dates won't turn into actual dates…"

As she paused, wondering what the best way to continue was he interrupted, "Ok."

"No, I mean… it's not, it's not like I'm scared of dating or whatever it's just… I really like you as a friend Jesse but please believe me when I say this'll never become anything more. I'm sorry if I ever gave you any other impression. You're just not, not my type."

"So, what is your type?" he asked.

Beca knew that question was coming, she just hoped he wasn't like the entirety of her high-school was like when he got the answer, "Um… my type is not er, guys."

"Oh, oh. Right…" Jesse stumbled, evidently more embarrassed than crushed now. Beca decided to take that as a sign that they could be friends after all.


The next couple of weeks passed in a blur. The Bellas had been – mostly successful – air attendants on several flights by now and in two days it would be the Regionals Competition for the Best Private Airline Crew or something. Beca hadn't even realised that was a thing until last week but it did explain Aubrey's rigorous training and rules.

The few evenings Beca did have free from Bellas' commitments, including more Bonding Nights, she spent with Jesse. She refused to watch films every time but even when they did she supposed she still kinda had fun. They'd come up with a system that if she correctly guessed what the ending was before they were halfway through the film, they didn't finish it. They hadn't finished at least half the films they started. Jesse didn't seem to care, according to him he'd seen them all a million times before. But that just made Beca wonder why he was willing to watch them all another million times.

Jesse abruptly interrupted her thoughts, "So since we're both into girls, does that we can be each other's wingman/ wing-woman?"

She whipped her head round to stare in shock, blinking rapidly and suddenly forgot how to speak, "What? Why?"

"Ok, no problem. Don't worry about it."

"No. Um I mean yes? Sure, why not?"

"Really? Ok. So… is there a girl you like? Do I know her?"

And if possible, Beca's face went even redder, "Dude! No!"

"I don't believe you," Jesse grinned.

"Just, just drop it. Please."

"Ok, we can finish the film then."

"What? But I guessed the ending?"

"Yes, you did guess it. But you also got it wrong which means you have to watch it."


Beca was looking at the screen but she wasn't watching it or listening to it. Other than slightly freaking her out by its suddenly-out-of-the-blue-from-nowhere-ness, their conversation had made her realise that she probably did need to talk to Chloe. Sure, they'd hung out during Aubrey's stupid Bonding Nights and Chloe had been really good at distracting Beca from full blown panic attacks while they were in the air – no, those hadn't gone away yet – they hadn't really talked or hung out just the two of them, recently.

As soon as the film finished, she made up some awkward excuse and ran out of Jesse's dorm. She needed to find Chloe now.

A/N: Thank youto everyone who left a review, it's really great - and slightly bewildering - to see that people actually like this story. I'll get the next chapter up when I can.